effective emails that are sound in terms of logos, ethos, and pathos
DUE: February 28, 2017 at the beginning of class. Hand in a hard copy at the beginning of class, and email me a soft copy. Include a title page. See syllabus for assignment submission guidelines. Marks will be deducted for failure to follow instructions.
WORTH: 5% of your final grade
You have been given two scenarios below for which you are to write effective emails that are sound in terms of logos, ethos, and pathos. You must include all standard components of an email.
- You and a few like-minded fellow students are looking to start a public speaking group in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. In order to qualify for funding, you need a minimum of twelve members to sign up for the group. Write an email to send to all of the students in the faculty encouraging them to join your group. Be sure to include:
-advantages/incentives for them to join
-information about the group’s purpose and activities
-sign-up information
-any other important information (IMPORTANT: think about the five W’s)
Max: 300 words
- Write an email to a former instructor or employer, requesting permission to name that person as a reference in a job application. Be sure to include all of the information the person will need in order to serve as a reference for you. NOTE: You are asking for someone to be a reference, and you are NOT asking for them to write a letter of reference.
(See: https://tulane.edu/hiretulane/students/upload/Asking-For-References.pdf for a checklist)
Helpful Hints:
- Do not spend a lot of time stating the obvious (e.g. “if you agree to serve as my reference, the company will contact you by telephone or email.” This is standard practice, and so does not need to be said.).
- Remember to think of the beginning, middle and end when organizing this email. You should introduce, discuss, and then conclude.
Max:300 words
These are imaginary scenarios, so you are free to embellish and add details to both scenarios as you wish, as long as the details are realistic.
Each email will be assessed in four major categories:
Content (Have you provided all of the information required? Have you included all of the necessary components of an email? Have you provided me with info that suits the task assigned? Have you adhered to the conventions of professional writing we’ve reviewed in class? )50%
Organization (Have you organized your emails in a logical, coherent, reader-friendly way? Is the email written in a logical order? Also think: flow, white space, good use of lists and bullets where appropriate)10%
Style (Have you followed the technical writing conventions we’ve discussed and practiced in class? Think tone, concise sentences, clear language, active voice, avoidance of clichés, etc.)20%
Mechanics (Grammar,Spelling,Punctuation) 20%
Student Group Email(50% of the grade for this assignment)
Content: /50
Organization: /10
Style: /20
Mechanics: /20
Reference Request Email (50% of the grade for this assignment)
Content: /45
Organization: /15
Style: /20
Mechanics: /20
_____ %