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Electrical energy is a very important need in human life today

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Electrical energy is a very important need in human life today


Electrical energy is a very important need in human life today, because almost all human activities are facilitated by using electrical equipment.

The history of the discovery of electricity was first investigated by the Ancient Greeks, approximately 6,000 years BC. They observed amber stone that was able to attract light objects after the stone was rubbed on a piece of wool cloth. Amber is rubbed with wool is said to have an electric charge.

Electricity is a condition of certain subatomic particles, such as electrons and protons, which cause the withdrawal and rejection of the force in between. Or according to another understanding, Electricity is a source of energy that is channeled through cables. Electricity allows many widely known physical phenomena to occur, such as lightning, electric fields, and electric currents. Electricity is widely used in industrial applications such as electronics and electric power.


Electricity is energy that can be channeled through conductors in the form of wires, the presence of electric current due to electric charge flowing from positive channels to negative channels. In human life, electricity has a very important role. Besides being used as electric lighting, it is also used as an energy source for energy and entertainment, for example, the use of electrical energy in the power sector is an electric motor. The existence of electricity is very important and finally the electricity is now controlled by the state through a company called PLN.

In 1819 a Danish scientist named Hans Christian Oersted discovered that magnetism can be affected by electric current. The experiment was carried out by wrapping a metal nail with copper wire. After that the electric current flowed on the wire. It turns out that the nails are magnetic.

Magnets created by flowing electric current through a coil of wire are called electric magnets or electromagnets. Electromagnets are temporary or not permanent. If the electricity is turned off, then the magnetic properties will be lost.

  1. Problem Formulation
  2. What is meant by electrical material?
  3. How important is knowledge of electrical material?
  4. How is the introduction of electrical properties?
  5. What are the specifications of the electrical material?
  6. How is the grouping of electrical materials?


  1. Purpose of Writing
  2. To find out what is meant by electrical material.
  3. To know the importance of knowledge about electrical materials.
  4. To recognize the nature of electrical material.
  5. To find out the specifications of the electrical material.
  6. To find out the grouping of electrical materials.



  1. Electrical Materials

Electrical materials are all types of objects that can be used in equipment or supplies and assistive devices that are directly or indirectly related to electricity.

Electricity that is familiar to us becomes a very important part and cannot be separated from our daily lives. Electricity and electronics are growing rapidly at the present time. Its development is also supported by the discovery and development of electrical aids themselves. Many kinds of electric tools, some examples of electrical aids will be explained below as follows:

 Accumulator

Accumulator (battery, battery) is a device that can store energy (generally electricity) in the form of chemical energy. Examples of accumulators are batteries and capacitors.

 Batteries

Batteries are electrical-chemical devices that store energy and release it in the form of electricity. The battery consists of three important components, namely:

 Carbon rod as an anode (positive pole battery).

 Zinc (Zn) as a cathode (negative pole of the battery).

 Paste as an electrolyte (conduit).

Batteries that are commonly sold (disposable / disposable) have a voltage of 1.5 volts. Batteries exist in the form of tubes or boxes. There is also a so-called rechargeable battery, which is a battery that can be recharged, as is usually the case in cellphones. A disposable battery is also called a primary battery, while a rechargeable battery is called a secondary battery.

Both primary and secondary batteries, both of which are changing chemical energy into electrical energy. Primary batteries can only be used once, because they use chemical reactions that are irreversible (irreversible reaction). While secondary batteries can be recharged because their chemical reactions are reversible.

 Capacitors / Condensers

A capacitor (Capacitor) is a device that can store energy in an electric field, by collecting internal imbalances from an electric charge. The condenser has a unit called Farad. Discovered by Michael Faraday (1791-1867). Condenser is now also known as “capacitor”, but the word “condenser” is still used today. First mentioned by Alessandro Volta, an Italian scientist in 1782 (from the Italian condensatore), regarding the ability of a device to store a high electrical charge compared to other components. Most languages ​​and countries that do not use English still refer to the Italian word “condensatore”, such as French condensateur, Indonesian and German Condensator or Spanish Condensador.

The condenser is identified as having two legs and two poles, positive and negative, and has electrolyte fluid and is usually tubular.

Condenser symbol (has positive and negative poles) in the electronics scheme.

While the other type has a lower capacity value, does not have positive or negative poles on its feet, most are flat, brown, red, green and others such as tablets or shirt buttons which are often called capacitors. Capacitors (not polar) in the electronics scheme.

