- Compromised data integrity occurs due to sudden human errors, malware, disk crashes, or even natural disaster. These are the common risks and it leads to huge complications. The organization might be unable to bear the cost of a sudden data breach. In the healthcare industry, any incident of data integrity breach might cost the life of a patient. A sudden breach in the hospital could result in a wrong procedure. A doctor might prescribe a life-threatening drug to the patient and this in turn might lead to increased legal liabilities. Similarly, in the financial sector, loss of financial and sensitive data of customers can be highly risky for the organization. Information on credit cards or accounts is highly sensitive. Organizations are liable to maintain the accuracy of this type of information. The IT systems are affected severely and rebuilding the system can be a costly affair. Dealing with customers is another challenge.
- Data integrity breaches lead to severe damage to the organization as well as the stakeholders of the organization such as customers, vendors, third parties, suppliers, and investors. In the majority of cases, data breaches result in increasing financial constraints. The integrity of data indicates that the data is reliable, traceable, and accurate. However, breaches due to malware, virus attack, or human error lead to the compromise and unauthorized acquisition of data. The authorized users are likely to use the information for personal gain. In a hospital setting, compromised data could be fatal for a patient because the records change as soon as the integrity of data gets lost. The overall cost of loss of data integrity might differ based on the size of an enterprise. Nevertheless, organizations of all sizes and types are liable to bear the regulatory implications of data loss. Recently, industry regulators have tightened the rules, and organizations need to pay heavy fines.
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