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 Effect of Rotation and Obliquity on the General Atmospheric Circulation

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Effect of Rotation and Obliquity on the General Atmospheric Circulation



In the recent past, there was a notion that energy intensity and distribution in the atmosphere was as a result of the distance of the sun, the state of the earth’s surface as well as the inclination of the axis through which the earth rotates on its orbit. On the same note, there is also a famous notion that the heat in the atmosphere is distributed by water, air motion, the elevation of the surface, seas extent, the effects of industry and the accidental changes that occur on the earth’s surface that lead to the modification of the temperature of the various climate. The current problem is to determine exactly how energy is distributed in the atmosphere.














Chapter 1: Introduction

Atmospheric circulation involves large-scale movement of air through which heat is distributed. In essence, the sun is the only source of energy. For a very long time, the Earth-sun system has been in radiative equilibrium (Gross, 2007). The Earth and its atmosphere have since enhanced the equilibrium that absorbs some of the short-wave radiation generated by the sun while emitting long-wave radiation to outer space. Besides, the Earth and the atmosphere interact with the short-wave radiation through multiple ways including absorption, scattering, and reflection. Generally, the atmospheric circulation is interrupted by the difference in the composition of geopotential field, wind field or temperature field, Hadley Cell trough, ridge, and among other factors. Lorenz Energy Cycle (LEC) approach is instrumental in this study in understanding the zonal mean as well as the eddy parts consisting of the kinetic and potential energies in determining the injected power, internal conversions, and the dissipated energy. Besides, the data in this study is produced in simulation with the Portable University Model of the Atmosphere, University of Hamburg (PUMA). The atmospheric model is a dynamic core consisting of hydrostatic primitive equations that can be in a complex climate and weather models indicating that PUMA is guided by temperature changes in the atmosphere. With that said, it is also crucial to consider Earth rotation impact atmospheric circulation and the subsequent distribution of energy on the Earth’s surface.

Earth’s Rotation

The study of Earth’s rotation is crucial especially in understanding the dynamic processes of the atmosphere. Virtually everything on the Earth including the atmosphere is directly or indirectly associated with the Earth’s rotation. According to Lobo and Bordoni (2019), if the Earth’s rotation did not happen on its axis, the circulation of the atmosphere will occur only

between the equator and the pole. The global atmospheric circulation consists of worldwide systems of winds responsible for the movement of heat from the tropical to polar latitude. Solar energy plays a significant role in heating the atmosphere at the middle latitude at the equator and the pole with varying intensities.

The movement of the air and the energies can be well understood by noting the effect of Earth rotation on the winds. The Earth rotates faster near the equator compared to the Polar Regions. Considering that this movement will not cause changes in the movement of the atmosphere to keep up with the Earths’ surface when nearing the equator, the winds start to move slowly and end up easterly. Wyngaard (2010) observed that when nearing the poles, the winds start to move faster than the Earth’s surface and end up westerly and can result in Coriolis effects that can cause that impact the movement of air in the atmosphere.

Coriolis Effect

The Coriolis Effect is the effect resulting from an invisible force appearing to deflect wind in the atmosphere. According to there is zero Coriolis force in the equator because the Earth is moving faster at the equator compared to the Polar Regions. This explains why there are regular occurrences of the cyclones and the hurricanes and it is the same reason as to why these phenomenons are seldom found in the equatorial regions. The ground moves at a different speed compared to the objects found in the air. This movement of air and the creation of the Coriolis Effect indicate that air moves from a region of high temperature to a region low temperature. As the air moves it carries with it the energy from where it is generated and is then lost on entering the low polar region. The Beta effect also results in the right movement of westward air.

Figure 1.1: The Effect of Earth Rotation

Source: Bliokh, Gorodetski, Kleiner, & Hasman (2008)

Figure 1.1 indicates that once the air is set in motion it is deflected from its path as it is in the case of Earth rotation. This deflection is the Coriolis force and is caused by Earth rotation (Bliokh, Gorodetski, Kleiner, & Hasman, 2008). The Coriolis forces deflect the air in motion as it moves from the area of high too low pressure which normally occurs in the northern hemisphere. On the other hand, the air moves from a region of high to low pressure in the southern hemisphere, Coriolis force deflects it to the left.

