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Current issues in human resource management

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Current issues in human resource management

Human resource operation is becoming a challenge to most of the business due to the application of the obsolete means of operations in their departments. The methods used in management is outdated and was not able to withstand the changing trends in the job market, the customers demand and also diverse human compliance authorities. Due to the changes experienced a day in day out, the managers are forced by the situation to strategize other operational means to maintain run the business (Bercu, & Vodă,2017). It is therefore essential for the owners of the business to know the current issues affecting human resource management.

Innovation and automation

The growing integration of technology across the wold generated effect to the human resource departments. It is the mandate of the human resource department to train their employees about to enhance their growth and development. When a company develops a new systemin their human resource departments, they should train their employees about the working of the system. The developers of the system are also given the mandate to give knowledge to the department, which will provide clear information about its working.

Changing regulatory issues

Human resource department has a primary duty of complying with the regulatory issues. The changing duties in the job should be well updated to the human resource departments, and hence human resource is supposed to be updated with the changing regulatory issues. The regulatory committee sets laws governing the employees and the employers, and they keep on changing every time (Cooke, Dickmann, & Parry, 2020) .if the human resource manager id=s not updated to the current regulations the company might be at a risk of facing penalties and possibly scrutiny might be possible.

Recruiting and re-training the talents

Currently, many human resource departments have developed the habit of educating their employees to a different new task. They have engaged many employees in training to another different task where the employee is best fit to deliver quality service. Human resource managers strive to all their endeavour to identify the talent of their employees and utilize it maximumly. This activity aims to give an external display in reaching out to different job fairs and teach people about the company. It is an important activity which has led to development promotions to most of the employees.

Diversity and harmony issues

The business workforce that operates together with harmony for a common goal generates better results and gives out better ideas and hence a high level of customer satisfaction. A diverse workforce that operates with conflicts and internal different generates low productivity due to low morale. It is a legal liability which a customer or employee needs to report to the law which may be termed as harassment. Therefore, human resource managers must have updated issues on the diversity laws; hence the departments should devise the protocol on how to handle the complaints from the employees and customers. It can be made possible by attending the workshops so that the manager can learn the set regulations by the law.

  1. Trends in Human Resource Management

Every organization has its own designed structure in the management of the human resource. The trends were designed by the HRM to evaluate and maximize the performance of the employees. It focusses with the system and policies which govern the operation of the employee in the business setting (Mura et al. 2017). Therefore the HRM departments must work under the current trends and the increasing integration of technology to improve the life challenges of the employees in the business.

Increment in data utilization and analytic tools

In the management process, the collection of data is a critical factor which recognizes the competitive situations related to their related businesses. Collection processing and analysis of data are done by the system, which gives the financial position of the company. Therefore, the business must use analytic to increase its competitive edge (Pandiyan, 2020). This will give the workforce trends and make them put efforts to achieve performance incentives, compensation and motivational rewards. During this time, data is withdrawn from the HR systems and used to make decisions on the workforce management procedure. It will dictate the importance of using the system to identify the strengths and weakness of employees. The data stored in human resource departments is to master the management trends in every financial year(Mura et al. 2017). Analytics has been instrumental in most many companies; for example, it has been used by the power company to standardize their data.

The requirement of an integrated management system

The work of human resource manager, especially those who are working in big companies faced a challenge of extensive data analysis every month. Following the law, the reports about the employees were to be presented annually, which changed with time. Due to tedious operations in the human resource departments, many organizations have embraced the use of technology to solve the problem by implementing the system of operation. The system was designed to create automated payrolls and use the system to get the employees feedback.  The developed system had one main problem since the employer uses the same system for different work.

Priority engagement of employees

Most of the firms have engaged employees to accrue a better performance in the organization. High profitability and productivity have a high connection between the employee and the customers, and hence every operation of management should target these two key players in the business. The strategy of most of the organizations to utilize the talents of the employees is quite good(Pandiyan, 2020). Some so many employees can work with the integrated technology while others do not; this talented employee can be used as a resource to engage the others for the same activity.  The employee with technical knowledge is very resourceful to the organization.

Mobile application

The use of the mobile application in human resource management is becoming a common habit for many organizations. Also, the use of more cloud-based applications application has made success in the management of human resources. Use of mobile apps have made it easy for the burden, and therefore customers embrace the use of self-service. The mobile app can be used in the application of jobs, and also interviews can be carried out on them.


3.HR information Management systems

The growth of technology has a tremendous effect on every activity undertaken across the world today. It is accompanied to the changing dimension in the human resource departments which affect the working of the employees in the organization. Human resource management has grown wider and utilized the technology in its management to device the strategic goals in satisfaction of human needs. The quality of HRM defines the success of every organization, and hence it should be very efficient (Wang et al., 2017). The professional working under human resource departments should analyze ways to addresses the issue of technological, social, economic and professional environments.  To respond to this, many departments have come up with the idea of implementation of the human resource management system, which helped the managers to master the progress quickly.

