CYBER PRINT Business Plan
1.0 Executive Summary
- Business Overview
CYBER PRINT is a printing business that will be offering all printing and internet services to all customers within the Birmingham university community. This business was chosen because many people require different printing services with high quality prints. Everyone in the community requires high quality of prints; hence this inspired the creation of CYBER PRINT business.
- Business Products
Various products will be printed and services offered by the CYBER PRINT printing business. Such products include students’ documents such as booklets and other academic materials, campaign brochures, advertisements cards, wedding cards, and campaign flags.
- Business goals
CYBER PRINT business has the goals to ensure that the entire community gets quality prints with aims to create a good environment which is innovative that will be used to differentiate it from other printing environments, educating the students and the community on the essence of having quality prints, offering printing services at an affordable price which favors everyone in the community and to ensure that there is affordable access to different reading materials for the students and other categories of clients
- Target Market
The major target market for CYBER PRINT is the university student, but this business also, the target customers for this business are the office workers who earn higher amounts of salaries and are able to make prints for their occasions such as marriage and other occasion cards. Also, this business targets other types of customers, such as firms and other business that have documents, banners, cards, or even adverts that need to be printed.
- Competition
Competition is likely to be very high; however, the CYBER PRINT business expects to use the best customer satisfaction measures, such as ensuring there is total quality management, which makes the customers be loyal to the business. There is another printing business within the area, but CYBER PRINT will use it experienced employees to get the attention of the customers and to ensure it remains competitive, the business will always use advertisements to keep the business known in the community.
- Management
CYBER PRINT will be owned by the investor, and it is a sole proprietorship business; hence its ownership will not require a management team, but the owner will be the manager. The business will have two employees who will be responsible for printing the documents and one delivery person who will be responsible for delivering the printed work to the customers’ location.
- Startup Expenses
Table 1: Startup expenses
2.0 Business Description
Business Name: CYBER PRINT
2.1 Mission
CYBER PRINT is a printing business that helps all types of students, office workers, and other people to print their documents in a convenient manner. Our mission is to provide better printing services and customer care services to everyone within the society to ensure that they spend less time printing their documents
2.2 Vision
CYBER PRINT relies on principles of integrity, innovation, honesty, and values in the community in large. Our vision is to grow to be a large printing business that will ensure that everyone within the community gets better printing services with timely delivery of the printed documents.
2.3 Objectives
CYBER PRINT has the following objectives for the first 3 years of its operation in the market:
- To create a good environment which is innovative that will be used to differentiate it from other printing environments
- To educate the students and the community on essence of having quality prints
- To offer printing services at an affordable price which favors everyone in the community
- To ensure that there is affordable access to different reading materials for the students and other category of clients
2.4 Target market
CYBER PRINT printing business targets mostly the University students that are located in the nearby community. It also targets the other community at large such as the office workers that have huge amounts of work to print. Also this printing business targets other classes of people within the community such as churches, health care centers etc.
2.5 Competition
There is growing printing industry and the need for quality printing due to the rising growth of technology. This business will be using the modern printing technology to ensure that it remains competitive in the market. In future the market will still grow due to the rise in number of students within the universities who require such printing and internet based services. There are various competitors in the market but this business will ensure that it makes quality prints to ensure it remains in the competitive market.
2.6 Structure
This business is a sole proprietorship because it requires to be owned by only one person and it requires no other separate entities to own the business. Also this was chosen because it does not require the creation of any organizational formality and this kind of business is not always subjected to any specialized statute(Matheson, 2002).Also this type of business ownership gives the owner the advantage of making either property or cash contributions into the business and also make withdraw al without having to pay taxes(Matheson, 2002).
3.0 Products and Services
This part of the business plan explains the information about the services and products that will be offered by CYBER PRINT business.
3.1 Service Description
CYBER PRINT business will be offering various printing services to the customers depending on the type of work the client brings or sends to the printing location. The various products that will be produced by this business include the following:
- Students’ booklets and notes pads
- Business cards for any business organization either profit or non- profit organization within the community. This will not be limited to the business sector only but it includes business cards for all industries
- Banners will also be printed for different audiences and clients
- Posters and other graphic materials
- Invitation cards for weddings and other occasion cards
- Flags for different sectors such as sports flags and campaign flags
In addition to these products that will be produced by CYBER PRINT business, there will be more services that will be offered to all the clients’ such as accessing to their external emails via internet services provided by the business where the customers will be allowed to sign up for emails provided by the business for them to send their work that needs to be printed. Also the customers will have access to different applications such as Adobe and Photo shop that will be provided by the business where they will be allowed to type their work within the business environment then print it.This environment will be provided by CYBER PRINT to make sure that the clients are satisfied and can access the businesses platform while at a far location where they can share their to be printed then they collect it later as they get out of their offices or classes for students.
