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This paper describes the design of an egg incubator which is powered W1209 temperature controller. Egg production of eggs is an important factor to consider when working on poultry farms. The Incubator system will fill up with the temperature and humidity sensor that can measure the condition of the incubator and automatically change to the suitable condition for the egg. There are critical factors which are necessary for the effectiveness of egg performance and these include correct internal temperature and relative humidity and periodic egg turning inside the incubator. In this paper, the light heater is use to give the suitable temperature to the egg. By using the water and controlling fan, it is can make sure the humidity and ventilation in good condition. This innovation will upgrade the egg products and the systems will automatically controlling the temperature and humidity of the incubator for various types of egg. Keywords: W1209 digital temperature controller, 60W bulb, 12v fan, water pan, foam box. I.


The purpose of this paper was to review the role of the physical agents of incubation, such as temperature, relative humidity, concentration, and egg turning and position from an integrated perspective, considering egg incubation as the transitional. Today, hatcheries need to achieve high production efficiency in a sustainable manner, in our view, includes maximizing the hatchability of healthy chicks with high survival rates and the maximum expression of their genetic growth potential under any conditions in the field. Before eggs are placed in the Incubator, eggs need to be obtained from well-fed chickens. If not needed, do not wash eggs. If the eggs need to be washed, always use a wet cloth in hot water rather than the egg. If the egg is soaked in water for a long time, the temperature difference is equal and the bacteria have more chance of getting through the holes. Let the egg dry before storage. Eggs should be stored and sliced for 30-45 degrees. Do not store more eggs than 7–10 days. After several days of storage, hatchability began to decline significantly. These eggs last for 21 days to control the temperature, humidity and egg turnover. It is important to manage the egg so that it can be transformed into a normal chicken. Only then does a good breeding of the embryo cause a chicken to be born. Egg fertilization is one of the important factor to be consider when operating a poultry farm. Some eggs got spoiled when some factors such as temperature, humidity and egg turning. It is therefore necessary to have a system that can monitor and maintain constant factors in order to keep the eggs healthy with the use of a microcontroller to activate the heater and put the fan in OFF position when the temperature is lower than the reference temperature and automatically put the heater OFF and the fan ON when the temperature wants to exceed the reference temperature putting the humidity inside the incubator into consideration. A foam box material is use in order to prevent surrounding air into the box. II. W1209 Digital Temperature controller The W1209 is an incredibly low cost yet highly functional thermostat controller. With this module can intelligently control power to most types of electrical device based on the temperature sensed by the included high accuracy NTC (Negative temperature Coefficient) temperature sensor. Although this module has an embedded microcontroller no programming knowledge is required. 3 tactile switches allow for configuring various parameters including on & off trigger temperatures. The on board relay can switch up to a maximum of 240V AC at 5A or 14V DC at 10A. The current temperature is displayed in degrees Centigrade via its 3 digit seven segment display and the current relay state by an on board LED.

