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Distant Visions

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Distant Visions


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Distant Visions

Kass thinks that we should be cautious about emerging technologies since he worries that our children and grandchildren might eventually succumb to the technologies. He believes that technology will lure people to promise a better future, whereas this will not be the case. He expresses different worries about pursuing technologies. Some of these worries include the fact that the technologies might cause bodily harm to human beings, and they might also endanger their safety. He also worries about technology since he thinks that they will bring about issues of unfairness in society (Kass, 2003). Lastly, he worries that they will cause issues of freedom for people. He explains this by stating that some of the goals placed in biotech are uncertain and that the moral relevance of techn is unnatural.

I agree with Kass since I also think that emerging technologies will have diverse effects on human nature. In as much as biotech has its positive effects, such as in health care, it may bring more harm than good in the future. For instance, with new technologies, people can create viruses that can kill very many people. Also, biotechnologies to create superficial beings like robots can harm human beings since the robots may one day overpower human beings and therefore destroy human beings.

One of the things that Kass views as profound is the effect of biotechnologies on human dignity. He sees biotechnology as a threat to humanity since he sees it as if it will abolish man. Some of the issues that he highlights that could lead to this include organ selling, cloning, and euthanasia. Some of the issues that he views as problematic include the fact that biotechnology will be an unnatural means of doing things.


Kass, L. R. (2003). Ageless bodies, happy souls: biotechnology and the pursuit of perfection. The New Atlantis, (1), 9-28.

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