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Efficacy of using MUSIC 3D And Lean Principles in Public Health Care in Saudi Arabia

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Efficacy of using MUSIC 3D And Lean Principles in Public Health Care in Saudi Arabia


Running head: Efficacy of using MUSIC 3D And Lean Principles in Public Health Care in Saudi Arabia




Efficacy of using MUSIC 3D And Lean Principles in Public Health Care in Saudi Arabia





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Chapter 1

Study General Framework

1.0 Introduction of the Study

According to Saati (2000) before the introduction of a proper public health care program, the citizen of Saudi Arabia used traditional means in curing their illnesses. Mufti (2000) notes that the first health care system was initiated in 1926 by the health department, this led to the development of hospital facilities in major cities of the country. A year later a health council was established through the office of the attorney general; this council was tasked with responsibility of ensuring that the health standards of the country were improved (Saati, 2000; Mufti, 2000). This council ensured that the impacts on the health sector during emergencies were reduced. According to Khojia (2001), a high rate of growth in the health sector was witnessed in the 1950s especially in the large cities; bed capacity increased from just 100 to over 1000 beds. A major milestone in the health sector was noted in 1954 with the establishment of the Saudi Arabian ministry of health (Niblock, 2006). Aarts and Nonneman (2005) note that an increase in financial aid from the oil sector led to immense growth and expansion of the health sector. Due to this, the country sort of increasing the skills of their population by offering professional health training, this was achieved by offering scholarships to its citizens as well as establishing medical colleges (Al-Rabeaah 2003). According to WHO (2000), Saudi Arabia ranked 26th worldwide in public health care practices ahead of the USA which was ranked 32nd regarding medical care advancement. The health sector framework of the country ascertains that its government responsibility to provide health care services to the Saudi Arabian citizen (Mohammadi, 2002). This is also supported by the country’s constitution. Despite these achievements, the sector is faced with many challenges which affect the sectors performances. Walston et al. (2008) assert that the greatest challenge to the delivery of services in Saudi Arabia was a high expenditure. According to Saudi Arabia MOH (2010) the main issues hindering effective operations of the public health sector were, increased demand for health services, a low number of skilled health professionals, high costs of health care services overdependence on the national budget and increased performance expectations from the citizens.

Effective control ensures operational efficiency in organizations, identifying the best control initiative, however, is the greatest challenge for many organizations. This study wishes explore different control initiatives applied to promote performances in the public health sector of Saudi Arabia. According to Almasabi (2013), all the Saudi Arabia citizen receives free medical care from the government this makes it very expensive for the government to provide with about 6.5% of their budget allocated to health care. This, therefore, shows that there is a need for control to promote effectiveness in the health sector. The study affirmed that the sector had failed in their effective control mechanisms which had resulted in high wastage levels in the health sector. This study seeks to demonstrate the impacts of applying a multi unite selective inventory control and lean initiative to the Saudi Arabian health sector.

In the recent past, lean principles have been successfully employed in sectors such as the manufacturing sector. This initiative seeks to improve process efficiency while reducing the variation from the expected outcomes. According to Holweg (2007), the lean initiative focuses on promoting efficiency in both the demand and the supply side of enterprise operations. Lean vision is applied in the value chain of a process to identify and eliminate all wasteful practices in the value chain (Womack and Jones, 1996). According to Rother and Shook (1999), this initiative seeks to identify seven forms of wastage in the value map. These wastage are noted as, excessive-production, defective production, over waiting for production, overstocking, poor processing, unnecessary transportation.

According to Brady and Allen (2006), Six Sigma approach was initiated and developed by Bill Smith in 1980s. This approach is a measure of variation rate within a process; this process seeks to provide ways for process improvement and control. This approach is a practical process improvement tool which makes then lean initiatives possible. Brady and Allen (2006) note that this approach is a statistically strong process control initiative. This approach has statistical evidence to prove the cause-effect relationship in the production process. Sheridan (2000) notes that lean six sigma approach is a more advanced approach to measurement and control, it’s an integration of both lean thinking approach and the six-sigma approach. Bendell (2006) notes that little literature is available on lean six sigma approach as well as its applicability, the study asserts that less scholarly research has been undertaken on this process improvement approach. Pareto analysis is concerned with prioritizing items under consideration. These items are prioritized based on the criteria used in the measurement. The Pareto analysis principle is based on 80-20 rule which states that the least percentage 20% of factors in an operation affects the 80% of the operation. To effectiveness in operations, the management should seek to utter the 20% of the factors to achieve effectiveness in control. In inventory management, this approach is associated with the ABC analysis Bendell (2006). This approach prioritizes different inventory items and values them in isolation. Under this approach inventory items are perceived to have different economic value to an organization. The most valuable are prioritized on while the items perceived to have low economic value to the organization are given less priority. The prioritizing is based on the annual aggregate demand of an item and the price of the item.