But the habits and conditions and language articulation of each country depend on the people who mention it more often. Now that person’s habits only mention one of the most dominant names used or heard more often. At present, the condenser is often called a capacitor (capacitor) or vice versa which in electronics is abbreviated with the letter (C).

As for how to expand capacitors or capacitors by:

 Arrange it in layers.

 Extending the variable surface.

 Use materials with large penetrability.

 Switch

A switch is a device used to disconnect the electricity network, or to connect it. So the switch is basically a connecting device or a circuit breaker. In addition to the strong current power grid, small shaped switches are also used for weak current electronic component devices.

Simply put, a switch consists of two metal blades attached to a circuit, and can be connected or separated according to the state of the connection (on) or broken (off) in the circuit. The joint contact material is generally chosen so that it is resistant to corrosion. If the metal used is made of ordinary oxide, the switch will often not work. To reduce this corrosion effect, at least the contact metal must be plated with anti-corrosion and anti-rust metal.

 Fuse

Fuse (from the Dutch zekering) is a device that is used as a safety in an electrical circuit when an electric overload occurs or a short-circuit.

How it works if there is an overload or there is a short circuit, the fuse will automatically cut off electricity and will not cause damage to other components.

 Diode

Diode or diode is a connection of p-n material that functions primarily as a rectifier. The p-type material will be the anode side while the n-type material will be the cathode. Depending on the polarity of the voltage applied to it, the diode can act as a closed switch (if the anode part gets a positive voltage while the cathode gets a negative voltage) and applies as an open switch (if the anode part gets a negative voltage while the cathode gets a positive voltage). This condition occurs only in ideal-conceptual diodes. In factual (real) diodes, a voltage greater than 0.7V (for diodes made from silicon) is needed in the anode to the cathode so that the diode can conduct electrical current. This voltage of 0.7V is referred to as a barrier voltage. Diodes made from Germanium have a barrier voltage of approximately 0.3V.

 Transistor

Transistors are semiconductor devices used as amplifiers, as circuit breakers and switching, voltage stabilization, signal modulation or as other functions. Transistors can function like an electric faucet, which based on the input current (BJT) or the input voltage (FET), allows a very accurate flow of electricity from the mains circuit.

Generally, transistor has 3 terminals. The voltage or current installed in one terminal regulates a larger current through 2 other terminals. Transistors are a very important component in the world of modern electronics. In analog circuits, transistors are used in amplifiers. Analog circuits surround loudspeakers, stable power sources, and radio signal amplifiers. In digital circuits, transistors are used as high-speed switches. Some transistors can also be arranged so that they function as logic gates, memory, and other components.

 Transformer (transformer)

A transformer (or better known as a transformer) is an electronic device that transfers energy from one electronic circuit to another through a magnetic pair. Usually used to change the voltage from high to low and also means changing the electric current from low to high.

 Electric Motors

Electric motors are included in the category of dynamic electric machines and are an electromagnetic device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is used for, for example, turning pump impellers, fans or blowers, moving compressors, lifting materials, etc. in industry and also used in household electrical appliances (such as mixers, electric drills, fans).


 Lamp

The lamp is a device that produces light. The word “light” can also mean a light bulb.

An incandescent lamp is an artificial light source that is produced by channeling electric current through a filament which then heats up and produces photons. The glass covering the hot filament prevents oxygen in the air from coming into contact with it so that the filament will not be immediately damaged by oxidation.

One of the advantages of incandescent lamps is that they can produce incandescent lamps in a wide range of voltages, from tens to hundreds of volts, but due to the electrical energy required for incandescent lamps to produce greater light than other artificial light sources, incandescent lamps are gradually replaced fluorescent lamps, LEDs, and others.

  1. The Importance of Knowledge of Electrical Materials

Knowledge of electrical materials is very important to know. This is because it involves our safety in the world of electricity. Things that need to be known about electrical materials are the type of material and the nature of the material, in order to:

  1. Treat or make the best use of materials. That is to use the material as efficiently as possible and stick to an appropriate safety constraint.
  2. Know the safe limits of the ingredients.


  1. Introduction of Material Properties

Today more and more industries and households use sophisticated equipment, this is of course related to the rapid development of material technology / materials. As an example; all industrial products, both heavy and light industries and home industries there are various types of materials used, there are metals, plastics, rubber, wood and other processed materials. For this reason a scholar / expert must know the nature of the material / material during the formation process and its characteristics during use, such as mechanical properties, electrical resistance and stability, thermal and chemical resistance and others.