Figure 1. W1209 Digital Temperature Controller • Displaying the current temperature: The thermostat will display the current temperature in °C by default. When in any other mode making no input for approximately 5 seconds will cause the thermostat to return to this default display. The following points will be adjusted as follows: • Setting the trigger temperature To set the trigger temperature press the button marked ′SET′. The seven segment display will flash. You can now set a trigger temperature (in °C) using the ′+′ and ′-′ buttons in 0.1 degree increments. If no buttons are pressed for approximately 2 seconds the trigger temperature will be stored and the display will return back to the current temperature. • Setting the parameters To set any parameter first long press the ′SET′ button for at least 5 seconds. The seven segment display should now display ′P0′. This represents parameter P0. Pressing the ′+′ or ′-′ buttons will cycle though the various parameters (P0 to P6). Pressing the ′SET′ button whilst any of their parameters are displayed will allow you to change the value for that parameter using the ′+′ and ′-′ buttons (see below). When finished setting a parameter press the set button to exit that option. If no buttons are pressed for approximately 5 seconds the thermostat will exit the parameter options and will return back to the default temperature display. • Setting the cooling or heating parameter P0 The parameter P0 has two settings, C and H. When set to C (default) the relay will energies when the temperature is reached. Use this setting if connecting to an air-conditioning system. When set to H the relay will de-energies when the temperature is reached. Use this setting if controlling a heating device. • Setting the hysteresis parameter P1 This sets how much change in temperature must occur before the relay will change state. For example if set to the default 2°C and the trigger temperature has been set to 25°C, it will not de-energies until the temperature falls back below 23°C. Setting this hysteresis helps stop the thermostat from continually triggering when the temperature drifts around the trip temperature. • Setting upper limit of the thermostat parameter P2 This parameter limits the maximum trigger temperature that can be set. It can be used as a safety to stop an excessively high trigger temperature from accidentally being set by the user. • Setting lower limit of the thermostat parameter P3 This parameter limits the minimum trigger temperature that can be set. It can be used as a safety to stop an excessively low trigger temperature from accidentally being set by the user. • Setting temperature offset correction parameter P4 Should you find there is a difference between the displayed temperature and the actual temperature (for instance if the temperature probe is on a long run of cable) you can make minor corrections to the temperature reading with this parameter. • Setting the trigger delay parameter P5 This parameter allows for delaying switching of the relay when the trigger temperature has be reached. The parameter can be set in one minute increments up to a maximum of 10 minutes. • Setting the high temperature alarm parameter P6 Setting a value for this parameter will cause the relay to switch off when the temperature reaches this setting. The seven segment display will also show ′—′ to indicate an alarm condition. The relay will not re-energies until the temperature falls below this value. The default setting is OFF. III. Temperature, Humidity, Ventilation and Turning A. Temperature The Eggs need to be naturally warmed; the natural method required the chicken to provide the warmness or the required temperature by sitting on the eggs in an open space. The heat needed by this incubator is usually provided by electricity. The premature development of the embryos begins at temperatures above 82°F (28°C). During the warm-up period, the temperature should be adjusted to hold a constant 100°F for still air, 98°- 100°F for forced air. To obtain reliable readings, the bulb of the thermometer should be at the same height as the tops of the eggs and away from the source of heat. Incubator temperature should be maintained between 98° and 100°F. The acceptable range is 97° to 102°F. Mortality is seen if the temperature drops below 96°F or rises above 103°F for a number of hours. If the temperature stays at either extreme for several days, the eggs may not hatch. This paper built in rectangular containers to control the heat generated by patterns such as the use of bulbs. Chicken eggs require 21 days to hatch, but for the other species of poultry varies is difference. Table 1 shows the condition of the incubator for various type of egg which is consists of suitable temperature and humidity for every type of eggs. The Fahrenheit unit can be converting to Celsius by using the Fahrenheit formula, °C = (°F − 32) x 5/9 (1) For example: Convert 100°F to Celsius. (100°F – 32) x 5/9 = 37.7°C OR (100°F – 32) x 5/9 = 37.7°C Table 1. The Condition Of Incubator For Various Type Of Egg Requirements Chicken Turkey Duck Quail Incubation Periods (day) 21 28 28 18 Temperature (°F) 100 99 100 100 Humidity (°F) 85-87 84-86 85-86 85-86 Do not Turn Eggs After 18 25 25 15 Humidity last 3days(°F) 90 90 90 90 Open ventilation more 18 25 25 14 B. Humidity The relative humidity of the air in the incubator should be approximately 60%. In the last three days (hatching period), humidity should be almost 65-70%. Too