ABC inventory control approach identifies and ranks the inventory in order of necessity in the production process Bendell (2006). The items whose demand is high and thus very necessary to the business operation are ranked as A-items while the items with the least demand are ranked as C-items Bendell (2006). This approach of ranking the inventory items based on the nature of their demand helps moderate the inventory at hand based on the 3D criteria approach. According to Mehrotra, Busakala, Kapoor, Kant, Yadav, Varshney, Patnaik and Singh (2015), the criteria used in 3 D analysis are financial, materials and the operations. ABC approach helps the organization’s finances tied down on inventory and allowed the organization makes better use of their finances, it also reduces wastage in inventory and promotes operational efficiency Mehrotra et al. (2015). ABC approach allows the managerial control initiatives to be guided by the category of items being controlled. MUSIC 3 D approach introduces the concept of criticality, consumption value of an item based on the criteria of financial, materials and operations.

1.2 Problem of the study

Effective control ensures operational efficiency in organizations, identifying the best control initiative, however, is the greatest challenge for many organizations. The Saudi Arabia government is increasingly supporting the privatization of the health sector. This approach helps to reduce government expenditure on the provision of health services. This, however, seems like shifting the problem instead of creating a solution past research has explained the integration of various control techniques to achieve production efficiency. The lean six sigma technique, for instance, is an integrated control initiative which links the lean model to six sigma model to create a stronger measurement tool. Little research has been done on the efficacy of integrating the lean model with MUSIC 3D approach and come up with a stronger control tool. This study seeks to bridge this knowledge gap by investigating the applicability of the integrated control tool.

1.3 Research questions

Does the implementation of lean principles eliminate waste production in the public health sector?

Does the use of MUSIC 3D model help maximize resources value in the health sector?

Which category of Saudi Arabia public health inventory requires strict inventory control?

Is there any difference notable before and using MUSIC 3D and lean principles in the health sector?

1.4 Aims of the study

To determine whether lean principles eliminate waste production in the public health sector.

To determine whether the use of MUSIC 3D model help maximize the value of the health sector resources

To determine the inventory category of Saudi Arabia public health which requires strict inventory control.

To compare the implications when using MUSIC 3D and lean principles and before its implementation in the health sector.

1.5 Importance of the Study

The study will significantly contribute to the growing body of research on the efficacy of using MUSIC 3D and lean principles in public healthcare in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi government is increasingly supporting the privatization of the health sector. This approach helps to reduce government expenditure on the provision of health services. This, however, seems like shifting the problem instead of creating a solution. This study seeks to understand how effective inventory control affects the expenditure in the public health sector. The theoretical expectations are that this approach will promote operational efficiency to the Saudi Arabian health sector. These study findings will have a valuable contribution to the available literature on the application of this integrated control technique. This study will be applied to the security forces hospital in Makkah. The results of this study will be used by the supply chain management staff to decide on the effective monitoring mechanism. These results will help the health sector identify ways in which high costs can be reduced through effective inventory control. The results of this study will be used as a reference for future research.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The study will seek to determine the influence of using MUSIC 3D and lean principles in public healthcare in Saudi Arabia. The study will focus mainly on the public health sector and investigate how ineffective control approaches escalates government expenditure on the public sector.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

The main limitation of this study could include inadequate data sources. This is because of high privatization currently being experienced in the public sector. The transition process being experienced in the health sector may affect the research, this is because the study will take time to be completed and the premises may change in the course study.







1.8 Definition of Basic Terms

Health sector- This is the sector which contains the stakeholders responsible for providing medical services.

MUSIC 3D – Model of Academic Motivation Inventory. Three dimensions on the study the criteria discussed are Financial, Materials, and Operations.

Lean Thinking -this is a business methodology which aims at providing new approaches to organizing human resources to maximize returns and eliminate wastes.

Inventory management- this is the control, monitoring, and supervision of current assets which are the stock items in the organization.















Chapter 2

Theoretical Framework and Review of Literature

2.0 Overview

This section covers the theoretical perspective which will be used employed by the researcher to elaborate the foundations on which the study is based. The other section of this chapter covers the review of past literature on inventory control and management.

2.1 Theoretical framework

Various theories have been adopted by the researcher for this study. These theories include lean theory, the theory of constraining and the theory of Stochastic Inventory theory. The theories adopted elaborate on how effectively the management function of inventory can be adopted in an organization set up.

2.1.2 Lean theory

This theory seeks to identify the most effective way of doing business in which waste is minimized and the resources use is maximized to realize the organization objectives (Green and Inman, 2005). The lean approach is based on ensuring that an institution operates with only what is needed for effectiveness in operations. Through the approach therefore excess inventory is eliminated from the operation thereby eliminating the instances of the inventory getting lost or wasted during the holding period.

