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  Emergent contending strategies lived by students

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          Emergent contending strategies lived by students


The qualitative research with the design of phenomenology is a study on how does the Grade 9 students cope up their new learning environment in developing the distinct coping strategies of the Grade 9 students. The researcher  were very interested upon knowing the different strategies of the respondents on the attitudinal differences as we all know that the students were coming from different regions of the Philippines. Though the researchers were exited of this research, the researchers cannot accomplish it without the help and the effort of the administration, research teacher, panelist, subject teacher, school librarian and personnel and the respondents.

The researchers of this study give praise to our Almighty Father for giving them a good health and giving the courage to face and to conduct this study from our beloved grade 9 students.

A tremendous acknowledgment to Sr. Nory B. Espulgar, SM, The local superior, To Sr. Laresa N. Morasa, SM, the school principal, for allowing us to conduct the study in this community and giving their full encouragement, trust, support and understanding for us to accomplish this task.

Heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Maria Domnena I. Anog, the dynamic academic coordinator for giving time to sign the access  card though she has a lot to accomplish, aside on it she also give encouragement and inspiration to continue the study and to accomplish this task on a designated time.

Warmest thanks to Mr. Jeffry Lumansang, The research teacher for giving his full effort to discuss and to give more example and encouragement to fulfill our study. He also shared his knowledge about research to his students so that we will become a good researcher sooner as he wishes to his students and become independent by our own.

Due acknowledgment to Mr. Crislle Negrido, Mr. Jeffry Lumansang, Ms. Victoria Amaca and Ms. Glorie Ann Cabaluna for their excessive checking and correcting it with all their heart and give their comments in a polite manner so that the researchers will be not discourage instead they give us a motivation so that the researchers can improve the paper and transferred it to the soft copy.

A great gratitude to the Grade 9 teachers and students for allowing and giving the researchers made it successfully. Also to the Grade 11 mother sisters for understanding most especially to go out at the classroom during study time and accomplish the study, also they give a motivation so that we will be inspired to continue the study.

Area thanks to all Grade 9 respondents for giving their honest and sincere responses to our question that the researchers have made by giving their full time to answer.






The Problem and Its Background


Attitudes are a relatively abiding institution of beliefs, feelings and behavioral tendencies towards socially significant objects, group events or symbol (Hogg and Vaughan, 2005). Attitude is apparent state of mind, it signifies that attitude can be learned and changeable, it depends on the environment that the individual is dealing with. There are some circumstances that can lead an individual to change its attitudes such as things and person surrounds them. By continually changing the things surrounds the individual the attitude changes. IT naturally affects other person in a way that they have difficulty in adapting gradually the environment that their dealing with. Attitudes also learned it only relies to the person if how he/she absorbs it. Basically each individual must understand different attitudes that they encounter, it also help them to adapt but there are also some individuals uses the attitudes to have some strategies in a way that they can just easily coping the new environment that they’ve staying.

Across the world there are some high school to college in American society presents not only potentially stressful attitudes demands but also stimulating opportunities that can help the adolescent to master certain task. Vokola and Nikoldog(2005) Stated that attitudes towards change in general consist of a person cognition about change. Attitudes may vary in sailence and specifically in different contemporary culture by their functional requirements of their maturation. Attitudes are the basis of the American students especially by urban middle-class family so that they can get higher opportunity for them to learn new social roles and skills that will prepare them for the responsibilities of adult life.

Students around Asia are all positive specifically their attitudes. There are a lot of differences between continents which make Asia unique. The way Asian students usually cope with academic and social stress at school is related to their report of emotional behavioral problems and in general a similar relationship pattern. This indicates that Asian students coping style are good predictors of the degree to which the association between learning environment for by Asian students help them to make their own coping style. Also, Asian experienced some circumstances that their learning environment.

The Filipino family is considered as the backbone of our society. The family or more generally the house hold is not the unit and generational basis. The culture rule can simply be pattern or a model is learned from parents, teachers, peers, and larger society what can be considered “traditional culture”. In addition, generational values – attitudes beliefs and behaviors are becoming as commonly accepted and increasingly talked about as subculture.

Coping mechanism of students in a new learning environment is very serious topic in the Sister of Mary School for all the students are dealing with different attitudes. The students are coming from the different places where they lived and each has its own character. In this community students are divided into different groups and lived together in one dormitory and called it as a family saint. In front of each of each dormitory there are the respective classrooms to each students in which they are learned. It is important for us to know how they deal and adjust themselves to the different attitudes in their classroom and dormitory. That is why this is an opportunity for the researchers to know the different ways how the respondents develop or interact with the different attitude in the community.

This study is conducted to describe the different distinct coping strategies of Grade 9 students amidst their individual difference most especially in dealing with different attitudes in their learning environment. It also aims to give ideas to teachers on how to deal with those students in terms of teaching or giving of advices. Furthermore it helps the students to have a strong bond together with their dorm mates in their dormitory. It also gives aid for their sisters and helping sisters on how to handle their wards in different manner. This study also benefits much to the school since students is part of the community. The output of the study also may help most of the students to guide them what strategies that they may use to adapt the different attitude that they encounter in the community.

Theoretical Background

This study is anchored on the three(3) theories namely: The Cognitive Dissonance of Leon Festinger, reviewed by Steven Gans MD and update on June 19, 2018; Balance theory of Fritz Heider as cited by David Straker (2002-2018) and Eysenck’s Theory of Personality of Han and Eysenck as cited by Akomolafe (2013).

In Leon Festinger’s Cognitive Dissonance as reviewed by Steven Gans, MD and update on June 19,2018, it is viewed that the term Cognitive Dissonance is used to describe the feelings of discomfort that result from holding two conflicting beliefs when there is an inconsistency between beliefs and behaviors, something must change in order to eliminate or reduce the dissonance. The Sisters of Mary community is perpendicular to this theory. The school is giving information to the students for they will be enlightened in what they are doing. The sisters are trying their best to let their children be united and refrain from any disturbance in the study and in their daily life. In addition to this, the behavior of the students is totally different when they still stay outside of this community. For the reason of, the sisters and teachers are giving time to train their students to improve their behavior and most significance of all is the sisters are always having their catechesis to the students.

Balance Theory by Fritz Heider gave another view on how people deal with other attitudes. In this theory states that people establish their bond with other people and with thing in their status. In this theory it is applied in the community it’s because when the other year level don’t know anything, the best thing that they will do is that, to ask to the other year level and that’s the cause of the beginning of friendship with another year level. If something happen in the community that might ruin the dignity of the other year level, the sisters are trying their best on how to let them unite again.

Lastly, this study is also anchored on Eysenck’s Theory of Personality by Han and Sybil Eysenck as cited by Akomolafe (2013). This theory presents that people that has high on trait of extroversion and sociable and outgoing and readily connects with others since people high on the trait of introversion have a higher need to be unattended, engage in solitary behavior and hinder theircommunication with others. In this community the children are having less privileged to be alone for the students are living in the dormitory that compose of at least 15 students or children are given a schedule to follow for they will not feel that they are rejected or abandoned by their companion but instead they have high privileged to know their companion better.





















Statement of the problem

This study aimed to describe the development of the distinct strategies of the Grade 9 students in coping different attitudes inside the Sisters of the Mary School-Girlstown, Inc., S.Y.2018-2019.

This study aimed to answer the following specific questions:

  1. What are the problems encountered by the respondents brought about by attitudinal difference in the:
    • Dormitory; and
    • Classroom
  2. How do these problems brought out by attitudinal difference affect the respondents in the:
    • Dormitory; and

2.2 Classroom

  1. What distinct coping strategies are used by the respondent to cope up the attitudinal differences in the:
    • Dormitory; and

3.2 Classroom

  1. How do these distinct coping strategies help them cope with the attitudinal differences in their new learning environment?


Research Assumptions

  1. The students perceived the attitudinal differences in the dormitory and classroom.
  2. The students encountered problems brought by the attitudinal differences in the dormitory and classroom.
  3. The students have these difficulties towards attitudinal differences in the dormitory and classroom.
  4. The students used distinct coping strategies on how to cope up the attitudinal differences in the dormitory and classroom.
  5. The students have these distinct coping strategies to help them cope with the attitudinal differences in their living environment.


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is conducted to describe the emergent contending strategies lived by Grade 9 students amidst attitudinal differences in the Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown, Inc. at J.P. Rizal St. Talisay City, Cebu for the S.Y. 2018-2019 as their new learning environment. The phenomenological study is utilized to meet the purpose of describing the attitudinal differences of the Grade 9 students in their new learning environment. The Grade 9 students were the respondents of the study and were semi structured interview to share the difficulties they experience amidst attitudinal differences in the school and how they cope with their difficulties which served as basis for a proposed Emergent Contending Strategies Enhancement Plan that may help the current as well as the future Grade 9 students in easily adapting the attitudinal differences in the new learning environment.


Significance of the Study

The researchers believed that this study would be beneficial to the following groups of people.

