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Dealing with Institutional Policies and Hierarchical Systems

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There is a higher possibility that most startups die after a few years from their inception, even with the rapid expansion of the digital market sector. Today’s digital market generally involves inputting useful technological products, developing software techniques, and enhancing business techniques. However, this has failed on the side digital health startups as a result of the complexity in maintaining them.  The techniques and technology may work in the first stages, but it is hard for startups to prosper in the complex aspect of healthcare. Thus, there have been steps that have presented by both experts and researchers on some of the ways of avoiding challenges that accompany digital health startups.

Dealing with Institutional Policies and Hierarchical Systems

Eradication or simplification of the policies and hierarchical systems will help in making sure that startups are prevalent.  Healthcare institutions must make sure that their policies are in favor of digital technology and its processes if they want to ensure the dominance of startups. Thus, the objective of innovation policies within the healthcare system has to be the optimization of innovation rather than the maximization of profitability and ownership.

Dealing with the Lack of Knowledge in Early Tech Companies

Health care institutions can deal with the problem of not comprehending earl stage tech companies by working with key experts in the innovation and technology discipline. This can be achieved by each of the counterparts contributing their insights to counter the challenges that are incurred in the early stages of technological companies. The critical financial and cash problems can be solved by convincing the investors that the startups will take off, and they will get some value out of their investment.  The experts on both sides should, therefore, work towards ensuring that they have concrete ideas that will convince the investors to finance the startup.

Dealing with the problems of Pilots

Startups should focus more on improving value. The innovators and the managers should work towards agreeing on the standard regulations and guidelines that will make the processes fair, effective, and efficient (Barad, 2019).  It will be better if both of them focus on helping the startup, rather than competing against each other. Regulations could be set for a specific innovation period, systematic innovation positions, and practices to decrease sales cycles as well as avoid one-sided terms.

In conclusion, startups can flourish if the right measures and moves are integrated into their formation. It is essential for them to source financial help, combine sustainable innovation and techniques as well as incorporate profound standards and rules. It would be great if appropriate measures are included in making sure that digital health startups prosper instead of being termed as failures.


Barad, J. (2019). Healthcare startups struggle to navigate a business world that’s set up for them to fail – TechCrunch. [Online] TechCrunch. Available at: [Accessed 18 Oct. 2019].

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