The leanness in inventory control within organizations impacts on the overall performance of the institutions. Through the approach, the institutions can control not only the stock loss or wastage but also reduce the cost associated with stock management (Green and Inman, 2005). The approach seeks to reduce the amount of investment held on the stock. Eroglu& Hofer (2011) affirms that institutions which operate more learner when compared to industry standards experience more returns on the investment done. The study is based on investigating the implication of linking lean principles with MUSIC 3D to enhance inventory control and therefore, this theory was deemed fit to lay the foundation for the study.


2.1.3 Stochastic Inventory Theory

The theory explains that inventory management is aimed at ensuring that the demand for commodities has been met in the most effective way. Under this theory, therefore, the quantity demanded should be analyzed based on economic order quantity approach to ensure that the demand is met in the most economical way possible. The theory tries to identify the right re-ordering point for inventory items to ensure effectiveness in stock control and usage. The applicability of this theory is on the identification of the optimal inventory limits to ensure that there is effectiveness in stock control measures employed within the institution (Zheng, 2002). The stochastic model differs with the economic order model in that it seeks to identify the ideal level of stock required which facilitates the control of the total cost associated with inventory. The model is, therefore, more effective than economic order model when analyzing the ideal inventory levels.

2.1.4 Theory of Constraints

This theory is a management theory which explains that the challenges of not achieving the organizational objectives is based on few constrains. The theory was introduced by Eliyahu Goldratt in 1984. The theory is related to Pareto principles which argues that to achieve effectiveness in the management of a process, the resources should be directed towards handling the few constrains. The principle explains the 20 percent of operational factors affects the other 80 percent and therefore to achieve effectiveness management should aim at controlling the 20 percent factors but not the 80 percent factors. The main assumptions under which the theory of constrains is based is that an organization operation can be measured and controlled through three measurements of three main parameters. These parameters noted by Goldratt were; through the measurement of throughput, the inventory control measures and the operational expenses. The theory deals with various issues in its applicability to real-life situations. These situations include; determination of the lead time, flexibility in the demand of inventories, handling of wrong orders as a result of poor planning (Goldratt, 2004). The current study seeks to evaluate the approaches used to eliminate these constraints which affect the management of inventories. The theory, therefore, creates a better foundation for the study and guides the researcher towards the achievement of the research objectives.

2.2 Review of literature

2.2.1 Waste Management through Lean Principles

According to (Womack and Jones 2003; Womack et al. 1990) lean principles have been tested and applied in different sectors with the objective of improving efficiency in the organizational processes.

Houchens and Kim (2014) researched the applicability of lean principles in the health sector and affirmed that the lean principles were effective at transforming service delivery within the health sector. Holweg (2007) asserts that the lean initiative focuses on promoting efficiency in both the demand and the supply side of enterprise operations. Lean vision is applied in the value chain of a process to identify and eliminate all wasteful practices in the value chain (Womack and Jones, 1996). According to reports from (Institute for Healthcare Improvement 2005; Spear 2005) lean principles when applied in the health sector facilitates the overall operations of the health services provider. The reports were presented after a study conducted in Virginia Mason Medical Center, the application of lean principles earned the global facility recognition. Based on that, therefore, lean principles application in the health sector can be said to promote efficiency in the health sector. For operation efficiency to be realized in any formal setup effectiveness must be ensured in every level of the operations (Spear, 2005). According to Miller et al., (2010), managing the inventory comprises of all the activities put in place to ensure that the operations of an organization are undertaken successfully. The activities include purchasing activities, the assembling, the storage and the usage of the inventory items within an organization. Effective measures need to be put in place to monitor and control each activity in the management process (Miller et al. ,2010).

Brady and Allen (2006) introduce the concept of Six Sigma approach which is an advanced form of lean principles. The study asserts that the approach is more effective than just applying the lean principle this is because the approach can be used as a measurement tool. This approach is a measure of variation rate within a process; this process seeks to provide ways for process improvement and control. This approach is a practical process improvement tool which makes then lean initiatives possible. Brady and Allen (2006) note that this approach is a statistically strong process control initiative. This approach has statistical evidence to prove the cause-effect relationship in the production process. Sheridan (2000) notes that lean six sigma approach is a more advanced approach to measurement and control, it’s an integration of both lean thinking approach and the six-sigma approach.

Dohan et al. (2012) introduce the concept of value streaming map under which value is measured throughout the processes of service delivery in the health sector. The study asserted that the lean principle was effective in identifying and eliminating waste in the health sector. However, the wastes eliminated in this case were defined as all aspect of service delivery that reduces efficiency in service delivery.