3.2 Benefits
There will be a major benefit of getting products printed at CYBER PRINT as they will be prints with high quality. The prints will be produces with high level standards where they will have quality in the printing color.Thre will be timely delivery of the products and services offered by the business. There will be better technology that will be used within the business hence high quality of products at a cheaper price will be offered to the customers.
3.3 Service uniqueness
CYBER PRINT services will be produced based on computers will high speed and that have latest technology such as the laser beam printing technology where it will be possible to come up with 3D prints especially for other industries such as construction. This will be different from the other printing services that are offered within this community that only have 2D prints. Also, this business will be unique where it will be allowing the customers to use certain platform created by the business to share the content that needs to be printed as this will be saving time of queuing in the business environment for many clients. Also, there will be a delivery person who will be responsible for delivering the printed work to the clients within the community.
4.0 Marketing Plan
4.1 Market research
Within the market, there are various printing businesses situated within the same location offering almost similar services .However, not all printing businesses are currently offering the same printing service since some are mostly focused on printing certain products such as banners and campaign flags. The printing business is growing over time and it appears to be getting broader every day due to the rising demand for quality prints and the need for super fine high resolution images for social media. The large population within the community which is mostly occupied by university students makes the demand for printing services to go very high. The other customers that require different printing services such as those who have weddings and other occasions demand for quality prints that have best graphics and colors hence this is making the printing market grow every day.
4.2 Entry Barriers
There are various barriers that are there to start this printing business within the community which pose the major challenges in operating the business within the university community. Such entry barriers in this printing business include the high costs incurred when starting the business, the production costs are also considered to be high if not regulated, and also, there are challenges associated with brand recognition for the CYBER PRINT business. It is also a major challenge to find quality employees who are committed to offer the business services to the customers.
4.3 Business Threats
There are various threats that may be associated with the entry challenges for CYBER PRINT business. The business is likely to face more threats for it to thrive in the community hence this might affect the business startup. Such threats that might affect the business include different regulation changes that are likely to be put up by the government. Also, the advancement in technology might affect the startup of the business because it would require the business to make use of the latest technology for it to be successful within the community. In addition to these threats, if any changes are likely to occur within the economy, the business will be threatened in terms of its survival.
4.5 Canvas Business model
· Banks providing the funding · Employees who will be carrying out printing services | Key Activities CYBER PRINT has good state of the art work equipment and they are modern printing equipment’s that ensure quality production of the prints. Our clients will enjoy quality prints with good graphics and also we will offer them best internet based printing services.
| Value Proposition · Offering cyber printing services to all customers within the community · This will help in solving the customers time that they spend when printing their products · CYBER PRINT promises a quality and time delivery of the prints | Customer Relationships · The customers will be expecting high quality of prints from the business, this will create their satisfaction · Cyber print will ensure good communication strategies the customers · CYBER PRINT will create fair price environment | Customer segments · University students · Community · Teenagers · Office workers · Middle aged people · Other business premises |
Key resources · CYBER print will have experienced employees · The equipment in CYBER PRINT will be modern hence quality production | Channels The customers will access the printing services via an online platform which will allow them to share their work and also communicate with the business representative | |||
Cost structure · Costs will be incurred during the printing services since the machines will require power to operate · Other costs will be incurred during the equipment maintenance · Also, the price variations from suppliers for the products supplied | Revenue streams · The customers will be required to pay some amount in order to access the printing services , through the online platform where they will make monthly payments · Customers will also pay for other services that will be offered |
4.6 Services features and Benefits
CYBER PRINT products and services will be the best because the banners, the weeding and occasion cards, flags, students documents and all the other documents that will be printed will contain modern graphics because they will be printed wit the latest printing technology machines with laser beams. The construction prints will be colored with 3D graphics that will be representing the real pictures. This will ensure that the clients get satisfied with the prints.
CYBER PRINT will also offer internet based services where the clients will be given free account for the business that will allow them to share their work via the account so that the work can be printed. In addition to this, the business will offer delivery services of the printed work to the clients’ location.
4.7 Target Customers
CYBER PRINT printing business targets the university students that of different ages. The university students have little income but this income earned in the job they take while in school will enable them to hire printing services. Also, the target customers for this business are the office workers who earn higher amounts of salaries and are able to make prints for their occasions such as marriage, and other occasion cards. Also, this business targets other types of customers such as firms and other business that have documents, banners, cards , or even adverts that need to be printed. These are the regular customers that are expected to print regularly. These are the firms and business that are closely located within the neighborhood of CYBER PRINT printing business.
