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Culture influences an individual view of ideas

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Culture influences an individual view of ideas

Response 1

Culture influences an individual view of ideas. It also affects the norms and beliefs of people regarding specific issues, for instance, mental health. The point of mental health is less important than other people who increase concern about mental health. Cultural competence allows individuals to understand and communicate with people from different cultures. In healthcare, cultural competence is essential as it will enable individuals to ensure quality healthcare despite the cultural difference among them and people-receiving healthcare. Cultural competence allows for effective communication, interaction, and delivery of appropriate interventions and treatment. Nurses need to be competent in ensuring quality healthcare to the society, which is diversified (Anderson, K. N. & Hope, D. A., 2019).




Anderson, K. N. & Hope, D. A. (2019). Therapeutic alliance, cultural competence, and minority status in premature termination of psychotherapy. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 89(1), 104.



Response 2

Cultural competence allows individuals to work effectively in both a professional and personal setting. Health care providers need to ensure quality healthcare, which eliminates other forms of inequalities. To ensure that the nurses provide cultural competence in their profession, it is necessary to train them on cross-cultural issues and cultural competence (Anderson, K. N.,& Hope, D. A., 2019). Cultural competence allows individuals to develop several mental health aspects, for instance, the way of viewing health and illness among people. Culture determines the steps initiated by a community on matters of mental health where, in some, it is a matter of grave concern compared to other cities. Care providers need to be culturally competent in ensuring quality healthcare.




Anderson, K. N.,& Hope, D. A. (2019). Therapeutic alliance, cultural competence, and minority status in premature termination of psychotherapy. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 89(1), 104.


Response to Pablo Ruiz

Hello Pablo!

I am impressed to learn that after finishing college, you will the Army corps of Engineers. While I understand that everyone has the right to decide whether the working environment and terms are favorable to him/her, I feel the current unemployment problem demands that we adjust to the prevailing conditions. I think the stand that you must work a minimum of eight hours a day and four days a week may make employers deny you a job opportunity. Lastly, I support your view that working with leaders is enjoyable since they provide solutions. However, it is important to assess whether the leaders you are working with are competent because not every leader has the necessary leadership skills.

Response to Michael Dunn

Hello Michael!

I am impressed to know that you belong to the Society of Student Constructors and The Construction Specifications Institute. Moreover, I am glad to note that you left your previous employer because he did not have the values that you expected. I believe that leaving the job was a bold move and one that shows that nothing can make you compromise your values and principles. However, I think that the interviewer did not bad intentions when he asked whether anyone from your immediate family has worked in the industry. Some employers desire to know whether you have adequate information and knowledge about a job or you just popped up for the interview since you want a source of income.

Response to Michelle

Childhood obesity is a complex health issue. Generally, it takes place when the child is

the normal weight for his or her age. The causes of obesity in children are the same as those of adults and may include lifestyle or genetics. As highlighted, the CDC estimates that 1 out of 5 school-age children have type 2 diabetes, with a high-fat, high-sugar diet being a leading contributory factor. Majorly, obesity is influenced by the community as it can impact the children’s ability to make healthy choices. As such, the proposal to integrate the provider, nutritionist, and the nursing staff to develop a personalized meal plan for the family is well thought. The provision of step by step menu proposed for the families is more effective than excepting the families to create their meal plans. However, such approaches should factor the socio-economic wellbeing of the families. All in all, this approach sets the foundation for a healthier community by teaching families and their children healthy habits and reduces the populations’ risk of cardiovascular complications, diabetes, and other comorbidities.

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