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Do Shetland Sheepdog (Shelties) Get along With Cats

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Do Shetland Sheepdog (Shelties) Get along With Cats

The Shetland Sheepdog is a favourite among many families. Dog lovers attest to their companionship and temperament as a beloved pet. This is further complemented by a physical therapist that makes it an absolute beauty to have. Its integration with other pets is a huge concern. For dogs categorically, certain breeds are known to steal the hearts of many for being amicable with cats.


The Sheepdog Temperament

One of the main attributes of a Sheepdog is the temperament it has. Is superiority in terms of temperament makes it a superb pet as its personality is charming?


The Shetland Sheepdog will strike you as a deeply loyal and affectionate pet. It is for the same reason that it wins the heart of many as a companion. Its tender trait can be obtained where it is trained to be warm and compassionate. Further, treating the Shetland Sheepdog well brings about the affectionate attribute that can be exuded even with cats.

Highly Intelligent

The sheltie is known to be of great wit. As such, training yields ultimate results easily. The dog can be shown that cats are amicable and after consistent training, there will be cohabitation. The training of this breed needs to be friendly as they will not stir with stern order and may become agitated.


The Shelter Sheepdog are generally fearful and tend to be highly agitated with unfamiliar situations. Where a stranger is close, the dog barks to scare off the person. That said, there is a strong need to impart connection especially when introducing a new pet such as a cat to it.

You will require extra doses of patience and reassuring mobbed to make the affectionate dog feel is threatened. Given time, the shelties build a strong connection that they feel secure with.


Having a playful dog is fun and a sure source of entertainment. The sheltie will award you with numerous occasions of playtime as it derives a sheer amount of joy from this. It is through the games and fun that the dog can be trained to interact with cats. This is quite achievable as both of them are playful beings and could end up as great friends.



The dog enjoys a great deal of company and does well with a lot of interaction. The avoidance of solitude by the dog makes it dependent on man. However, introducing a new pet could also mean increasing its chances of companionship.

Where an individual needs time away from the dog or appears busy, this is not taken kindly. The company of a cat can lessen behavioural issues that the dog can exhibit. This can be a good basis for the need to have a cat to interact with.


Without a doubt, the sheltie is a beloved dog due to its charming personality. Once the Shelter Sheepdog is treated well, it becomes happy. Introducing a cat at an early age could help foster the relationship while at the same time respectfully treating the dog. It is through proper engagement that makes the dog interact well with many members of the family.


The Shelter Sheepdog’s loyalty is unreserved. On a daily routine, this breed shows its loyalty and displays a crucial temperament that is undefeated. Cats feel threatened by other cats and as such, having a loyal friend at proximity is a guaranteed way to keep off other cats.

Mentally Active

The sheltie is not shy of stimulating its mental capabilities.  The dogs are great herders and enjoy every bit of it.  Games such as fetching balls and finding toys are part of mental stimulation exercises that the shelties thoroughly enjoy.

Their intelligence level is complimented by their agility. To be well mannered and stay happily with cats, the mental stimulation exercises should be upheld.



 Shetland Sheepdog Manner of Living

Comfortable with new experiences

Once trained, the Shetland sheepdog does well in new environments. The obedient pet gets along with new territories as long as it has been properly trained to be aware of a looming threat. It is for the same reason that a sheltie can be brought in an abode with a cat easily.



Indoor Living Space

Many people prefer cats due to the limited space of their homes. This is especially the case where a family stays in an apartment. A dog loves having ample space and the constraint of space can be quite endearing.

Shelties however prove to make the cut and can live in a habitat. This makes the breed more desirable as then, they can share a shelter with the cat. Provided that the sheltie is taken for walks, it will remain in its happy knack.

Sporty Nature

The sheltie being a playful dog can be quite sporty. This is not the case for cats which derive pleasure for lazing around. A substantial amount of time should be devoted to long walks with the sheltie. In as much as cats will not engage in the walks, they will appreciate a happy dog by the end of the day.


Grooming Needs

For healthy cohabitation with the cats, both pets should maintain high levels of hygiene. This will curb the spread of pathogens and infections. The cat is known to be extremely clean. Sheltie hygiene can be maintained through good grooming.

For one, dander and lose lint should be eliminated through constant brushing of the sheltie’s coat. This will also work to ensure that the fur is smooth and is properly maintained. Not only will the groom keep the dog clean but it will make it more compatible with the clean cat.

Further, there is a need to ensure proper consideration is put in place as the Shelter dog sheds a lot. As such, cats that are not allergic to dog’s hair are well suited to cohabitate.

The litter tray for the cat should be kept at bay where the sheltie will not reach. This is to avoid possible infections as the sheltie might eat the droppings and fall ill.


Introducing the cat to the shelter Sheepdog

The most popular recommendation is that a sheltie should be introduced as a puppy to a kitten for steady cohabitation. This is not always the case. Where the introduction occurs in later stages, there needs to be proper supervision.

To allow the pets to interact without feeling threatened, escape routes are deemed necessary. For instance, there is a need to have an area that is beyond the reach of a sheltie such as a tree. Further, both pets should have their own space and encouragements made where they interact wilfully.

To avoid dominance and threats, the sheltie should be kept on a leash and awarded with treats for good behaviour. Feeding should take place in different locations to avoid potential conflicts.


Compatibility with cats

The sheltie had a lot of interest when it sees small scurrying pets. Its gentle nature marries well with cats that can become intimidated by dogs. That said, it can become a playful partner with the cat and form a solid relationship where both pets are willing.

Cats also get along with dogs in terms of having sharp reflexes. Whether through loud noises, sudden movements or tension, both pets become easily startled. Their vibrancy is well experiences in environments that do not foster tension as this can be overwhelming and awaken reflexes in a bid to be defensive.

Further, the soft temperament that shelties exude makes them quote desirable by cat lovers. Both pets uphold peace and are not known to be rowdy. With a gentle temperament that is not hostile, the sheltie can be exceptionally sociable even with cats.



By all means, one can obtain the best of both worlds. A sheltie and a cat can live harmoniously and even become the best of pals. Ultimately, where the training for dogs will yield great results and both of them can live steadily.



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