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DT206 Study Questions

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DT206 Study Questions

  1. The acronym FPD means _____.

Fixed Permanent Denture  Fit Partial Denture

Fit Permanent Denture       Fixed Partial Denture


  1. An abutment is a tooth or root(s) that gives ______ to a dental prosthetic appliance.

Support                                  Reciprocation

Retention                                              Hold


  1. A dental appliance that replaces one missing tooth and has two abutment teeth one on each side of the missing one is called a _____.

cantilever or wing bridge                    one-unit bridge

three-unit bridge                                  round house bridge


  1. A dental appliance that has many teeth joined but does not replace a tooth is called a _____.

cantilever or wing bridge                    two-unit bridge

hree-unit bridge                                    fixed splint


  1. A one abutment dental appliance is called a _____.

cantilever or wing bridge                    one-unit bridge

three-unit bridge                                   splint bridge


  1. An abutment that is surrounded by missing teeth is called a _____ abutment.

terminal                                                 pontic

end                                                         pier


  1. An abutment that is at an end of a fixed dental appliance is called a _____.

terminal                                                 pontic

intermediate                                         pier


  1. A missing tooth being replaced as a suspended member of a fixed dental appliance is called a _____.

terminal abutment                                              pontic

end abutment                                       pier abutment


  1. The part of fixed bridge that covers the abutments is a/an _____.

abutment                                                              pontic

retainer                                                  pier


  1. The main function of a pontic is to:

maintain arch integrity.

restore tooth form and appearance.

restore occlusal function.

all of these.


  1. The pontic type that permits free cleaning and does not touch the tissue is a _____ pontic.

Hygienic                                                                Convex tip

Saddle                                                    Ridge lap


  1. The minimum amount of free space between the occlusal of the above pontic type and the tissue is _____ mm.

10                                                           5

7                                                              3


  1. If less than the required space is present for the above pontic type, what pontic type is indicated?
  2. Hygienic c. Ridge lap
  3. Saddle d. Convex tip


  1. The pontic type that most closely approximates a natural tooth but is very difficult to clean is the _____ pontic.
  2. Hygienic b. Convex tip
  3. Saddle d. Ridge lap


  1. Between the pontic and the retainers is a part of the bridge called the _____.
  2. Retainers b. abutments
  3. Connectors d. pontic


  1. Positive defects in or on the casting are called _____.
  2. blebs pickles

voids                                                      porosity


  1. Positive defects most likely caused by excess moisture during investing are ____.

blebs                                                       pickles

voids                                                      fins


  1. Trapped air and excess moisture cause positive defects on the casting. Another cause for positive defects on the casting is _____.

suck back porosity                                              shrink spot porosity

excess vibration                                   pickles


  1. The book “Fixed Restorative Techniques”, states that the casting must be test-fit onto the die. In class we inspected the casting before fitting it onto the die with a _____.

loupe                                                      instrument

bur                                                          microscope


  1. Fitting the casting onto the die is done _____ the sprue is cut off.

Before                             after

at the same time as                      it doesn’t matter which is done first


  1. Burnishing is described as _____.

abrading the surface of the casting to close a space in the margin

smoothing the surface of the casting at the margin to close a space

cutting the edge of the margin to reduce an over-extension

isking the margin to make it fit


  1. Swaging a margin can be done with _____.

a sharp bur                                            a dull finishing bur

a hard dull hand instrument              both b & c


  1. After burnishing or swaging the margin, the next step to finishing a crown is to _____.

adjust the proximal contacts            remove the sprue attachment

adjust the occlusal contacts              refine the occlusal anatomy



  1. The substructure should be designed to restore the missing tooth structure and give the restoration a ______________________
  2. Proper emergence profile
  3. Fit
  4. Rigid foundation
  5. None of the above


  1. High occlusal contacts are adjusted with _____.

1557 bur                                                                a barrel stone

an inverted cone stone                       a heatless stone


  1. A “real” hyper contact on a proximal or occlusal surface will have a _____ spot in the middle.
  2. a) dark                                        c)             light
  3. b) rough                                      d)            no


  1. A ____ ____ is used to refine the grooves on the occlusal surface.

barrel stone                                           pointed stone

#1557 bur                                             heatless stone



  1. The sprue attachment is removed by a _____ stone.

barrel                                                      heatless

pointed                                                  umbrella


  1. If the proximal contact is correctly fit and contoured, the restoration will only require _____ pressure to seat it onto the die.

heavy                                                     high

lateral                                                     light


  1. The term Draft refers to which of the following?

The angle of taper that allows a cast restoration to removed from the preparations.

An undercut which prevents a cast restoration from being placed.

A defect in the margin of the impression.

A perfect impression.


  1. The term draw refers to which of the following?

Not being able to be removed from the cast.

A reverse angle of taper on a preparation.

Being able to be removed from the cast.

A perfect impression.


  1. The convenience form of a preparation is _____.

The draft of the preparation.

The draw of the casting.

The angle of taper of the preparation.

All of these are correct.


  1. An undercut is:

The improper angle of taper the tooth preparation.

A preparation that diverges occlusally.

A groove that is cut parallel to the margin of a full crown preparation.

All of these are correct.


  1. The proper taper for a single tooth preparation is _____o to _____ o.

1 to 2                                                      5 to 10

2 to 5                                                      10 to 12


  1. Convergent draw occurs when:

Two crown preparations are parallel to each other.

Two crown preparations are perpendicular to each other.

An undercut exists between two crown preparations.

An undercut exists on opposite sides of two crown preparations.


  1. Divergent draw occurs when:

Two crown preparations are parallel to each other.

Two crown preparations are perpendicular to each other.

An undercut exists between two crown preparations.

An undercut exists on opposite sides of two crown preparations.


  1. A mild divergent draw may be corrected by:

A rigid connector.                A non-rigid connector.

A rigid pontic.                       A non-rigid retainer.


  1. The margin preparation that is considered poor is the ______ margin.

slice                                        beveled shoulder

shoulder                                 chamfer


  1. Another name for the shoulder margin is _____ margin.

Feathered                              sleeve

Ledge                                     curved


  1. The margin that works on the principle of sleeve fit is _____.

slice                                        beveled shoulder

shoulder                                 chamfer


  1. The proper taper for a three-unit bridge preparation is _____o to _____ o.

1 to 2                                      5 to 10

2 to 5                                      10 to 12


  1. The most conservative tooth preparation is the ____              margin.

Slice                                        beveled shoulder

Shoulder                                                chamfer


  1. The preparation that produces a margin that is difficult to seal and is prone to marginal leakage is the _____ margin.

Slice                                        beveled shoulder

Shoulder                                                chamfer


  1. The preparation that is produced by cutting the margin twice is the _____ margin.

Slice                                        beveled shoulder

Shoulder                                                chamfer


  1. A class 1 inlay is located where?

on the buccal surface of the tooth

on the occlusal surface of the tooth

on the facial surface of the tooth

on the distal occlusal of the tooth


  1. An inlay that is located in the mesial or distal of an anterior tooth does not include the incisal edge is a _____________ inlay

class 5                                                    class 2

class 3                                                    class 4


  1. A mesial occlusal distal inlay would be what class of inlay

class 5                                                    class 3

class 2                                                    class 4


  1. The part of the tooth that is exposed top the oral environment is called the______________

onlay crown                                          anatomical crown

full crown                                                              clinical crown


  1. A restoration that replaces all of the tooth and fills that root canal that pulp was located is called a____________

post crown                                            full crown

partial crown                                        pinledge


  1. What type of restoration class II inlay is considred?

intracoronal                                          extracoronal


  1. The prepared tooth that a crown or bridge is cemented to is called a/an_______________________

cast                                                         retainer

die                                                           abutment


  1. The maxillary arch is larger than the mandibular arch, resulting in facial extension of the maxillary teeth over the mandibular teeth. This relationship is known as___________

overbite                                                 horizontal overjet

deep bite                                                                crossbite


  1. The term_____________ occlusion relates to the static anatomic arrangement and relationship of teeth.

morphologic                                         functional

anatomical                                           protrusive


  1. The activity of muscle and joints that produces mandibular movement is in function of what type of occlusion?

morphologic                                         functional

anatomical                                           protrusive


  1. The position of the lower jaw that results in maximum interdigitation of the teeth is known as_________

centric relation                                     centric occlusion

centric closure                                      facial range


  1. The vertical relationship between maxillary anterior teeth overlapping mandibular anterior teeth is known as_____________

overjet                                                   overbite

crossbite                                                negative overjet


  1. The mesiofacial cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes in the buccal groove of the mandibular first molar is known as the key to occlusion.

true                                                         false


  1. When the mesiofacial cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes mesial to the facial grove of the mandibular first molar is known as____________

class III malocclusion                                        class I

class II malocclusion                                          class IV


  1. The cardinal feature of successful functional occlusion and providing the guidance for lateral chewing is___________

occlusal relationship                 cusp to fossa relationship

occlusal interdigitation                       canine relationship


  1. The separation of teeth in the nonfunctioning segments and great importance in the function of occlusion is termed as______________

aprotrusion                                           disclusion

retrusion                                                lateral interference


  1. A perfect anatomical arrangement would be considered _____.

Occlusion                                                         Functional occlusion

Morphological occlusion                 Ideal occlusion


  1. __________ occlusion refers to the dynamics of occlusion.