School Administrators

                This study will be beneficial to the school administration in giving appropriate activities that can help the students to cope up the different attitudes that they encountered. It may also help in the decision-making process in conducting various activities.

Guidance Coordinator

                This study will be a great help to the Guidance Coordinator of the school in giving advices to those students who are experiencing difficulties in coping different attitudes inside the dormitory and classroom.


                This study will be a great help for the teachers for them to be guided on what to do and for them to help students cope up in a new learning environment.

Sisters and Helping Sisters

                This study will be a great help to the sisters as well as to the helping sisters because this will serve as a guide for them to prepare and think for the best ways on how to handle students especially inside the dormitory amidst to their different attitudes. They may deal with distinct attitudes of the students through leading time to help the cope the different attitudes.

Future Grade 7

This study will be a great help for them as freshmen because they will have an advance insight about the strategies they should enact in order to cope with the different attitudes inside the dormitory and classroom.

Future Researchers

                This study will benefit researchers for this will serve as their guide in making researcher which is related to the study.


Definition of Terms

For a further understanding in the study, the contextual and operational definitions of terms are listed below.

Classroom is a room, typically in a school, in which a class of students is tough. In this study, classroom mean a training place of the students in which they are group into different groups and etc.

Dormitory is a large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution. In this study, dormitory refer to a room which is composed of fifty beds. This room has two parts the bedroom where the students sleep and a dining hall where they all eat together.

Grade 9 is the ninth post-Kindergarten year of school of education in some school system. The students are usually 14-15 years old. In this study grade 9 refer to the students in third year of the secondary education.

Attitudinal differences are the way people views something or tend to behave toward it. In this study, attitudinal refers to the different manner, disposition of every student.

Respondent is a person who replies to something, especially to the one supplying information for a survey or questionnaire. In this study, respondent refer to the grade 9 students.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies about the different attitudes that are encountered by the students in their new learning environment and their different coping strategies on how they deal with it.

Related Literature

Coping mechanism are the ways of people use in facing different stress and trauma to help conduct painful feelings and difficulties. It conducts outside situation that makes problem for every individual. Coping mechanism can help to move on to stressful events while sustaining their excessive emotion well-being (Bempechat, 2009). The concept of the defense mechanism was originally suggested by Sigmund Freud as cited by Mcleod (2013), who argues that defensive reactions occur when the ego (self-pride) attempts to protect itself from the Id (attitude).

Dealing with different attitude in anew learning environment is not easy, you need to be more patient and understanding and you should have with your sense of humor and openness to help you learn, cope and enjoy. It is normal to feel worried and discouragement since you are not sure what others expect on you or what you expect to others by Shuell (2016) as cited by Chiu .et .al (2017).

The transition from school to a higher education is the most stressful part and challenge among the first year of the University students (Chiu et. al., 2017). They will experience a lot of occurrences in adapting new learning environment. They may have difficulty in dealing different attitudes. Think of SMS (2013) as cited by Youngster (2016) stated that it hurts him most when his classmates criticize him and say unsavory words to him. It simply means that coping different attitudes is the most difficult part of a student. It may affects to them in a way that it makes to have a low esteem. Students needs assertion and to be welcome; they must therefore have opportunities to spend time with. Caring adults who enable them was to be part of the large community by Garbarino (1995) as cited by Berns (2001). Many students have different family condition such as broken family, abandoned by their parents or living only in their relatives are having great difficulty in dealing different attitudes or even in their own attitudes. Mead (1934) as cited by Berns (2001) indicated that a self-concept develops when the attitude and expectations of others with whom are interacts are incorporated into one’s personality making it possible to regulate one’s behavior.

In the way there are a lot of researcher have begun to focus on the question: Why are children from the same family so different, most especially by their attitudes. The answer lies not just only in constitutional differences but also in the different experiences the siblings may have as members of the same family and in different experiences they have outside their family (Dunn & Plomin, 1990 as cited by Berns, 2001). Moreover family is not just the only reason why the attitudes changes of ones’ students. Peers are one also of the factor why the students’ attitudes change Berns (2001) stated that it is the peer environment that accounts for environmental effects on the personality development; he also stated that experiences in childhood and adolescent peer groups not experiences at home.

Genetic factors play a major role in determining the individuality. Because of treats and relationship each member of the family has the capability to adapt the individual behavior and personality in the individual family (Caspi, 2000). Genes make us question on how does people make different from the other most especially on dealing with attitudes but it must keep on mind that genetic constitution is shared with the other species and the other people, (Buss, 2000). One of the most important environmental factors where the children influence is by their own family. Through family they build a relation and make the children develop the personality characteristics, (Maccoby, 2000). The family share common personality characteristics of their child for they are sharing with same environment where they are living that it assume that the members of that particular family have the capability to share the personality characteristics of the members, (Maccoby, 2000). All psychologists would agree that environment and genes are connected each other in a way that genes in heredity to all members of the family and added by the environment in which they are living and through this interaction, personality of the children was develop, (Gottesman, 1963), cited by Berns (2001).

Cultures have something to do with personality characteristic most especially they were group or gathered together in a particular tribe and something to do with each person’s personality for they were living in the other culture and it makes them unique from the other attitudes (Kitayama, 1991) cited by John Wiley & Sons (2001).


Related Studies

                In the study of Shernoff (2016) entitled “Students engagement as a function of environmental complexity in high school classroom”, he mention that a learning environment surrender a wider effect to students battle hence, students learn. The students’ battle is affirmatively important to academic performance in different subjects in the study of Kelly (2008); Sinn &Rogers- Sinn, (2008) entitled “Sex differences in the use of coping strategies” mentioned that however, the student to pledge as security need to belong and to perceive connected. With other people most especially those who are near to them. This is only to recommend that there is need to perceive related to others, since it is indispensible for the developing the values, attitudes and a pledge to works Rooser, Ecdes and Samevolf (2002) entitled “Relationship among attitudes, coping strategies, and Achievement in Doctoral-Level statistic courser.” In the study of Ryan and Deci (2002) entitled “Self Determination Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development, Well-Being” stated that the teachers and friends also influence able to the students incentive and battle to learning tasks.

Talking about status, they are big differences between poor and rich students in gaining different happiness. Some of the students feel they are happy most especially when they are dealing with their different friends because they can mingle their friends and some of them can build a new group of friends again. On the other hand most of the wealthy children have the difficulty on how to deal with the different behavior. In their environment for they themselves also having difficulty on adapting the community that are composed with different attitudes as what they’ve experience that Afghanistan are as happy as Latin American and percent more likely to smile in a day from the study of Carol Graham (2010) entitled “Adaptation amidst Prosperity and Adversity: Insights from Happiness Studies from around the World”.

In dealing with different individual many tend to misunderstand the different attitudes of every individual. Attitude should be understood by everybody most especially each person is having their own attitude that was never known by the other people. Each person is having this uniqueness that other people don’t have. In this situation everybody should know how to adapt the individual’s attitudes, there are building for a group of friends were they can learn on. Everybody is responsible of developing their own behavior and everybody is responsible of helping others to develop their behavior. The individual’s behavior will be developed and this people involve students, teachers, parents, and community from the study of Candelas (1996-2004) entitled “Relationships among Attitudes, Coping Strategies and Achievement”

In the study of Pangrazi and Daver (1192); Hellisan and Templin (1992) as cited by Mara D. Lalco and Lorme D. Cape (2013) entitled “Engaged Teachers and Blended learning Fidelity” stated that through positive attitudes towards their companion, the individual encourage how to go their friends for they were aware of their own attitudes. Each individual can develop their positive attitudes in dealing with different people. The development of positive attitudes toward physical activities is one of the factors why do students are having easiest on how to adapt their companion.

Students coming from different environment take a challenge to take the other environment again. Students in their new learning environment encounter environmental challenges may be an activities, impartial and expectation, goal to manage student action or compatible from the study of Hektner and Asawaka (2001) entitled “Implication of stress and Coping Mechanism.” In the study of Reeve and Jang (2006) and Zhang (2009) entitled “Why Teacher Adapt a Controlling Motivating Style toward students and How they can become more Autonomy Supportive.” Stated that environmental with stand refers to the helpful affable and emotional resources that can be useful to teach environmental withstand and this is very essential part to the student who are adapting in their new learning environment.

The students who are given a time during a group assorted have a change of what they learned and practice directly their learning in their work. In the study of Sullivan (2002) entitled “Variation in students school and Teacher-Related attitudes Across Gender, Ethnicity, and Age.” Stated that through the reinforces  given to student during group assorted they have a change to practice and apply of what they learned in the class or encourage directly to convey of what they learned and returning to their work or activities. In the study of Blonna (2005) entitled “Perceived stress, Coping Strategy and General Health: A study on accounting students in Malaysia” stated that the student experience stress since some are trying to adapt to the demands of coping a new learning environment; new person, academic pressure and sexual concern.