2.2.2 Application of MUSIC 3D Model in Waste Management Within the Health Sector.

According to Ramathan (2006) ABC stock control mechanism is based on the Pareto principle which guides the organization’s classification of inventoried items. Flores and Clay (2012) support these arguments and notes that the ABC model follows a predesigned approach in which the A items represented about 70-80 percent of the management attention when it comes to controlling. These items, however, take up the lowest percentage when compared to the total inventory items. B items cover around 15 percent of the management attention and also makes around 25 percent of the total inventory. Category C items are given the least attention by the managers when it comes to matters control. However, these items make up the largest portion of the inventory items. Effective management is therefore essential to ensure efficiency is achieved in inventory management of all the categories of inventory items.

According to Mehrotra, Busakala, Kapoor, Kant, Yadav, Varshney, Patnaik and Singh (2015), the criteria used in 3 D analysis are financial, materials and the operations. Effectiveness in control, therefore, must be based on these three criteria (Mehrotra et al., 2015). The study, therefore, asserts that to manage the inventory the organization must effectively manage the inventories cost, the amount inventoried and the overall inventory handling. By managing the financial aspect of the inventory, the study suggests that the cost of acquisition must be reduced significantly. Another approach to effective inventory management is the reduction of the stock amount and thereby reducing cash held in stock. Through this, therefore, the cost associated with stock will be reduced therefore reducing the risk associated in case of damage. The last approach explained in the study is the control of operations involving handling of inventory items. Through this, the study suggested that all processes dealing with the handling of stock must be closely monitored. The monitoring is based on detecting and eliminating any variation between the expected results and the actual results (Mehrotra et al., 2015).

ABC approach helps the organization’s finances tied down on inventory and allowed the organization makes better use of their finances, it also reduces wastage in inventory and promotes operational efficiency Mehrotra et al. (2015). ABC approach allows the managerial control initiatives to be guided by the category of items being controlled. MUSIC 3 D approach introduces the concept of criticality, consumption value of an item based on the criteria of financial, materials and operations.

Gupta, Jain, and Garg (2007) applied the ABC model in conjunction with VED analysis in the health sector. Through this approach the inventory control was effective, and the profits margins expanded. The study, therefore, indicated the effectiveness and applicability of the ABC model within the health sector. The highly ranked inventory items are easily controlled as opposed to the lowly valued and ranked items. Due to this therefore much attention should be given to the lowly ranked inventory items instead of the highly ranked inventory items (Ramathan 2006). The argument is based on the Pareto principle that change required in the inventory management process can be acquired by changing the little factors which in a normal sense may appear to be non-issues.

2.2.3 Impacts of using MUSIC 3D and Lean principles on inventory management

Capkun, Hameri, and Weiss, (2009) researched the implication of effective inventory management on the organization overall performance. The study asserted that there was a positive relationship between effective inventory management and the financial performance of the firms involved. The study, therefore, concluded that for effectiveness in operations and profit maximization the firms should heavily invest in inventory management measures. Sahari, Tinggi, and Kadri, (2012) researched the correlation between the financial performance of an organization and inventory management measures. The study noted that the more the capital held on inventory, the less the profit realized which translates to the overall poor performance of the organization.

The study, therefore, concluded that from the results acquired, there was a strong link between working capital and the overall organization’s performance. From this approach, therefore, inventory management has a strong link with the overall performance of the organization. Effectiveness in operations is an indicator of proper inventory control mechanisms in an organization set up (Sahari, Tinggi, and Kadri, 2012). Mehrotra et al., (2015) notes that a vital approach to effective inventory management is the reduction of the stock amount and thereby reducing cash held in stock. Through this, therefore, the cost associated with stock will be reduced therefore reducing the risk associated in case of damage. The last approach explained in the study is the control of operations involving handling of inventory items. Through this, the study suggested that all processes dealing with the handling of stock must be closely monitored. The monitoring is based at detecting and eliminating any variation between the expected results and the actual results. Demeter, (2003) notes that proper inventory control measures translated to an increased return on investment. Good returns were observed on organizations that had implemented proper inventory control mechanisms within their organizations. According to the study the organization financial performance was linked to inventory control. Covering the loopholes through which inventory could get lost or damaged while being held in an organization was equated to the same approach as to protecting the financial resources of the organization Demeter, (2003). The study, therefore, concluded that effective control ensures operational efficiency in organizations, identifying the best control initiative, however, is the greatest challenge for many organizations.

Elsayed (2015) observes that there is a strong link between organizations performance and effectiveness in the inventory control measures. The study was conducted on Egyptian firms. The efficiency of operations, therefore, was directly linked to the overall performance of these organizations. Brag et al. (2005) asserts that inventory management has a positive relationship with the organization’s overall performance.

















