engaging with God A Biblical Theology of Worship
The first chapter explores the holy places of worship, such as tabernacles during ancient times. It explains the various forms of sacrifices and worship offered to the gods of Israel. At the same time, the making of the covenant that sought to reconcile God and man is critically examined in the first chapter. Furthermore, it explains how man is entitled to worshipping God and live according to the commandments stipulated in the old testament. It is in this perspective that man reconciles with God and becomes redeemed. Also, this chapter explores the mount Sinai covenant, which was an act of symbolizing that God was with the children of Israel. Thus, God would use Moses as a mediator to accomplish his will to his people. Nevertheless, sacrifice and offerings are mentioned to be a significant sign of worship in the first chapter of the current book. In this case, sacrifices were made to seal the mount Sinai covenant between God and Moses to emphasize that God was with the Israelites and had good plans for them.
Additionally, the building of the tabernacle is a central issue in chapter 1. God instructed Moses to facilitate the construction of the tabernacle, which was to be done by the Israelites. At the same time, the ark of the covenant emphasizes Gods’ worshipping in Israel. Besides, how religious leaders chosen by God presided sacred festivals. Also, the Sabbath, according to the old testament, was set a special day to worship God. To add, worship is the primary focus that God wanted man to do as a regular activity according to the old testament.
Despite the prophetic visions mentioned in the old testament, the chapter reveals that the Israelites still worshipped idols and thus sent to exile. However, God rescued them to show his love for humankind, as revealed in chapter one.
The topic of worship and sacrifice is important in the life of a Christian It enlightens Christians on how worship and sacrifice to God were useful activity during the reign of the Israelites. The ark of the covenant was brought to Jerusalem, and this reveals that God had a good plan for humankind. Still, Christians learn several lessons from the old testament context. For instance, they learn the act of faith and humility from the reign of Moses and the Israelites. Also, they learn how God wants them to live exemplary holy lives and offer Him a small portion of their earnings to God. In this perspective, Christians also appreciate the fact that God wants them to live positively in their lives
Furthermore, they learn that disobedience originated from humankind, as in the case of Israel. Therefore, I agree with the author’s information in chapter one regarding the old testament; it helps shape and enhances the beliefs of a Christian. As a result, they can quickly reflect on their lives and live according to the teachings of the old testament, as revealed in chapter one. I also concur with the author that worshipping God is a sign of abiding by God’s covenant with humankind. This allows Christians to grow spiritually and appreciate the fact that God is the sole creator of the universe.
What I Have Learned:
God is multigenerational and revealed to forefathers of Israelites the plans he had and accomplished for the young nation even before it became.
Chapter [2]
This chapter talks on how to honor, serve, and respect God. The author reminds us of the importance of worshiping true God and explains worshipping. Peterson asserts that we must be ready to understand the God of Israel, who has been able to make Himself known to people through His deeds and words. The Jews required to live in awareness of God’s mighty works and deeds and acknowledge God in their day-to-day life. The author explains worshiping as a homage or grateful submission as; greetings and homage to other mortals and angels, spontaneous response to divine disclosures, Homage to God in cultic context, worship as a more general and abstract notion, and worship as a homage or grateful submission.
Worshiping is explained as a service of Israelites when God saved them from slavery was to release the people for service to God on the mountain where he first revealed himself to Moses. Serving the Lord was a comprehensive term for Israelites relationship with God. Worshiping, as a service, implied that God is the King, worth the worshipping and praises from the Israelites for all He has done for them. God required faithfulness and obedience from all those He had redeemed and belonged to Him.
Worshipping is explained as a reference or respecting God. Preserving God’s desired way of living and staying faithful to His commandments is a sign of respect to God.
In this chapter, the author explains how to honor God, ways of serving him, and why we should respect God by giving out reasons that made Israelites honor God. The author gives supporting scriptures on when and why Israelites were supposed to honor God. The author, however, fails to relate as to why we should presently honor, serve, and respect God. He explains what God had done to Israelites, only not showing the present circumstances or reasons as to why we should worship God.
What I Have Learned:
Christians are bound to honor, serve, and respect God.
Chapter [3]
The chapter to review is the third chapter of the book that goes by the title “Jesus and the New Covenant/ temple.” The principle that the author in this instance seeks to provide the reader is that the center of all religious activities that used to take place during the early times and that flow to the present is that this is usually Jesus himself. Another aspect of the research that the author covers is, having religion as an understanding of the fundamental rights that people have and their comprehension of worship. It was hard for the writers of the new testament to incorporate ideals that were used and put in place by the writers of the Old Testament.
