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Effects of COVID-19 on Adults

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Effects of COVID-19 on Adults

COVID-19 has affected almost everybody in the world. Among the population that has been substantially affected, COVID-19 is adults. Covid-19 has affected adults in multiple ways, making it hard for them to implement their leadership roles. Most adults are leaders in one way or the other, for instance, adults who are not leaders in their workplace and homes. The first way that COVID-19 has affected adults’ lives globally is that it has affected their mental health, inhibiting them from carrying out their day-to-day activities. COVID-19 has adversely affected adults’ mental health in that they are experiencing anxiety because of the uncertainty that is associated with COVID-19 (Galea, 2020). Most adults are experiencing mental health breakdowns because they are unsure when the COVID-19 pandemic will end and return to normal. Additionally, adults are experiencing anxiety because of the coronavirus as it does not have a cure. Consequently, adults are unable to perform their roles effectively. Therefore, it is essential to examine how the pandemic affects and impacts the lives of adults.

Another way that COVID-19 affects the mental health of adults adversely influencing their lives is that some of them have lost a family member or a friend because of COVID-19. Losing a close family member can be traumatizing, significantly affecting one’s mental health, making such a person experience distress, inhibiting their ability to perform as expected. Currently, the number of people who have died because of COVID-19 relate complications is about eight hundred and thirty thousand, which means many adults have been substantially affected by the death of their loved ones (WHO, n.d). Furthermore, adults are the most infected with COVID-19, and most of them are experiencing mental health disturbances because they are afraid of dying, as the disease does not have a known cure.


Galea, S., Merchant, R. M., & Lurie, N. (2020). The mental health consequences of COVID-19 and physical distancing. JAMA Internal Medicine, 180(6), 817.

WHO (n.d) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – World Health Organization. WHO | World Health Organization.


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