4.8 Market Needs
There has been a high demand in printing services where the customers are not required to visit the business environment frequently but they can send their document while at their place then the printed documents are delivered to their door steps.Thsi high demand for quality prints makes the market need to be highly viable for printing services.
4.9 Market Segmentation
CYBER PRINT has divided the market into various categories where the market is segmented as shown in the figure below where the largest market for the printing business are the university students.
Figure 1: Market segmentation
4.10 Promotion
This business will mostly value the online marketing and brand promotion due to the increased dependency of internet. Social media will be frequently used to advertise about the printing services that are offered by CYBER PRINT .The business will have a website where the products can be share to the public and also, the business will embrace the use of mobile marketing where we will be having push messages to the people living within the business community. In addition to the social media and online marketing, the business will also print brochures as a form of marketing to show how our products look like as it will be an effective way of getting customers attention.
4.11 Promotion Budget
CYBER PRINT plans to spend about $2000 for the promotion and marketing to the different target customers where there will be free gifts to the customers with high quality graphics printed for free. This money will also be used to create awareness on the importance of having quality prints within the community. In future, about $1000 will be used in every year to promote the business in the community.,
4.12 Pricing Strategy
It is important to consider making your business service price fair to the customers. CYBER PRINT chooses a simple fair way of charging the customers in monthly terms for the customers using the account provided by the business where the total amount incurred in printing their documents will be paid at the end of every month. The business will provide different rates for the regular customers who make use of the internet services provided within the business environment where CYBER PRINT will be charging them per hour.
4.13 Proposed Business Location
CYBER PRINT business will be located in an area closer to Birmingham City University, specifically closer to the university library. This is because the location has potential clients from the university students and other office workers from the community within the university. This close proximity to the university makes the business competitive since the people need closer services available. This business location is convenient for the customers and for the business owner to freely deliver the printed work to the offices and the students. The business will be situated in a commercial building where there are other types of businesses and firms that require printing services such as construction companies.
Figure 2: Business location
4.14 Sales Forecast
Table 2: Forecast
5.0 Operational Plan
5.1 Production
The printing materials in CYBER PRINT will be produced with the latest printing equipment such as the scanners printers (laser beam printers), colored printers and the paper quality will be the strong paper material which does not fade the prints. The printers will be used to print all documents either colored or in black and white format while the scanners will be used to scan all clients documents to convert them into soft copies.
5.2 Quality control
To maintain quality of paper production in the business, the machines will alwys be repaired frequently in order to ensure that they make the best prints. Also, the materials from suppliers will be of high quality since customers expect good and the best prints.
5.3 Location
This business will be located next to Birmingham university library which is closer to many students and other officer workers who are the major customers for the CYBER PRINT. The location of this business will ensure easy access from by the community; students and other office workers which will make it have many customers.
5.4 Legal Business environment
The business will require various operation certificates , such as the business operation certificate, tax compliance certificate .These certificates will be issued by the municipality at a small fee which will ensure that the business is legal.
5.6 Suppliers
Table 3: Suppliers
5.7 Credit policies
The customers that will be given the monthly services on credit, they will be required to pay their credits at the beginning of every month so that they get the next month’s CYBER PRINT services .Their record will be traced to ensure that no customer complains about exceeding credits.
6.0 Management and Organization
6.1 Biographies
CYBER PRINT will be a sole proprietorship business hence it will only require the owner as the manager and the employees who will be responsible to print the work and other documents then deliver them to the clients .The business owner has experience in cyber printing technology and delivery services in Birmingham.
6.2 Management Gaps
CYBER PRINT business will require the best services of a brand advertiser at random times during the financial year to ensure that the brand is marketed within the community. This is because the CYBER PRINT management does not have the experience in marketing.
6.3 Structure
Figure 3: Organizational chart
7.0 Financial Plan
7.1 Start-up Capital
Table 4: Business startup capital
7.2 Profit and loss
Table 5: Projection for Profit and loss
7.3 Cash flow projection
Table 6: Three year projections
7.4 Projected Balance sheet
Table 7: Balance sheet
7.5 Use of funds
The borrowed funds will be used to purchase the printing equipment and other materials that will be required during the business startup. Also, the money will be used to pay for the rent in the commercial building.
Madsen, D., 2016. SWOT Analysis: A Management Fashion Perspective. International Journal of Business Research, 16(1), pp. 39-56.
Pinson, L. (2005). Anatomy of a Business Plan: A Step-By-Step Guide to Building a Business and Securing Your Company’s Future. Chicago: Dearborn Trade Publishing.