By understanding the manner, they ensured they achieved this, and then it is possible to identify the various developments that led to the change in worship. Initially, it was tough to combine these principles, and the reason for this is that the authors of the bible had different ideals. By resolution of these principle contracts, then it was possible to see the two sets of writers agreeing on the importance of worship. Different people have come to appreciate the concept of worshipping, and this is because it makes these people feel closer to God. The principle that the author notes here are that of loyalty, which is very important in not only the current environment but in generations to come.
It is also essential to go through a proper analysis of the presentation and chapter, and this is because it enables me to decide what I agree on and what I am opposed to with consideration of the author’s point of view. I agree with the point that the synagogue has much respect as a place
of prayer and a place where a person can connect with God. As time has progressed, more people have come to appreciate the place of worship and have sought to carry out most of their activities there. At the same time, people have come to understand the aspect of worship. I agree with the author that, despite the negative aspects that rocked the environment, worshipping has always sought refuge for Christians in the modern-day.
A point to note is that, at the end of times, God will come to earth and spend time with his people for the rest of their lives. However, these people need to be religious to enter into his kingdom. I find that a bit confusing because there are some versions that state that it will be the dead that will resurrect and then move to heaven to be with God. I believe that if I carry out increased research on the topic by engaging various church leaders, I will gain what it is that I hope to gain knowledge. I will also research the information through different websites. However, this book has been quite useful in shedding light on the information relating to worshipping.
What I Have Learned:
Jesus himself is the center of a religion and not a church or another place of worship.
Chapter [4]
As identified in chapter 4 of the book, worship is a vital part of Christianity, and the reason for this is that it enables people to connect with God in ways that other groups and organizations in the world can only imagine. It also identified that religion in itself could not last without worship. According to the author, when all activities of the church on earth will be over, worship will ensure we go to heaven where people will get to worship God as a sign of respect and appreciation for all that he had done for humankind when on earth.
The concept of worship leaves it open for people to decide how effective God has been in their lives. As time elapsed, more people have come to appreciate the concept of worship, and this is based on all the activities that God has assisted them with at times of crisis (Peterson and Marshall, 2018). In the Old Testament, various acts were identified to be angering God any time that they were carried out. This concept serves as a reminder that there are some forms or acts of worship that may not be accepted by God. Researching these acts is vital so that a person can note what to avoid and see what is appropriate and thus continue.
The concept of worship is far more central in Christianity as compared to what people believe. Studies have shown that worshipping is what connects all churches in the world, given the fact that these churches have different ideologies. It is also vital to note that all chapters of the bible are interconnected through worship (Peterson and Marshall, 2018). Identification of this factor enables a person to appreciate religion as a whole better and further see to it that they carry out the appropriate actions much to the pleasure of God.
From the reading, I gathered that Ritual provision in the contemporary world is based on the idea that people always tend to do the right thing even though the results may be unpleasing to God. I have noticed this with much conviction. The framework is vital to comprehend, and the reason for this is that it enables a person to understand what is required of him and thus carry out appropriate acts. As time has progressed, people have paid more attention to the contents of the bible, although they still engage in activities that are rather unacceptable in a religion’s view.
It is important to note that worship is more comprehensive in the new testament as compared to the state of things in traditional society. It is important to identify that in the new testament, worship is very much highly regarded concerning the growth of Christianity. With time, it is expected that people will continue having a more positive approach to religion, and different people will individually prosper (Peterson and Marshall, 2018). I agree with this statement from the author. When people carry out the aspect of worship, it is then expected that God will be pleased and will bless these people abundantly. It is essential to note the various practices hiding behind worship that is not appealing to God. The new testament does not offer this information but only a hint of the matter at hand. However, if one wants to learn more about what is not appealing to God, the person should visit the old testament.