Atmospheric circulation with regards to potential energy occurs when there is the movement of fluids in the atmosphere transferring energy from a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature. This movement cause changes to the heat with the thermal and the incoming sun radiation causing an overall increase in the energy in the atmosphere. On the same note, when the potential energy moves in different directions, it is converted into kinetic energy which is in bulk forms and later converted back to heat by dissipative processes. However, these changes depend on various factors such as the strength of the dynamical

constraints that determine the atmospheric circulation as well as on the number of external factors such as the rotation, mass as planetary size the composition, and the mass of the atmosphere (Thompson, 1973).

The rotation of the Earth results in energies containing eddies that are like unstable baroclinic waves. The eddy energies can cascade to larger scales compared to that of baroclinic instability indicating that it is the most unstable wave in the atmosphere. When baroclinic instability is heated by the differential heating in the atmosphere generating potential energy that is converted into Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) (Becker, 2009). Lorenz energy cycle model can be used to describe the changes in energies in the atmosphere.

Lorenz Energy Cycle

Atmospheric energetics describes the roles of various types of energies in the atmospheric system. The movements of energy in the atmosphere include mechanical energies such as the potential energy as well as the kinetic energy that are associated with the atmospheric movement and its circulation (Storch et al., 2012). Owing to that, Lorenz provided a picture that shows the global atmospherics’ mechanical energies with their conversion based on the fundamental dynamical equations. Li, Ingersoll, Jiang, Feldman, and Yung (2007) asserted that the energy cycle is instrumental in diagnosing the atmospheric dynamics as well as the general circulation that can enhance the study of the Earth and other planets.

Figure 2.0: Lorenz Energy Cycle

Lorenz energy circle is used in describing the atmospheric circulation while emphasizing energy transformation as illustrated in figure 2.0. The energy circle describes how the short-waves generate the potential energy that will later be transferred to kinetic energy which is then lost in frictional dissipation.

According to figure 2.0, AZ represents Zonal mean available potential energy, AE represents eddy available potential energy, KZ represents Zonal mean kinetic energy while KE represents kinetic energy. On the other hand, G⃰, C⃰, and F⃰ represent a generation, conversion dissipation arranged in that order where ⃰ represents either Z or E.

Figure 2.0 the conversion rate among the components. To explain the process, GZ and GE are considered as an adiabatic generation for AZ and AE but only if positive while the FZ and FE represent dissipation terms for KZ and KE.

Different types of eddies are created in the atmosphere in two ways such as through barotropic instability as well as through baroclinic instability. Barotropic instability is considered

inertial instability where kinetic energy is the only type of energy that is transferred between perturbation and current. According to figure 2.0, the zonal kinetic energy directly feed eddies generated through barotropic instability indicating that KZ-KE is essential. On the other hand, the eddies generated through baroclinic instability is done through a process referred to as ‘sloping convection’ which is the movement of energy from higher pressure areas to areas of low pressure and is represented by the route AZ-AE-Kinetic Energy. On this note, the mechanism involved in the generation of eddy can be described by comparing CK and CE direction and relative intensity.

The horizontal gradient of temperature in the atmosphere results in available potential energy (APE) where baroclinic instability draws its energy where APE depends on the horizontal gradient of temperature. On the same note, energy conversion is directly proportional to perturbation heat fluxes by a horizontal temperature gradient. In the case when there is baroclinic instability, there will also be instability in the vertical shear.

The atmosphere needs heat fluxes if it has to maintain the pattern of net radiation. On this note, there is a zonally averaged meridional circulation including the tropical Hadley cell that is capable of generating these heat fluxes (Kilic, Raible & Stocker, 2017). The air containing more energy moving poleward in Hadley cell conserve angular momentum accelerating while the lower tropospheric air is slower-moving resulting in the buildup of vertical shear or the change in the direction of the wind with height towards the poleward edge of every Hadley cells.

From the Lorenz chart, many studied have been conducted to determine the atmospheric circulation and the distribution of energy. For instance, a study conducted by Guendelman and Kaspi (2019) on the Lorenz cycle in South America in the Atlantic’s Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) noted that there was a strong annual cycle of energy which intensified in the

summer. The KZ and AE values obtained supported the findings that there was intense energy circulation that affected the circulation in the region. On the same note Kang, W. (2019) conducted studies that focused on the atmospheric response that was relative to an increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. In their study, they observed that there was a dual role involved in the heating pattern. They noted that the lower levels consisting of high altitudes and the tropical upper experience strong heating, which was because of multiple factors such as the branch zonal available potential energy, increased average potential energy in the upper troposphere, as well as a decreased heating primarily caused by static stability parameter.