Chapter 3

Study Methodology and Procedures

3.0 Introduction

This section discussed the research methodology which was used in an attempt to achieve the objectives of the study. It covered the procedures used to gather information and analyze data in line to the set study objectives. The sections cover; the approach to the study, the sample for the study, the study’s society, the study tools for data collection, the sampling technique, research instruments, data analysis, and presentation.

3.1 Approach to the study

Approach to the study can be defined as; a plan outlining how information is to be gathered for an assessment or evaluation that includes identifying the data gathering method(s), the instruments to be used/created, how the instruments would be administered, and how the information will be organized and analyzed.

This research employed a case study research design. This design was appropriately selected to enable the researcher to collect and analyze data from a sample population systematically. From this; the researcher was able to provide a quantitative and numerical description of the population of the identified hospital.

3.2 Study society

The research was carried out in the security forces hospital in Makkah in Saudi Arabia. The health sector of the country is highly dominated by the government which offers the medical services to the citizens. However, the sector is faced with a challenge of high expenditure and costs in the provision of health services.


3.3 Study sample

The sample population for this study was the security forces hospital in Makkah Saudi Arabia. The employee of the hospital will be the respondents for this study. The sample was purposively selected to enable the researcher to achieve the research objectives. The health sector in the country is controlled by the government through the ministry of health. The hospital under consideration receives subsidies from the government and is well equipped and thus was considered favorite for the study.

3.4 Study tools

Both primary and secondary sources were used in the study. For primary data collections, questionnaires were employed while secondary data from hospital records were also used.

Primary data was collected through the use of questionnaires. Structured questionnaires were administered to hospital employees of different levels of hierarchy. The questionnaires consisted of structured and unstructured questions. The unstructured questions enabled the researcher to query the respondents and clarify issues or responses solicited by the structured questions.

Secondary data was also be collected and studied through the use of hotel reports and records kept; other sources included relevant books, magazines, websites, and the internet, media as well as journals both published and unpublished hospital reports

3.5 Sampling Techniques

Purposive sampling technique was used to identify the establishment since it had the information the researcher intended to collect.

3.6 Questionnaires application

Questionnaires were used to collect data. The first section contained the respondents’ personal information; the second section sought clarifications on the implications of using lean principles in hospital operations. The rest portion of the questionnaire was based on the study objectives. Suggestions and recommendations were solicited through the unstructured questions after each part. Questionnaires adopted the Likert scale format. The researcher himself administered the data collection instruments.

3.7 Reliability and Validity Tests

A pilot test was conducted in all the hotels which were targeted by this research to ensure consistency of the question items, test question sequence, eliminate biased questions, repetitive and ambiguous questions and also to estimate response rate. A single set of questionnaires was provided to the two categories of guests.

3.8 Statistical tools and Analysis.

Data were coded and analyzed using Microsoft Excel package and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences for the purpose of increasing data accuracy. Descriptive statistics were used to describe and summarize the data to get meaningful description of the distribution of the scores. Data were presented using tables, bar graphs, and pie charts.











This chapter presented the results of the analysis in accordance with the objectives of the study which were. To determine whether lean principles eliminate waste production in the public health sector. To determine whether the use of MUSIC 3D model help maximize the value of the health sector resources. To determine the inventory category of Saudi Arabia public health which requires strict inventory control and to compare the implications when using MUSIC 3D and lean principles and before its implementation in the health sector.


4.1 The Response Rate.

The sample size of the respondents was 38; therefore, this number of questionnaires was administered to the respondents in the hospital. The questionnaire was administered to different categories of employees with both the junior staff and the senior staff engaged in the study. Fortunately, all the questionnaires were collected. Therefore 100% response rate was achieved.

4.2 Personal Information of Respondents

This subsection covered analysis of the personal information of respondents such as gender, marital status, age among others.




4.2 Respondents gender




Figure 4.2.1 4.2.1 gender


Source: analysis of data collected,2019

In figure 4.2.1 above shows that 52 % of the respondents were female and 47 % were male. From this research, it is true that the female gender employees had dominated the hospital’s human resource base. This aspect may be attributed to the government approach to increase the women in the workforce. The concept of diversity in the workforce has been proofed to boost productivity and performance




Fig:4.2.2 Age the respondents

Source: analysis of data collected,2019

In figure 4.2.2 above shows that 45 % of the respondents were between 18-27, 26% were 28-37,38-47 were 15 %,7% were between 48-57 while the advanced age had the least representation with only 5% of the workforce. From the research, therefore, it is true that the young employees had slightly dominated the workforce within the hospital. The representation may be attributed to the fact that the country population is dominated by the young generation.









