Defense contracting
Defense contracting can be very rewarding for sure because apart from the monetary gains, an individual gets an opportunity to work outside the U.S. An individual also gets to tour the world as compared with the one working from an office in the U.S. As long as this aids individuals to get closer to their goals or interests it is worth working with the defense contracting. It is also worth noting that many companies, especially defense contractors, have great education benefits that an individual can take advantage of and advance themselves. However, student1notes, despite the advantages of defense contracting, overseas contracting is essential because there are several other benefits accrued to it. For instance, there are also numerous opportunities across Europe, the Middle East, and African; thus, this will bring about a healthy competition, which then means that experienced individuals will be highly be remunerated. The experiences across the continents can also be fascinating as compared to working from an office in the U.S. throughout one’s life.
Response 2
Indeed companies should increase the pay for employees that choose work oversees, which is regarded as the cost of living allowance, COLA in the military just as noted by student2. This is because different regions exhibit different costs of living. Therefore, increasing base pay will allow employees to satisfy their unlimited needs, including groceries and household items, whose cost varies with the cost of living. Consequently, job satisfaction among employees will be achieved, increasing work performance. It is also true that monetary incentives can motivate more employees to opt to take overseas assignments as employees will no longer fear to face financial constraints if they happen to be in a country with a higher cost of living. More importantly, companies should avail programs that will facilitate employees to have easy access to overseas just as in the military. However, the programs should incorporate guidelines on how wise choices regarding the overseas country should be made.