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Divorce has become a significant concern in the USA

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Divorce has become a significant concern in the USA

Divorce has become a significant concern in the USA. About 1 million children in the States witness their parents’ divorce every year. About 50% of the kids born in the current year will have to suffer their parents’ divorce before they become 18 years of age (Pessin 27). Divorce is of concern as it may yield problems to children affecting their entire life negatively. This essay will focus on the adverse consequences of separation on children.

Divorce tends to get many children distracted, thus causing them confusion. When a child is distracted, it may impact their academics negatively. An annulment means that there will be a change in the family structure, and coping with it may prove difficult for the child. This, in turn, results in a child being less focused on their studies, resulting in poor performance. Divorce deprives children of their morale to focus on the future, which may result in many of them dropping out of school (Soria, Dale, and Rachel 30 ).



Works Cited

MacDonald, Daniel, and Yasemin Dildar. “Married Women’s Economic Independence and Divorce in the Nineteenth-and Early-Twentieth-Century United States.” Social Science History 42.3 (2018): 601-629.

Pessin, Léa. “Changing gender norms and marriage dynamics in the United States.” Journal of Marriage and Family 80.1 (2018): 25-41.

Soria, Krista M., Dale J. Morrow, and Rachel Jackson. “Parental divorce and college students’ persistence and degree attainment.” Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 59.1 (2018): 25-36.





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