Effects of global health on the feasibility of events
- Introduction
- How event typologies are affected in a pandemic crisis
- Music
- Arts
- Charity
- Factors affecting the feasibility of an event in the global health crisis
- How stakeholders and production is affected during the global health crisis
- Specific risks and contingencies applied to support activities during a global health crisis
- Conclusion
- References
- Introduction
The global crisis in various sectors have been witnessed worldwide, and the health sector has not been excluded. There has been various health crisis that has affected the globe generally. For instance, the coronavirus pandemic is now a great global health crisis (Sohrabi et al., 2020). This crisis has greatly affected the feasibility of events like art, music, just to mention a few. This assay report will be categorized into four major groups where, firstly it will discuss how music, art and charity typologies are affected in a global health crisis. Secondly, it will discuss the factors affecting the feasibility of event in a global health crisis, thirdly, will discuss how stakeholders and production are affected during a health crisis and lastly, the specific risks and contingencies should be considered in a global health crisis.
- How event typologies are affected in a pandemic crisis
- Music
During the pandemic crisis, various event typologies are affected. For instance, music typology has been one of the events affected during the pandemic crisis. It has always been found that there is a clear relationship between music and healing (DeNora, 2016). Music is a typology has been used during global health pandemic in improving the healing process of the patients since it has been known to have crucial roles in sustaining global health pandemic like the coronavirus pandemic. This music therapy has been proved to be of great help in reducing anxiety among the patients because of its soothing capacity. It also helps restore emotional balance through the pleasure, which is mostly shared by the participants, thus facilitating the healing process of the affected individuals. It is also noted that music abolishes pain through effective auditory stimulation. Music is known to calm neural activity in the brain which in one way or the other, restores effective functioning of the immune system through the action of the hypothalamus and this leads to decrease in the activity levels of neurons as a result of the calming effect brought about by music. Music has been greatly used during global pandemics to reduce stress among the patients and foster hope to them. For instance, it was found that patients admitted in hospitals with acute myocardial infarction, experienced a decrease in levels stress as a result of music therapy use where music had been introduced into coronary care units (Batt-Rawden, 2010).During the pandemic crisis, music has always been used as a healing tool for the sick.
- Art
Art has been affected greatly during the global pandemic, where it has been used to express experiences that cannot be put into words like, for example, in cancer diagnosis. Through art, the infected are in a position to explore meanings of past, present and even the future and this makes it easy for them to accept the condition they are in, and this helps them integrate the condition in their life story thus giving it a meaning. Visual arts have been proved to improve self-expression and also the reconstruction of an individuals’ positive identity. Art has been known to act as a refuge from the emotions that result from illness. Art has been of great help where most patients engage either in pottery, card making, textiles, among others in expressing their understanding of their condition. Use of art in global pandemics like in heart diseases has been proved to reduce stress and induce sleep among the sick ( Laut et al., 2020). This art typology has been affected that there are so many patients having being affected by common diseases, and proper monitoring of the sick may be difficult since handling of large numbers is cumbersome.
- Charity
In the case of the global health crisis, charity typology has been affected since donors may not be willing to offer their donations due to large.During the health crisis, International health assistance has been greatly determined by the generosity of the donor or the contributor, and this becomes less reliable in the case of global pandemic (DeCamp, 2011). Presence of large numbers of sick individuals like in the case of coronavirus has scared them, and they withhold their donations
- Factors affecting the feasibility of events in a global health crisis
Feasibility of events, especially during global health crisis like, for instance, the coronavirus pandemic, is affected by various factors. These factors age of the individuals, the occurrence of the infection, the disease activity and the period the pandemic will take. Age of the individuals has greatly affected the feasibility of events during a global pandemic. For instance, the coronavirus pandemic has proved to affect the young adults, and the older adults are mostly unlike the children since these groups are working-class individuals and thus are more exposed to the pandemic thus increasing the transmission. The occurrence of the infection is yet another factor where treatment of the infected individuals becomes a challenge, and the large numbers of the individuals getting infected with the pandemic may increase to the level that becomes too difficult to handle (Van Vughut et al., 2016). For instance, the occurrence of coronavirus pandemic has proved high levels where world -wide large numbers of individuals are being infected daily, and this affects the feasibility of events. The period which the pandemic takes before it disappears is another factor affecting the feasibility of events in the global crisis. For instance, the influenza pandemic of 2009 took a long period and this affected feasibility of events. The activity of the infection is also proved to affect the feasibility of events. The level of the pandemic to circulate within a community poses a great challenge since it is so hard to predict the level of its activity. For example, the influenza activity of 2009 proved so difficult to determine its level of activity and the strains which can circulate very far.