4.2.3 Marital status



Figure 4.2.3: Marital status of the respondents

Source: analysis of data collected,2019

Figure 4.2.3 above shows that 39% of the respondents were married, 31 % were single, 8% were divorced 3% were widowed while 15% were engaged. The least was widowed. It can be seen therefore the hospital workforce comprised of mostly young married employees.







4.2.4 Education level


Fig:4.2.4. Education level Source: analysis of data collected,2019

Figure 4.2.4 above shows that 6 of the respondents had at least acquired primary school education, 12 had gone through high school,12 were college graduates, while 8 were university graduates, this indicates almost that 53% ((8+12)/38*100) had acquired higher education. These results, therefore, indicate that the hospital human resource contained mostly of skilled labor which is logically acceptable for a hospital labor force





4.2.5 Income rage of the respondents



Fig:4.2.5. Income rage of the respondents

Source: analysis of data collected, 2019


Figure 4.2.5 above shows that 7% of the respondents earned 0-10k 26% earned 11-20k,36% earned 21k-30k,13% earned between 31-40,5% earned between 41-50 while 10% earned 51K Riyal and can be seen that over 60% of the respondents earned a salary of 21 and above this can be so because education influences job opportunities and income. and also shape the values, beliefs, attitudes, interests, activities, and lifestyle, the high education level could, therefore, had led to the high income.






4.2.6 Duration of employment.


1-12 months


25-36 months

37-48 months

5yrs and above













Table 4.2.6 Duration of Employment source: analysis of data collected, 2019.

Table 4.2.6 above shows that a majority of the respondents had worked in the hospital for a maximum duration of 2 years. 34.2% of the respondents were newly employed having worked at the organization for a maximum of one year. 28.9% of the respondents had worked in the premises for a duration not exceeding 2years. 15.8% had worked for a duration of between 25- 36 months. While those that had worked for a duration of between 37-48 months and five years and above were 13.2% and 7.9% respectively. From the results, 63.1% of the respondents had worked in the hospital for less than three years. However, having worked for the hospital for over a year exposed them to understanding the norms and practice of the hospital making the information gathered reliable.




4.2.7 Level of the employee in the organization structure


Junior staff


Top management









Table Level of the employee in the organization structure.

From table above 60.5% of the respondents were junior staff, 31.6% of respondents had a supervisory role while only 7.9% of the respondents represented the top management.

4.3 lean principles


Figure 4.3.1 importance of lean principles. Source analysis of collected data 2019.

From the figure above 63% of the respondents believed that practicing lean principles was beneficial to the hospital while the 37% never saw any impact of implementing lean principles in the hospital practices. The respondents who perceived the practices as being important attributed that into issues like improved service delivery levels, efficiency in job performance and improved job flow.

4.3.2. Impacts of lean principles


Fig. impacts of lean principles source analysis of data collected in 2019

From the above figure, 37% strongly agreed to different criteria used by the researcher in determining the impacts of implementing lean principles of the hospital. 23% of the respondents agreed to the impacts of the lean principle based on the same criteria. However, a notable 17% of the respondents disagreed to the there being any impacts as a result of lean implementation. 23% neither disagreed to there being any impacts nor did they agree that there are any impacts.








4.3.3 Music 3D MUSIC Application.

Fig application of music 3D in Makkah security forces Hospital. Source analysis of collected date 2019.

From the figure above 5.26% of the respondents said that the hospital employed use of 3D Music analysis in undertaking inventory control. 71.05% argued that the organization didn’t employ the use of 3D analysis in inventory control while 23.69 were not sure whether the organization used the approach or not. The information could suggest that the organization employees are not aware of the control approaches used in inventory control. The results may be because the better percentage of the employees have been in the organization for less than three years.






4.3.4. Implications of employing the use of 3D analysis in inventory control.

Fig Range at which respondents valued the impacts of 3D Analysis application.

Source analysis of data collected in 2019

From Fig above 26% of the respondents agreed that the using 3D Analysis had many benefits which accrued to the application of the analysis approach. 38% ranked as having agreed that there were many benefits that organizations using the analysis enjoyed. 21% of the respondents, on the other hand, disagreed that the approach had any notable benefits of using music 3D analysis as stipulated by the resaecher.15% of the respondents had a strong objection on the approach having any benefits.







4.3.5 Inventory items


Fig inventory items in Makkah security forces hospital

source analysis of collected data 2019.