Some behaviors are disruptive but not dangerous. A student in the class has the freedom to participate or not because they have the freedom to choose. It is the time when the student needs to be silence. It is not to the student need to observe and starting to adapt the environment where she/he is in from the study of Emily Listmann (2018) entitled “How to deal with Students Behavior Issues” In the institution of the Sisters of Mary School students are experiencing this kind of experience for they need to adopt their community for they were together in almost 5 years.

Mental health is a principle of constituent of the resilience, health service, capacity and positive transformation that enable people both endure with difficulty and extent their full potential and humankind from the study of Friecilli (2009) entitled “Mental health, coping stress among University  students.”

This man point of confusion associated with mental health as communal and concrete issues and influence anyone and everybody is responsible for his and adapt individually with position from the study of Swales (2005) entitled “Coping Strategies for Students.” Defender this by acknowledging that self-harm is demonstration of emotional upsets. It is not automatically the case that an act of self-harm, an endeavor or even a sign of intent to die by suicide this can form of self – prevention in paradoxical the suggestion of Swales; if a person is very emotional upset and aware of harming themselves will reduce this and giving up their physical health in order to protect their mental health.

In this study of Klonsky (2007) entitled “Coping with high school” stated that also how self-harm is a coping technique in review on self-harm. He mentioned in all his studies that people who self-injured similarly spoke about stopping bad feelings, comforting feeling of apprehension or terror and reducing anxiety and despond self-injury is not degree frequency or intensity when people satisfied from the study of Heslop and Macaulay (2009) entitled “Counseling students in level 2 and3” It confirm that self-harm frequency occurs through emotional upsets. In different reason self-harm can be risky and people need to talk about this so that different coping techniques can be tried.








This chapter presents the research design and the process observed in gathering, organizing and analyzing the data.


This study uses the qualitative research design specifically the phenomenological study for the purpose of describing the attitudinal differences towards the development of the distinct coping strategies of the Grade 9 students in the Sisters of Mary School. Phenomenology is describing the lived experiences of people with regards to the situation and the whole description of the respondents. It is an approach regarding on the study of awareness and the objects of direct experience (Chua, 2017). This was used to have well detailed information of how the Grade 9 students to cope the different attitudes of the people around every day, in spite of their individual differences, inside their respective dormitories and classrooms.


The respondents of this study were from Grade 9 students in the Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown, Inc. for the S.Y. 2018-2019. One (1)Grade 9 students in each section and one (1) per family saint were chosen for the total of twenty-two (22) students. They were chosen purposively for the interview based on the following criteria listed below:

  • Coming from the Grade 9 students
  • Age: The respondents must age between 13-14 years old
  • Region: The respondents must come from the different part of Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao
  • Identified that she had developed a coping strategies to cope attitude difference



This study utilized a descriptive instrument in order to attain the research objectives. This study used the semi-structured interview guide questionnaire to be used as a tool, aside from this to validate the tool, the researchers will follow the triangulation method in which the researcher asked the checker specifically Mr. Lumansang, Mr. Negrido, and Ms. Amaca in directing an interview for the researchers prepare open-ended questions in which the participants are free to give their responses. The questionnaire which is the total can be seen the questions on how does the grade 9 students develop and cope the different attitudes around them.


Figure 2.Research Environment.

The Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown, Inc. where the Grade 9 students resided is located at J.P. Rizal St., Talisay City, Cebu. It is a religious institution founded by the late Venerable Aloysius Philip Schwartz. It is a home for thousands of poor youths in the Philippines from different parts of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao regions. The sisters in this institution, is the one who manage the children by providing their physical, emotional, and their spiritual needs.  It is sustained daily by donations, gifts and requests coming from rich yet kind hearted persons, composed of both local and foreign.  The campus is composed of three (7) store buildings with twenty-five (25) dormitories and classrooms from second floor to sixth floor and two (2) gymnasiums including four basketball courts and  a stage. There are also two workshops with complete facilities such as sewing machines, computers and, etc. Each workshop has a sky gym mounted in the rooftop. It also has seventeen (17) basketball courts, a 25m size of swimming pool and one bakery.


The respondents of the study were chosen non-randomly using a purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling procedure that is based on the characteristics of a population and the objective of the study (Crossman, 2017) and were chosen based on the criteria given by the researchers. There is used to meet the goal of this study and that is to describe the lived experiences of the grade 9 students amidst individual differences. Also we will follow the criteria that we will be going to used, the criteria are the following: (1) The respondent must coming from the grade 9 students, (2) age of in between 13-14 years old, (3) they must coming from different parts of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and lastly, (4) identified that she had developed a coping strategies to cope attitudes differences.



This Phenomenological study collects the necessary data and information through a semi-structured interview. Prior to these procedures, the researchers then clarified the focus of the research by interviewing the participants. Moreover the participants from the chosen one (1) student from A-J are interviewed face-to-face to gather right information using the semi-structured interview guide, after asking the permission from their designated mother-sisters. Lastly, the data gather are consolidated which becomes the basic of making conclusion and recommendations.



After the gathering of data, the researchers then categorized the data according to the information presented and will be classified based the importance and the relevance of the information to the study. The data will be tested and analyzed through thematic content analysis using the colaizzi approach. The thematic content analysis is most common forms of analysis in qualitative research. It sort and explains data set in particular minimally but expands various aspects of the research topic (Braun and Clarke, 2006) cited by (Chiu, 2017).

Figure 2: Flow of data analysis utilizing colaizzi Approach


This research dignified the ethical standards set by the generic research ethics. In doing so, the participants were informed about all the steps what were to be taken in this research. The participants were more important than the study, and therefore always valued the participants were knowledgeable that the study was completely chosen and would not affect their studies, confidentiality is observed as the respondents identifying information was not needed the data collection material for the completion of the study


                CHAPTER IV


Through the help of the respondent’s response to the interview questions and the gathered data during the gathering of data, the results and findings of the study are hereby given and discussed as follows.


This part display the difficulties encountered by the respondents in handling with the individual

Differences of the persons surround them specifically in the dormitory and classroom.


Based on the data gathered, the respondents encountered numerous problems that cover from the environment to their own way of handling it. These problems hinder them from acting in accordance to their perceived convenience.




Table 1.1

Thematic Content Analysis on the Problems Encountered in the Dormitory by the Respondents

Line no.          VerbatimSignificant StatementFormulated MeaningClustered ThemeEmerging Theme
L1-L7 Yung misinterpretation ng nga dormmates nakapag mag-act ka nangganyan ay ibanasakanilayungmga dormmate namahirapintindihin. Example yungnagkaaway kami ng dormmate konong grade7 pa kami tungkolyunsa picture bataposnagalit kami noon at pagkagabi ay nag away rinsila ng katabi ng bed niyanagparinigsiyasa akin ako din nag parinigsakanya


The misinterpretation of my dormmates when if you will act differently they will think different against you your dormmates that its hard to understand. Example when the time that I have an enemy when I was still grade7 its all about a one picture we get angry to each other  and when the night comes they also quarrel to her bed mate she say something at my back  and I also do it what she do to me


Misinterpretation that causes conflict between the members of the familyMisinterpretation of Actions
































Communication- based problem






















































































































Ang problem nakonaencountersa dormitory about attitudes mis interpretation…




About our understanding, for example we cannot understand because as we all know that we have different attitude and we came from a different family






Because of our Attitudinal differences kay misunderstanding kay ang uban kay high blood, joker, kj,





Kanang mis-understanding sad ate and sometimes sad ate kanangunsana it’s hard, sometimes ate it’s hard to understand for we have different attitude ate.






During bible reading time some of my dormmate have sideline to talk and there are times that they will get angry to me.




Since kanang gi gather mi dili anan it means that naagyud miy lahi-lahingadili ma avoid ngakanang spoiled kay ko kay daghan kaylibak-libakngamalditadawkokanang ma lookdown bitaw ka.




Kanangnaopagmagaway away bitaw kung disobedient siyamagawayjudmonaa sad moy chance namagawayjudmo conflict



Ng problema ate kay kapagnanggalingsamayayaman ate kay nakakairetasilaba ate




lisod kayo kay ang uban kay waray , ilongga, so kailanganngamo use ogusa ka language para makasabotmosausag-usa







The problem that I encounter in the dormitory about attitudes is misinterpretation

About our understanding, for example we cannot understand because as we

all know that we have different attitude and we came from a different family


Because of our Attitudinal differences I encounter misunderstanding because others are high blood, joker, kj,


Misunderstanding also ate and sometimes also ate it’s hard, sometimes ate it’s hard to understand for we have different attitude ate.





During bible reading time some of my dormmate werw talking and there are times that they will get angry to me.


For we’ve gathered here it simply means that we have different attitude then some of my dormmates keep on back biting me, it makes myself down.