Currently, most of the studies conducted involving energy equations and the assessment of the Lorenz’s Cycle mainly focus on the atmosphere and the oceans. The concern in this study is on the atmospheric interaction phenomena that are associated with the change in the energy balance emission of short and long waves, the winds, and the pressure and energy transformation in the atmosphere. According to Wang, Read, Tabataba-Vakili, and Young (2019) the disturbance in the atmosphere is noted through the changes that occur throughout the energy cycle such as the increase in the potential energy, increased in the zonal modes of generation involving the potential energy as well as the kinetic energy. The changes in the atmosphere and the distribution of the energy result from the movement of air that acts as a medium of transportation and allows the change in the state of these energies.

According to research conducted by Pelino, Maimone, and Pasini (2014), the formulation of the energy cycle considers the use of climate statistics meaning that they involve the deviation of zonal means, deviations of time, and variance as well as the covariance of a basic variable. Recently, the have been various reanalysis of datasets including the ERA-40 developed by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast (ECMWF), the NCEP R2 and JRA-25

developed by Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), that have been released to add to the existing atmospheric datasets which are instrumental in investigating atmospheric energy cycle (Thompson & Pollard, 1995). The investigation consists of monthly evaluations that utilize two reanalysis datasets including ERA-40 and NCEP R2 that cover 20 years.

Lorenz energy cycle allows a better understanding of the atmospheric energy circulation and especially from the perspective of how the energy is converted by physical processes from the generation of PE by solar until when the KE is dissipated. On the same note, the net radiation generates mean available potential energy (AE) which is responsible for the latent heat in the tropics and the cooling of the polar region. On the other front, the turbulence and surface friction dissipates the mean kinetic energy (KM) involved in a barotropic process. On the same note, the KM (KZ) is generated when the Hadley cell creates a zonal angular momentum found in the upper area of the circulation. Owing to that, the PM will be converted to KM [C (PM, KM) > 0]. On the other hand, the KM is used by Ferrel cell in the midlatitude slightly faster compared to the production of Km in the Hadley cell and the subsequent conversion of some of the KM into Pm [C (PM, KM) > 0]. Therefore, the energy conversion in this approach will follow the path Pm → PE → KE →KM.








Chapter 2.0: Methodology

This study utilized the PUMA model that consists of a spectral dynamic core necessary for solving the dry primitive equations regarding a sphere. The model ensures that by the help of the code that Hoskins and Simmons developed achieves the desired result. The prognostic variables include temperature, vorticity, and divergence as well as ln ps (where ps represent the surface

pressure). Besides, in the vertical, the PUMA domain utilizes finite-difference of 10 equally spaced σ levels with σ= p/ps. A filtered and leaped-frog semi-implicit scheme enhanced the integration in time. On the same note, the study utilized thermal forcing through a linear relaxation in on a particular axisymmetric temperature field constant within time as well as with a relaxation time scale denoted TR. Provide that the equator-to-pole temperature difference is 60K, the complete restoration of the temperature field is expected to produce the same distribution to the Earth.

Figure 3.0: Restoration Temperature and Potential Temperature

Source: Read et al., (2018)

According to figure 3.0, the colors show restoration temperature while the contours represent the potential temperature field in K units and difference of 60k between the equator and the pole. It was assumed that in each case there was no surface topography and that the spherical planet was smooth in each case. Dissipation combined linear Rayleigh dragging towards rest and especially in the lowest two model levels as well as an 8 hyper-diffusion that acts separately on voracity, temperature, and divergence. On the same note, simulations were conducted on an isotherm state at rest where there was a series of the rates of planetary rotation

which is from Ω⃰ = Ω/ΩE = 1/16 to Ω⃰ = 8, for 5 years. Slowly rotating simulations (Ω⃰ = ≤ 1) the horizontal resolution was set T42, for faster-rotating simulations (Ω⃰ = 1) was set to T127 and reserved for simulations (Ω⃰ = 2, 4 and 8) set to T127.