Morphological                                      Ideal

Functional                                             Centric


  1. The position of the lower jaw that results in maximum interdigitation of the teeth is __________.

Centric relation                    Functional occlusion

Centric occlusion                 Morphological occlusion


  1. The position of the lower jaw that occurs when the condyles are in their most physiologic fully seated position in the glenoid fossa is known as __________.

Centric relation                    Functional occlusion

Centric occlusion                 Morphological occlusion


  1. In about 90% of the population, centric occlusion is separated from centric relation by __________.

Functional occlusion                           CR/CO skid

Ideal occlusion                                     Overjet


  1. The facial range of centric contacts include the __________.

Lower facial posterior cusps only

Lower facials and facial posterior cusps

Upper facial posterior cusps only

Upper incisals and facial posterior cusps


  1. The lingual range of centric contacts include the __________.

Lower lingual posterior cusps only

Lower incisals and lingual posterior cusps

Upper lingual posterior cusps only

Upper incisals and lingual posterior cusps


  1. Flaring of anterior teeth is a result of __________.

Posterior bite collapse

Anterior bite collapse

Anterior crossbite

Buccal crossbite


  1. The cross arch curvature of the posterior occlusal plane is named____________

Curve of Spee                                      Curve of Wilson

Anterior posterior curvature              Munson’s Curve


  1. The complete elimination of wax is a result of two factors. They are:

time and moisture.                              moisture and temperature.

time and temperature.        hygroscopic and heat.


  1. If the mold is dry and placed in a heated oven, what is likely to happen to the investment?

The wax would melt and soak into the dry walls of the investment.

The dry ring would heat up uncontrolled causing it to crack.

The wax in the dry casting would take longer to burn-out than a wet one.

All of the above are true.


  1. Wax elimination or burn-out has many purposes. Which of the following is NOT one?

Eliminate moisture in the mold.

Eliminate the wax.

Raise the temperature of the mold enough to receive the gold alloy.

To oxidize the inside of the mold.


  1. The burn-out procedure provides compensation for the shrinkage of the gold alloy procedure. What is the compensation provided by the burn-out procedure called?

Thermal expansion             Hygroscopic expansion

Setting expansion                Wax expansion


  1. The minimum burn-out time for a medium casting ring is about 1 hour 45 minutes according to the book. What is the amount of time necessary to add to this time for each additional casting ring in the oven?

1 minute                                                5 minutes

2 minutes                                              10 minutes


  1. 7 In the low heat technique, what is the main type of expansion takes place?

Thermal expansion                             Hygroscopic expansion

Setting expansion                                Wax expansion


  1. What is the correct burn-out temperature for the high heat technique?

800                                                         1000

950                                                         1250


  1. What is the maximum amount of time that a casting ring may be allowed to remain

in the oven?

2 hours                                                   6 hours

4 hours                                                   8 hours


  1. There are 4 distinct areas of a flame used to melt gold. What is the correct one that is to be placed on the gold?
  2. a) The air blast zone       c)     The reducing zone
  3. b) The combustion zone d)     The oxidizing zone


  1. What procedure must be done before the casting rings are placed into the oven for burn-out?

Winding the casting machine.                Measuring the metal.

Balancing the casting machine.        Melting the metal.










  1. One of the most important design requirements in a metal ceramic restoration is:

The opposing dentition must occlude into a metal part of the restoration.

The opposing dentition must occlude onto porcelain part of the restoration.

The opposing dentition must occlude onto the metal or porcelain parts of the restoration but not both.

The opposing dentition may occlude into a metal ceramic junction.


  1. The minimum space necessary between the preparation and the opposing dentition in order to

restore the lingual of a maxillary anterior tooth in porcelain is __________.

0.2 to 0.3mm                        0.5 to 0.7mm

0.3 to 0.5mm                        0.7 to 1mm


  1. The minimum space necessary between the preparation and the opposing dentition in order to

restore the occlusal of a tooth in porcelain is __________.

1.5 to 2mm                           0.5 to 1mm

1 to 1.5mm                           0.3 to 0.5mm


  1. The maximum thickness of porcelain that will be supported by the metal substructure is __________.

2.5mm                                   1mm

3mm                                      2mm


  1. The minimum space necessary between the preparation and the opposing dentition in order to

restore the incisal of an anterior tooth in porcelain is __________.

1.5 to 2mm                           0.5 to 1mm

1 to 1.5mm                           0.3 to 0.5mm


  1. A square beveled margin on the preparation requires that the restoration have a __________ margin.

metal collar                           metal porcelain joint

porcelain                                               none of these


  1. A chamfer margin on the preparation requires that the restoration have a __________ margin.

metal collar                           metal porcelain joint

porcelain                                               none of these


  1. A deep chamfer margin on the preparation requires that the restoration have a __________ margin.

metal collar                           metal porcelain joint

porcelain                                               none of these


  1. A shoulder margin on the preparation requires that the restoration have a __________ margin.

metal collar                           metal porcelain joint

porcelain                                               none of these


  1. Two main methods of spruing ceramic metal castings are _________ and __________.

direct and reservoir                               indirect and direct

direct and flat                       indirect and reservoir


  1. The basic weakness of the direct spruing method is the potential for __________ .

suck-back porosity                                              both of these

shrink-spot porosity                                            neither of these


  1. Shrink-spot porosity is caused by __________.

too thick a sprue                                  too long a sprue

too short a sprue                                  too thin a sprue


  1. Suck-back porosity is caused by __________.

too thick a sprue                                  too long a sprue

too short a sprue                                  too thin a sprue



  1. The reservoir should be placed where in the ring?

outside the center of heat                  inside the center of heat

outside the casting ring       inside the casting ring


  1. When casting a FPD framework using indirect spruing, what part of the casting does not have to cast?

the pattern                            the sprue

the button                                             the reservoir


  1. The job of the reservoir is to __________.

supply metal to the button during solidification.

supply metal to the pattern during solidification.

supply metal to the sprues during solidification.

supply metal to the ring during solidification.


  1. The burnout for a non-precious casting used in class was 30 minutes at __________ and 1 hour at __________.

800/1400                                              800/1600

800/1500                                              1200/1600


  1. According to Naylor, there are three gas combinations that are used to melt ceramic metal alloys. Which one of the following is the most ideal to use?

acetylene and oxygen             propane and oxygen

natural gas and oxygen           natural gas and air


  1. Due to safety reasons, which of the following gas combinations do we use for melting ceramic metal alloys?

acetylene and oxygen        propane and oxygen

natural gas and oxygen      natural gas and air


  1. Due to its lower mass, ceramic metal alloys require __________.

one extra turn on the casting machine more than for gold alloys

one less turn on the casting machine than for gold alloys

the same number of turns on the casting machine as for gold alloys

no special treatment


  1. The patterns to be cast should be placed __________ apart in the casting ring.

1/8 inch                                 ½ inch

¼ inch                                    1 inch


  1. What part of the flame should the metal be melted in?

neutral                                   reducing

oxidizing                                                hottest


  1. What is the penalty for quenching the casting after casting?

cold tears in the restoration                               short margins

incomplete casting                                              hot tears


  1. A crucible used for casting ceramic metal alloys must __________.

be either zircon-alumina or quartz

not be used for any other alloy

not be clay crucibles

all of these


  1. The speed of preparing the metal substructure for porcelain (finishing) is directly related to the __________.

accuracy and completeness of the wax-up

the dielectric properties of the alloy

the speed of investing

the completeness of the burnout procedure






  1. Before fitting the casting on to the die, what must be done?

grind the inside of the coping with a #8 round bur

check the contacts

measure the thickness of the casting

check the internal surface of the casting with a microscope


  1. According to Naylor, finishing should be done in an orderly manner. What is the correct order of the steps in finishing?