The conflict between us because of disobedient  that will force you to quarrel other people too


The problem ate is when they come from rich family they are annoying ate


It’s so hard because others are waray, ilongga so we need to use one language so that we can understand with each other









The respondents experiences misunderstanding in dealing with other people for they come in different family




























The respondents experiences discrimination against their peers





















The respondents encounter different attitude in their dormitory by this they experience peer conflict


The respondents feel discomfort for they come from different family and background













































Peer Discrimination

























Peer Conflict










Peer Discomfort














































Social Distraction



Classroom is considered to be the secondary home of the students to be outfitted with new knowledge that cannot be gained in their respective dormitories. With this, there are also problems that the respondents face in the classroom.


Thematic Content Analysis on the Problems Encountered in the classroom by the Respondents

Line No.      VerbatimSignificant StatementFormulated MeaningClustered ThemeEmerging Theme

































































































Yung classmate ko, classmate nawaraysiya, waraytapos every morning dadatingsiyasa classroom na high blood at palagi nalang bang high blood




Sa classroom kay one of our problem kay ang uban kay boastful kayo.




I encountered is that time that when you ask them why they did not help in performance task and they will just neglect you


Kanang hurting words  sakitan ka tungodsa attitude nakong irresponsible kana bitawi –lookdown ka kay wala ka kabaloanana things gibuhatnimo ang gibuhatnila.


Minsankasihindi ka maintindihankasiyungibamasayasilasaibaperosa akin na feel ko namanna…pero ok lang



Kanang irresponsible kay being secretary kay sila mu pasa kay mag dapatipasa then ako pa ang mag dorm to dorm kung may project



I cannot do my study or i don’t have time to listen about the discussion of the teacher, then I don’t like to talk or to participate because I have also misunderstanding with my classmate


Same also at the dorm ate misunderstanding sad in the classroom ate they have also their attitude and it’s hard to convince them ate and it’s hard to correct them ate



Example pagusa kay serious taposwala ka kabantaynanasukonadiaysiyatungodsaimong joke












My classmate that is waray that every morning when she will arrive in the classroom she is always highblood


In the classroom one of our problem is the others are boastful


I encounter is when the time that I will ask them why they didn’t help in every performance task they will just neglect you



The hurting words that hurt you because of the attitude,irresponsible that will look down you because you don’t know that thing







Sometimes they cannot understand you because others they are happy but in me they are not but its ok






Irresponsible being a secretary because if they will pass I still need to dorm to dorm if there is project







I cannot do my study or i don’t have time to listen about the discussion of the teacher, then I don’t like to talk or to participate because I have also misunderstanding with my classmate




Same also at the dorm ate misunderstanding because in the classroom ate they have also their attitude and it’s hard to convince them ate and it’s hard to correct them ate




Example if one is serious then you don’t notice that she is already angry to you




The student is challenge the patience whenever she will encounter different attitude






The student feel discomfort in dealing with other people




The student experience conflict towards their peer because different attitude





The Student experiences discrimination because of dealing different attitude








The student experiences misunderstanding because of the different attitude of their classmate
















































Misinterpretation that causes the students to have conflict within the classroom

Patience-based Difficulty











Peer Discomfort







Peer Conflict











Peer Discrimination





































































Misinterpretation of actions





















Social Distraction











































Communication-based Problem


Table 2.1

Thematic content analysis on how problems brought out by attitudinal difference affect the respondents in the  dormitory



Here in the Sisters of Mary School dormitory is considered as the home of the respondents. Each dorm is composed of different students with different places and attitudes. Because of their differences the respondents’ encountered different problems that affects them a lot.

Table 2.1 shows the responses of the respondents on the effect of the attitudinal differences brought by their attitudinal differences. Positive and negative influences were the effects of the attitudinal differences to the respondents. The effects of the attitudinal differences which are the self-regulatory and consciously displayed by student can help them to improve their learning (Zimmerman, 2001). The effects of the attitudinal differences include the following: Strength peer understanding, weakened peer relationship, Lowered self-esteem, Unproductive brainstorming, and Weakened study habits.

Strengthened Peer understanding makes the students feel personality and to understand their own learning (Filius et. al., 2018b) it’s because through their understanding they can produce another idea which collaborate the idea of others and through the collaboration of each other they can understand their individual peers.

Weakened peer relationship requires more friends and self-regulated actions (Lada, 2005) for them to have good interactions. Relationships towards peers make the people to gain new attitudes that they’ve never known before it’s because people has this uniqueness approaching towards peers they can develop their individual approach.

Lowered Self-esteem allows the participant expression to assist in dissecting the Impact of culture (Farruggia et. al. 2004) for culture has the greatest impact to lower the self-esteem of individual for some of the native people don’t expose their culture to the other culture. But if ever one people of a certain culture socialized with others they have this difficulties on adjusting themselves to a certain environment (Chan, 2000), and that makes themselves low from others.

Unproductive Brainstorming technique and technologies increase the idea of the groups for the technologies given help to the group who has the difficulty on giving their ideas or they had the hard time to express what does this idea means. But through the technologies and technique they were given a strategy on how to connect their ideas (Briggs R.O. & Reinig B.A., 2007).

Weakened study habits bring the respondents to focus on their academic study for the same problem or instance on their dormitory. Study habits must be well planned so that the students can understand the discussion properly and set a plan to pass the examination (Bashir & Mattoo, 2012).


Based on the table 2.1 it was found out that the respondents’ encountered many problems in their respective dormitory due to the attitudinal differences. The respondents encountered the positive and negative inluences, wherein they need to cope up the environment for them to socialize and to understand each other. According to Dishion and Owen, 2002, Hall and Valente, 2007, Kandel, 1978, Popp et. al., 2008, states that students tend to adapt the behaviors and the traits for them to have a good relationship towards peer.

Table 2.2

Thematic content analysis on how problems brought out by attitudinal difference affect the respondents in the classroom.




Classroom is a room, typically in a school, in which a class of students is taught. The respondents ts

Table 2.2 shows the responses of the respondents on the effects of the attitudinal differences towards their classmate on the classroom. The effects of the attitudinal differences brought them a positive and negative influences, according to Zimmerman (2001) through the experience towards peers, the students improve their learning. The effects of the attitudinal differences include the following: Strengthen peer understanding, Weakened study habits, Lowered self-esteem, Decreasing class participation, and Unproductive brainstorming.

Strengthened peer understanding evaluate suggest modification, reflect plan and regulate their own thinking, it’s because their confidence were already build up which is to face the challenges within them. Also through feedbacks they were able to think critically and to connect their different ideas to shares different perspectives, (Van Popta, Kral, Camp, Martens &Simons, 2017).

Study habits have the greatest impact to the learners most especially to their academic performance for study is the center of being a students and a main goal of the students (Fielden, 2004). If ever the students failed to study and didn’t develop their study habits this will come to a weakened study habits. Also Gellinger and Seibert (2002) noted a link between poor study habits and low academic achievement in that student has this poor achievement in life fir this two were always together and if ever they will not do harder to achieve their goals their time on studying is in vain.

But some of the students get discourage on building up their study habits it’s because the experience of being look down  in short they had this lowered self-esteem. The most significant influence to let the students build their confidence were the teachers and their peers so it’s because through the encouragement of them, the students builder up their confidence to face and to accept the challenges on their school matters (Booth and Sheehan, 2008).

Also through the weakened study habits the decreasing class participation follows it because how can do the students participate on their classes if they didn’t study and know the lessons. So teacher behaviors in the classroom greatly affect the student’s participation for the student depends on the teachers. If ever the teachers don’t really do their part and their management strategies were poor, the students also experience the difficulty most especially in participation of the class activity (Gettinger & Seibert, 2002).

Teams need to transition their ideas and have this collaboration to each other for them to be aware on what does the idea of others and their own companion. Also through the collaboration of each teammates, they created a new and meaningful output for the teammates are collaborating each other to produce a good outcome (Birkinshaw, J., 2007) and (Limayem M. & Desanctis G., 2000) but if ever the teammates only depends on their companion this time they had encountered unproductive brainstorming which can destroyed their team for only one were working for others are busy on chatting like the response of one of the respondents experienced.


Based on the table 2.2, it shows the same encountered by the respondents which are the positive and negative influences they also experienced difficulty on adjusting the environment most especially about the decreasing class participation and unproductive brainstorming. According to Deck & Ryan, 2002, Hulleman, Durik, Schaveigert, & Harackie Wic, 2008, that the accomplishments are more likely to be effective on increasing the performance of the students, it’s because through the accomplishment of the student, this accomplishment of them deserves as their motivation to improve their study habit.


