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Descriptive and inferential statistics/Statistics in educational research

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Descriptive and inferential statistics/Statistics in educational research


In this essay we will talk about the stages of a statistical project knowing what it consists of, what is a normal distribution, which we understand by statistical and individual population.

The topics mentioned above will be addressed to learn more about them and their importance in statistics as they are related.


The stages of statistical development are divided into 4 with their different tools and techniques, the first is the collection of data where the sample is chosen, the types of surveys are determined, the questionnaire is designed and the experiment is conducted, the second is the organization of the information where the frequency tables are made and the type of graphs and graphs are selected, the third is the analysis of the information where the percentages are calculated, the parameters are calculated, and finally the interpretation of results where the establishment of predictions and a cause-effect test are carried out.

A descriptive statistic consists of collecting, analyzing and characterizing a set of data (weight of the population, age, daily benefits of a company, monthly temperature, etc.) with the aim of describing the characteristics and behaviors of this set by means of summary measures, Tables or graphs, is the set of values that can take a certain characteristic of the population on which the statistical study is carried out and on which its measurement is possible and a statistical inference is the set of methods and techniques that allow inducing, from of the empirical information provided by a sample, which is the behavior of a certain population with a risk of measurable error in terms of probability and consists of assigning a specific value to the parameter or parameters that characterize the probability distribution of the population.

In statistics, the normal distribution is the most important since it is the probability distribution known by the number of phenomena that it explains and is called the Gaussian bell, since when its probabilistic function is presented it has a bell shape, its application is direct and allows to observe many variables of interest that can be easily described. Statistical sampling is the set of individuals in the universe that is selected to be studied, for example through a survey.

We understand as an individual each of the elements of the population and the population would be the set of all the elements that verify a characteristic that will be the object of study, the probability is the set of possibilities of an event occurring or not at a time and determined time and could be determined in two ways, empirical and theoretical.



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