The very rapid development of science with new discoveries will greatly affect the shape of a product, for example:

 Development of technology and semiconductor materials

 Development of super conductor technology

 Development and discovery of insulating materials

If there is no technological development and new material discoveries needed in the development of a product, then there will be no innovation or new products that can be made according to increasing needs (transistors are further developed with IC technology and so on, solid insulation materials liquid or gas, super conductor and others).

 Mechanical Properties

Material that has been produced into a certain form has several properties, such as strength, hardness, tenacity, toughness, electrical conductivity and others.

For an expert / planner can set the requirements / characteristics that must be met such as the mechanical properties of the material to be used. If the material / material is deformed, it means that there is a change in shape because the material accepts the force. There are several forms of deformation including:

  • Elastic deformation: changes in the shape of the material capable of returning to its original shape, without permanent atomic displacement. Or elasticity can also be explained as a complete recovery from the deformation, after the stress that caused the deformation is removed. No material can show perfect elasticity for all levels of stress, from the initial application of pressure to the occurrence of fracture.

Some materials, such as steel, are elastic at very large pressures, but become inelastic when the amount of pressure exceeds / exceeds a certain limit. Another example is cast iron or concrete, which is relatively inelastic, no matter how much pressure is applied. The elasticity of a material is still possible to be changed by raising the temperature.

  • Plastic deformation: permanent deformation due to the displacement of atoms that are permanent. Plasticity can also be explained as the ability of the material to resist permanent deformation without breaking. The time element is included in the plastic change, because a material within the limits of the plastic change can experience stress changes under continuous pressure.

Some mechanical properties of the material:

  1. Stress (stress); is the force acting on the material per unit area. During deformation the material is able to absorb energy as a result of the force acting along the deformation distance.
  2. Strain (strain); is the magnitude of deformation of a material per unit length due to the force it receives.
  3. Strength (strength); is the amount of force needed to damage / break a material.
  4. Ductility; is the amount of plastic deformation that can be carried out on the material / material until fracture occurs. Or it can also be said that ductility is the ability of the material to stretch widely before breaking up. If the material has broken or broken with very little or no exposure, the material is said to be fragile. The range / tenacity of the fragile material is far below the magnitude of the strength of the material itself. Ductility is often determined by the percentage of elongation and the percentage of reduction.
  5. The percentage of elongation is determined by:


% lengthening = [(lf – l0) / l0] x 100%


Where :

lf: final length

l0: actual length


  1. Toughness (toughness), is the amount of energy needed to break a material / material.


Energy is the product of the force with the distance expressed in Joules. A Ductile material with the same strength as a fragile material (not ductile) requires more energy to break and has better toughness.


Termal Thermal properties / characteristics

To determine the thermal properties of a material, it is necessary to distinguish between temperature / temperature and heat content. Temperature / temperature is the level of thermal (level) of an activity, while the heat content is the amount of thermal energy, but both are related to heat capacity.

 Expanding heat; is an expansion which is usually experienced by heated material so that there is an increase in the vibrations of atoms. This expansion can result in an increase in length ΔL.

ΔL / L is proportional to the increase in temperature ΔT

ΔL / L = αL ΔT

Generally αL (linear expansion coefficient), rises slightly with increasing temperature.

 Expanding Volume; due to expansion, the material in addition to experiencing length changes also experienced changes in volume perubahanV / V which is proportional to the increase in temperature suhuT.

ΔL / ΔL = αv ΔT

 Thermal conductivity; heat propagation through solid objects usually occurs due to conduction. The coefficient of heat conductivity k is a constant that connects heat flow Q with the temperature gradient ΔT / Δx.

The coefficient of heat conductivity also depends on temperature, but differs from the coefficient of thermal expansion. Rising high temperatures to a material, there will be changes in the arrangement of atoms that accompany the melting, and the rearrangement of the arrangement of atoms caused by changes in temperature will cause heat conductivity disrupted.

 Effect of Electric Field

Metals and semiconductors can conduct electric current when placed in an electric field. Conductivity σ

depends on the number of charge carriers n, the amount of charge q, and the mobility of μ of charge carriers. Conductivity is the opposite of resistivity ρ:

In metals and semi-conductors electrons are carriers of charges. Resistance type ρ is a property of the material so it does not depend on its form. For a uniform form of material, the amount of resistance can be calculated using the formula below:



ρ = resistivity

L = length of the material / material

A = material cross-sectional area

If the resistance R is known then the basic formula / equation physics (electricity) can be calculated the amount of electric current and power.