Table 3.1

Thematic Content Analysis on the coping strategies used by the respondent to cope-up attitudinal differences in the dormitory


Line no.VerbatimSignificant StatementFormulated MeaningClustered ThemeEmerging Theme
































































































































Kanang no akong buhaton kung kinsa akong kauban mo adjust rasad ko, so in away nga maghumble na lang ko para marespeto ra sad ko


I stay humble lang  para iwas gulo


First is ine-understand ko sila first I understand na lang siya dahil alam mon ang anong mangyari tapos lalapitan ko siya sasabihan ko siya na, na bakit bakit ganyan o minsan turpe talaga magpadala nalang ng letter, sorry letter


I learn to understand them ate


I have to pray harder because if by prayer na maenlighten ko para dili na mabuhat ang ako lapses sauna then also improve myself on what I can do  not or what I can’t do


Ano din, ano magpray


By practicing the virtue of the Sister of Mary School and by having patient and understanding


For me ate some ate I will understand ate if their attitude is not good ate, sometimes ate some ate I will understand nalang then time will come that they will also realize


Paraan ko ay kung galit sila sa akin ay I neglect ko na lang sila then, how many times passed by magpansinay nami tapos pag di siya magpansin sa ako pasagdan ko na lang na siya ang mo pansin sa akoa



Dili nalang I mind ate I understand nalang about their attitude kay one have different attitudes


Maki jamming tapos I will not show nga nasuko ko   kay nag smile na lang para di madungagan ang gubot kalagot


If whoever my companion is, I will adjust again so in a way I humble myself so that I will be respected






I stay humble to avoid trouble


Firstly I tend to understand them and send a sorry letter.


















I learn to understand them


I have to pray harder because by prayer my mind will be enlighten to improve my lapses on what I can do or what I can’t do.





I will pray



By practicing the virtue of the Sister of Mary School and by having patient and understanding


I learned to understand and correct them for time will come they will realize it.












My strategies is if they get angry to me I will just neglect them then as time pass by they will talk to me then if not I will just wait that they will be the one to talk to me







I tend to neglect and understand my companion for I know we have different attitudes.



I tend to join with them to avoid any trouble and learned to smile at them















Maintaining oneself in humble way to peace everyone and to avoid trouble




































Asking help to do good and to avoid trouble through prayer













The student keep going on despite of difficulties






















The student keep going on despite of difficulties


























The student adapt their peer to maintain peace








Sustaining Humility



























































Maintaining Tolerance
























Neglecting Peer




























Peer Adaptability







Personal Coping Strategies



















































































Social Coping        Strategies





Table 3.1 show the answer of the respondents as to what coping strategies of the respondents in coping attitudinal differences. Personal Coping Strategies and Social Coping Strategies. The strategies that are positive, self-regulatory and consciously display by student can help them to improve their learning (Zimmerman, 2001). Coping attitudes differences includes the following: sustaining humility, neglecting peers, prayer, maintaining tolerance and peer adaptability.

Sustaining Humility is an outward expression of appropriate inner or self-regard, and contrasted with humiliation which is an imposition. A humble person can maintain a self-regulatory capability that guard against excess and fosters, pro-social tendencies (Jankowski et al ; Owens et al. 2013) which mitigate the same human vices that lead to disfunction over the long term such as hubris, self-aggrandizement and pride (Peterson and Seligman 2004).

Other coping strategies that the respondent  have is neglecting peers. Neglecting  peers means actively disliked by their peers. They tend to act in a way  that make them difficult to be around. Appleton (2012) emphasizes that neglect sometimes be identified from a specific scenario, rather it most often relies on health care providers, instructor, day care workers and other professionals working with children to make a decision about the inadequacy of on going care of the child within the context of the child’s family.

Opening –up one’s problem to someone can help the person to understand the things they do not know because person can act as guides and prompters to “shepherd” knowledge and skills from one context to another (Fogarty et al., 1991 as cited by Ip, 2003).So prayer also help the students to deal with their situation because their faith they believe that God will help them find solutions to the problems encountered for according to Philippians 4:6-7. “Don’t worry about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this will experience God’s peace, which is more wonderful man human mind can live in Jesus Christ.” (Colbert, 2009 cited by Chiu et al., 2017).

Maintaining tolerance means maintaining or allowing other people to say and do as they like even if you don’t agree or approve of it. It also acknowledges the group and ability to live and let other live. It is the way of students to exercise their fear and objective attitude toward those assessment, system, religion, citizenship and differ from one self. As William Ury notes,” tolerance is not just saying yes with one another or remaining in different in face of injustice but instead showing respect for the important humility of every individual.”

The respondent also used social coping strategies includes peer adaptability means adapting one’s self to communicate or socialize his/her peers. Peers are common aspect of people’s lives but their role in personality development has rarely been considered,   most of  the students adapt to the school and experience adequate positive self-image and confidence. Peers adaptability considered important for emotional, active and behavioural development and they have been described as essential for identify development and for experimenting with possible selves during  adolescene  (Wentzel, 2005).


Table 3.2:

Thematic Content Analysis on the coping strategies used by the respondent to cope-up attitudinal differences in the classroom.


Line No.VerbatimSignificant StatementFormulated MeaningClustered ThemeEmerging Theme


















































































Strategies nako sa  classroom kay kanang understand


For me kay  is just the same pagsa akin lang pag next time na may performance ay I will  correct them na next time na  kung gagawin to nila  ulit  sasabihan ko na lang ng mahinhinaan


By understanding to each of us sso that we don’t have trouble will happen


Kanang mag try ko to do good like approaching to pass  their project and  I will be patient to my classmate



Tapos kung kung may misunderstand akong classmmate ko ay mag smile na  lang  ako sa kanila then maag say sorry


Kay  mo understand ko saa ilaha unya humble tapos courage kay na force na  lang ko  og participate kay tawagon na lang  ko


Kanang I will just accept para  dili magka misunderstanding og mag humble

na  lang



Kanang I  shall go out from my  shell I will try my best to accept those humiliation  then tryan  nako   og accept ang responsibilities  and improve myself to participate and improve my confidence or self-esteem


Hindi na talaga maiwasan para makisabay na lang sa kanila


Mo go in the flow ako  sa kanila


I just ignore them ate bisan hambogiro kayo te ba

My strategies in the classroom is to understand




For me I will just correct them in a humble way.










Having understanding to each other so that no trouble will happen.


I try to approach them and to be patient to them.







If we have misunderstanding to my classmate I will just smile and say sorry.






I understand them; make myself humble and courageous to participate in the class.





I will just accept and make myself humble to avoid misunderstanding to them.




I shall go out from my shell and try to accept those humiliations, responsibilities to improve myself and my confidence.







I cannot avoid, so I go to the flow to them.



I go with the to flow to them


I just ignore them even though they are boastful

The student keep going  on despite  of difficulties








































Maintaining oneself  in humble way to peace everyone and to avoid  trouble












Self-understanding to increase self-esteem




















T he student try to adapt the attitude of her companion

Maintaining  Tolerance










































Sustaining Humility

















Boosting Self-esteem














Peer Adaptability







Neglecting Peers

Personal Coping Strategies










































































Social Coping Strategies













Table  3.2 show the answer of the respondents as to what coping strategies of the respondents in coping attitudinal differences. Personal  Coping Strategies and Social Coping Strategies. The strategies that are positive, self-regulatory and consciously display by student can help them to improve their learning (Zimmerman, 2001). Coping attitudes differences includes the following: sustaining humility, neglecting peers, prayer, maintaining tolerance and peer adaptability.


Maintaining tolerance means maintaining or allowing other people to say and do as they like even if you don’t agree or approve of it. It also acknowledges the group and ability to live and let other live. It is the way of students to exercise their fear and objective attitude toward those assessment, system, religion, citizenship and differ from one self. As William Ury notes,” tolerance is not just saying yes with one another or remaining in different in face of injustice but instead showing respect for the important humility of every individual.”

Sustaining Humility is an outward expression of appropriate inner or self-regard, and contrasted with humiliation which is an imposition. A humble person can maintain a self-regulatory capability that guard against excess and fosters, pro-social tendencies (Jankowski et al ; Owens et al. 2013) which mitigate the same human vices that lead to disfunction over the long term such as hubris, self-aggrandizement and pride (Peterson and Seligman 2004).

Other coping strategies that respondent have is boosting self-esteem. Having  self-understanding   bring   positive thinking it help to increase self-esteem. Positive communication with peers is also very important for students for increasing their self-esteem. Though positive self-esteem it helps student face different trial like coping different attitudes. Self-esteem developed by Rosenberg and translated by Jon was used to measure the level of self-esteem in the school of children.

The respondent also used social coping strategies include peer adaptability means adapting one’s self to communicate or socialize his/her peers. Peers are common aspect of people’s lives but their role in personality development has rarely been considered,   most of the students adapt to the school and experience adequate positive self-image and confidence. Peers adaptability considered essential for identify development and for experimenting with possible selves during   adolescence   (Wentzel, 2005).

Other coping strategies that the respondent s have is neglecting peers. Neglecting peers means actively disliked by their peers. They tend to act in a way that make them difficult to be around. Appleton (2012) emphasizes that neglect sometimes be identified from a specific scenario, rather it most often relies on health care providers, instructor, day care workers and other professionals working with children to make a decision about the inadequacy of in going care of the child within the context of the child’s family.

