The topic about “Dangers and psychological effects of excess digital technology,” is essential judging the way technology has affected all facets of our lives. Indeed, the growing technological presence has filled our lives and has unprecedented impacts on our lives. The constant connection with the universe is a great thing, but it can be overwhelming as well. The modern presence of technological advancement has led to stronger social fears about missing out while also fostering addictive behaviours. The internet and social media have linked the globe in numerous inconceivable ways, including the ability of clear communication. You have clearly outlined some of the issues associated with the rising technology and some of the fears that you have about using the internet. The increasing internet has been used for basically all platforms, ensuring that schools have active learning because of the availability of e-books, games, movies, and even music.
While these have been welcomed with open arms, it is undeniable that they have had adverse effects altogether. The rate at which technology has become obsolete means that we have been trapped in endless cycles of upgrades. It demands that organizations and people need to continually innovate and adapt to realize the effective use of technology to achieve maximum benefits. Digital technology has allowed organizations to have a stranglehold of all the things from proprietary technology and internet connectivity. Another main issue is the dopamine addiction that I believe is true because of its adverse effects. This draft offers insightful information about some of the reasons why people associated with technology and the adverse impacts that it has on people’s lives. Technology is pervasive, which means that it can be used to achieve various ends. These ends must be recognized, and they must be separated as either positive or negative. The bottom line is that technology must be used to achieve the best benefits for society.