V = I. R or I = V / R


P = V. I or P = I2. R


  1. Electrical Material Specifications


  1. Based on the conditions:

Mentah Raw materials, are basic ingredients that still need to be processed to be made into semi-finished or finished materials (ready to use).

 Semi-finished materials, are raw materials that have been upgraded from raw materials to semi-finished materials.

Jadi Finished materials or in the form of materials that are ready for use, after going through a processing or production process.


  1. Based on the nature of the electricity:

 Conductor or conductor, is an electrical material that functions to conduct electric current, usually made of metal (copper, aluminum, etc.).

 Prisoners, are electrical materials that can conduct electricity but are more difficult when compared to conductors, for example: nickel, constants, manganine, and others.

 Isolation, is an electrical material that functions as a insulation or insulation. This material cannot be passed by electric current, for example: ceramics, plastic, rubber, ebonite, and others.

  1. Based on the magnetic properties:

Permanen Permanent magnets, are magnets that are permanent so that the magnetic properties are very difficult to lose, for example: steel, cobalt, nickel, or a combination (mixture) of the material.

 Remanent magnets, are magnets that are remanent (temporary). So the material will become magnetic if there is an electric current through the coil that surrounds it, for example: dynamo plate, cast iron and cast steel.

 Non-Magnetic, is a material that cannot be made magnetic and cannot be affected by magnetism, for example: aluminum, copper, bismuth antimony and phosphorus.

 The magnetic, is a material that can not be used as magnets, but can be influenced by magnets, for example: platinum, manganese.

  1. Based on atomic bonds and their structure:

 Metal

Metal or metal bond is a bond that is formed due to the force of attraction that occurs between the positive charge of metal ions with the negative charge of electrons that are free to move. Metal atoms can be likened to ping pong balls which are tightly packed 1 to one another. Metal atoms have very few valence electrons, so it is very easy to be released and form positive ions. Therefore the outer shell of a metal atom is relatively loose (there are many empty spots) so that electrons can move from 1 atom to another atom. The electron mobility in the metal is so free, that the metal valence electron experiences delocalisation, a state where the valence electron is not fixed at 1 atom, but always moving from 1 atom to another atom.


The valence electrons blend to form a cloud of electrons which surrounds the positive metal ions.


Typical properties of metals, namely:

Upa It is a solid at room temperature, due to the strong attraction between the valence electron (in the electron cloud) and the positive metal ions.

♣ Can be forged (not brittle), can be bent and can be stretched into a wire. This is due to the strength of the metal bonds so that the metal atoms only shift while the bonds are not broken.

♣ Good conductor / electrical conductor, due to the presence of valence electrons that can move freely and move around. This happens because the actual flow of electricity is the flow of electrons.


In covalent bonds, the bonding electrons appear to belong to a pair of atoms, so they cannot move freely. In metals, the electrons that cause bonds between metal atoms not only belong to a pair of atoms, but belong to all metal atoms, so the electrons can move freely. For this reason, metals can conduct electricity.

More than one hundred elements, about three quarters of them are classified as metals, although these metals are very diverse in nature, but there are some unique characteristics that unite them, both chemical and physical properties, which distinguish them from other elements.


Metal has many physical properties that are different from other physical properties of solids. This can be seen from the reflection, conductivity, and mechanical properties possessed by the metal. Some metals have a specific flame color and to emphasize the resulting color, indicators are usually used. Most metals are chemically unstable and easily react with oxygen in the air and form oxides with different time periods for each metal.

The term reactivity in giving metal properties, is the ease with which a metal loses electrons to become cations. Highly reactive metals easily lose electrons and are therefore easily oxidized. Ease of oxidation of metals is an important property.


After the discovery of electrons, the high conductivity of metals is explained using the free electron model, which is the idea that metals are rich in free electrons moving in metals. However, this is nothing more than a model. With advances in quantum mechanics, around 1930, MO theories similar to those used in hydrogen molecules were used for the metal crystal problem.