Energy Budgets

Figure 4.0


ZPE: Available potential energy of the zonal mean flow

ZKE: Kinetic energy of the zonal mean flow

SPE: Available potential energy of the stationary waves

SKE: Kinetic energy of stationary waves

TPE: Available potential energy of the transient waves

TKE: Kinetic energy of the transient waves

LW: Long waves (wavenumber less than 4)

SW: Synoptic waves (wavenumber from 4 to 9)

KW: Short waves (wavenumber larger than 9)

Units: Reservoirs in 105 J/m2

                Conversion in W/m2

Figure 4.0 starts with a positive value. The value of CZ in the figure depends on the co-variance existing between temperature and the zonal mean of vertical velocity. The value of CZ also indicates the growth of KZ which is at the expense of AZ especially during the rise of warm air and the sinking of cold air in the atmosphere or latitudinally. The value of CA depends on the relationship between the vertical gradient of zonal average temperature and the vertical transport of sensible heat as well as the meridional gradient of zonal average temperature and meridional transport of sensible heat. The value CE in figure 4.0 depends on the conversion or the covariance between temperature and the omega vertical motion. According to figure 4.0, the KE increases but at the expense of AE which happens when warm air is rising and the cold air s sinking longitudinally. The CK value which represents the barotropic conversion depends upon zonal and meridional (horizontal) as well as vertical transport involving angular momentum. In figure 4.0, CZ is positive meaning that the local growth of KZ (AZ) is at the expense of AZ(KZ).  In the figure, the negative values are also indicated by the inverse direction of the arrows which are relative to the original flow of energy in the frame. The figure indicates that during meridional (zonal) differential heating, AZ (AE) is generated. Nonzero boundary transports involving potential and kinetic energy are crucial which why it is crucial to include four new components of energy budgets that will represent the conversions AZ, AE, KZ, as well as KE which are denoted as BAZ, BAE, BKZ as well as BKE respectively. While considering the appearance of KE and KZ at their boundaries BΦE and BΦZ respectively. The equation below is used for this work.

=-CZ – CA + BAZ + GZ                                 (1a)




The above equation represents four amount of energies including AZ, AE, KZ as well as KE with their conversions CA, CE, CZ as well as CK and their generation GE and GZ and their dissipations RKZ and RKE and their boundary flux BAZ, BAE, BKZ as well as BKE. BΦZ and BΦE represent the dynamic mechanisms responsible for the production of the destruction of the kinetic energy. CZ, CE, BΦZ, and BΦE derivatives include a single term represented in form V, ∇, Φ that shows the appearance of kinetic energy through a cross-isobaric low that moves towards low pressure. Kinetic energy is destroyed when cross-isobaric is flowing towards the high pressure.

Figure 5.0









ZPE: Available potential energy of the zonal mean flow

ZKE: Kinetic energy of the zonal mean flow

SPE: Available potential energy of the stationary waves

SKE: Kinetic energy of stationary waves

TPE: Available potential energy of the transient waves

TKE: Kinetic energy of the transient waves

LW: Long waves (wavenumber less than 4)

SW: Synoptic waves (wavenumber from 4 to 9)

KW: Short waves (wavenumber larger than 9)

Units: Reservoirs in 105 J/m2

                Conversion in W/m2

Figure 5.0 the atmospheric circulation were classified further into zonal flux APE (ZAPE), the zonal flux difference APE or Eddies (EAPE), eddies KE (EKE), and zonal flow KE (ZKE). This equation means that the energy supply that powers the air circulation is just the origin of APE, which mainly exists as ZAPE. That energy is transmitted to EAPE where it would be transformed to EKE in turn. Such EKE becomes largely dissipated and also the remaining flows to the ZKE to ensure a friction-free zonal drain. This was hard to calculate the magnitude as well as the direction of both the ZAPE-ZKE exchange thanks to the shortage of observational data of good enough quality because it includes the distinction among different huge volumes: a ZAPE to ZKE transformation by both the Hadley circulation as well as a ZKE to ZAPE transformation by the Ferrell circulation. Because the eddy components of that same circulation involve a huge spectrum of spatial scales, decomposition of the eddy in such a spectrum-dependent manner seems to be valuable. However, the study applies a wavenumber-dependent outer pushing to a general circulation model (GCM) in order to fully understand planetary wave synoptic wave dynamics within the atmosphere, and also to establish a method for more research. Throughout the changing analyzes including its European Center of Medium-Range Weather Predictions as well as the Regional Centers for Environmental Analysis, the pressure restricts different GCM length scales for being similar to those. The efficacy of the SW forcing is determined by the mean-variance of zonal error of increasing wave amount, multiplied by the zonal variance of the experiments. In general, such a ratio would be less than 0.2 where the variation in the measurement is high. The pentad-mean 500-hPa height systemic error is quite low when opposed to the regulation throughout the PW-forced studies. Throughout the SW-forced tests the reduction of errors is quite small, as well as the zonal means biased becomes increased relative to the power.