Ft the casting, remove the sprue, re-contour the sprue attachment, finish the porcelain bearing area, finish the non-porcelain bearing area, cleaning and oxidizing the coping

Remove the sprue, fit the casting, re-contour the sprue attachment, finish the porcelain bearing area, finish the non-porcelain bearing area, cleaning and oxidizing the coping.

Remove the sprue, fit the casting, re-contour the sprue attachment, finish the non-porcelain bearing area, finish the porcelain bearing area, cleaning and oxidizing the coping.

Finish the porcelain bearing area, remove the sprue, fit the casting, re-contour the sprue ttachment, finish the non-porcelain bearing area, cleaning and oxidizing the coping.


  1. The preferred machine used to cut off the sprue is the __________.

low speed dental lathe

low speed dental handpiece

either low speed lathe or handpiece

high speed lathe


  1. Once the finishing procedure is complete and the coping is blasted and cleaned, the coping must be oxidized. Which of the following is a reason for oxidizing the coping?

the porcelain bonds to the oxide not the metal

the oxidation process removes gasses trapped in the metal from the casting procedure

the oxidation process removes volatile contaminants not removed by blasting or ultrasonic cleaning

all of these


  1. Generally, noble alloys and base alloys are oxidized differently. Noble alloys are oxidized in __________ and base alloys are oxidized in __________.

air/vacuum                           air/air

vacuum/air                           vacuum/vacuum


  1. What is the major precaution necessary when fitting the coping?

take every precaution not to damage the dies

take every precaution not to damage the coping

take every precaution not to damage the articulation

just fit the coping


  1. If there are any positives in the casting, what is used to remove them?

a #1/2 round bur and handpiece

a #1557 fissure bur and handpiece

a #1/2 round bur, handpiece and microscope

a #8 round bur, handpiece and microscope


  1. According to Naylor, re-contouring the sprue area is best done with __________.

white heatless stone

1.0X 40mm carborundum disk

an umbrella stone

a barrel stone









  1. Finishing the porcelain-bearing surface will NOT provide one of these following functions:

smooth the porcelain-bearing surface making it free of sharp angles

create microscopic undercuts that provide mechanical retention and increase surface contact area for the porcelain

cncrease the contact angle (surface tension) of the porcelain as it is applied

reduce the contact angle (surface tension) of the porcelain as it is applied


  1. The science and art of providing suitable substitutes for the coronal portions of teeth” is which one of the following?

Fixed Prosthodontics                          Operative Dentistry

Fixed Restorative Techniques           Prosthetic Dentistry


  1. “The branch of dental arts and science pertaining to the restoration and maintenance of oral function by replacement of missing teeth by artificial ones” is which of the following?

Fixed Prosthodontics                          Operative Dentistry

Fixed Restorative Techniques           Prosthodontics


  1. A dental restoration that fits into a prepared cavity in a tooth and secured by cement is a/an_____.

onlay                                                      pinlay

inlay                                                       crown


  1. A dental restoration that covers the entire occlusal surface of a tooth as well as fitting into a prepared cavity in a tooth and secured by cement is a/an _____.

onlay                                                      pinlay

inlay                                                       crown


  1. A dental restoration that covers the lingual surface of a tooth as well as covering one or both proximal surfaces tooth and has 2 or 3 parallel pins is a/an _____.

onlay                                                      pinlay

inlay                                                       crown


  1. A dental restoration that covers the entire occlusal surface of a tooth as well as all of the other portions of the clinical crown is a/an _____.

onlay                                                      pinlay

inlay                                                       crown


  1. Inlays, Pinlays and Onlays derive their retention from ________ surfaces of the prepared tooth.

external                                                 internal

proximal                                                                gingival


  1. Full and partial crowns derive their retention from ________ surfaces of the prepared tooth.

external                                 I              nternal

proximal                                                                gingival


  1. The main purpose of a _____ _____ is to restore chewing function.

full crown                                                              fixed bridge

partial crown                                        Pinledge


  1. A negative reproduction of a given area of the oral cavity is a/an _____.

cast                                                         die

model                                                     impression


  1. A positive reproduction of a tooth that has been prepared to receive a crown or onlay is a/an _____.

cast                                                         die

model                                                     impression


  1. A _____ _____ is carved to the exact form desired for a cast gold restoration.

total crown                                            sprue

die                                                           wax pattern

  1. The completed wax pattern is invested in a heat resistant material called _______.

plaster                                                    investment

stone                                                      die stone


  1. A wax pattern carved outside the mouth on a die is called an _____ pattern.

indirect                                                   outside

direct                                                      inside


  1. A wax pattern carved inside the mouth is called a _____ pattern.

indirect                                                   outside

direct                                                      inside


  1. The “MO” in MO inlay means what?

Mid Occlusal is where the inlay is located.

Mid Occlusal is where the inlay is not located.

Mesial occlusal is where the inlay is located.

Mesial Occlusal is where the inlay is not located.


  1. A class 1 inlay is located where?

On the buccal surface of the tooth.

On the occlusal surface of the tooth.

On the facial surface of the tooth.

On the distal occlusal of the tooth.


  1. An inlay that is located in the mesial or distal of an anterior tooth but does not include the incisal edge is a _____ inlay.

class 5                                                    class 3

class 4                                                    class 2


  1. An inlay that is located in the mesial or distal of an anterior tooth and also includes the incisal edge is a _____ inlay.

class 6                                                    class 3

class 5                                                    class 4


  1. A Mesial Occlusal Distal inlay would be what class of inlay?

2                                                              4

1                                                              3


  1. The part of the tooth exposed to the oral environment is called the _____ ______.

onlay crown                                          anatomical crown

full crown                                                              clinical crown


  1. The clinical crown may be _____ than the anatomical crown.

larger                                                      the same size

smaller                                                   all of these


  1. A crown that covers the mesial, distal and lingual of an anterior tooth would be called a _____ crown.

7/8’s                                                        1/2

4/5’s                                                        3/4’s


  1. A restoration that replaces all of a tooth and fills the root canal that the pulp was located is called a _____.

post crown                                            full crown

partial crown                                        Pinledge


  1. The prepared tooth that a crown or bridge is cemented to is called a/an _____.

cast                                                         die

retainer                                                  abutment


  1. The crown that covers the prepared tooth of a bridge is called a/an _____.

cast                                                         die

retainer                                                  abutment



  1. A _____ is the portion of a dental bridge that serves as the replacement for the missing tooth or teeth.

retainer                                                  connector

abutment                                                              pontic


  1. The pontic that is the most acceptable to the tissue as it has the least tissue contact is the _____ pontic form.

spherical                                                                ridge lap

high water                                             modified ridge lap


  1. Area of a bridge that is between the pontic and the retainers is the _______.

retainer                                                  connector

abutment                                                              pontic


  1. There are two types of connectors rigid and _____ ______.

open                                                       closed

non rigid                                                loose


  1. The convenience form of a tooth preparation is:

A tapered and convergence form.

A tapered and divergence form.

An angled parallel form.

An angled perpendicular form.


  1. Draw means?

A tapered and convergent convenience form.

A tapered and divergence convenience form.

An angled parallel convenience form.

An angled perpendicular convenience form.