- How stakeholders and production is affected during the global health crisis
Global pandemic affects many sectors and more so the economic field. During the global pandemic, stakeholders and production are greatly affected. These two areas have been affected in different ways. Industries have been greatly affected especially during any global health pandemic, where a reduced workforce has been noticed since the company cannot sustain its employees since the industry production is low. This results in the firing of some of the employees and this results in low production of the industry. Stakeholders like the customers, employees, investors, suppliers, government among others are also affected in a global health crisis, like for instance during the coronavirus pandemic, the role of stakeholders in a company have remarkably reduced thus causing a standstill of the company’s project since investors no longer finance the company’s or industries project (Bhargava et al., 20010. Customers as stakeholders have also been affected where their services are not fulfilled, and even the availability of goods and services becomes a challenge. Suppliers, both domestic and foreign as one of the stakeholders in a company, are usually affected since they can’t reach their customers because of some measures put across like the lockdown strategy. Employees as stakeholders lose their jobs since the company does not have enough money to cater for their salaries, thus affecting the company’s service provision and workforce, thus leading to a decrease in the production of different industries. Through the effect impacted by any global health crisis, the relationship between these groups is affected, leading to decreased production of the industries. For instance, during the global pandemic like coronavirus that has hit the globe, economic growth of most countries has dramatically decreased since no imports or exports that are allowed in any of the countries, tourism which is a major sector in various countries has decreased as a result of the pandemic thus various countries have experienced an economic crisis. Any global health pandemic has been known to bring the crisis in the economy of the affected countries and recovery from the crisis may take a long period.
- Specific risks and contingencies considered by Emergency medical service in a global health crisis
Emergency medical service is known to play important roles in emergency cases like accidents where it determines the need for emergency care where dispatches appropriate air and ground ambulances and other EMS responders to triage, treat or even transport patients to appropriate health care facilities. This EMS service is only limited to a small number of patients that it can handle effectively. In the case of a global pandemic, this body has to put up with several risks to cater for the large group of the infected individuals since, during the pandemic, it is stressed to its limit. During a mass casualty incident, the EMS is forced to modify its care from being conventional to crisis care. According to Gostin et al., (2009), the risks encountered include, shortage of resources like limited staff, supplies and also equipment that are required in offering the emergency services and this is as a result of a larger number of individuals that needs attention. Inadequate medicine is yet another risk that the EMS organization faces in the case of a global pandemic where the medicine available cannot accommodate all the patients available. Limited mutual aid is another risk that the EMS should consider during the global pandemic where the body should maximize on the available resources and put up contingency plans to help it meet the services of the patient. These contingencies include; The occurrence of a global pandemic will force the EMS agencies to take contingency measures in utilizing their emergency operations. These risks and contingencies include; Adjustment of transport destinations to allow transport to clinics or other alternate sites of care in addition to hospitals, and this helps the EMS reach many of the individuals requiring emergency services. This body can also utilize its disaster triage systems like simple and rapid treatment where it can access patients within a short period and help categorize them for immediate or delayed care. This helps attend faster to the individuals who require faster medical attention. The EMS can also utilize the National Incident Management system and other organizations in providing a consistent model in response to any health disaster.
- Conclusion
Global health issues have been a major disaster affecting almost all the countries of the world and have come along with various effects on different typologies like in the music industry, art among others; These typologies have had significant importance during the global pandemic like cancer where music helps relieve stress from the infected individuals and also boosts their emotions. Art has been a critical player in the healing process of the infected individuals where it helps the infected accept their condition and integrate it into their lives. A global pandemic has dramatically influenced the country’s economy where the stakeholders and production in various industries of the country are affected thus leading to a remarkable decline in the countries’ economy thus leading to an economic crisis after the pandemic is over, and this may take longer to restore. EMS in any country should modify their care from the conventional one into the consideration that can save as many lives as possible since this will be of great help in case a global pandemic occurs.
- References
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