Emerging Adults
The topic of emerging adults has become a vital topic of discussion in the current days. The issue, however, has brought about various psychological impacts, especially to the current generation. I will also address the multiple challenges that individuals in the emerging adult’s categories face. Lastly, I will compare emerging adults and their experiences from a dimension of two generations, the current one and the one who young adults fifty years ago.
Emerging adults face the same psychological struggles. According to Jeffery Jesen, a psychologist from Clark University, emerging adults face the same mental struggles even if they come from diverse family and societal backgrounds. The psychologist researched different young from various cities over five years and came up with a psychological age bracket of emerging adults.
The emerging adults were psychologically found to be over-prepared. He found out that individuals in that age bracket of eighteen to twenty-five were highly optimistic. They expected to get well-paying jobs, get right long-lasting marriage partner, and a great satisfactory life. Sadly psychological research has proven that many ends up being frustrated. They end up in poor paying jobs, in divorce situations, and lastly, some fall into depressions. Jeffery, on the other hand, states that the remedy of being in such a state is for the emerging adults not to be over-prepared but take life easy and grow as time moves by.
The psychologist also compared two generations of emerging adults. The current one was found to have evolved and concentrated more on education. The introduction of colleges and universities has seen many young people across bothgenders focus on careers first later on marriage. The male gender was found to be marring at almost thirty years of age while the female twenty-five years of age and above. The young adult generation that was compared along with that was presumed to exist fifty years ago was said to be marrying at the ages of twenty for females and twenty-two for the male gender.
The past generation did not entirely focus on education but preferably on occupation and starting families. The previous generation also respected the art of sex quite a lot. The act was high preserved for marriage purposes only. The current production, on the other hand, embraces sexual activities before marriage and champions for the use of contraceptives and other preventive measures. The above points are the vivid differences between the past and the current young adult generation.
Emerging adults are individuals in a new adventure in their lives. They are in a phase of identity exploration, financial instability, self-focus, feeling in-between ideas, and age of possibilities and experiences. This, unfortunately, can be a period where they can build or destroy themselves, and it solemnly depends on their decisions and actions that there will undertake during this period.
Emerging Adults: The In-Between-Christopher Munsey:https://www.apa.org/monitor/jun06/emerging.aspx