  1. Draft refers to the actual _____ of the preparation.

size                                                         draw

esthetics                                                 taper


  1. A proper draft on a complete tooth preparation should be between __________ degrees.

1 and 2                                                  5 and 10

2 and 5                                                  10 and 15


  1. A proper taper on each wall of a tooth preparation should be between __________ degrees

1 and 2                                                  5 and 10

2 and 5                                                  10 and 15


  1. The opposite of draw is _____.

taper                                                       draft

convenience form                                               undercut


  1. The junction between the tooth and the restorative material is called the _____.

draft                                                       slice

margin                                                   all of these


  1. Another term that means the same as margin would be _____.

finish line                                                               chamfer

shoulder                                                 slice


  1. A type of margin that is very thin, is used on a gold crown and ends in a sharp edge where the dentist stopped cutting is called a _____.

slice                                                        beveled shoulder

shoulder                                                 chamfer


  1. A type of margin that ends in a thick butt joint is called a _____.

slice                                                        beveled shoulder

shoulder                                                 chamfer


  1. A type of margin that is cut by two different burs and is a combination of two different margin styles is called a _____.

slice                                                        beveled shoulder

shoulder                                                 chamfer

  1. A type of margin that is cut by a special bur that has a curved tip is called a _____.

slice                                                        beveled shoulder

shoulder                                                 chamfer


  1. A margin on a crown that does not extend all the way down to the margin on the die is a _____ margin.

open                                                       ragged

super                                                      short


  1. A margin on a crown that extends beyond the margin on the die is a _____ margin.

open                                                       ragged

super                                                      short


  1. A margin on a crown that has a space between it and the margin on the die due to an expansion problem is an _____ margin.

open                                                       ragged

super                                                      short


  1. An opening in a mold through which wax can be removed and molten gold introduced is called a _____.

hole                                                        post

entrance                                                sprue


  1. The name for the hole in the investment is the _____.

sprue channel                                       sprue pin

sprue former                                         sprue base



  1. The name of the metal that is left over in the sprue is the _____.

sprue channel                       sprue pin

sprue former                         both b & c are correct


  1. Sprues can be made of _____.

wax                                                        metal

plastic                                                    all of these


  1. Once the wax pattern is sprued and mounted onto the crucible former, the material that is vibrated into the casting is called _____.

stone                                                      christobalite

tridymite                                                                investment


  1. Before the casting ring is filled the ring must be _____.

lined with mineral paper.    lined with asbestos paper.

filled with stone                    waxed


  1. The reason for placing ring liner is to provide for the _____ of the casting investment.

expansion                                             filling

shrinkage                                                               thickness


  1. The casting ring liner must be ____ before the investment is vibrated in.

dry                                          covered with wax

wet                                          covered with debubblizer


  1. The sprue attachment must be to the ____ part of the wax pattern.

thinnest                                                  thickest

most carved                                          marginal


  1. The thickness of the sprue must be the ____ as the thickness of the wax pattern.

thinner                                   thicker

same                                      has nothing to do with


  1. The attachment of the sprue to the wax pattern must be _____.

smooth                                                  filleted

concave                                                 all of these



  1. Another name for the sprue base is the _____.

crucible former                                     crucible base

funnel former                                       none of these


  1. The two shrinkages that need to be compensated for during the cast of a dental restoration are_____.

wax & gold                                           wax & investment

wax & debubblizer                                              wax & setting


  1. The three expansion used to compensate for the cast shrinkages are _____.

setting, thermal & debubblizer

setting, hygroscopic & thermal

investment, hygroscopic & thermal

setting, gold & thermal


  1. Spruing a class 2 inlay should be done _____.

above the marginal ridge at a 45o towards the occlusal

below the marginal ridge at a 45o towards the occlusal

below the marginal ridge at a 45o towards the gingival

above the marginal ridge at a 45o towards the gingival


  1. The complete elimination of wax is a result of two factors. They are:

time and moisture.                              moisture and temperature.

time and temperature.        hygroscopic and heat.


  1. If the mold is dry and placed in a heated oven, what is likely to happen to the investment?

The wax would melt and soak into the dry walls of the investment.

The dry ring would heat up uncontrolled causing it to crack.

The wax in the dry casting would take longer to burn-out than a wet one.

All of the above are true.


  1. Wax elimination or burn-out has many purposes. Which of the following is NOT one?

Eliminate moisture in the mold.

Eliminate the wax.

Raise the temperature of the mold enough to receive the gold alloy.

To oxidize the inside of the mold.


  1. The burn-out procedure provides compensation for the shrinkage of the gold alloy during the casting procedure. What is the compensation provided by the burn-out procedure called?

Thermal expansion                             Hygroscopic expansion

Setting expansion                                Wax expansion


  1. The minimum burn-out time for a medium casting ring is about 1 hour 45 minutes according to the book. What is the amount of time necessary to add to this time for each additional casting ring in the oven?

1 minute                                                                5 minutes

2 minutes                                                              10 minutes


  1. In the low heat technique, what is the main type of expansion takes place?

Thermal expansion                             Hygroscopic expansion

Setting expansion                                Wax expansion



  1. What is the correct burn-out temperature for the high heat technique?

800                                                         1000

950                                                         1250


  1. What is the maximum amount of time that a casting ring may be allowed to remain in the oven?

2 hours                                                   6 hours

4 hours                                                   8 hours



  1. There are 4 distinct areas of a flame used to melt gold. What is the correct one that is to be placed on the gold?

The air blast zone                                The reducing zone

The combustion zone         The oxidizing zone


  1. What procedure must be done before the casting rings are placed into the oven for burn-out?

Winding the casting machine.             Measuring the metal.

Balancing the casting machine.        Melting the metal.


  1. The two main types of casting machines are _____ and _____.

Centrifugal and vacuum          Torch and induction

Vacuum and pressure               Torch and oven


  1. The casting crucible is the part of the casting machine that the metal is actually melted in. What must be done to this crucible before malting the metal?

It must be weighed.                             It must be preheated.

It must be filled.                   None of these.


  1. The casting flux is applied to the melting gold before the _____.

casting ring is placed in the casting machine.

alloy has had a chance to melt completely.

alloy balls-up.

all of these are correct.


  1. Quenching is done to cool the alloy rapidly. The alloy must lose what before quenching?

Its glow.                                 Its softness.

Its hardness                          Its shine.


  1. What is the recommended amount of new alloy added to a button in order to cast a crown?

10%                                                        50%

25%                                                        75%


  1. The direct method of waxing a crown:

is done in the laboratory by the dental technician.

is done in the mouth by the dentist.

is done in the mouth by the dental technician.

is done in the mouth by the dental assistant.


  1. The indirect method of waxing a crown:

is done in the laboratory by the dental technician.

is done in the mouth by the dentist.

is done in the mouth by the dental technician.

is done in the mouth by the dental assistant.


  1. The margin of the die is marked with the _____ _____ _____ before waxing the crown.

side of a colored pencil      tip of a colored pen

side of a black pencil          tip of a black pen


  1. The _____ on the adjacent teeth should be scraped with a scalpel before waxing.

occlusal contacts                 lingual contacts

opposing contacts                               proximal contacts


  1. According to the book the first liquid painted onto the die is _____.

die sealer                                               die lube

super sep                                               die spacer


  1. In class the first liquid painted onto the die is _____.

die sealer                                               die lube

super sep                                               die spacer


  1. The second liquid painted onto the die is _____.

die sealer                                               die lube

super sep                                               die spacer



  1. Wax is applied to the die by dipping, wrapping or melting a thin layer (.5mm) to cover the preparation. This is called the _____.

coping                                                    crown

casting                                                   inlay


  1. To stabilize the wax-up the _____ contact are waxed first.

occlusal                                                 opposing

incisal                                                     proximal


  1. The occlusal of the opposing cast is covered with ______ before waxing a posterior crown.

tin foil                                                    aluminum foil

gold foil                                                 die lube


  1. The buccal and lingual contours are established by waxing and carving the buccal and lingual _____.

grooves                                                  cusps

ridges                                                      fossi


  1. The cusps that occlude in the opposing fossa is called the _____ cusp.

crushing                                                 shear

tearing                                                    stamp


  1. The waxing of the occlusal surface by adding a large amount of wax in smashing down the articulator is called the ____ waxing technique.

positive                                                  negative

squish                                                     smash


  1. The waxing of the occlusal surface by adding many small amounts of wax and tapping the articulator is called the ____ waxing technique.

positive                                                  negative

squish                                                     smash


  1. What is done to the proximal contacts after the margins are sealed and the wax-up is sprued?

The contacts are removed.

Wax is added to the contacts.

The contacts are sprued.

The contacts are scraped.


  1. The aspect of tooth or restoration that relates it to its environment is the definition of _____.

occlusal                                                 contact

emergence profile                                                contour


  1. The proximal contact areas of the posterior teeth are located _____.

facial to the marginal groove

occlusal to the marginal groove

lingual to the marginal groove

gingival to the marginal groove


  1. The proximal contact areas of the posterior teeth are located _____.

in the occlusal third

in the gingival third

at the junction of the occlusal to middle thirds

at the junction of the middle to gingival thirds


  1. The lingual embrasure is usually _____ as the facial embrasure.

the same                                                                1/3 as large

½ as large                                              twice as large


  1. The largest interproximal embrasure is the _____ embrasure.

occlusal                                                 facial

lingual                                                    gingival


  1. The embrasure that is formed by the marginal ridges of two adjacent teeth coming together is the _____ embrasure.

occlusal                                                 facial

lingual                                                    gingival


  1. What would happen if one marginal ridge were higher than the other?

The higher ridge would act as a backboard and would force food into the interproximal space.