Figure 6.0

ZPE: Available potential energy of the zonal mean flow

ZKE: Kinetic energy of the zonal mean flow

SPE: Available potential energy of the stationary waves

SKE: Kinetic energy of stationary waves

TPE: Available potential energy of the transient waves

TKE: Kinetic energy of the transient waves

LW: Long waves (wavenumber less than 4)

SW: Synoptic waves (wavenumber from 4 to 9)

KW: Short waves (wavenumber larger than 9)

Units: Reservoirs in 105 J/m2

                Conversion in W/m2

Figure 6.0 above, the pentad-mean 500-hPa height systemic error is quite low when opposed to the regulation in the PW-forced experiments. Throughout the SW-forced tests the reduction of errors is quite small, as well as the zonal mean bias becomes increased relative to the power. Implications concerning errors in the planetary wave system GCM method are mentioned. Except for the SW01 experiment, there is a drastic decrease within systemic error, showing the value of wavenumber 1 errors in the GCM. The very small reduction throughout the random pentad average height error as opposed to the regulation throughout the SW forced experiments demonstrates the intrinsically unpredictable existence of the PWs. The mean 5-day stream function pattern throughout the control experiment owing to bandpass transient SW – SW interactions continues to stretch the Pacific jet too much to the east, as well as the Atlantic jet far enough to the equator. The pushing of SW throughout this transient-mean flow relationship decreases the systematic error, however, and systematic errors exist throughout the Atlantic, in which the mean flow is still in error. The PW-forced tests indicate very small systemic error within that relationship, showing 1) the high steering impact of the PWs also on SWs, and 2) the GCM ‘s capacity to accurately model the SWs. The SW – SW transient – mean flow interaction ‘s spontaneous error underlines the SWs’ inherent absence with consistency. Furthermore, from the diagram, nonlinear effects are predicted to control the frequency range of shorter gravitational waves, rendering it impossible to examine the energy equilibrium between wind-wave production, dissipation, and nonlinear wave-wave interactions required to decide the wave spectrum structure. Sometimes there is a need to overcome wave paths despite, for instance, the 180 ° uncertainty of 2D images used during the analysis of the radar Doppler signal nor underwater acoustics.

Figure 7.0













ZPE: Available potential energy of the zonal mean flow

ZKE: Kinetic energy of the zonal mean flow

SPE: Available potential energy of the stationary waves

SKE: Kinetic energy of stationary waves

TPE: Available potential energy of the transient waves

TKE: Kinetic energy of the transient waves

LW: Long waves (wavenumber less than 4)

SW: Synoptic waves (wavenumber from 4 to 9)

KW: Short waves (wavenumber larger than 9)

Units: Reservoirs in 105 J/m2

                Conversion in W/m2

Figure 7.0 Zonal usable potential energy (ZPE), AZ, was shown to being a reliable instrument for analyzing shifts throughout the troposphere’s wide circulation across synoptic to yearly time scales. This is a calculation of the potential energy usable in a system for transfer to the eddy potential energy AE through eddy kinetic energy (KE), KE. AZ generation happens through diabatic mechanisms increasing the strength of the meridional temperature difference. Depletions of AZ may occur by a transfer into zonal kinetic energy KZ, however, during times of heavy synoptic-scale, it’s far more rigorously and quickly exhausted by baroclinic conversions towards AE and KE. The Kinetic energy of the transient waves, further used to define the direction of energy transmission throughout the atmosphere, consists of a set of energy storage, production, conversion as well as boundary concepts which TKE: Kinetic energy of the transient waves first formalized. The variance of AZ is indeed a function of producing AZ (GZ) and transforming AZ to AE (CA) and KZ (CZ) respectively. Variable heating combined with diabatic warming contributes to increased southern thermal gradients due to the positive GZ and decreased baroclinic uncertainty. As shown in Figure, the vertically integrated (ZKE) Kinetic energy of the zonal mean flow may not significantly change from the figure with a higher surface, although slightly diminishing near the jet core. That answer is contradictory to whether the function of the barotropic governor might expect. A non-dispersive structure does have the property which, independent of both the wavelength as well as frequency, all waves travel at a similar speed. Such waves are also the topic of this but the preceding section broken up through transverse as well as longitudinal waves, all between. The characteristic of a diffraction system would be that a wave ‘s amplitude depends on the wavelength with the frequency.