Electrons in metal crystals are owned by orbitals with discontinuous energy values, and the situation is similar to electrons surrounding the nucleus. However, with the increasing number of atomic orbitals interacting a lot, the energy gap of the MO theory becomes narrower, and finally the differences between energy levels become negligible. As a result, many energy levels will combine to form energy bands of a certain width. This theory is called the ribbon theory.


 Polymers

Polymers are repeating chains of long atoms, formed from binders in the form of identical molecules called monomers. This means that the polymer compound consists of many monomers.

Even though it is usually organic (has a carbon chain), there are also many inorganic polymers. Famous examples of polymers are plastic and DNA.

Polymers are defined as substances consisting of molecules which include a series of one or more monomer units. Humans have for centuries been using polymers in the form of oil, asphalt, resin and gum. But the modern polymer industry only began to develop during the industrial revolution. In the late 1830s, Charles Goodyear succeeded in producing a form of natural rubber that was useful through a process known as “vulcanization”. 40 years later, Celluloid (a hard plastic form of nitrocellulose) was successfully commercialized. It was the introduction of vinyl, neoprene, polystyrene, and nylon in the 1930s that started the ‘explosion’ in polymer research that is still ongoing today.

The characteristics or properties of polymers are based on the following four things:

♣ Long

♣ Chains

♣ Intermolecular forces

♣ Branching

♣ Cross-link between polymer chains.

The longer the polymer chain, the higher the strength and melting point of the compound. The greater the intermolecular force in the polymer chain, the stronger the polymer compound and the more difficult it will melt.

A polymer chain that has many branches will have a low tensile strength with easy melting.

Intermolecular crosslinking causes the tissue to become stiff, so the polymer material becomes hard and brittle. The more cross-bonds a polymer has, the more easily it breaks.

Polymers that have cross-bonds will be thermosetting, while polymers that do not have cross-bonds will be thermoplastic.

Thermosetting is a type of polymer that remains hard and cannot be soft when subjected to heat. This polymer can only be heated once, at the time of manufacture. So if after a break can not be reconnected. An example of this type of polymer is Bakelite.

Thermoplastic is a type of polymer that can be softened when it is hot and hardened again after being cooled. This means that this type of polymer can be heated repeatedly. Examples of polymers that enter this type are plastic types such as polyethylene PE, PP polyproylene plastic, polyethylene terephthalate plastic, and PVC polyvinyl chloride plastic.

The uses of the polymer are:

♣ Polymers are widely used in daily life. The easiest to find are materials / items made of plastic.

♣ PE polyethylene type polymers are more widely used for plastic wrapping, pans, food wrappers, and plastic bags.

♣ Polyethylene terephthalate PET polymer can be used as material for making films, plastic bags and raincoats.

Polit Polytetrafluoreneene type polymer, Teflon is widely used as a coating because it is resistant to heat and slippery surfaces. An example of its use is for frying because it is not sticky when used for cooking.

Iv Polyvinyl chloride type polymers are widely used as materials for pipes and carpets.

♣ Nylon is a type of polymer which is a synthetic fiber material that is quite strong and widely used as clothing, clothing.

♣ Natural rubber or polyisoprene is a type of polymer that can be used as material for the manufacture of vehicle tires / wheels, shoes, and gloves.

♣ Silk is a type of Polymer obtained from protein (fibroin) silkworm cocoons. Polymers of this type are widely used as materials for the manufacture of clothing materials because they have very good quality fibers.

♣ Cotton is a type of cellulose polymer that is widely used as material for making cotton fabrics. Cotton dukenal is a strong and comfortable fabric that is easy to wear.

Elit Bakelite is a type of polymer that is widely used as a material for the manufacture of power tools such as sockets, switches and others.

 Ceramics

Ceramics is an art and knowledge in making and using solid products, most of which are non-organic non-metal components.

In the modern automotive industry, ceramics have been used for decades, namely to produce ignition parks in the automotive combustion process. Ceramics also function as electrical insulators. Nowadays ceramic material becomes an important material in the machine. Because of its strong nature and can hinder thirst at high temperatures.

Ceramics have characteristics that allow it to be used for a variety of applications including:

♣ Good heat capacity and low heat conductivity.

♣ Corrosion resistant.

♣ The electrical properties can be insulators, semiconductors, conductors, even superconductors.

♣ It can be magnetic and non-magnetic.

♣ Hard and strong or fragile.