What I Have Learned:
I have learned that the concept of worshipping has existed for numerous years and that there some forms of worship that can disappoint God
Chapter [5]
Chapter five of Engaging with God: A Biblical Theology of Worship, by David Peterson, talks about the temple and the community, as portrayed in the Acts of the Apostles. According to look, life had no purpose other than service to God. Luke looked at the representation of the temple in the messianic era. In a way, their relation to the temple and their teachings collided. Despite this, the disciples kept going to the temple. They considered Jesus’ act of clearing the temple to prepare it for the new messianic era. To the Jews, the temple was a place of worship for the Israelites, and to the Jews, it represented God’s presence. In the beginning, Luke and the other apostles would always gather in the temple, praying, offering sacrifices, and burning incense. They would also unite with other community members, teach the words of Jesus Christ, and break bread with them. This is part of what drew division between them and the traditional Jew. To the Jews, the apostles’ teachings were a perversion of their lessons. Stephens claims that there would be a destruction of the temple, and change from the old teachings of Moses was taken as radical teachings. Further, we see Paul doing according to the teachings of the Israelites, but because he invited the Greeks to the temple, the Jews considered this a defilement of the temple. This was among the reasons why the disciples of Jesus were turned away from the temple.
This did not stop them. The apostles started a community that would later be identified as Christians, people who lived and abided by the teachings of Jesus Christ. This new community did not only consist of the Jews but also the gentiles and other plans. According to the apostles, Jesus’ death and resurrection were meant to redeem the Israelites and other nations. When the Holy Spirit came, it would unite all communities, which is how the gentiles were able to understand the Greeks. To these new communities, all were accepted; all they had to do was repent their sins and live according to Christ’s teachings. They gathered together, fellowshipped, broke bread as Christ had instructed the disciples, and prayed.
Worship is not restricted to houses of worship; it is in all of us. The Holy Spirit did not come for a selected few, and the Holy Spirit came for all of us. Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and accession gave us a new opportunity in life. We, too, can receive eternal life if we repent our sins and live according to Christ’s teachings. Unlike traditionally where worship included sacrifice, the teaching of Christ only demand repentance, living by his teachings, fellowship breaking bread, and prayer. Jesus offered the ultimate sacrifice for us, his life for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus Christ superseded the need of the temple, he is the chosen one of God, and he overcame death and ascended to heaven. It is through Christ that we, too, can be redeemed, and it is through him that we also can receive eternal life, as long as we abide by his teachings and continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
What I Have Learned:
Worship should not be restricted to buildings, we all have the Holy Spirit inside us, as long as we
live per the teachings of Christ. We can always render our adoration to God.
Chapter [6]
The chapter is a candid explanation of the transitional forms of worship from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Christianity, just like other religions, attracts come controversy as not even agree to each other’s worship ideologies at all times. In the Old Testament, worship had a much-idolized aspect in which worshipers relied on god and worship leaders to communicate to the immortal God. There were set worship places such as shrines and temples, which were believed to be the only places where God existed. The Old Testament presents worship in the form of stories that were thought to be the real lifestyle of the people before the coming of Christ. The author notes that congregational meetings are an excellent resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of the works of Paul. The author points out that Paul fails to directly or explicitly refer to such activities as worshipping. Worship is regarded as the consecrated lifestyle of the converted in one of the earliest writings of Paul.
The chapter shows the acceptable and sacrifice of Christ in Pauls’ first known theology of worship in his letter to the Romans. Paul asserts that the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and the wickedness in his attempt to preach about false region and wrath of God. in Romans, Paul shows how Jews have failed to reverence and serve God acceptably. Paul also expresses that Christians need to sacrifice their bodies to serve Christ. The chapter later discusses the gospel ministry as a specific expression of Christian worship. Paul uses the language of worship to describe his apostolic ministry. Paul uses transformed terminologies. Paul uses other terminologies to explain his work and Gospel in Philippians, which is different in all his letters when talking of sacrifice, faith, and spirit.
In the New Testament, a new twist of worship ideologies is unveiled by the coming of Jesus Christ, who is the son of God. Jesus is believed to have breached the gap between God and man that had been created in the Old Testament. Man’s perception of how to approach worship changes as Jesus preaches that God is omnipresent. This means that God is in reach of all mankind, and therefore, everyone has to on building a personal relationship with God. The Gospel is termed as a bondage breaking sermon that is aimed at guiding humankind on how best to relate with God.
I am in complete agreement with the author’s ideologies on how Christianity and worship should be perceived. The diversified ways of worship give Christianity a better accommodative nature that allows humanity to appreciate each other’s form of worship. Serving the same God should be the critical point and not on how one chooses to do it. This calls for much respect when it comes to forms of worship in the Christianity religion. The author wants a few books to explain Pauls’ work, which does not give a comprehensive explanation of Pauls’work. The author points out the figurative language of Paul during his preaching.