Figure 8.0

ZPE: Available potential energy of the zonal mean flow

ZKE: Kinetic energy of the zonal mean flow

SPE: Available potential energy of the stationary waves

SKE: Kinetic energy of stationary waves

TPE: Available potential energy of the transient waves

TKE: Kinetic energy of the transient waves

LW: Long waves (wavenumber less than 4)

SW: Synoptic waves (wavenumber from 4 to 9)

KW: Short waves (wavenumber larger than 9)

Units: Reservoirs in 105 J/m2

         Conversion in W/m2

The wave’s intensity relies on the magnitude and duration of both. When each wavelength ‘s energy is called a single energy package, a higher frequency wave can produce more of those packets every unit time than a lower frequencies wave. however, from the figure, it is noted that perhaps the average rate of transmission of energy in mechanical waves is equal mostly to the amplitude square as well as the frequency square. When two surface waves do similar amplitudes, however, one wave does have a frequency equal to double the frequency of each other, the greater-frequency wave would have an energy transmission rate four times higher than the lower-frequency wave energy transmission rate. These should be remembered that while the level of energy transmission throughout the mechanical waves becomes proportional to either the amplitude square as well as the intensity square, the amount of energy transmission through electromagnetic waves becomes proportional to just the amplitude square, however irrespective of the frequency. Consider an SKE: Kinetic energy of stationary waves, as seen in (Figure 7.0), on an SKE: Kinetic energy of stationary waves produced by Kinetic energy. The Kinetic energy is an apparatus that vibrates up with down a rod. To both, the rod has connected a string with standardized linear mass density, as well as the rod oscillates the loop, creating a sinusoidal motion. The rod is doing the string function, generating energy that promulgates along its thread. The waves always correlated with future strength. Just as the mass that oscillates on motion, there is a conservative restore force that forces the mass entity back to the state of equilibrium whenever the mass entity is removed from the location of balance. For such available potential energy of the stationary waves on a string, the coefficients for the wave ‘s energy as well as the time-averaged strength were obtained. Waves often do not seem to move; instead, they only vibrate within a place.

Figure 9.0


ZPE: Available potential energy of the zonal mean flow

ZKE: Kinetic energy of the zonal mean flow

SPE: Available potential energy of the stationary waves

SKE: Kinetic energy of stationary waves

TPE: Available potential energy of the transient waves

TKE: Kinetic energy of the transient waves

LW: Long waves (wavenumber less than 4)

SW: Synoptic waves (wavenumber from 4 to 9)

KW: Short waves (wavenumber larger than 9)

Units: Reservoirs in 105 J/m2

                Conversion in W/m2

The arrows in the Lorenz energy cycle in figure 9.0 indicate the direction corresponding positive values while the negative values implying a positive direction. The energy conversions as indicated in figure 9.0 are intimately associated with heat transportation as well as the momentum of eddies. The baroclinic conversion involved in the CZP→EP is responsible for the conversation of energy between the potential energies. The model indicates that baroclinic conversion is positive, which shows that in the zonal mean state eddies transport heat against the temperature gradient. This process is a representation of the second rule of thermodynamic which suggested that in the long run, the thermodynamic system lowers the temperature gradients. The barotropic conversion involved in the process CZK→EK is responsible for the conversion of energy between the kinetic energies which is indicated as negative. Hence, in the zonal mean state, eddies transport momentum increases velocity gradients. For the zonal mean, the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy CZP→ZK and for the eddy field CEP→EK. Since they vanish in the derivative of zonal total energy and the eddy they are an exchange term of energy. CEP→EK is noted as more relevant and is positive. Therefore, on average when warmer air increases or cooler air falls reducing the center of mass of the atmosphere. There are also energy falls linked to the various concepts of pressure, absorption, and Newtonian cooling. Remember that all of them are positive energy sinks while eddies bear momentum that intensifies velocity gradients throughout the zonal mean state. There are transformations for the zonal mean CZP→ZK from potential to kinetic energy and also for the eddy field CEP→EK. They are an energy exchange concept because they disappear in the eddy derivative as well as zonal total energy. CEP→EK becomes more relevant as well as positive. Therefore, on balance, hot air increases or cooler air falls lower the atmosphere’s center of mass.

