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Database Management

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Database Management

Boutruche (2011) explains that information gathering and fact-finding is a crucial step in database management and development as it ensures that database managers and developers come up with the most relevant and problem-solving services and end product as objected by the users. There are several methodologies like examining documentation, interviewing, observing the business in operation, using questionnaire, and conducting research, used to collect information from the employees and all other relevant sources of data by the database developers during a project development life cycle. The key objective of this paper is to thus look at the various fact-finding techniques that the developers use to garner information and in each, citing the advantages and disadvantages.

Fact-finding technique DescriptionAdvantagesDisadvantages
Interviewing A database developer meeting is an organized gathering between the interviewer and an interviewee who is typically an individual from the staff of the organization being investigated. The meeting might be one of the series of interviews that range crosswise over various areas of the interviewee’s work or that test in dynamically more noteworthy profundity about the assignments attempted by the interviewee (Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, 2017).


·         High quality of information as there is a personal one to one contact allowing the interviewer to adopt what the user responds

·         The developer can ask in a more in-depth perspective about the user’s needs, something that cannot be easily achieved through other techniques.


·         Interviews are hideous, time-consuming, tiresome, and can be the most costly form of fact collection.

·         Different interviewers can provide conflicting information making it challenging to analyze the information


observing the business in operationThis is a process of watching individuals carrying out their duties in a work setting which can give the database developer a better understanding of the task (Kotzyba et al., 2017)·         Observing people at their work stations provides firsthand information and experience of the way that the current database operates and what needs to be changed

·         Real-time collection of information regarding the current system and the possible changes.

·         Observation technique requires a skilled and trained observer for it to be the most accurate and effective

·         Most individuals do not like being watched over and are most likely going to behave differently from their usual way of behavior thus giving wrong impression and information

Using Questionnaire This process entails using a research instrument in the form of structured question targeted towards coming up with particular answers that can be applied to fact-finding developing projects. The questionnaire developer usually limits the range of responses that the respondent can respond to by giving them a multiple of options (Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, 2017).


·         It is an economical technique of collecting data from a considerable number of people

·         Ambiguous information can be done away with since the developer asks specific questions that will lead to the answers, he requires

·         They are time-consuming to go through and interpreted

·         The data collection process requires technical supervision and close monitoring and interpretation which is tiresome

Conducting research According to Boutruche (2011), this entails conducting an experimental analysis of the various source of secondary information that might provide facts about the existing system, what is required, and what can be improved. The database developer might need to collect and analyze data as well·         It produces accurate results as various methods of data collection are employed

·         The database developer learns a lot about the system through the entire research process


·         It is time-consuming

·         The scope of research might be limited by some factors like time and cost thus limiting data and information collected

Examining DocumentationThis entails the process by which the information gatherer, in this case, the database developer goes through the various documentation and resources containing information about what the previous or existing database was doing, how it operated and its pros and cons (Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, 2017).·         It provides firsthand reliable information about the existing system and thus accurate

·         It is cheap as compared to the other techniques

·         It is a tiresome and time-consuming technique as one must analyze and go through all the documentation

·         It might not provide the real information that is on the ground during operation.















Boutruche, T. (2011). Credible fact-finding and allegations of international humanitarian law violations: challenges in theory and practice. Journal of Conflict & Security Law16(1), 105-140.

Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L. (2017). Discovery of grounded and research theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Routledge.

Kotzyba, M., Gossen, T., Schwerdt, J., & Nürnberger, A. (2017, March). Exploration or fact-finding: Inferring user’s search activity just in time. In Proceedings of the 2017 meeting on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (pp. 87-96). ACM.

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