The lower ridge would act as a backboard and would force food into the interproximal space.

Nothing would happen.

The opposing cusp would interfere with the marginal ridge placement.


  1. The absolute dimension of a crown refers to _______.

the mesio-distal width of the tooth as indicated by the adjacent teeth and the gross inciso-gingival length as indicated by occlusion

the perceived width and length of a tooth

the way the tooth looks

measured size of the tooth


  1. The apparent dimensions of a crown refer to _____.

a.the mesio-distal width of the tooth as indicated by the adjacent teeth and the gross inciso-gingival length as indicated by occlusion

b.the perceived width and length of a tooth

the way the tooth looks

measured size of the tooth


  1. The apparent dimension of the crown can be adjusted by adjusting the ______ of the wax-up.

emergence profile                                                marginal ridges

developmental grooves                      line angles


  1. The margin of a preparation defines the type of marginal design on the restoration. A shoulder or deep chamfer marginal preparation is good for most retainer designs except for:

a porcelain margin.                             a gold crown

a pressable ceramic crown a CAD/CAM restoration


  1. The marginal design that works for a Glass-fiber supported Composite resin restoration but not a porcelain margin design is the _____ margin.

aMedium chamfer                              Beveled shoulder or slice

Deep chamfer                      Shoulder


  1. The best margin for a gold crown design is a _____ margin.

aMedium chamfer                              Beveled shoulder or slice

Deep chamfer                      Shoulder


  1. In order to adequately distribute the forces of mastication, there should be at least ___ retainers for a single pontic bridge.

1                                                              3

2                                                              4


  1. Most forces acting upon an anterior bridge are lateral in nature. Knowing this, how many retainers would be necessary to adequately retain a bridge that replaces all of the incisors teeth on the maxillary arch?

2 – Both cuspids

6 –  both cuspid,1st & 2nd premolars

4 – both cuspids & 1st premolars

None, make a removable partial denture


  1. Placing two or more retainers on each side of the pontic area is referred as:

splinting                                                 double abutting

cantilevering                                         Piering


  1. The retainer that is utilized between two pontics is referred as a____ retainer.

splint                                                      double

cantilever                                                              pier


  1. A bridge design in which the retainers do not surround the pontics is known as a ____ bridge.

splint                                                      fixed

cantilever                                                              pier


  1. A bridge that is used to hold weak teeth in position is called a ____ bridge.

splint                                                      fixed

cantilever                                                              pier


  1. Most retainers on fixed bridges are full crowns, however if a doctor and patient do not want to destroy good tooth structure for bridge retainers what bridge design would be appropriate?

A California bridge design

A precision attachment bridge design

A Maryland bridge design

All of these apply equally


  1. What Adams class of malocclusion would cause an Anterior Crossbite in a bridge restoration?

Class 1                                                   Class 3

Class 2                                                   Class 4


  1. What Adams class of malocclusion would cause excessive overjet in a bridge restoration?

Class 1                                                   Class 3

Class 2                                                   Class 4


  1. What Adams class of malocclusion would cause an edge to edge or negative overbite in a bridge restoration?

Class 1                                                   Class 3

Class 2                                                   Class 4


  1. The male stereotype calls for:

Larger centrals and rotated lateral incisors.

Medium centrals and rotated lateral incisors.

Medium centrals and forward facing lateral incisors.

Larger centrals and forward facing lateral incisors.


  1. The personality of the patient often works against the gender stereotype of the patient. Which of the following illustrated this?

Rounded soft teeth will look out of place on a patient with a strong personality.

Square strong teeth will look out of place on a patient with a weak personality.

Forward facing lateral incisors will make a patient look like they have a stronger personality.

Rotated lateral incisors will make a patient look like they have a weaker personality.

The perception of the personality type of the patient is effected by all of the above choices.


  1. A precision attachment that is used for non-parallel abutments is a ___________.

retainer that has more than one part

connector that has more than one part

retainer that has only one part

connector that has only one part

retainer or connector that has more than one part


  1. The difference between precision and semi-precision attachments is ____.

that one or more parts of a semi-precision attachment is made in the lab

that one or more parts of a precision attachment is made in the lab

that semi-precision attachment are more accurate than precision attachments

that precision attachments are less expensive than semi-precision attachments


  1. There are six locations for precision attachments. Which of these locations resides inside the crown?

Extracoronal                                        Bar Type

Radicular Stud                                     Intraradicular



  1. The type of location that is on the top of a post and cap restoration is the _____.

Extracoronal                                        Bar Type

Radicular Stud                                     Intraradicular



  1. The type of precision attachment that will not be visible when the partial denture is seated would be _____.

Extracoronal                                        Bar Type

Radicular Stud                                     Intraradicular

all of these would not be visible


  1. The difference between a solid Class 1a attachment and a solid Class 1b is that _____.

the Class 1a is removable by the patient

the Class 1b is removable by the patient

Class 1a is more resilient

Class 1b is more resilient

none of these apply


  1. Extracoronal precision attachments have resiliency. Which class of function offers the most resiliency (ability to move in any direction) is the _____.

Class 2                                                   Class 5

Class 3                                                   Class 6

Class 4


  1. The type of retention that is a result of two parallel surfaces in contact is called _____.

Mechanical                           Suction

Magnetic                                               Mechanical & Frictional



  1. The proper name for suction as represented by a denture seated onto a ridge would be called _____.

Capillary attraction                                                             Suction

Capillary force                                                     Vacuum



  1. In an RPD attachment the buccal-lingual space is important. What should be done by the laboratory before the attachments are selected?

The denture teeth should be selected.

The denture should be set up.

The female part of the attachment should be sent   to the


Both parts of the attachment should be sent to the dentist.

None of these apply.


  1. The most critical space issue in the selection of the precision attachment is the _____ dimension.

Mesial-Distal                                        Labial- Lingual

Distal-Mesial                                        Vertical






  1. When fabricating an RPD utilizing intracoronal attachments, the RPD framework, denture teeth and denture base are the only vertical space issues are considered. What additional vertical space issue occurs when an extracoronal attachment is used?

The denture teeth                The attachment

The denture resin                 The RPD framework

The opposing dentition


  1. Cost always seems to be a factor in the selection of precision attachments. Which of the following would be considered a false economy?

Using the least expensive attachment available.

Using a replaceable plastic type of attachment.

Using a Platinum/Iridium full precision attachment.

Using a semi-precision attachment cast in the laboratory.

None of these apply.


  1. A precision attachment that is used for retaining an RPD is a ___________.

retainer that has more than one part


connector that has more than one part

retainer that has only one part

connector that has only one part

retainer or connector that has more than one part


  1. Auxiliary types of attachments are used with other types of attachments or restorations to improve their effectiveness. What does a hinge type attachment do?

It secures other devices together.

It is used for providing retention.

It is used to direct the stress of a partial denture saddle.

All of these are the uses of a hinge attachment.

None of these are the uses of a hinge attachment.


  1. Endodonticly treated maxillary 2nd premolars usually turn gray or brown requiring a full coverage crown to mask the color. Why do these teeth also usually need a post and core foundation?

They are single rooted teeth that may shear transversely.

They are single rooted teeth that may shear vertically.

They are multi rooted teeth that may shear transversely.

They are multi rooted teeth that will shear vertically.

They are single or multi rooted teeth that will shear transversely or vertically.


  1. The post of a post and core foundation should provide more than just retention.  What else should it provide?

Support for the restoration

Equalization of the forces of mastication

Equalization of the pressure/tension theory

Reciprocation for the restoration

All of these apply




  1. The resistance form of the post and core foundation is provided by:

the post being cemented deep into the root of the tooth.

the draw form of the core.

the convenience form of the post.

the coverage of the preparation by a thin layer of metal.

all of these apply.


  1. The resistance form of the post and core foundation prevents:

vertical fracture of the post

transverse fracture of the post

vertical fracture of the tooth

transverse fracture of the tooth

None of these apply














  1. Many times post and core foundations do not have a convenience form. If this occurs, what is the post and core going to be used for?

To protect the root of the tooth from decay.

To provide support for an overdenture or overpartial.

To provide a substructure for placement of a precision attachment.

