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Cure Your Pandemic Induced Wanderlust: Visit the Colossus in Florence

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Cure Your Pandemic Induced Wanderlust: Visit the Colossus in Florence

The pandemic has everyone itching to get some well-deserved cure for wanderlust. What better way to let loose than visit the intriguing little known marvel sculpture known as the  ‘Colossus’ in Florence, Italy? Take this informative tour to discover!

  1. Prague, Czech Republic

Rich Middle-Age history, the maze of castles spreading over 70,000sq meters and the 600 years old clock is worth checking out on a tight budget.

  1. Amsterdam, Netherlands

You will explore a most intricate canal system and delight in the high tapered houses

  1. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This city will give you a taste of modern architecture and a magnificent view of the blue sky.

  1. Vancouver, Western Canada

The home of Ellen Page and maple syrup is the place to take a holiday. The  Juno star might just be around!

  1. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

The Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland Australia hosts a massive layout of coral reefs. Do not miss the  David Attenborough cast of marine species.

  1. New York City, US

The Big Apple is an authentic melting pot of cultures that makes you feel like part of the cast of Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

  1. Barcelona, Catalonia

With its international mix of people, you get a memorable stay, marveling at architectural designs and skating your days away.

  1. Hong Kong, China

The towering skyscrapers and the serene Victoria Peak and rides in the Peak Tram are fantastic.

  1. The Grand Canyon, Arizona US

The magnificent Grand Canyon National Park is the place to take in 2 billion years worth breathtaking display of the earth’s topography.

  1. Rome, Italy

The historical ruins and cultural allure welcome you for that fairy-tale escape.

  1. Cornwall, UK

The spectacular beaches and clear waters South West of the UK are great for the ultimate outdoor experience.

  1. Sydney, Australia

The charming Bondi Beach on the East Coast gives an excellent surfing experience. Visit the Sydney Harbour National Park and the Royal Opera House.

  1. Reykjavik, Iceland

Did you know that one in every ten people here has published a book? The scenic hills, unique dishes, and hot springs promise a rich adventure

  1. The Maldives

An idyllic tourist haven with 26-ring shaped atolls and the magnificent blue lagoons to spice up your visit. Long stretches of coral reef and endless sandy beaches, make it a worthy destination

  1. Santorini, Greek Island

A product of the 16th Century volcanic eruption, the beaches have a mix of colored pebbles. The eclectic mix of prehistoric and geological wonders in the Cyclades Island will make you say Mamma Mia in amazement.

  1. Alberta, Canada

Get your boots to experience the vast open fields, mountains, sprawling forest cover, and stretches of a wasteland.

  1. Fukuoka, Japan

Rich ethnic history, modern shopping arcades with a religious touch gives a rich tourist experience.

  1. Hawaii, US

For your relaxation, visit the sandy beaches with unspoiled natural features

  1. Budapest, Hungary

Enjoy the entertainment spots and art exhibitions from the works of the Art Noveux Movement.

1.Florence, Italy

The biggest tourist marvel must be the outstanding 35 feet tall half man half sculpture thing of intrigue known as the Colossus. Its intricate design details are not known to many. You must discover how this half-man comes to life.

Are you seeking the thrill of adventure and experience of the vibrant cultures of the world? Maybe you want to blow some steam from stress-related of the pandemic? Look no further for choice idyllic destinations.


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