Important thermal properties of ceramic materials are heat capacity, coefficient of thermal expansion, and thermal conductivity. Material heat capacity is the ability of materials to absorb heat from the environment. The heat absorbed is stored by solids, among others in the form of vibrations (vibrations) of atoms / ions making up the solid. Ceramics are usually strong materials, and are hard and also corrosion resistant. These properties, together with their low density and high melting point, make ceramics an attractive structural material. The main limitation of ceramics is its fragility, which is the tendency to break suddenly with little plastic deformation. This is a special problem when this material is used for structural applications.

The differences and advantages between ceramics and metals and polymeric materials are as follows:

♣ Ceramics: Non-organic material (not metallic), hard, strong, non-retaliatory with chemicals, high melting point.

♣ Metals: Organic materials (metallic), hardness and strength are different, unstable to chemicals, Melting point is different.

♣ Polymer: Organic material, soft and weak habit, unstable to chemicals, low liquid temperature.

 Composite

In general, composite materials consist of two main materials, namely:

♣ Fiber

  • As a main element in composites
  • Determine the characteristics of composite materials, such as strength, rigidity, and other mechanical properties.
  • Withstand most of the forces acting on composite materials.
  • The material chosen must be strong and brittle, such as carbon, glass, boron, etc.

♣ Matrix (resin)

  • Protect and bind fibers so that they can work well.
  • Material chosen soft material.

From the above understanding and its main elements, it can be observed that most of the natural structures found in nature are in the form of composites, for example:

Padi Rice leaves

  • Consists of leaf fibers wrapped by a matrix namely lychin.

♣ Bamboo trunks

  • The stem consists of fiber material that is fastened with a matrix so it is rigid and lightweight.


  1. Grouping of Electric Materials


A material can be in the form of solid, liquid, or gas. The form of certain materials can also change due to temperature. In addition to grouping based on this form in electrical engineering the materials can also be classified as follows:


  1. Conductor

Conductors are materials that conduct electricity easily. This material has a large electrical conductivity and small electrical resistance. Electric conductor material functions to conduct an electric current. Pay attention to the function of the wires, coils / turns on the electrical appliance that you encounter. Also on transmission / distribution channels. In electrical engineering, the most common conductors are copper and aluminum.




  1. Isolator

Insulator is a material that serves to seal (for example between 2 conductors); so that there is no electricity / leakage current if the two conductors are voltage. So the insulating material must have a large type of resistance and high breakdown voltage. Insulation materials often found in electrical engineering are: plastic, rubber, and so on.


  1. Semiconductors

Semiconductors are materials which have less conductivity than conductor materials, but are greater than insulators. In the electronics technique many semi-conductors are used from germanium (Ge) and silicon (Si) materials. In its original state, Ge and Si were pelicans and were insulators. In the factory these materials are given dirt. If the material is littered with aluminum, a P type semiconductor material (material which lacks electrons / has positive properties) is obtained. If it is polluted with phosphorus, the type N is a semiconductor (an excess of electron material, so it is negative). Ge has a higher conductivity than Si, while Si is more resistant to heat than Ge.


  1. Magnets

Magnets are grouped into 3 groups, namely ferro magnetic, para-magnetic and dia-magnetic. Ferro-magnetic material is material that has high permeability and is easily flowed by magnetic force lines. Examples of materials that have high permeability are iron, sand iron, stalloy, and so on. Also often found magnets which are permanent magnets, for example alnico, cobalt, charcoal steel, and so on. Steel for magnets is often found on motor / generator plates, transformer plates, and so on. In the electronics field, magnetic materials are used, for example in speakers, electronic measuring devices, and so on.


  1. Superconductors

In 1911, Kamerligh Onnes measured changes in electrical resistance caused by changes in Hg temperature in liquid helium. He found that the electrical resistance suddenly disappeared at 4.153 ° K. Up to now, there have been found about 24 super conductivity elements and many more alloys and compounds that show super conductivity properties. The critical temperature ranges from 1 to 19 ° Kelvin. Lead (tin), tin (stained tin), aluminum, and mercury materials, in sushu approaching 0 ° K, have zero resistivity.


  1. Optical fiber

Optical fiber is a fiber (thin, long) that is transparent (can / can distribute light) and is used as a medium of light telecommunications.

In 1870 John Tyndall demonstrated the concept of optical fiber for the first time.


  1. Special ingredients

Special materials are other materials that are used indirectly as the main material of electrical equipment (for example to beautify the form of electrical equipment).

