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Does your current workplace culture and environment make you happy and productive? Why?

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Does your current workplace culture and environment make you happy and productive? Why?

  • No, my work environment makes me very unhappy and unproductive.
  • No, I do not enjoy my job, but I would not say I am unhappy.
  • Yes, sometimes.
  • Yes, my work environment makes me very happy and productive.

Does your manager or supervisor behave or act in a way that you respond to most effectively?

  • No, it is always a stressful experience with my superiors.
  • Not most of the time.
  • Most of the time.
  • All of the time.

Have you ever experienced an event or actions of a colleague that negatively affected your personal motivation? How did you cope with the situation?

  • Yes, very frequently.
  • Yes, on a number of occasions.
  • Rarely experiences such situations.
  • Never experienced such situations at all.

NB: It is important to note that while the potential responses were categorized into four main categories for analysis and comparison purposes, the second part of the first and third questions are open-ended. This means the second questions require further elaboration on the respondent’s experiences, opinions, and perspectives on the subject matter.

Whether the survey is qualitative or quantitative.

The survey is qualitative because it is mainly concerned with gaining the experiences, opinions, and perspectives of respondents (nurses) on motivation since motivation is intrinsic to an individual. The open-ended questions give room for farther elaboration, which helps to gain the views and perspectives of the respondents.

The type of participants I should look for.

I should look for practicing RNs, who are currently experiencing the work-related factors that constantly challenge their productivity. It would be best for respondents and sample population to reflect the nursing population in terms of gender, area of specialty, age, experience as well as socio-cultural representation. This would mean allowing all nurses to participate in the survey, if willing. It would be appropriate to include a large sample population, presumably of above 150 nurses.

Where and how I might find the respondents.

The best way of finding respondents is reaching out to hospitals, nursing homes, and other organizations that depend on nurses. Reaching out could be achieved through personal visits or emailing managers of nursing representatives- the reason and significance of the research should be stated to persuade carrying out the survey on willing nurses. The survey may be emailed to volunteer respondents who are far away.

Barriers I might find while carrying out the survey.

One of the most probable hindrance in carrying out the survey is language barriers. There is a significant proportion of foreign nurses in the US, especially those working in nursing homes. This makes it highly probable to find volunteers that do not fully understand the context of the question, misunderstanding the theme, and giving unreliable results. Also, I may fall victim to my personal socio-cultural biases against potential respondents (either knowingly or unknowingly)- based on ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other social construct with stereotypes. The other potential barrier is the potential unwillingness of management or respondents to take part in the survey.

Biases may be dealt with through using socio-cultural neutrality as a standard of qualitative research, warranting an open mind to people’s opinions and perspectives. Language barriers may be overcome by including different translations of the survey interview.

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