Fig above show that 56 % of the respondents ranked medicine as the most valuable item in the hospital premises and thus requiring high inventory control. 31% of the inventory represented medical equipment used in the hospital. 9% of the inventory in the hospital premise represented the information technology equipment used to boost service delivery in the hospital. The hospital has a reputation of employing the use of technology in its service delivery. Due to this, therefore, the information technology items make part of the essential inventory items of the hospital. Non-medical equipment used in the hospital premise represented 4% of the inventory items






4.3.6 Strictness in Control



Fig . level of strictness in control

The figure above shows the level of strictness under which the organization takes based on various stock items in the hospital. The items under considerations were medical equipment, non -medical equipment and information technology items. 46% of the respondents agued that there was high strictness in stock control. 26 % of the respondents noted that much strictness was employed in inventory control. 20% of the respondents argue that stock control was taken strictly. From the data, therefore, it can be deduced that 92% of the respondents argue that strictness is employed in the hospitals’ stock control. 8% of the respondents believed that there is no strictness in stock control in the hospital.






5.0 Overview

This section gave a summary and conclusion of the findings of the research as concerning efficacy of using music 3D and lean principles in public health care in Saudi also gave possible recommendations and suggested areas needed for further research.

5.1 Discussions of the Findings

This section discussed the personal information of the respondents such as gender, age, academic qualifications and income level of the respondents. It will also present discussions different benefits of employing using lean principles as well as 3D analysis in the health sector.

5.1.1 Personal Information

Based on the research the that 52 % of the respondents were female and 47 % were male. The research confirms that the female gender employees had dominated the hospitals human resource base. This can be attributed to the governments agenda to incorporate the female gender in the workforce of the country to boost the country’s GDP. The employees age also indicates that the majority are within their youthful age. This indicates that many employees do not have the inventory control skills. Those that have also lack the necessary experience in understanding the implications of employing the use of different inventory control mechanism. The hospital however, have an advantage due to the presence of the aged employees who have more skills and experience. Operating under the youthful workforce the organizations policy may fail to fully be implemented due to the uncertainty in many inventory control measures. Employees lack the courage to undertake their duties in inventory control. The youthful workforce might have been adopted due to their high level of education as compared to the aged.

The workforce dominance by the youth also indicates that the hospital values innovations which is boosted more by having an active workforce which is young and explorative.

From the research the majority seemed to have been married, this suggests that the motivation of a family guided the employees while undertaking their duties. This has two implications when it comes to inventory control management. The employee could undertake strict control mechanism to ensure that they keep their job. Another implication is that an employee might fail to act strict and instead create an avenue for earning an extra for their family. The employees receive better amenities with their welfare being well catered for and a good renumeration platform. Due to this the research, affirms that these employees are well motivated to undertake inventory control practices. Many employees are seen to receive a decent salary which is motivation towards job ethics while it discourages irresponsibility.

High education levels on the part of the employees dictates that they have been trained on inventory control measures within the workplace. The high education also brings the aspect of employees having diverse inventory control mechanism which can be used within the hospital setup. The implications of this diversity are that they will fail to adopt the set mechanism and seek to employ their own mechanisms. The research has also noted that many employees have not worked in the operation for long durations. Due to this the human resource team fails to have a strong bond necessary to facilitate teamwork effort in resource management. Lack of strong teamwork will lead to poor inventory management due to the fact that one employee will undertake inventory control in their area of specialization but their colleague fails on their part.

The short duration at the job for some employees may also lead to poor control mechanism as the employees fail to understand the control mechanism used in the premises. Getting used to control mechanisms enables the employee to gain relevant experience which they will use when undertaking the control practices.

Majority of the respondents for this research were the junior employees, these employees are essential to inventory management measures. When these employees are motivated towards achieving effective inventory control, the organization will eventually realize their objective of inventory management.

5.2 Lean principles.


The research indicates that majority of the respondents believed that lean principles facilitated the hospitals’ operation. Among the factors that the respondents considered in their evaluation were; improved service delivery levels, efficiency in job performance and improved job flow. The research therefore asserts that lean principles improves the operations of an organization. through use of lean principles, the employees noted that their job performance would improve. The employees also noted that lean principles were linked to service delivery. Lean principles were attributed to improved service quality within any organization. the employee strongly agreed that their workflow would be boosted by application of lean principles in their organization.

From these finding the researcher deduces that lean principle is vital in improving the efficiency of organization control mechanism. Reducing the wasteful processes within any operation in the hospital promoted efficiency. The study affirms that lean principles help improve the ease of carrying out tasks in the organization. the employees also noted that lean principles were vital in improving customers satisfaction. The research also asserted that lean principles help reduce the operating costs of an organization.

5.3. 3D MUSIC Analysis

Majority of the respondent argued that the organization didn’t undertake use of 3D Music analysis in inventory control within the organization. 23.69% of respondents were not aware of whether or not such an approach existed in the organization inventory control. Lack of information in the part of employees can be said to affect the inventory control activities within the organization. the employees indicated that there were many benefits which accrued the use of 3D Music analysis approach in inventory control. Among the benefits noted by the employees were; improved effectiveness in control, the approach enabled the management point out obsolete stock with ease and maintenance of inventory turnover rate. The approach of using 3D analysis also improves employee’s performance as noted by the employees in their responses.

