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Employee retention

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Employee retention

Retention of employees is essential in today’s business world hence some motivational factors and strategies are crucial in ensuring that employees are motivated and retained. The article discusses the strategies that can be used to motivate and retain employees and the psychological factors that affect employee’s retention. Recognition of employees, the strategies the managers use in management as well as ensuring a proper work-life balance is some of the strategies used in ensuring employees retention. These factors are essential in ensuring that employees are motivated to ensure the success of the organization since motivated employees are highly productive.

Employee retention factors in Nepali insurance companies

Highly productive employees need to be retained in the organization. The study was conducted to identify the factors that influence the retention of employees which include compensation strategy as a way of rewarding for employees and creating a harmonious environment are some of the factors that can help retain employees in the insurance sector. The findings show that lack of employees retention can result in manpower crunch. Salary and benefit for employees, work-life balance and career opportunities to advance the employee’s skills have a great impact on employee retention since they help motivate employees as found out in the research.

Recruitment, employment, retention and the minority teacher shortage

The research was conducted due to the shortage of minority teachers experienced. Whether the number of teachers changed, the places where they are employed, the turnover of the teachers, sources of the teachers and the role that the stuffing of the teacher’s plays is areas which were investigated in the research. The research was done in various schools and the findings were

Role of employer branding dimensions on employee retention

Every organization competes for the best talent available for the good performance of the organization and having a competitive advantage over the other organizations. The journal states that branding is done by ensuring the acquisition of the best resources by the organization to improve its competitiveness. A good employer brand involves managers having good experiences with the employees and helps attracts the best talent available in the market hence improved productivity. Branding helps to improve the recruitment process and improve the organization’s reputation as well as the loyalty of employees.

Factors influencing employee’s intentions to stay in the organization

The intentions to stay in an organization is determined by the organization’s efforts to decrease the effort by employees to leave. According to the journal Compensation and benefit policy in the organization have the greatest impact on the intentions to stay. The factors are either internal or external. Training and development and performance management systems also have an impact on the intentions to stay. Well, and satisfied employees who feel a sense of belonging in the organization are less likely to leave. An organization culture which is favourable for the employees is important for employee retention.


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