The role of information system in HRM

It is an important activity that changes the functioning of human resource accomplishment. Information system gives real information and other records of all employees based on the way of operation and the environmental accomplishments in the business premises. The system is automated, and every individual has its catalogue on the system which records his/her dealing in the organization (Shahreki, J. 2019). The system works hand in hand while keeping records of absenteeism, training information media, medical information responses and the performance record in the business. The systems have increased the effectiveness due to quickly respond to the employees and faster decision making.  The implementation of systems allows the organization to have budget control, appraisals to employees, successful planning and increased skills monitoring.

In strategic planning and management, strategic HRM is characterized by having the vision of the resources which it manages. Apart from the planning of the business, it also takes the role of controlling the outcome, which is related to strategies of the business organization: different information such as environmental scanning, quality and productivity improvements and workforce planning.

Employees and labour relationship; human resource information system gives the record of the employees’ discipline and defines the union and labour distribution.  The discipline of the employee’s records is essential, which defines the professional roles in the organization. It appears to be the link between the workers, employees and other trade unions. Therefore human resource management information system is critical to maintaining the human resource department to give fast feedback of the employee and labour relationship.

Total rewards; the reward system gives all the breakdown of the material and the immaterial additions which the employees are going to receive after a particular accomplishment.  The reward depends mostly on the quality of the performance in the organization or the contribution that you have made to ensure the attainment of goals and objectives in the organization. The system also gives the salary information which entails the processing, and automated calculation of wages. The system also gives the scheme of retirement, benefits accrued from the organization and salary analysis.

  1. Design and structure productivity.

Organizational design and structure groups people according to the format which best generates high productivity. The structure aims faster communication ease in the exchange of resources, and efficient coordination of different activities in the organization. The structure most deals with the specialization where employees are categorized according to the dimensions of their areas of specialization. Still, through this technique, there is no innovation of new ideas, but the business product might be at the required level.

Functional structure

It is the most efficient and productive structure. It entails grouping the workers according to their specialization and be given their area of operation.  It is mostly applied in marketing, where further classification takes place. The marketing classification can be in terms of sales and market analysis. Due classification of people of the same category, the specialists will interact positively, making the viable successor to the organization. The human resource managers master the progress of every specialization while ensuring that all policies and procedures are followed accordingly. Specialization also encourages most of the workers to standardize their jobs while ensuring that there is no failure in their sector, which promotes the efficiency leading to high productivity. The disadvantage of this structure is that; discourage creativity to the workers, and therefore the employee cannot explore other fields of the business.


Divisional structure, when the organization becomes too large, it splits into smaller businesses division. It occurs to a business that is operating with more than one product where every product is managed by one set of employees. Therefore every division provides its feedback to the overall manager. Every division operates with its values but with the common goal while reporting to the business manager. The productivity of the divisional structure is very low compared to the function due to the lack of economies of scale.

Simple structure

It has a hierarchy that is composed of a top executive who delegates duties down to the staff members. Operates with less developed companies where the founder gives direction to the operations. It is an efficient structure since all activities are channelled directly to one person who has the authority. It has a slow response because the information follows the hierarchy chain of demand where instructions are attached and the feedback given. The productivity of team structure is very low compared to that of the functional structure. The flexibility of market, employee satisfaction, innovation and market responsiveness in team structure is conducted efficiently compared to other structural organizations. It utilizes the advantage of using experts and specialist to a team in pursuit of achieving the goals of the organization. The specialists carry out meetings to educate the other team members.

Matrix structure

It is a structure that combines the hierarchy of organizational matters with the responsiveness gained by placing the responsibility for carrying the task using the low organizational levels. The structure is prolonged and inefficient for use—the members of the organization report to the team manager for the work done. The managers carry out disciplinary and job-related work. In this structure, there is poor coordination between different teams.


  1. Social media recruitment

Online recruitment is a detailed process of identifying a quality candidate and making their connections using the social platform. In social media, people hang out to express their views and interact with one another.  According to the reports given by Global Web Index, Many people who are using social media have an average of five social accounts. People share different views on those platforms. Some sites such as Linkedin, Facebook, twitter gives humbles opportunity to recruiters to access their potential applicants the act which was not possible in a traditional setting. Many organizations have involved themselves in the use of social platforms to recruit their candidates the activity which was not successful at all times.

How to recruit in social media

Every organization has devised its way of recruiting its members in social media, but there are basic guidelines which are commonly followed.

Right conversation participation. This involves interacting with the right people in the recruitment period. The company should cut the noise and look for serious and dedicated people. Also, the recruiters must be active in the channel used in recruitment to enhance efficient dialogue between the candidate and the recruiter.

They involve employees in recruitment. It involves encouraging the employees to talk positively about the company, which will increase the curiosity of the potential candidate. The staff members are encouraged to share the brand in social media to evangelize it to a different candidate who has applied.

Taking a gentle approach and promoting the culture of the organization. The recruiters need to share the achievements made by the company, the roles of the company and the targets so that the candidate can get the full scope of the organization. It makes the candidates have an interest in placing a lot of shares in the company.

The recruiters to have a social media presence. The recruiters can explore the direct connection with the candidate where they can go directly to the candidates and converse with them privately. This will help the company to accomplish much in the area of attraction the customers hence increases the shareholders.






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