To assist the body in maintaining a healthy ridge by retaining the root of the tooth.

All of these apply.


  1. What purpose does the core of a post and core foundation have?

It provides the resistance form for the root of the tooth.

It provides the convenience form for the overcrown restoration.

It provides the retention and support for the overcrown restoration.

All of these apply.

None of these apply.


  1. One of the possibilities of a post and core foundation is to fabricate a post crown. Which of the following best describes a post crown?

A post and core with a overcrown.

A core and crown as one piece without a post

A crown and post cast as one piece.

A resistance form without a convenience form.

All of these apply.


  1. Which of the following situations is best supplied by a post crown?

A molar with multiple endodonticly treated roots.

An endodonticly treated very short central incisor.

A premolar with a single endodonticly treated root.

A cuspid with a 40mm root that needs a crown.

None of these apply.


  1. What is a telescopic foundation is used to accomplish?

To correct the draw of a tilted tooth

To assist in the use of a precision attachments.

To prevent the endodontic treatment of a tooth.

To correct the mistakes in the preparation.

None of these apply.


  1. What does the use of a telescopic foundation eliminate?

A crown                                 A bridge

A rigid connector                 A non rigid connector

All of these


  1. The difficulty in producing a bridge with a partial crown as a retainer is :

it is difficult to seal the horizontal margin.

It is difficult to seal the vertical margin.

it is difficult to remove the waxed up bridge from the die without damage to the horizontal margin.

it is difficult to remove the waxed up bridge from the die without damage to the vertical margin.


  1. Which type of partial crown retainer would most likely be on a premolar?

½                                                             7/8

1/3                                                          MOD inlay



  1. A single missing tooth on a 3-unit bridge increases the load of the abutment teeth by about ___.

25%                                                        100%

50%                                                        150%





  1. Pontics do not add occlusal load equally to the abutments. What tooth would load a premolar abutment on a 3-unit bridge more that the average?

A 3rd molar                                            A 2nd premolar

A 2nd molar                                           A 1st  premolar

A 1st molar


  1. What type of abutment is compromised even before the bridge is placed?

A ¾ crown abutment                          A pier abutment

A Cantilever abutment                       A wing abutment


  1. Multiple missing teeth increase the stress to the abutment teeth. How can the stress be reduced to the abutment teeth?

Remove all contacts from the occlusal surfaces of the abutments.

Remove all contacts from the occlusal surfaces of the pontics.

Remove all eccentric contacts from the occlusal surfaces of the abutments.

Remove all eccentric contacts from the occlusal surfaces of the bridge

None of these apply


  1. The main difference between short and long span bridges is amount occlusal loading on the abutment teeth. What is another main difference?

The number of pontics.

The types of retainers.

The materials they can be made from.

The types of pontics.

The number of abutments.


  1. The pressure tension theory states that compressive force is _____ in nature.

destructive                                            constructive

cortical                                                   cancellous


  1. Organic occlusion is used in conjunction with the pressure tension theory to insure that ____.

all stresses on the abutment are transmitted perpendicular to the long axes of the teeth.

all stresses on the abutment are transmitted parallel to the long axes of the teeth.

all stresses on the abutment are transmitted equally to all of the teeth.

no stress is transmitted to the abutment teeth.


  1. Lingual cusps of the maxillary teeth occluding buccal to the buccal cusps of the mandibulars is what type of occlusion?

Lingual Crossbite                 Class 3 Malocclusion

Class 1 Malocclusion          Buccal Crossbite

Class 2 Malocclusion


  1. The weakest link of a bridge is the connector. For each material there is a minimum sized connector. As a general rule a connector should be ____.

1mm X 1mm                                        3mm X 3mm

2mm X 2mm                                        4mm X 4mm


  1. The shape of the connector should be ______.

square shaped                                      round shaped

triangular shaped                                 heart shaped

rhomboidal shaped


  1. One way to decrease the loading on a bridge is to _____.

add extra pontics

decrease the width if the retainers.

remove extra pontics

decrease the width of the pontics

add additional retainers



  1. Of all the types of abutments, which is the most likely to be lost?
  2. pier abutments d. terminal abutments
  3. cantilever abutments e. ¾ crown abutments

c double abutments


  1. If all of the roots of the teeth are healthy, why should you not splint the teeth together?

The patient will not like it

The patient will loose their teeth

The patient will not brush them

The patient will not like it

The patient will not be able to floss between the teeth


  1. Which of the following is NOT noble?
  2. a) Gold c) Platinum
  3. b) Palladium d) Silver


  1. Alloys of gold require a metal to be added to increase hardness. What metal is added to gold alloys to increase hardness?
  2. a) Silver c) Copper
  3. b) Zinc d) Nickel


  1. The grain structure of a gold alloy plays a significant role in the strength of the alloy, the finer the grain structure, the stronger the    alloy.  What metal is  the best to add to a dental gold alloy to refine       the grain structure?
  2. a) Iridium c) Ruthenium
  3. b) Platinum d) Palladium


  1. Dental gold alloys are rated as soft, medium, hard and extra hard. What type of dental gold alloy would be considered as hard alloy?
  2. a) Type 1 c) Type 3
  3. b) Type 2 d) Type 4


  1. Type 3 and 4 dental gold alloys are able to be heat-treated (annealed and tempered). The inter-metallic compounds AuCu and AuCu3 are responsible.  What must be the correct ratio of Au to Cu by weight?
  2. a) 90% Au to 10% Cu c) 75% Au to 25% Cu
  3. b) 88% Au to 12% Cu d) 50% Au to 50% Cu


  1. Dental gold solders have formulas that closely matches the gold alloys that they are meant to solder. What metal is added to dental gold solders to lower their melting ranges?
  2. a) Palladium c) Silver
  3. b) Nickel d) Zinc


  1. What does .650 Fine solder mean?
  2. a) The solder itself is .650 fine gold alloy.
  3. b) The solder melts at the same temperature as .650 fine gold.
  4. c) It is made to solder together .650 fine gold alloy.
  5. d) It contains .650 gold.


  1. What type of dental gold alloy would be used to make a 5-unit bridge with 2 abutments and 3 pontics?
  2. a) Type 4 c) Type 2
  3. b) Type 3 d) Type 1


  1. You are going to cast a crown. You have calculated the weight of the finished crown will be 2 Dwt. 12 grains.  Your button weighs 3 Dwt. 01 grains.  How many additional 1 dwt. Ingots of new gold alloy will you add to make this casting?  (Assume you will need twice the weight of the crown minimum.)
  2. a) 1 c) 3
  3. b) 2 d) 4


  1. You cast a bridge with 12 Dwt. 21 grains of gold total. After fitting the bridge and cutting off the sprues, your button weighed 7 Dwt. 23 grains.  How much does the bridge weigh?
  2. a) 4 Dwt. 22 grains c) 5 Dwt. 02 grains
  3. b) 7 Dwt. 02 grains d) Insufficient information


  1. What is the average casting shrinkage of a dental gold alloy?
  2. a) 1.25% c) 1.75%
  3. b) 1.5% d) 2.0%


  1. What is the average casting shrinkage of a dental Stellite alloy?
  2. a) 1.25% c) 1.75%
  3. b) 2.3% d) 2.0%
  4. Cast Stellite alloys are base alloys made mostly from cobalt or nickel. What other base metal makes these metals corrosion resistant?
  5. a) Chromium c) Titanium
  6. b) Molybdenum d) Beryllium


  1. What non-metallic element is added to Stellite alloys to increase their hardness?
  2. a) Phosphorus c) Silicon
  3. b) Nitrogen d) Carbon


  1. Stellite alloys cannot be cast using the same reducing flux as cast gold alloys. What compound is used as a casting flux for Stellite alloys?
  2. a) Potassium Phosphorus c) Potassium Cyanide
  3. b) Potassium Fluoride
  4. d) Boric Acid




  1. When making a soldering flux for gold alloys, reducing flux is mixed with Vaseline. What is mixed with Stellite casting flux to make welding flux for Stellite alloys?
  2. a) Vaseline c) Water
  3. b) Alcohol d) Chloroform


  1. The Austenistic stainless steel alloy referred at as 18-8 means that there is 18% __________ and 8% ___________.
  2. a) Carbon/nickel c) Chromium/carbon
  3. b) Chromium/nickel d) Molybdenum/manganese


