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Developing the Mindset for Success

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Developing the Mindset for Success

Several factors motivated me to join Yale University, which is the institution of my choice. These factors include:

  1. Job opportunities after graduation. The course has multiple job opportunities that are available around the globe that will help in my practice to gain the experience I need.
  2. Availability of the desired program. Yale University offers this course from diploma up to the doctorate level; thus, in case I consider broadening my knowledge about this course, it’s entirely possible.
  3. Desire to accomplish my goals. I wanted to acquire the skills involved in the course- a goal that I had set when I finished my high school studies.
  4. The academic quality of Yale University. The institution offers a high quality education that has been recognized by many education assessment bodies across many states in the U.S.
  5. The course that I am undertaking is very affordable for me since I work during weekends, and I can study during weekdays and still pay for the fees.

This course will assist me in life as soon as I graduate from Yale University. This degree will help me with practical skills that can be used in my workplace (Walburg, 2018), for example, the communication skills unit that is part of the course can be applied in a lot of places that require communicating. Consequently, upon completion of the course, my confidence for success will increase and also grow my social network, which is also an ingredient that can be used to achieve success.

There are two strategies that I can use to help me to stay motivated in challenging situations. These include:

  1. Visualizing my goals. I will think about my goals every day and imagine positively how life will change once I accomplish these goals.
  2. I will develop a routine. I will accustom myself to doing things that are related to my practice at various times of the day so that I become more positive and motivated.




Ellie Walburg. (2018). Five Reasons Why Education Helps to Advance Your Career At Any Level. Cornerstone University. Retrieved 16 July 2020, from

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