Table 4

Thematic Content Analysis on strategies that use by the respondent to cope with the attitudinal differences.



Line No.VerbatimSignificant StatementFormulated MeaningClustered ThemesEmerging Themes




















































































































My strategy help me to cope up in the My strategy help me to cope up in the magkita mi parang wala lang.



If we learn to cope up in a certain problem ate makatabang lang man

siya ate kanang maka-understand nako ate tapos makisama sad ta nila at mag-respect sad ta nila ate.


My dorm mate trust me coz they  vote me as an officer and dili na

sila padalos dalos ug sulti sa mga hurting words nila. Then through my strategies kay I can communicate to my dorm mates and they have already trust to me


Because understand can help to us by peace, by closing to us if we have misunderstanding and it can also help to us by doing good and to be the children of God if we patience to us, by doing us a good day, and peace to us and we are happy in doing us a good day.


For me ate the strategies does not help other, others also

but also to me, I make also to cope.


It helps na mag study og tarong kaysa inyong dorm mate maulaw ka nga ikaw ang lowest sa inyo tapos mga teacher na bati magdiscuss di ka kasabot.


Nakatulong ate kasi e- lower ko na lang ang pride ko pag ganyan.





By having that pag nangyari na ulit nasa sanay naman ako na always na nako na ma-encounter ang ganyang situation tapos nasanay ako dahil sa different attitude nila.

Tungod ato sa mga strategies nakong na buhat  nakatabang to nako i adopt ilang attitudes then tungod ate mas nakabalo ko kung unsa sila ng pagkatawo because of their background. Naka tabang to nako para ay para ma but an na pagka secretary.


Yung mga strategies na yun nakatulong ito na mag-understand sa kanila na maging courageous na magkausap sila.








In forgiving and forgetting the wrong doing of others I s one of the strategies that can help to understand with one another.


If we have this strong family bonding it can help to understand and learn to cope with others







Through self-improvement it can help to communicate others












Through understanding it can help to avoid having misunderstanding and quarrel to one another.




















Through self-motivation it can help the person to struggle in her study.







Through humility we can understand others.





Through self-encounter we can know their attitudes and be aware of them.







Through knowing their background we can know and understand what is their attitudes













Understanding can help others to be courageous while speaking to them.







The respondent learn to have a strong bonding to her fellow classmates.





































































The respondent encounter different attitudes to her classmates.


Social Group Improvement










































































Interpersonal Improvement
























Strong Socialization Skills


In table 5 shows the answer of the respondents as to how the Strong Socialization Skills Development helps them to manage with their new learning environment. Strong Socialization Skills Development it is found out that the strategies helps them to cope with their new learning environment. Strong Socialization Skills Development includes the following: understanding, bonding, and having self-motivation through their fellow students.

Intrapersonal Communication Skills is when you are communicating with one’s self. This refers to the strategies that help them to cope with and have a self-motivation within. One of the respondent affirmed “Through self-motivation it can help me to struggle in my study”. This means that she is trying her best in studying in order not to have low grades. (Desai, 2013) affirms that conversation that is continually going on in your mind.

Interpersonal Communication Skills is when the individual’s ability to communicate with other people, (Desai, 2013). This refers to the strategies that help them to cope and encounter different attitude towards them. One of the respondent affirmed, “Understanding can help others to be courageous while speaking to one another.” This means that she is trying her best to understand them in order to talk with them. (Desai, 2013) affirms that the ability communicates ideas, thoughts and feeling serves as the basis for all successful human interaction.



Table 8:

Final Thematic Map


Problem encountered by the respondents brought by attitudinal differences in the dormitoryMis interpretation of action



Peer Discrimanation

Peer Confict

Peer Discrimanation

Communacationbsed problem



Social Distraction

 Peer Discomfort



The problems encountered by the respondents brought about by attitudinal differences in the classroom






Problems brought out by attitudinal differences affect the respondents in the dormitory.


Misinterpretation of Action



Patience Based Difficulty

Peer  Discrimination

Peer  Conflict

Peer Discomfort



Strengthened Peer Understanding


Weakened Peer Relationship

Weakened Study Habit

Lowered Self Esteem

Unproductive Brainstorming



Communication-based Problem



Social Distraction







Positive Influences



Negative Influences

The problems brought out by attitudinal differences effecting the respondents in the classroom







Positive Influences


Negative Influences

The distinct coping strategies used by the respondents to cope up  the attitudinal differences in the dormitory





The distinct coping strategies used by the respondents to cope up the attitudinal differences in the classroom.

 Sustaining Humility

Maintaining Tolerance



Neglecting Peers

Peer Adaptability


Sustaining Humility

Neglecting Peers

Maintaining Tolerances


Peer  Adaptability


Personal Coping Strategies




Social Coping Strategies



Personal coping Strategies




Social Coping strategies




         Summary, findings, conclusions, and Recommendations       

This chapter presents the summary and the findings of the study which served as the basis of the conclusions and recommendations.



This study illustrates the problems by the respondents brought by the attitudinal differences in the dormitory and classroom as a new learning environment and how these challenges affect them as well as how they cope emergent Contending Strategies apply utilized by the Grade 9 students and it’s benefits in dealing with the difficulties amidst attitudinal differences in the new learning environment.

Through semi-structured interview guide, the researchers were able to gather information what were the problems encountered and the emerged contending strategies of the respondents amidst attitudinal differences in the new learning environment. Purposive non-random sampling was utilized in order for the researchers to determine the population of the Grade 9 students of the Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown, Inc. S.Y. 2016-2017. After gathering the data, Thematic Content Analysis following Colaizzi Approach was used to analyze and interpret the data.


The following findings were formulated based on the results of the data that was gathered and treated thematically.


Upon entering in this institution many of the respondents faced difficulties in their differences towards their peers since the respondents had the hard time to cope up the environment for the respondents were coming from different region in the Philippines. Some of the problem encountered by the respondents was the following: communication based problem, social distractions, and negative influences. In every difficulty that the respondents encountered the opposite one wherein they were able to socialize others such as positive influences, personal coping strategies, social coping strategies and strong socialization skills development.


In the classroom they also encountered some problem that they need to cope up for them to understand each other in the classroom most especially upon doing the group activities that need to be given an attention.


Being new to this environment, the respondents were greatly affected for the challenges they’ve faced. The problems that the students were facing were all about misunderstanding of each other, the misinterpretation and the unusual conflict in the dormitory.


Respondents in the classroom also experienced challenges most especially towards their classmates.They were challenge by their unproductive brainstorming which lead to the ideas on their activity scatter.


Some of the respondents trained themselves to cope up their environment most especially in the dormitory since they need to be together until the end of their staying in the community. The coping strategy that was made by the respondents is to deal with her dorm mates and to understand them so that they will have a good communication to one another.


Coping ones environment help the respondent to response to the environment most especially in the classroom. Some of the strategies that were made by the respondents are to be courageous for them to cope up the new environment in the classroom. Sometimes they do dealing with each other for them to be understood.



In the light of the results and findings, the researchers would like to recommend the Emergent Contending Strategies Enhancement Plan to minimize the challenges encountered by the students in dealing with a new learning environment.

Current Grade 7 Students

Students can use the propose Strategies Enhancement Plan as given in this study in order to easily adjust the difficulties face in their new environment specifically in the dormitory and classroom.

School Administrator

The school administrator can implement activities that will assist the students in overcoming the difficulties that they may encounter in familiarizing their unusual setting. It is also implied that they may introduce to the students the propose strategies enhancement plan to help them cope easily their newSurroundings. Moreover the researchers would also like to commend to give an orientation about the proper etiquette in the dormitory and classroom since orienting them will equip valuable information and grant the students and opportunity to meet other students ware probably feeling excited and nervous (Executive director of Marketing and Communations,2015)

Guidance Coordinator

The Guidance coordinator can deliver assistance and methods that could help the students under the balancing stageto easily cope to their new settings and thus, encourage then to persevere their studies in the Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown, Inc. The School counselors were the responsible person for supervising career development, but in this days, School Counselor is multifaceted and may vary greatly, depending on the requirements of the state or school. According to Kumari (2013) that guidance counsellor has the biggest role for he is preventing the mental emotional of the student and etc.


The teacher can apply certain teaching style and strategies that will enable the student, in their adjustment period, to learn effectively. When the teacher can create learning environments suitably, students will find easy to learn generally on their own. Collaboration In an area where the teachers are respected for their expertise and According to Handam& Li (2010) that through the teaching of the teachers, their concern for the students will level up for they were thinking the sake of their students.

Sisters and Helping sisters

The sisters should accord engagement activities to the students in order for them to blend with others andinvolved themselves in their new situation. In addition, the sisters and helping sisters should be approachable so that students would not get difficulties in opening–up their difficulties and problems brought about by psychosocial factors in their new environment.



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  • What are the problems that you encountered brought about by attitudinal differences in the dormitory?
  • What are the problems that you encountered brought about by attitudinal differences in the classroom?