little moisture results in excessive evaporation, causing chicks to stick to the shell, remain in the popped shells, and sometimes hatch crippled. The relative humidity in the incubator can also be varied by changing the size of the water pan or by putting a sponge in the pan to increase the evaporative surface. The water pan should be checked regularly while the incubator is in use to be sure that there is always an adequate amount of water. During the hatching period, the humidity in the incubator may be increased by using an atomizer to spray a small amount of water into the ventilating holes. Add water to an incubator, it should be about the same temperature as the incubator. C. Ventilation The best hatching results are obtained with normal atmospheric air. Make sure the foam box that the ventilation holes are adjusted to allow a normal exchange of air. This is critical on home-made incubators. It is possible to suffocate the eggs and chicks in an air-tight container. However, excessive ventilation removes humidity and makes it difficult to heat incubators properly. D. Turning This process is necessary to rotate one side of the egg three times a day. This keeps the embryo centered in the egg and prevents it from sticking to the shell membrane. Mark each egg with a pencil to ensure proper rotation. Place the ″x″ on one side of the egg and the ″o″ on the other side. Do not rotate the eggs during the last 3 days of the breeding cycle (at 18 days for chickens) and do not open the incubator until the hatch is completed to insure that a desirable hatching humidity is maintained. IV. Check the Eggs with Electric Light Electric light can be found between the fetus and the embryo. System can help to determine if the chick is developing according to expectations. If the dead embryo is found, it needs to be removed from the egg incubator. If the egg was not removed, it will produce unwanted gas. The electric light system begins on the ninth day of birth. Figures 2 and 3 are shown in two types of indoor egg with electric light. Figure 2. Egg after 9 Day of Incubation Figure 3. Detected No Embryo and Good Egg V. Methodology A. Block Diagram The microcontroller is configuring to regulate the temperature of the incubator. Figure 4 shows the block diagram of the incubator with temperature sensor interfacing with the microcontroller, and by monitoring the temperature of the vicinity. 12V dc fan is used to facilitate regulation of temperature and humidity in the incubator by keep in them within required ranges of preset values. 60W bulb is used to provide warmth within the incubator. Water pan is used to provide the relative humidity in the incubator. Figure 4. Block Diagram for Egg Incubator B. Mechanical Design In mechanical design is focus on construction of the egg incubator system. It starts with the built of the casing. The material was used are foam box. The Egg Incubator can fill up to 50-55 eggs. Dimensional measuring of the Egg Incubator is 31.2cm height x 45.7cm width x60.8cm long. For this, 60W bulbs were placed the wall inside of the Egg Incubator. The bulb usage is 60 Watt’s that supply heat to the egg. Refer to figure 5 below; it is show the dimension casing for egg incubator. It will control the temperature, fan, bulb and humidity. Figure 5. Design for Egg Incubator C. Flow chart Figure 6 as show about the flow chart of the egg incubator. It is start with fill the Smart Egg Incubator with egg. The system will be operate automatic depend on temperature in incubator. The maximum temperature in Egg Incubator is 37 °C and the minimum temperature is 35 °C. So, the bulb will be on until the temperature achieves 37 °C. At the 37 °C, the bulb will be off and the fan will be on until temperature decrease to 35 °C. At 35 °C, the fan will be off and the bulb will on until the temperature increase to 37 °C. So, the range of temperature in Egg Incubator will be maintained between 35 °C to 37°C. The bulb is user to increase the temperature in the system. The fan is user for decrease the temperature. Figure 6. Design for Egg Incubator VI. Hatch Time When the egg hatches, do not help the chicks from the shell. If it doesn′t hatch, there is usually a good reason. Also, prematurely helping the chick hatch could cripple or infect the chick. Do not allow curiosity to destroy the breed of chicken. As soon as the chicks are dry and fluffy or 6 to 12 hours after hatching, remove the chicks from the incubator. At the same time, remove the chicks and remove the late hatching eggs shell. Move the chicks to a warm brooder and give them water and feed. Leaving chicks in the incubator too long can dehydrate them. Chickens must be cared for at least two weeks as shown in the figure 7. Figure 7. Chicks Warm Brooder VII. Conclusion From the implementation of the design, it is clear that the temperature of the eggs remain constant unlike the natural method where most times the mother chicken is not available to seat on the eggs. The constructed incubator can accommodate hundreds of eggs which the natural method is short of doing. Apart from that, the eggs fertilized well with little or no affected eggs. One of the miracles of nature is the transformation of the egg into the chick. In a brief three weeks of incubation, a fully developed chick grows from a single cell and emerges from a seemingly lifeless egg. References [9] Boleli I.C., Morita V.S., Matos Jr J.B., Thimotheo M. and Almeida V. 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