Dosimetry is the measuring of ionizing radiation at a place or in an individual. It is a tool meant to give approximate amounts or adequate doses of radiation occurring due to exposure over a given time. Studies have been conducted to quantify the levels of radiations emitted by the radiotherapy equipment systems. In this study, research meta-analysis of several research papers and journals gave more insights into the potential danger radiations can cause. The estimated radiation for radiotherapy systems is presented, which this research found to sometimes differ with the conventional systems’ output. The error causes adverse effects to patients, pregnant mothers, and impact fetal development (Dicker et al., 2017). It found in that great care has always been taken to avoid causing damage to patients, but there are faulty incidences discovered. Excess emissions of the radiation to patients found to affect prosthetics when focusing on close proximities. Its ionizing effects interfere with pacemakers. It is recommended the physicist and medical personnel exercise extreme care and be vigilant when handling the radiation systems.