2.1 How were you affected in the attitudinal differences in the dormitory?

2.2 How were you affected in the attitudinal differences in the classroom?

3.1 What distinct strategies did you use to cope up the attitudinal differences in the dormitory?

3.2 What distinct strategies did you use to cope up the attitudinal differences in the classroom?

4.1 In what way does the coping strategy help you to adopt the different attitude in the classroom?




Respondent 1:

L 1.Yung interpretation ngmgadormmatesnakapag mag-act kangganyan ay ibanasakanila, yung L 2.mga dormmate na mahirap intindihin.

L 3. Ah ….example yung nagkaaway kami ng dormmate ko noong grade seven pa kami tungkol       L 4. yun sa picture ba tapos nagalit kami noon at pagkagabi ay nagkaaway rin sila ng katabing

L 5.bed niya tapos nagpaparinig siya sa akin at ako din nagpaparinigan din at nagkasigawan

L 6.kami tapos nagtaponan kami ng baso, pinggan, kutsara at pagkain, mahirap kasing

L 7.intindihn ang mga high blood.

L 8. Yung classmate ko, classmate na waray siya, waray tapos every morning dadating siya sa

L 9.classroom na high blood at palagi nalang bang high blood, sinali niya kami, kaya inintindi

L 10.nalang namin dahil I know na, kasi ano na ganyan na talaga yung attitude niya ba. Epekto

L akin na di ko naman gusto na kasi ayaw ko nang makipag-usap sa kanya, kasi takot ako

L kanya, takot ako na mag-aaway kami tapos hindi ko na nagsasalita sa dorm at hindi ko

L rin pinapansin ang dormmates ko  dahil baka yun din yung gagawin nila. Yung reaksyon L 14.nila yung nagtatanong sila sa akin bakit ako nagkaganoon at di naman sila lumalapit sa akin L 15. dahil tiger look na daw. Kasi every eating, yung, yung ate naming ay magsasabi na mag

L forum dahil tahimik sa man sa dorm at mag-stand ako niyan, kapag may kaaway yang L 17. Mga dormmate ko, pero magpaparinign muna kami at i-open naming kaya sinunod ko rin

L 18.yung ginawa nila.

L 19. First is ine-understand ko sila, first ay iunderstand nalang siya dahil alam mo nang anong

L 20.mangyari tapos lalapitan ko siya sasabihan ko siya na, na bakit, bakit ganyan o minsan o

L 21.turpe talaga magpadala nalang ng letter sorry letter, ano din mag pray.Mo-go in the flow

L 22.ako sa kanila tapos kung kung may na-miss understand ako ng classmate ko ay mag-smile   L 23.nalang ako sa kanila then mag say sorryYung mga strategies na yun, nakatulong ito nong,

L 24.nakatulong ito na mag-understand ako sa kanila na maging courageous na makausap sila

L may problema man at yung mga strategies na para ma cope up, it, it, it, it helps me a lot L 26. na, na ,na mai-accept and ready to face your challenge narin.


Respondent 2:

L 27. Kanang miss-understanding sad ate and sometimes sad ate kanang unsa nait’s hard,

L 28.sometimes ate it’s hard to understand for we have different attitude ate.Same also at the

L 29.dorm ate misunderstanding sad in the classroom ate they have also their attitude and it’s

L 30.hard to convince them ate and it’s hard to correct them ate.For some, some ate, the first

L 31.ate I encounter ate I felt afraid ate and I felt comfortable with them ate and I learn to

L 32.understand them ate. In the classroom ate, if my dormmates are, if they are, if they have

L 33.different attitude to me ate, I understand them ate for I know they have different attitude L 34. it help me to understanding other people and to be friendly ate.For me ate, some ate I will L 35. understand ate, if their attitude is not good ate I will correct them ate, sometimes ate,

L 36.some ate I, I, I will understand nalang then time will come that they will also realize

L 37.ate.Same at the classroom ate.For me ate the strategies does not help other, others also

L 38.but also to me, I make also to cope.

Respondent 3:

L 39. Ang problema ate kay dili man ta tanan pareha ug attitude ate kanang, kanang lahi man

L 40.ka naggikan tapos, If kanang asa o saan tayo nanggaling ate tapos kay for example kung

L 41.nagikan ta sa broken family, lahi gyud na ang atong attitude ate sa kadtong sa rich,

L 42.mayaman na iba, tapos yung iba ay nasa peaceful na family ate then mada gyud nila ang

L 43.ilahang attitude na di gyud harsh ate ba at kung nanggaling din sa mayayaman ay nakaka-

L ate ba tapos maka-ireta siya ate.Sa classroom kay one of our problem kay ang uban

L 45.kay boastful kayo.Kana gyung effect sa akoa te kay mag-understand and unya makisama

L 46.ko nila but on the point that makisama gihapon ko nila, noy on the popint ate na bisan bad L 47. na ang ilahang gibuhat kay mooban gihapon ko nila.Diba ate boastful man tong uban di, dili L 48. nalang ko magparticipate ate. I learn to understand them ate and, and pasagdaan nalang

L 49.sila ate kay lisod gyud sabton ang ilahang attitude. I just ignore them ate bisan hambogira L 50. kayo te ba and then sometimes also I also understand them kay by themselves sila ray

L 51.maka-realize ate.If we learn to cope up in a certain problem ate makatabang lang man

L 52.siya ate kanang maka-understand nako ate tapos makisama sad ta nila at mag-respect sad L 53. ta nila ate.

Respondent 4:

L 54. Ang problem nako naencounter sa dormitory about attitudes mis interpretation , kay

L 55.maglagot sila kay, mas gitagaan og time ang friends kesa dormmatesthen dili mi mag

L 56.kasinabot kay we have different background and attitude kay kong maglagot sila kay nag

L 57.bundak bunak ko te tas maglagot pud ko.Kanang irresponsible kay being secretary kay sila L 58. mu pasa kay mag dapat ipasa then ako pa ang mag dorm to dorm kung may project.Ano

L 59.ate kay tabian kay mag grouping mag tabi man me. Naapektohan ko tungod sa ilang

L 60.interpretation then na depress ka tungod sa ilang gi pang ingon, na mas imporatante pa

L 61.ang friends kaysa dormmates. Oo naka apekto ilang attitudes sa akong studies di nako

L 62.ganahan mag study usahay na ka think ko na muuli nalang sa balay. Nadiscourage na ko

L 63.mag secretary kay dili mag passa then kung mangayo ko og tababng sa among assistant

L 64.secretary dili pud mo tabang then mag anad sila na ako ang muadto dorm to

L 65.dorm.Makadiscourage pud kay ang uban muingon na strikta ko pero ang uban muingon na L 66. jolly ko. Dili nalangate. I understand nalang about their attitudes kay we have different

L 67.attitude then if I have courage I will approach then and ask forgiveness.Kanang mag try ko L 68. to be good like approaching to pass their project and I will be too patient to my classmate

L 69.because It’s my responsibility as a secretary.Tungod ate sa mga strategies nakong na buhat L 70. nakatabang to nako i adopt ilang attitudes then tungod ate mas nakabalo ko kung unsa sila L 71. ng pagkatawo because of their background. Naka tabang to nako para ay para ma but an

L pagka secretary.



Respondent 5:

L 73. About Our understanding, for example we cannot understand because as we all know that L 74. we have different attitude and we came from a different familyThe effect for me about the L 75. attitude is that I cannot focus my study, and especially I cannot do my homework. My

L 76.problem here in the dormitory is that when we have our cleaning some of my dormmates L 77. don’t have initiative to, to help in our duty and that we have misunderstanding to each of

L cannot do my study or i don’t have time to listen about the discussion of the teacher,

L 79.then I don’t like to talk or to participate.By practicing the virtue of the Sisters of Mary

L 80. School and by having a patience and by understanding. By understanding to each of us, so L 81.that we don’t have trouble will happen. Because understand can help to us by peace, by

L 82.closing to us if we have misunderstanding and it can also help to us by doing good and to

L the children of God if we patience to us, by doing us a good day, and peace to us and

L 84.we are happy in doing us a good day.

Respondent 6:

L 85. During bible reading time some of my dormmate have sideline to talk and there are times L 86. that they will get angry to me. I encountered is that time that when you ask them why they L 87. did not help in performance task and they will just neglect you. Naapektuhan ako pag for

L 88.example nagagalit ako then magagalit din ang dormmates ko. Naapektuhan ako pag may

L 89.nakikita ako na different attitude nila binalewala ko nalang at sometimes tinatanong ko

L 90.para malaman ko at masolusyunan ko. Paraan ko ay kung galit sila sa akin ay ineglect ko

L 91.nalang sila then how many times passed by magpansinay nami tapos pag di siya

L 92.magpansin sa akoa pasagdaan ko nalang na, siya ang mopansin sa sa akoa. For me kay is

L 93.just the same pag sa akin lang pag next time na amy performance ay , I will correct them

L next na kung gagawin to nila to ulit sasabihan ko nalang sila ng mahinhinan. By having

L 95.that pag nangyari na ulit nasa sanay naman ako na always na nako na ma-encounter ang

L 96.ganyang situation tapos nasanay ako dahil sa different attitude nila.