In choosing the type of electrical material, in addition to the electrical properties, several other properties of the material need to be considered, namely:

 Electricity

Insulation material has a large electrical resistance. Electrical insulation is intended to prevent leakage of electric current between the two conductors of different potential or to prevent ground-breaking. Electric current leakage must be limited to the smallest (not beyond the limits set by applicable regulations).


 Physical Properties

Solid objects have a fixed form (their own form), where at a constant temperature solid objects have fixed contents. The contents will increase or expand if the temperature rises and vice versa the object will shrink if the temperature decreases. Because the weight of a fixed object, the density of the object will increase, so it can be concluded as follows:

♣ If the volume (volume) increases (expands), then the density will decrease.

♣ If the contents decrease (shrink), then the density will increase.

♣ So objects are denser in cold conditions than hot.


Kimia Chemical properties

Rust is included in the chemical properties of a material made of metal. This happens because the chemical reaction of the material itself with its surroundings or the material itself with the liquid material. Usually the chemical reaction with liquid materials is called rust or corrosion. Whereas chemical reaction with its surroundings is called blurring.

Testing the mechanical properties of materials needs to be done to obtain information on material specifications. Through tensile testing, we will get the magnitudes of tensile strength, elongation strength, elongation, cross section reduction, elastic modulus, resilience, metal ductility, and others. In addition to these traits that are not too technical, it is important to consider hardness and abrasion. Examples of physical properties that are often needed are specific gravity, melting point, boiling point, freezing point, melting heat, and so on. Also the nature of changes in volume, shape, and length to changes in temperature. Rusting is an example of the nature of a material due to a chemical reaction; reaction between metals and oxygen in the air. Chemical properties also include the nature of toxic substances, possibly reacting with salts, acids and bases.


In addition to the insulation or insulation above, there are also many other materials used in electricity techniques, namely the conductor or often called the conductor. An electrical material that will be used as a conduit, must also have the nature of the conductor itself such as: the coefficient of temperature of the resistance, heat conductivity, tensile stress strength and others. Besides that, they also mostly use solid forms such as copper, aluminum, steel, zinc, lead, and others. For the purposes of communication are now widely used as a conduit for telecommunications transmission media using optical fiber.

Closely related to the need for electricity generation, which is a magnetic material that will be used as a medium for energy conversion, both from electrical energy to mechanical energy, mechanical energy to electrical energy, electrical energy to heat or light energy, and from electrical energy to electrical energy back. This magnetic material must of course meet the magnetic properties, and the parameters to be used as a good magnetic material. In the selection of magnetic materials, these can be grouped into three types, namely ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, and diamagnetic.

A material that is now trending and the most widely carried out research in the world of science and technology is the semi-conductor material. The development of the world of electronics and computers today is one of the roles of semi-conductor technology. This material is very big role at this time in various fields of disciplines, especially in the field of electrical engineering such as information technology, computers, electronics, telecommunications, and others. Regarding the semi conductor material, at this time it can be grouped into two types, namely semi conductor and super conductor.



  1. Conclusion

Electrical materials are all types of objects that can be used in equipment or supplies and assistive devices that are directly or indirectly related to electricity. Knowledge of electrical materials is very important to know. This is because it involves our safety in the world of electricity

The introduction of material properties is divided into mechanical properties, thermal properties / characteristics, and the influence of the electric field. The electrical material specifications are based on the conditions, electrical properties, magnetic properties, and based on atomic bonds and their structure.

Materials or electrical materials also consist of several groups, namely conductors, insulators, semiconductors, magnets, superconductors, optical fibers, and special materials. In choosing the type of electrical material, in addition to the electrical properties need to consider several other properties of the material, namely electrical properties, physical properties, and chemical properties.

  1. Suggestions

Thus the author can describe the electrical material which is the subject of this paper. Of course there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, due to limited knowledge and lack of references that have to do with the title of this paper.

The author hopes that many readers provide constructive criticism and suggestions to the author for the perfection of this paper and the writing of the paper at the next opportunity. Hopefully this paper is useful for writers in particular readers in general.



Electrical Engineering UNRAM 2011. “Material / Materials Electrical Engineering”.



Satria, Dimas. “The Importance of Applying Material Science and Metallurgy (Technical Materials) for Industrial Progress in Indonesia”











Arisandi. “BOND METAL”.


Ardra. “UNDERSTANDING, PROPERTIES AND BENEFITS, POLYMER USE” understanding-sifat-dan-benefits-usefulness-senes-polimer/




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