Effective communication to the targeted audience
For effective communication, the writer must consider examining his audience.The target audience is the audience intended to receive one`s speech. The most important thing is the audience analysis, which involves identifying the target audience that one has. Identifying the target audience is very important since it helps understand the target audience well and help adapt one`s speech to their level of understanding, interests, attitudes, and beliefs. By doing so, one will be taking the center approach of their audience. Therefore many factors can help an individual to critically analyze their audiences, which helps in speech optimization.
The following factors can help one know more about their audience just by having a few considerations. The first one is the audience expectations, putting into account this factor can be helpful since it will make a person know the right approach to use in their speech. The knowledge of the topic will also be determined by analyzing the audience thoroughly. Having the correct understanding of the subject to be addressed will give one a better edge and control. From considering the target audience, one will be able to judge the attitude this audience has on the topic that has been chosen. Analyzing the audience will help have a better judgment of whether they are ego-centric or volunteers. This will help an individual to come up with better ways in which they will use to involve their audience in the speech. Besides, the audience will get to know their demographics and setting through careful examination. Knowing the demographics like age, religion, gender, background, education, occupation, and class will help the speaker choose the right delivery, involvement, and language to use in giving their speech. Therefore considering the audience is deemed a smart move since it can give one an upper hand when giving their speech.