Respondent 7:

L 97. Since kanang gi gather mi diri tanan it means that naa gyud miy lahi-lahi nga dili ma avoid

L 98.nga kanang spoiled kay k okay daghan aky libak-libak nga maldita daw ko kanang ma

L 99.lookdown bitaw ka. Kanang hurting words sakitan ka tungod sa attitude nakong

L 100.irresponsible kana bitaw i –look down ka kay wala ka kabalo ana na things gibuhat nimo

L 101.ang gibuhat nila. kanag in my studies dili kay ko makaconcentrate kay tungod sa ila

L 102.giingon na sakit mao tong masamot na ko ug ka look down. Almost the same especially

L 103.kanang self-esteem kay ma low and it’s hard for me to participate in the classroom and

L 104.dili nako mubuha, ang responsibilities kay nag promise ka pero wala nimo nabuhat and it L 105. affects my studies. I have to pray harder because by prayer na ma-enlighten ko para dili

L mabuhat ang ako lapses sa una then I also improve myself on what I can do and on

L 107.what I can’t do. Kanang I shall go out from my shell, I will try my best to accept those

L 108.humiliation then tryan nako ng accept ang responsibilities and improve my confidence or L 109. self-esteem. My dorm mate trust me coz they vote me as an officer and dilinasilapadalos-L 110. dalosugsultisamga hurting words nila. Then through my strategies kay I can communicate L 111. to my dorm mates and they have already trust to me.


Respondent 8:

L 112. Kanang nao pag magaway away bitaw kung disobedient siya magaway jud mo naa sad

L 113.moy chance na magaway jud mo conflict. Example pag usa kay joker nya ang usa kay

L 114.serioso tapos wala ka kabantay na nasuko na diay siya tungod sa imong joke. Sometimes L 115.kay mo join to the flow ra ko kay samot na di ka mo understand sa iyaha din dugay namo L 116. naka-amigo ma broke ra siya din kailangan kay akoy mag adjust para di siya masoko sa

L 117.ako. Sa ako kay kung ano kanang tawo nga grabe magstudy mo accept na alng mi nga

L 118.magstudy, maghumble na alng lagi, mo respect na lang ka para walay gubot. Kanang ano

L 119.akong buhaton kung kinsa akong kauban kay mo adjust ra sad ko. So in a way nga

L 120.maghumble na alng ko para marespeto ra sad ko. Strategies nako sa classroom kay

L 121.kanang understanding kay mo-understand ko sa ilaha unya humble tapos courage kay na L 122. force nalang ko ug participate kay tawagon na lang ko. It helps na mag study og tarong

L 123.kaysa inyong dorm mate maulaw ka nga ikaw ang lowest sa inyo tapos mga teacher na

L 124.bati magdiscuss di ka kasabot.


Respondent 9:

L 125. Lisod kayo kay ang uban kay waray , ilongga, ao kailangan nga mo use og usa ka language L 126. para makasabot mo sa usag-usa.  Minsan kasi hindi ka maintindihan kasi yung iba masaya L  127. sila sa iba  pero sa  akin ma-feel ko na man na ……..pero ok lang. Na learn nako ug unsa

L 128.pag handle sa situation.Yun din ate pariha lang sa dorm. Stay humble lang para iwas sa

L 129.gulo. Hindi na talaga madalasan para makisabay nalang sa kanila. Nakatulong ate kasi e-

L 130.lower ko na lang ang pride ko pag ganyan.

Respondent 10:

L 131. Because of our Attitudinal differences kay misunderstanding kay ang uban kay high

L 132.blood, joker, kj, Misunderstanding kay for example activity namo we have different ideas L 133. then kanang we tend to copete kung kinsa gyud naay good idea hanggang mag away-

L 134.away na mi

L 135.gubot kay kuan man di mi mag kasi nabot  Ah…. For example dili magkadimao because of L 136.dimao ang ideas ang impact gubot

L 137. Makipag jomming tapos, I will not show na nasuko ko kay nagsmile na lang para di

L 138.madungagan ang gubot, kalagot. Kanang I will just accept para dili magka

L 139.misunderstanding ug mag humble na lang. My strategy help me to cope up in the

L 140.dormitory by after sa among misunderstanding we tend to smile to one another and ug

L 141.magkita mi parang wala lang.


September 27, 2018


School Principal

The Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown, Inc.

J.P Rizal St. Talisay City Cebu



Academic Coordinator


Dear Sister:

“Let us serve the Lord with joy”

We, the group 6 of the grade 11 D would like to ask permission to conduct our study in this school. This research entitled “Attitudinal Differences: The Path towards the Distinct Coping Strategies of the Grade 9 students.” This study aim to describe their different strategies on how they cope up the individual behavior upon living in this school.Hoping for your positive response.


Respectively Yours


Group Leader                                                                   Academic Coordinator


Noted by:                                                                           Approved by:


Research Teacher                                                                 School Principal





The Sisters of Mary School were composed of youth that are come from different region in the Philippines. The youth experiences attitudinal differences upon coming in this community for each youth were raised by different family and environment.  The researchers come to describe the different strategies on coping the different attitude in this community. The purpose to conduct this study is to describe the different strategies of the youth in copingthe new environment most especially the respondents were coming from different region of this country.

Semi-structured interview and non-participant observation are the main instruments used in the study. The data gathered from the respondents were analyzed and interpret using the thematic content analysis followed by colaizzi Approach. In this study from the institutional authorities of the Sisters of Mary School, Gilstown,Inc. The extent of their right to access to the information gathered in this study will be based on existing rules and regulations set by the Sisters of Mary School, Girlstown, Inc.

Because this is a phenomenological study, the respondents will be interviewed; there will no disruption of the respondents because they will be interviewed as they continue living their way of life it is assured that no discomfort will be inflicted upon the research respondent.

The researchers will gather the respondent and assure the consenting respondents of strict confidentiality, following the ethical principles during the study period to explore the attitudinal differences of the Grade-9 students in the Sisters of Mary School Girltown. The researcher likewise asks for permission to interview the respondents. The respondents are assured that the information gathered in this study is for the benefit of the progress of the study and nothing else derogatory and degrading to the dignity of the participants will be published. The respondents and their community will gather important knowledge on coping different attitude. We would also like to emphasize that after the raw of responses and interviews are transcribed and accounted for we will be protecting the responses or the answer for security and confidentiality purposes. Moreover you do not have to agree to part in t his research endeavor. You may stop yourself from participating in this research at any time that you wish without either you losing any of your rights as a human being.

If you have any questions, you may approach any of the group 6 members of the Grade 11-D or the group leader Estrada Jonalyn Villamor. / this research endeavor has been approved and reviewed by our research teacher, Mr. Jeffrey M. Lumansang



                          About The Author

Jaylene J. Gelacio had her elementary years until grade 5 on the Lantapn, Central Elementary School in Lantapan Bukidnon and received an award of most or bests and with honors. She finally finished her elementary years on the San Isidro Elementary School in Kitaotao Bukidnon and became an honor student. She currently study at the Sisters of Mary School Girlstown-Inc. and on the sections I, H, F, E, and D. She’s currently learning and having her training on the Dressmaking NCII.

Maria Luz Hilado Finished her elementary years at Lamak, Central School in the S.Y. 2014-2015 in Lamak, Hilongos, Leyte and was awarded as the Most Industrious student of the year. She is also a second honor student from grade 1 to grade 4 at the same school. She is currently studying at the Sisters of Mary School Girlstown-Inc. and having her training on the Dressmaking NCII and she is also a member of Math Club.

Alona C. Anduyon finished her elementary years at Hingatungan, Elementary School in Visayas. She is a consistent section A and honor student at the Hingatungan, Elementary School. She graduated her elementary years as 6th Honorable Mention in the S.Y. 2014-2015.She is now studying at the Sisters of Mary School Girlstown-Inc. and a COQC coming CAT officer. She is also an A.P. club member and a student teacher in Filipino subject. She is also a Dressmaking NCII trainee.

Jamaica Elicano finished her elementary years at Nueva Esperanza Elementary School and received many award on her life. She is currently a student in the Sisters of Mary School Girlstown-Inc. and a COQC becoming CAT and a trainee of Computer System Servicing NCII (CSS NCII).

Princess Mae Himpayan finished her elementary years at Vicente Flores Memorial Elementary School and was awarded as MTOP of the year, Girl Scout of the year, Most Industrious, Neat and Clean, and many more. Now, she is currently studying at the Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown, Inc. as a Grade 11 student. When she was in grade 7, 8, 9, 10 she belongs to the section G, E, E, E now in her grade 11 life she belongs to the section D. she was once a long distance runner and a trainee of Computer System Servicing NCII.
























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