  1. The metal that lowers the melting range of Nickel-based Stellite alloys allowing them to become more fluid and is extremely hazardous to you health is ___________.
  2. a) Tungsten c) Beryllium
  3. b) Molybdenum d) Iron


  1. Type 1 – 4 dental gold alloys can be melted with a natural gas and compressed air torch. What type of gasses must be used to melt PFM alloys, both noble and Stellite?
  2. a) Natural gas & atmospheric air c) Natural gas & propane
  3. b) Natural gas & compressed air d) Natural gas & oxygen


  1. What type of investment would be used for casting a PFM alloy made predominantly from palladium and silver?
  2. a) Gypsum bound c) Silicate bound
  3. b) Phosphate bound w/carbon d) Phosphate bound w/o carbon


  1. Ideally, the mandibular central incisor contacts the maxillary central incisor at the __________.
  2. mesial incisal edge and the lingual fossa
  3. distal incisal edge and the lingual fossa
  4. mesial marginal ridge and lingual fossa
  5. distal marginal ridge and lingual fossa


  1. Ideally, the mandibular cuspid contacts the maxillary lateral and cuspid at the __________.
  2. distal marginal ridge of the lateral and the mesial lingual of the cuspid
  3. distal marginal ridge of the lateral and the mesial incisal the cuspid
  4. distal incisal edge of the lateral and the mesial incisal of the                cuspid
  5. distal incisal edge of the lateral and the mesial lingual of the               cuspid


  1. Ideally, the mandibular 2nd premolar facial cusp contacts the maxillary __________.
  2. 1st premolar at the distal marginal ridge
  3. 1st premolar at the mesial marginal ridge
  4. 2nd premolar at the distal marginal ridge
  5. 2nd premolar at the mesial marginal ridge


  1. Ideally, the mesio-facial cusp of the mandibular 1st molar contacts the maxillary __________.
  2. 2nd premolar at the mesial marginal ridge
  3. 2nd premolar at the distal marginal ridge
  4. 1st molar at the mesial marginal ridge
  5. 1st molar at the distal marginal ridge


  1. Ideally, the distofacial cusp of the mandibular 1st molar contacts the maxillary __________.
  2. 1st molar at the mesial marginal ridge
  3. 1st molar at the mesial pit area
  4. 1st molar at the central pit area
  5. 1st molar at the distal pit area


  1. Ideally, the mesio-facial cusp of the mandibular 2nd molar contacts maxillary _________.
  2. 2nd molar mesial marginal ridge
  3. 2nd molar mesial pit area
  4. 2nd molar central pit area
  5. 1st molar distal marginal ridge


  1. Ideally, the disto-lingual cusp of the maxillary 1st molar contacts the mandibular __________.
  2. 1st molar central pit area
  3. 1st molar distal pit area
  4. 1st molar distal marginal ridge
  5. 2nd molar mesial marginal ridge


  1. Ideally, the lingual cusp of the maxillary 1st premolar contacts the mandibular  __________.
  2. 2nd premolar mesial pit area
  3. 2nd premolar mesial marginal ridge
  4. 1st premolar distal marginal ridge
  5. 1st premolar mesial marginal ridge


  1. The mandibular central incisor podded contacts on the maxillary central incisor at the        __________.
  2. mesial incisal edge and the lingual fossa
  3. distal incisal edge and the lingual fossa
  4. mesial marginal ridge and lingual fossa
  5. distal marginal ridge and lingual fossa


  1. The mandibular cuspid podded contacts on the maxillary lateral and cuspid at the __________.
  2. distal marginal ridge of the lateral and the mesial lingual of the cuspid
  3. distal marginal ridge of the lateral and the mesial incisal the cuspid
  4. distal incisal edge of the lateral and the mesial incisal of the                cuspid
  5. distal incisal edge of the lateral and the mesial lingual of the               cuspid


  1. The mandibular 2nd premolar facial cusp poded contacts on the maxillary __________.
  2. 1st premolar at the distal marginal ridge
  3. 1st premolar at the mesial marginal ridge
  4. 2nd premolar at the distal marginal ridge
  5. 2nd premolar at the mesial marginal ridge


  1. The disto-facial cusp of the mandibular 1st molar podded contacts on the maxillary __________.
  2. 1st molar at the mesial marginal ridge
  3. 1st molar at the mesial pit area
  4. 1st molar at the central pit area
  5. 1st molar at the distal pit area


  1. The distal cusp of the mandibular 1st molar podded contacts on the maxillary __________.
  2. 1st molar at the distal pit area
  3. 1st molar at the distal marginal ridge
  4. 2nd molar at the mesial marginal ridge
  5. 2nd molar at the mesial pit area


  1. The disto-facial cusp of the mandibular 2nd molar podded contacts on the maxillary __________.
  2. 2nd molar distal marginal ridge
  3. 2nd molar distal pit area
  4. 2nd molar central pit area
  5. 2nd molar mesial pit area


  1. The lingual cusp of the maxillary 2nd premolar podded contacts on the mandibular __________.
  2. 2nd premolar distal marginal ridge
  3. 2nd premolar distal pit area
  4. 1st molar mesial marginal ridge
  5. 1st molar mesial pit area


  1. The mesio-lingual cusp of the maxillary 1st molar podded contacts on the mandibular  ____________.
  2. 2nd premolar distal marginal ridge
  3. 1st molar mesial marginal ridge
  4. 1st molar mesial pit area
  5. 1st molar central pit area


  1. The disto-lingual cusp of the maxillary 1st molar podded contacts on the mandibular __________.
  2. 1st molar central pit area
  3. 1st molar distal pit area
  4. 1st molar distal marginal ridge
  5. 2nd molar mesial marginal ridge



  1. The lingual cusp of the maxillary 1st premolar podded contacts on the mandibular  __________.
  2. 2nd premolar mesial pit area
  3. 2nd premolar mesial marginal ridge
  4. 1st premolar distal marginal ridge
  5. 1st premolar mesial marginal ridge


  1. In left lateral occlusion (working), the _____.
  2. Left condyle rotates while the right condyle translates.
  3. Right condyle rotates while the left condyle translates.
  4. Left condyle rotates while the right condyle rotates.
  5. Left condyle translates while the right condyle translates.


  1. In right lateral occlusion (working), the _____.
  2. Left condyle rotates while the right condyle translates.
  3. Right condyle rotates while the left condyle translates.
  4. Left condyle rotates while the right condyle rotates.
  5. Left condyle translates while the right condyle translates.


  1. In protrusive, the _____.
  2. Left condyle rotates while the right condyle translates.
  3. Right condyle rotates while the left condyle translates.
  4. Left condyle rotates while the right condyle rotates.
  5. Left condyle translates while the right condyle translates.


  1. Disclusion is the _____.
  2. Opening of the occlusion on side to which the mandible is moving.
  3. Opening of the occlusion on side opposite to which the mandible is moving.
  4. Closing of the occlusion on side to which the mandible is moving.
  5. Closing of the occlusion on side to which the mandible is moving.


  1. The articular eminence is the _____.
  2. Surface of the temporal bone that angles down and forward of the glenoid fossa.
  3. Surface of the ethmoid bone that angles down and forward of the condular fossa.
  4. Surface of the temporal bone that angles up and back of the glenoid fossa.
  5. Surface of the frontal bone that angles up and back of the glenoid fossa.


  1. The forward and downward motion of the mandible is called _____.
  2. Rotation
  3. Eminentiva
  4. Relation
  5. Translation


  1. The side-to-side movement of the mandible without a downward or forward movement is called _____.
  2. Rotation movement
  3. Eminentia movement
  4. Bennett movement
  5. Translation movement


  1. The intercondylar distance is _____.
  2. The distance from one condyle to the anterior teeth
  3. The distance between the condyles
  4. The distance from the condyle to the maxillary 1st molar
  5. The distance between the 1st molars


  1. An escapeway is described as:
  2. Grooves that allow foodstuffs to escape from the occlusal interface.
  3. Occlusal embrasures that allow foodstuffs to escape from the occlusal interface.
  4. Grooves and embrasures that serve as pathway for the cusps to move without interferences.
  5. All of these.
  6. The functional side is the side that the:
  7. Maxilla moves towards.
  8. Maxilla moves away from.
  9. Mandible moves away from.
  10. Mandible moves towards.



  1. The balancing side is the side that the:
  2. Maxilla moves towards.
  3. Maxilla moves away from.
  4. Mandible moves away from.
  5. Mandible moves towards.