Figure 10

ZPE: Available potential energy of the zonal mean flow

ZKE: Kinetic energy of the zonal mean flow

SPE: Available potential energy of the stationary waves

SKE: Kinetic energy of stationary waves

TPE: Available potential energy of the transient waves

TKE: Kinetic energy of the transient waves

LW: Long waves (wavenumber less than 4)

SW: Synoptic waves (wavenumber from 4 to 9)

KW: Short waves (wavenumber larger than 9)

Units: Reservoirs in 105 J/m2

                Conversion in W/m2

The conversion cycle begins with the positive CZ values (Figure 4.0) indicating that zonal kinetic energy is produced again from potential energy available. At the upper levels, CA is predominantly negative (Figure 4.0), suggesting the development of zonally available potential energy at the expense of eddy available potential energy.

This would be expected since the domain is in the tropics and behaves like a sink of eddies from higher latitudes propagating within Rossby ways. In the mid and upper levels, the remaining baroclinic term CE has a relatively uniform pattern which indicates that weak eddy disturbances are indeed observed to develop on average (Figure 4.0). The energy cycle ends with a simple barotropic conversion (development of KE by momentum transfer). From a meteorological perspective, therefore, AZ continually provides an important source of KZ from low to high troposphere layers, while KE partly aids KZ production by barotropic conversion in the higher levels. net radiation heating from SW and the emission of latent heat in the tropics, as well as gross infrared cooling throughout the polar region, produce the mean available potential energy. The rising baroclinic disturbances turn PE into eddy-available potential energy and afterward convert PE into eddy kinetic energy depending on baroclinic instability caused by the sinking of colder air and the rising eddies of warmer air. In a barotropic phase, some portion of KE is converted to the mean kinetic energy of the mean flow. Nevertheless, surface friction and turbulence dissipate the bulk of the kinetic energy of large-scale eddies. Direct circulation (Hadley cell) in the tropics produces a zonal angular momentum in the upper branch of the circulation which is related to the generation of Kinetic energy. Potential energy is then converted into Kinetic energy. In the midlatitude, however, indirect circulation (Ferrel cell) consumes KE at a considerably faster rate than how KE generated in the Hadley cell, and then some of KE is converted back into PE.

Model Setup and Experiment Design                                                                                                                                                        The design used here is PUMA centered on both the software established through Hoskins and Simmons (1975), which consists of a spectral dynamic center resolving the dried primitive calculations on such a spherical. The diagnostic factors become temperature, separation, vorticity, as well as ln ps (in which ps can be surface stress). Therefore, model scope utilizes the vertical discretization of finite-difference utilizing 10 stages of π evenly spaced (where π = pps). Timely convergence was achieved using a semi-implicit jump-frog threaded scheme. Thermal pressure was introduced by a linear Relativistic regression to something like a specified (axisymmetric) temperature area that has been fixed in phase, with such a time-rate relaxation ÿ. Thermal pressure was introduced by linear Newtonian regression to a specified (axisymmetric) temperature area that has been fixed in time, with a moment-scale stimulation ÿR. The full restore temperature area (with an equator-to-pole pressure difference of 60 K) had been meant to signify similar Earth-like dissemination. The radiative moment-scale, πR, throughout the free environment was estimated at 30 Earth days, declining to 2.5 Earth days at ÿ= 1.0. In every case, flat, circular earth was believed, with no topography on the floor. Simulations were performed at a sequence of planetary rotation speeds from such an isothermal condition at resting, from somewhere = somewhere = 116 to somewhere = 8, for a duration equal to 10 years on earth. The horizontal resolution had been set at T42 for gradually rotating models (sometimes = 1), T127 for quickly rotating models at such a distance = 1 and T170 including projections at even a distance = 2, 4 and 8. Over most of the final design year, the calculated diagnostics had all been averaged for every run. Wang et al. (2018) provide more information on device configuration and test architecture.

