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Erectile dysfunction

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Erectile dysfunction is a form of sexual dysfunction that is characterized by the inability of a man to develop or maintain an erection during sexual activity. It is also known as impotence, and it is perhaps the most severe kind of sexual dysfunction. There are two types of erectile dysfunction.


  • Physical ED-this is the kind that is caused by underlying medical conditions like heart disease and diabetes. It can be a result of age as well.
  • Psychological ED- this is the kind that is caused by psychological factors. Research shows that up to 20% of all ED cases are psychological.


What are the causes of psychological ED?


Below are some of the most significant causes of psychological ED;


Stress and anxiety


Stress and anxiety are very different things. However, they are closely related, especially when it comes to issues like ED. Stress is usually the underlying factor that causes anxiety. The anxiety also triggers more stress. It, therefore, becomes a vicious cycle that doesn’t stop unless it is taken care of. There are three types of erections that men experience. They are reflexive, psychogenic, and nocturnal. Reflexive is caused by physical stimulation. Psychogenic is triggered by mental and physical images, while nocturnal occurs during sleep. When you are stressed, the brain’s ability to send the necessary signals to trigger an erection is affected.




Depression tends to act as an anchor. It weighs down the body and its ability to trigger an erection. Symptoms of depression-like feelings of sadness, hopelessness and frustration, low self-esteem agitation, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating make it difficult for a man to take pleasure in sex.


Performance anxiety


Performance anxiety is a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. It works in such a way that when you become nervous about being able to satisfy your lady, the nervousness causes sexual dysfunctions like ED. Performance anxiety can be triggered by negative self-talk, worries, and early ejaculation.


Low self-esteem and guilt


Another cause of psychological ED is low self-esteem and guilt. Men who feel guilty about not being able to satisfy their partners experience ED. When the guilt is paired with low-self esteem, it makes the situation worse. These feelings sometimes arise as a result of a more significant underlying issue like depression.


Addiction to pornography


This is a cause of ED that most people do not consider. Men who spend a lot of time watching and pleasing yourself to pornography, it caused the development of unrealistic expectations about sex and their sexual partner. Failure of the partner to meet the unrealistic expectations could result in ED during sexual intercourse but not during masturbation.


How Would You Know if You are Suffering from Psychological ED?


By answering the following questions, you will be able to tell if you are experiencing physical or mental ED;


Do you have morning erections?


As mentioned earlier, morning erection is known as nocturnal erection. It occurs when you are asleep, and it does not require any form of physical stimulation. When you are sleeping, the body is not affected by mental conditions like stress than could hinder morning erection. However, if you are suffering from health-related ED, morning erection may not be in the books for you. Therefore, if you experience morning erection, you are most likely suffering from psychological ED.


Are you able to get an erection while alone?


If you are able to get an erection when you are alone, there are high chances that you have psychological ED. While alone, you do not experience performance anxiety or guilt, among other causes of psychological ED.




Psychological ED may be more challenging to treat than physical ED. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to manage. Using medicines may not be effective because they are designed for physical ED. Therefore, the best treatment would be to address the problem from its root. Treatments like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy may come in handy. The trick is to visit a therapist that will help you identify and change the patterns that may be contributing to the issue.



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