What I Have Learned:
Christianity as religion should be focused on accommodating various forms of worship as long as the core goal is the reverence of true God.
Chapter [7]
Paul uses different languages in preaching. For the term, worship is used distinctly regarding gospel preaching, and the supporting wor did by the ministries. When the church gathers, it is a way of meeting God, and there is a prophecy in the congregation, the word of Christ among his people, thanksgiving, prayer, and praise.
The lords’ supper in Corinth is explained here in this chapter. The author describes the purpose and significance of taking the Lord’s supper. It gives some events that happened during the taking of the Lords’ supper and the aim of each step and what it signified. Pauls’ preaching testifies the understanding of new kind worship.
The author also explains the church as the temple of the Holy Spirit, where he reveals the sanctity of the local congregation, heavenly entity where a church is defined as a heavenly entity rather than a local, assembly. The author diverges into enlightenment and how to advance and maintain the church as the body of Christ.
Paul uses different language symbols and terminologies in various congregations. Paul seems to understand his audience; that’s why he manages to reach many people faster. The author in this chapter explains events at Corinth precisely but tries to mention as many as possible. The author gave a detailed explanation of the Lords’ supper in Corinth, which is different from previous chapters, where he fails to explain events vividly. The author in this chapter explains circumstances at Corinth precisely but tries to mention as many as possible. The author gave a detailed explanation of the Lords’ supper in Corinth, which is different from previous chapters, where he fails to explain events vividly.
What I Have Learned:
From this chapter, I have learned that worshipping and offering sacrifices can be traced from
biblical stories specifically the old testament and encourages Christians to abide by Gods actively
covenant with them.
Chapter [Eight: The book of Hebrews and the worship of Jesus.]
The author starts by expressing the opinion that Hebrews presents the most complete and fully integrated theology in the whole New Testament. All the priesthood, altar, sanctuary, sacrifice, and covenant in the Old Testament are taken up and related to one person Jesus Christ. Jesus’ life is considered the perfect worship.
Jesus is considered the high priest as he deals with our sins, the mediator of the new covenant as it portrayal Jesus’ work as a sacrificial liturgy performed about the heavenly sanctuary. The author of Hebrew indicates what it means for believers to be the beneficiaries of the new covenant. Hebrew shows that the glorified son of God is the object of Christians to worship. The author explains that Christians can draw themselves near to God by fulfilling Gods’ promises of the new covenant. The chapter talks of congregational gathering in Hebrews and explains its significance, like mutual encouragement, drawing near to God together. Hebrew shows the locus of life and worship to be the sanctuary.
The Hebrews hints Jesus as the son of God ‘made purification of sins’. Jesus is also introduced as the high priest, mediator of the covenant through His sacrifice. The superiority of the new covenant is conveyed by the use of the word ‘blood,’ which is equaled as the blood of Jesus. One writer portrays the homage of the angels to Christ in heaven to encourage disciples on earth to honor him appropriately. Hebrews focus on perfect worship that Jesus offers to the Father, while Christians can draw near to God and serve Him in the way that fulfills the promises of the new covenant.
Episynagogi is used to describe the act of gathering of believers in Hebrew. Unlike Paul, Hebrews locate the temple imagery in the Heaven realm. Cultic imagery is used to express the benefits of those who draw near God through Christ.
The writer introduces the chapter by giving a great comparison of Hebrew and Pauls’ teaching and other Gospel in the New Testament. He then explains the theology developed by Hebrews that distinguish them from the rest. The writer explains broadly on how Hebrews worship God and how they worship Jesus Christ by following his life on how He worshipped His Father. The writer brings out in his explanation of how Hebrew worship the true God in a way that will draw them near to God ad use the imageries from Christs’ life on earth to make decisions daily.
The author of Hebrews explains the sanctuary of the body. He uses the easily understood theology, which even the author of this book describes as the most complete and fully integrated. This theory, however, may be disadvantageous to the less educated as to the language, which may be relatively harder for the less educated.
What I Have Learned:
Hebrew spent most of their worshipping emulating Jesus Christ as their form of true worship.
