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Discussion Board on DBMS

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Discussion Board on DBMS

Database designers have been trying to develop the best designs for the clients over the years. The monolithic system architecture of Database Management System packages as the name suggests Monolithic system architecture involves integrating DBMS software packages into one tightly integrated system (Ramez, 2019). The Monolithic system architecture evolved from the early monolithic systems. With the modular design of DBMS packages, there is a server module and the client module, unlike the monolithic DBMS package design. The modular design is the modern and the current way the database designers have adopted. Since handling codes has been a challenge, the monolithic system architecture of DBMS packages has an advantage over the modular architecture because it is easier to maintain the code consistency (Kumar, 2020). The modular design of DBMS packages which the current DBMS design has many advantages over the traditional one the monolithic. The modular design of packages offers better performance. It has easy application design, modularity as well as added functionality which not found on monolithic system architecture design of Database Management Systems.










Kumar (2020). Advantages of Packages — Data Design. Retrieved 6 September 2020, from

Ramez Elmasri, S (2019). Database System Concepts and Architecture.





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