Analysis of Energy Budgets

The kinetic energy, EK, and usable potential energy (APE), EA, of such an environment can be described (like Augier as well as Lindborg, 2013) of tension co-ordinates using EK(p) =, (2) EA(p) = π(p)′22, (3) in which u would be the horizontal element of that same complete velocity v = (u, =), = DpDt seems to be the lateral velocity to tension non-ordinates, = potential temp, = median speed v = (u, = DpDt).

π(p) is described as R[(p)p)p], (4) whereby R is really the fuel value, R(p)=(pR)p seems to be the relative pressure, pR would be the relative tension, as well as R(p) seems to be the relative pressure. Entropy’s connection concepts including spectral fluxes could be further split down through contributions through eddy – eddy connections as well as eddy – zonal stream relationships (Burgess et al., 2013). Nonlinear terminology of enstrophy connection owing to strictly eddy – eddy relationships, Jn(e), could be derived through Equation 30, however, form 0 conducting the total in m. The input by eddy – zonal average correlations to Jn would then be clearly Jn(z) = Jn − Jn(e). And the enstrophy spectrum flux could be decayed as n = n(z) + n(e).

Spectral Transfer Fluxes of Energy and Enstrophy For Varying Rotation Rates

Within this segment, we address spectral enstrophy as well as the power flux of the previously mentioned PUMA-S simulation. It will be meant a more thorough description of both the specific spectral exchange pathways inside our modeled atmosphere circulations over a number of variable spaces, especially the use of Augier and Lindborg (2013) spectral thermodynamic efficiency formulations. We will address the problem of however the energy of the macroturbulent fluid flow is transferred among sizes and transformed between APE as well as KE from this kind of spatial energy budget. In particular, we are involved and want to see to what degree kinetic energy is introduced onto the device and whether this power winds up. They discern between two types of transmitting among scales, based on if the transmitting becomes spectrally local, from neighboring scales (comprising a typical energy cascade), including non-local, where energy becomes transmitted directly from each scale to someone else at broad wavenumber cycles (akin to a “waterfall”: M. E. McIntyre, 2016). The above can exist, for example, between random waves numerical disruptions as well as the zonal flow (m=0).

We conduct an external decay through zonal as well as eddy elements to define this relationship among eddies as well as the zonal flow (the eddy – imply flow connection). We conduct an added decomposition through zonal as well as eddy elements to define this relationship between eddies as well as the zonal stream (the eddy – imply flow connection). This cell lysis became accomplished by taking the eddy part (via Xeddy = X −[X]) of each input variable (i.e., u, v, often, often, sometimes, T) as well as recalibrating most the fluxes from everything (whereby the original flux measurement value is used). Then, the zonal portion is retained as remaining. The “eddy” portion for spectrum fluxes includes eddy-eddy interaction,

whereas the “zonal” portion comprises latent interaction with the high pressing mean stream (like mixing eddy-zonal as well as high press-zonal relationships).

Spectral Enstrophy Fluxes

Theoretical explanation of quasigeostrophic disturbance (like Charney, 1971; Salmon, 1978; 1980) indicates that perhaps the flux with enstrophy will be downscale across the size spectrum, but this relies on both the flow requirements for quasigeostrophic which satisfy. This pattern is all but aligned with that assumption throughout the cases seen though with few examples. In which the quasigeostrophic estimate is unlikely to be true, enstrophy fluxes are usually very poor at all dimensions at lower rotation speeds (albeit with a slightly rising bias towards the smaller solved levels, whereby diffusion is important. However, as expected for quasigeostrophic disturbances, enstrophy flux is slightly greater and optimistic at modest to low scales for somewhere between 1 and 1 (or anywhere below 1 and 1). There is a slight propensity for the enstrophy flux of becoming harmful at larger scales, suggesting a low upgrade cascade spectrum and meaning a spectrally localized net origin of enstrophy at both the amount of both the wave. It waves amount increasing slowly from about n = 5–6 at range = 1 level to n < 75 at level = 8. Enstrophy flux amplitude and distributions of eddy – eddy as well as zonal – eddy definitions often shift for each. Enstrophy fluxes seem fairly low for anywhere in 1 and have been driven through correlations between zonal as well as an eddy.



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