Chapter [9]
Worship, as revealed in the bible, takes different perspectives depending on the worshipers involved. A large population of humanity engages in sincere worship of true living God, whereas some have opted for idle worshiping. This kind of nature had attracted diversified onions and thus prompted John to write a book on how to worship the true God. In his book Acts of Apostles, he strives to explain to the Jews the need to abandon idol worshiping and root for holy worship. He embarks on preaching missions across the cities to help the people understand the word of God more clearly. In his preaching missions, he drives out demons from possessed humanity as proof that God was the Supreme Being that has power over any other thing on earth. These actions have a significant impact on the people’s perception of worship, and thus, idol worship and cults begin to fall. The revelation to John forms a foundation that reinforces New Testament worship themes. There are high praise and adoration for the Lord our God as per the Visions of the heavenly realm. John’s apocalypse also concentrates on the earthly things. John shows that Christians’ commitment has social, political, and economic consequences.
This chapter explains the seductive power of the false religion by the dominating cultural and religious ideals of the Greco Roman world. There is a challenge of the emperor worshipping. Two categories of worshipers, which are true worshippers and those worshiping idols, are explained. John calls for the worship of true God. John gives a frightening prophecy of those who will not worship the beast as they will be persecuted. John explains the message of the three angels. John shows the link between heaven and earth by affirming the victory of God and sharing in the worship of heaven. John focuses on the heavenly realm, where Jesus reigns in glory. Revelation insists on the importance of worshipping true God.
The author’s ideologies on worship are quite in order and can be used to evaluate the kind of worship that a group or an individual practice. It is all-important for all to have a candid understanding of why and who they worship. Idol worship and cults should be discouraged at all costs as they do not abide by the word of God. The only immortal creature humanity should bow and worship is the true living God. The bible talks of impending judgment for the people who deny the true living God in pursuit of devil worshiping. It is paramount that humanity learns and practices the true worship of God to have eternal life. The author gives a shallow explanation of the book as the book is soo broad. However, the explained verses from revelation tend to teach and support all other New Testament gospel of worshipping true God and the sacrifices one has to offer for them to be redeemed. John warns of the prosecution, which Christians will face if they fail to worship the beast. This is the ultimate sacrifice that Christians will have to face for them to be saved.
What I Have Learned:
The only true worship is that which abides by the word of God.
Chapter [10]
Chapter ten of Engaging with God: A Biblical Theology of Worship, by David Peterson, talks about worship and the Gospel. According to David, worship is engaging God in a way that he has proposed. It includes praising Him, respecting Him, honoring Him, and readily abandoning anything that may affect one from worshiping God in the way He deserves. This was what worship was in the Old Testament. Separating oneself from sin and paying true homage to God, our creator, and provider. According to the Old Testament, the only way the Israelites could truly worship God in the way that He deserved was if he separated them from their ignorant, corrupt world. It is because of this that God took the Israelites from Egypt. He revealed himself severally in the wilderness and even made a covenant with them on Mt Sinai. In the wilderness, the Israelites had the tabernacle which they then carried to their promised land, and it was contained in the temple at Jerusalem. The tabernacle represented the ultimate presence of God to his people. It was God on earth, and the Israelites were to perform rituals in worship to God.
However, Israelites compromised the true worship of God by defiling it with other religions. They were unfaithful and turned away from God. As a result, God’s favor for them diminished. Prophets foretold the return of God’s favor to the Israelites and most believed that these were Jesus. Jesus was the new covenant; he was a link between the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the New Testament, Jesus offered Himself as the true sacrifice and resurrected, bringing to pass the aspect of eschatology. With Jesus, there was a new way of worship, by ascending to heaven, we could use him to intercede for us to the further. Sacrifice was no longer needed; worship meant trusting and believing in Jesus and trusting that his sacrifice would bring us closer to God. Worship was no longer restricted to temples. Worship was simply a community that believed in the teachings of Jesus Christ as outlined in the Gospel. All one needs to do was believe in Jesus’ teachings, be enlightened with the Holy Spirit, and with Christ as our moral compass that is true worship.
Worship is not restricted to churches or temples; anywhere can be the right place of worship. By Jesus sacrificing himself for us, he removed any barriers to worship and offered us a new route direct to God through him. Unlike in the Old Testament, where the Israelites had to sacrifice and perform various rituals in worship to God, Jesus offered Himself as the ultimate sacrifice. All we have to do is live according to his teachings and separate ourselves from sin and just like him, after our earth, we will ascend to heaven and be with God, where we will worship Him for eternity. True worship is separating ourselves from things that can distract us from God, living in the way Jesus taught us and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us in our daily lives
What I Have Learned:
Just like Jesus was the living stone chosen by God, we, guided by Jesus and full of the Holy Spirit, are vessels of worship and are precious to God.