  1. Fully Balanced Occlusion is described as:
  2. The simultaneous contact of the teeth on the functional side only.
  3. The simultaneous contact of the teeth on the non-functional side only.
  4. The simultaneous contact of the teeth on the functional and non-functional sides.
  5. The simultaneous disclusion of the teeth on the non-functional side only.


  1. Canine Guided Occlusion is described as:
  2. The total disclusion of all posterior teeth at the moment lateral excursion is initiated.
  3. The total occlusion of all posterior teeth at the moment lateral excursion is initiated.
  4. The total disclusion of all posterior teeth at the moment centric occlusion is initiated.
  5. The total disclusion of all anterior teeth at the moment lateral excursion is initiated.


332  Another way of describing Canine Guided Occlusion is:

  1. Mutually Destructive Occlusion
  2. Mutually Destructive Disclusion
  3. Mutually Protective Occlusion
  4. Mutually Protective Disclusion


  1. Group Function Occlusion is described as:
  2. All posterior teeth on the working side touch during function.
  3. All anterior teeth touch in protrusive.
  4. All posterior teeth on the balancing side disclude.
  5. All of these


  1. Only 2 teeth in the mouth have tooth-to-tooth contacts, they are:
  2. The maxillary central and 3rd
  3. The maxillary central and mandibular 3rd
  4. The mandibular central and 3rd
  5. The mandibular central and maxillary 3rd


  1. The lateral functional contacts of the lingual side of the maxillary facial cusps to the mandibular facial cusps are known as _____.
  2. Facial range.
  3. Lingual range.
  4. Lateral segment group function.
  5. Canine guided lateral function.



336 The lateral functional contacts of the lingual side of the maxillary lingual cusps to the facial side of the mandibular lingual cusps are known as _____.

  1. Facial range.
  2. Lingual range.
  3. Lateral segment group function.
  4. Canine guided lateral function.


337  The contacting of the mesial arm of the mandibular facial cusps with the distal slope of the triangular ridge of the maxillary facial cusps in protrusive excursions is called _____.

  1. Facial range protrusive nonfunctional contacts.
  2. Facial range protrusive functional contacts.
  3. Lingual range protrusive nonfunctional contacts.
  4. Lingual range protrusive functional contacts.


  1. The contacting of the distal arm of the maxillary lingual cusps with the mesial slope of the triangular ridge of the mandibular lingual cusps in protrusive excursions is called _____.
  2. Facial range protrusive nonfunctional contacts.
  3. Facial range protrusive functional contacts.
  4. Lingual range protrusive nonfunctional contacts.
  5. Lingual range protrusive functional contacts.



  1. Which of the below muscle(s) action is to move the mandible laterally?

a.masseter                                             b. temporalis

  1. external (lateral) pterygoid d. internal (medial) pterygoid


  1. A simple way to organize posterior occlusal contact potential is to divide it into zones. Zone 1 is described as:
  2. Facial incline of lower facial cusps against lingual incline of upper facial cusps: facial range function.
  3. Lower facial cusp tip against upper central groove zone: facial range centric
  4. Lingual incline of lower facial cusps against facial incline of upper lingual cusp: lateral non-function.
  5. Upper lingual cusp tip against lower central groove zone: lingual range centric.
  6. Lingual incline of upper lingual cusp against facial incline of lower lingual cusp: Lingual range function.


  1. A zone 4 contact is described as:
  2. Facial incline of lower facial cusps against lingual incline of upper facial cusps: facial range function.
  3. Lower facial cusp tip against upper central groove zone: facial range centric
  4. Lingual incline of lower facial cusps against facial incline of upper lingual cusp: lateral non-function.
  5. Upper lingual cusp tip against lower central groove zone: lingual range centric.
  6. Lingual incline of upper lingual cusp against facial incline of lower lingual cusp: Lingual range function.


  1. Which of the below muscle(s) lifts the mandible and close the jaw.
  2. masseter and internal (medial) pterygoid
  3. temporalis and masseter
  4. internal pterygoid and external (lateral)                                          pterygoid
  5. masseter and external (lateral) pterygoid
  6. If a stone cast is left in contact with an alginate impression after final set has occurred, the cast may exhibit;
  7. Rough or chalky surface texture
  8. Irregular shape voids
  9. Distortion
  10. Cracks
  1. Among all the anterior teeth which central lobe is the longest, widest and most prominent?
  1. Central              lateral
  2. Cuspid              both a& b
  3. The level of the vermillion border of the upper lip when it is completely relaxed is called__________
  4. Lip support              lip line
  5. Curve of arch              low lip line
  6. 346, Name the gingival contour of the tooth that reflects light and gives tooth shape.
    1. High lip line           c.             height of contour
    2. Imbrications lines                d.             CEJ
    3. 346. Name the V shaped contour between the gingiva and the surface of the tooth.
    4. Gingival crevice   c.             gingival depression
    5. Gingival crest                        d.             all of he aboveThe apical portion of the gingival collar is called______________
    6. Gingival crevice   c.             gingival depression
    7. Gingival crest                        d.             all of he above
  1. Name the small semicircular lines located in the gingival third area and diffuses light reflected from the surface area.
    1. high lip line                            c.             height of contour
    2. Imbrications lines                d.             CEJ
  2. The upper teeth hold the upper lip forward providing_____________
    1. lip line                                    c.             lip curvature
    2. lip support                             d.             all of the above
  3. The area along the crest of the lip bordered by the dry, reddish skin of the outer lip and the moist mucous membrane lining the lip is named___________________
    1. transitional border               c.             peripheral border
    2. labial border         d. vermillion border
  4. Name the area located above the cervical line that helps to deflect food away from the gingiva.
    1. gingival crevice    c.             gingival depression
    2. gingival crest                         d.             gingival bulge
  5. The contour of a tooth where it emerges from the gingiva is called_________
    1. emergence profile                c.             height of contour
    2. gingival crest                         d.             none of the above



  1. Name this esthetic composition that has the following characteristics:

-centrals flat to the front, vertical axis tilted slight to distal

-laterals follow the curve and shorter than the centrals

-cuspids, about same length as laterals follow the curve rotated

facially 3 to 5 degrees emphasizing their prominence at the gingiva


  1. basic esthetic composition b. soft esthetic composition
  2. strong esthetic composition d. none of the above


353, Name the anatomical feature that is important when we communicate the arrangement of teeth in the patient’s mouth

  1. transitional line angles b. gingival embrasure
  2. communicating axes d. buccal corridor
  3. Name the material that is recommended for use in cases of discolored teeth without appearing opaque
  4. Lithium disilicate
  5. Feldspathic porcelain
  6. Alumina
  7. Lithium phosphate
  1. Name the material that is suitable in all areas of the oral cavity?
  1. Leucite based ceramics
  2. Zirconia
  3. Alumina
  4. Lithium disilicate
  1. What is the flexural strength of the zirconium oxide?
  1. 400 Mpa
  2. 500Mpa
  3. 900-1100 Mpa
  4. 600 Mpa
  1. The is a monophase ceramic material formed by directly sintered crystals together
  1. Aluminum oxide
  2. Silicium oxide
  3. Yttria tetragonal zirconia polycristal
  4. Zirconium dioxide


  1. Which type of margins are required for a CAD restoration?
  1. Rounded shoulder
  2. Deep chamfer
  3. Slice
  4. a&b
  1. What is the thickness requirement for posterior zirconia restoration?
  1. .3mm
  2. .5mm
  3. .8mm
  4. .6mm


  1.  What type(s) of restorations are primarily constructed out of Leucite reinforced ceramics?
  1. Ceramic frameworks
  2. Single units
  3. Copings with layering ceramics
  4. Both a&c
  1. Restorations such as  three unit anterior bridge to second premolars can be constructed out of_____________
  1. Lithium disilicate
  2. Leucite reinforced ceramics
  3. Feldspathic porcelain
  4. Glass ceramics
  1. Restorations such as  three unit anterior bridge to first premolars can be constructed out of_____________
  1. Glass ceramics with lithium disilicate
  2. Feldspathic porcelain
  3. Silicate based with lithium disilicate
  4. Both a&c
  1. Which of the following ceramics have low resistance value?
  1. Zyrconia
  2. Alumina
  3. Silicate based ceramics
  4. Lithium disilicate
  1. The most valued propriety of silicate based ceramics is___________
  1. Flexural strength
  2. Fracture resistance
  3. Translucency
  4. Sag resistance

Which of the below all ceramic material



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