The approach of 3D analysis enables the organization to rank its inventory items in matters of importance. The research showed that among the hospital inventory items as ranked by the employee were; medical equipment, medicine, information technology items and non-medical equipment. These items were ranked by the employees as having the most importance in inventory management. The hospital has a reputation of employing use of technology in its service delivery. Due to this therefore the information technology items make part of the essential inventory items of the hospital. These items were considered under the strictness in which the management takes when managing the items. These items therefore were considered to be among the inventory items which the management considers prior ranking of inventory. The research therefore asserts that the hospital ranks its inventory on basis of ABC approach.

5.4 Conclusion

Inventory management is essential to any organization despite the nature of its operation. The research affirms that lean principle and 3D music analysis are effective approaches in inventory management. Organization seeking to acquire effectiveness in management and improved returns on their operations ought to consider engaging in proper inventory control measures.

From the research its notable that either of the two approaches is effective in management of organizations’ inventory. The research however seeks to introduce a hybrid tool by merging lean principle approach to 3D Music analysis approach to make a single control tool. The research concludes that, the tool is the most effective in inventory management since it merges aspects of inventory handling process and inventory valuation schedule. The lean approach allows the management to monitor the flow of inventory within the organization. 3D approach on its part enables the organization to ascertain value to inventory items. Through merging of these two approaches, these measurement aspects are incorporated together into a single tool.


5.5 Recommendation

The research suggests that any organization seeking to operate an effective inventory control mechanism should ensure that they use the suggested approach. The research however, acknowledges the knowledge gap which arises on the applicability of the suggested tool. The study recommends that further research be undertaken on the applicability of the hybrid tool in inventory control management.




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Dear respondent

I am student undertaking a Master’s degree in Business Administration. I am undertaking a research on the Efficacy of using MUSIC 3D and Lean Principles in Public Health Care in Saudi Arabia. The study seeks to evaluate the implications of applying the control mechanism to the health sector. This questionnaire will help in collection of data for the study. Your assistance towards achieving this objective will be highly appreciated; the information that you will provide will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will be for academic purposes only.


Please Tick appropriately on the category you belong.


What is your gender? Male ( ) Female ( )

Please indicate your present age

Less than 30 () 31– 40 () 41 –50 () Above 50 ()

Kindly indicate your education qualification level

Secondary School () Bachelor () Master ()

  1. Kindly indicate the duration you have work in this institution

1-12 months ( ) 13 months-24months ( ) 25-36 months ( ) 37-48 months ( ) 5yrs and above

  1. Kindly indicate the level of your work in the institution

Junior staff ( ) senior staff ( ) Top management ( )





Please indicate by ticking to which extent you agree that the following aspects apply in your institution and their effect on waste reduction

  1. A) Do you think that the applying of LEAN principle in Security forces Hospital is important

YES () NO ()

Are the impacts of the lean principle felt by employees YES () NO ()

If yes in 1 (b) above, please indicate how?

improve the steps of one of the processes ()

execute the tasks rapidly ()

Improved employee’s productivity ()

1 B) Please tick appropriately on what you think are the impacts of the implementation of the lean principles in an institution.




Strongly AGREE




Strongly Disagree

Application of lean principles promotes effective control






lean principles help improve the ease of carrying out the tasks






lean principles help improve customers satisfaction






lean principles improve institution productivity






lean principles help reduces cost









Does your institution apply MUSIC 3D as a control mechanism? YES ( ) NO ( )

Please tick appropriately on what you think are the impacts of the implementation of the MUSIC 3D principles in an institution


Strongly AGREE




Strongly disagree

MUSIC 3D principles help reduces inventory value






Application of MUSIC 3D of principles promotes effective control






Application of 3D principles help to point out obsolete stock easily






it enables the maintenance of high inventory turnover rate






Application of MUSIC 3D help improve employee’s productivity








Please tick appropriately on which items does the institution employ control measure based on the strictness in control.


most strictly

Much strictly


Less strictly






Medical Items





Non-Medical Items







Please indicate to what extent you think application of the lean and MUSIC 3D mechanism have impacted on the control of the organization.


Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Use of lean and 3D in control have improved operation efficiency






Use these approaches has reduced waste of time






Use of 3D and lean principle has reduced inventory cost






Use of lean principle and MUSIC 3D has improved employee’s productivity






Use of MUSIC 3D and lean principles promotes total quality in an institution.







How else does your institution ensure effective inventory control





Any other remarks on inventory control




Thank you for your responses and cooperation.

































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