Death Note, among the anime, ever is currently making a comeback. Season two of the series has now been under discussion. This show’s first period revolved around Yagami Light, the two characters, and L. The series revolved around the two of these one-upping every other and Light’s effort to make a much better world. The series is a twisting tale of tactical plotting and planning, which the lovers adore. A death notice is among the most popular Anime and Manga, which functions as an introduction. We could be receiving another time, Though the series ended to notice, and the fans could not be more enthused.
That Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata wrote the manga exemplified it. Death note continued until 2006 and debuted in 2003. The manga is a puzzle crime fiction that was adapted into anime movies, and video games. As it functions as the anime to get fans, the show’s popularity is unparalleled so far. The manga’s Netflix version was not valued as it missed this manga’s purpose with a mile that disappointed a lot of fans and deviated from the original narrative. Since the series ended with a certain end, there was a prospect of a sequel; however, the manga will return with a chapter on February 4, 2020. This contributes to the chance of getting another season.
Possible Plot
The series ended with the passing of L and Yagami Light winning after his passing. It with Yagami getting a Shinigami himself. Death notice has lore that made the lovers believe after its conclusion was reached by the series. We were left with the question where would the series move out of here? Passing note’s idea proved to be a one. Yagami lighting picks it up and understands that if the title of anybody whose particular, will meet their death, Following the departure note of Ryuk falls from the kingdom on the planet. Speculations around the season will take another user and imply that the passing note of Ryuk is going to be dropped on the ground. It is not much, but its something to get excited about.
Though it’s a bit premature to speculate, however, we may be receiving an unexpected season. This manga’s fandom could not be more enthusiastic since it’s back from the dead. The next installment is predicted to be as amazing as the previous one and has been anticipated.