Essay Two Preview
Great advertising ideas require a proper framework, the right idea for the intended audience. In America, an advertising campaign is part of the media ad individuals and firms trying to promote their products and services. Advertising requires an effective concept to attract the consumer. One of the elements of an ad concept is having the right tonality. The audience has to understand, relate to the product and service that is being advertised. There are three ways to achieve tonality in advertising, and they are rhetorical elements of logos, ethos, and pathos. Ad campaigns have to have logical implications understanding so that the customer or the targeted audience can have the need to buy it. Ethical consideration by looking at the credibility of the company or individual in order to persuade the audience, they should feel and relate to the product deeply, and lastly, pathos, which is related to emotional appeal that the ad would portray. The advertisement needs ro have the right ideas as to why the product or service is important. The outline and compelling s logical story behind the product or the service is a brilliant idea that would bring the essence for the ad. Most importantly, the target audience usually plays a vital role as they are the consumers in this part. Choosing the right consumerism platform will ensure the achievement of better sales and understanding of the product.
Why do people for companies advertise? What are they trying to communicate with the audiences? What has supported the ad claims? Such queries are essential in deeply understanding how to persuade the audience.
The primary purpose of advertising vastly communicates the idea to the audience by informing the consumers about the specific product. Persuasion is a vital process that involves convincing the customers that they need the product. Promoting the company’s image or brand is another purpose for advertising. The products and services usually have seasons in which they are marketable; hence creating a need for products or services is critical. Additionally, demonstration of the new uses through ad camp again to show how the established products function and projecting the idea to the audience is imperative. As a marketing communication tool, it has the three main objectives, which are to persuade, inform, and remind. The audience has to be aware of the product they are buying.
The two advertisements from the current era 2000 and 1990 tend to have a variety of differences in the concept, visual images, and the message. The first ad was the Hyundai Sante Fe, which is a motor model that has the purpose of roads ans tracks. The automobile in this ad is a silver vehicle that comes from the company Hyundai. The concept behind the advertisement is to inform the audience of the audience about the new model that the company has created. The features of the vehicle are the selling points in which many consumers would try to analyze. The importance of having the right need for the customer would make it easier to sell the product. The second ad is about buffalo jeans, which are from the 1990 decade era. The picture shows a youth wearing the new Buggalo jeans that is a trend. The fashion trend in the ’90s was highly evident as everyone wanted to buy the latest clothing. The advertisement tends to persuade young people to buy this type of Jeans because of the fashion significance it portrayed.