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A strong belief from Christians is that there is a powerful God who is omnipresent. Aside from this belief, most facets of Christians’ life are guided by the word of God or biblical teachings. The latter is known as the Christian worldview. To decide at the end of life can be a considerable challenge for most individuals based on the hardships that come along with illnesses. Due to this, taking care of patients while considering the aspects of emotion, spirit, social, and medication is a fundamental principle in the healthcare industry. Ethical principles that guide healthcare workers and patients at the end of life stage include beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice. Healthcare workers are required to encourage conversations about the end of life care and consider using advanced directives to conserve autonomy. The paper aims to discuss the situation of George in a case study. The patient is diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).


Deciding on issues in the healthcare setting subject people to conflicts with other people’s beliefs or cultures. Serious illness, on the other hand, sometimes comes with so many hardships for both victims and families custom or cultures usually have values which bond members together, and it gets changing to go against what one believes or value. Religions are considered strong and most determinant of decisions in cases where it is a matter of life or death. Moreover, what is making is things issue even worse is the diversity of society that leads individuals into mixed beliefs of culture and religion. Initially, patients withed to comply with medical diagnoses and agree to follow doctors’ treatment. Patients are now questioning and retracting to use particular medical therapies on the basis of cultural beliefs. The purpose of this paper is to focus on such issues concerning a case study of George.

George’s Suffering on Fallenness of the World

In the light of Christian narrative based on the fallenness of the world, George will understand this suffering as a test of faith. Just like Job in the Bible who suffered from diseases and God tested his faith, similarly, George will his experiences the same, bearing in mind that the reality of the world’s fallenness cannot escape him. Fallenness is the notion that the world is full of pain and suffering which human beings are meant to go through, and in which Christian faith is tested. The world is filled with pain and evil, and Christians are afflicted with natural causes. While in this experience of suffering, George might himself wondering whether God exists and if he does, why would he allow him to suffer? As Christians going through pain in the world, individuals are expected to endure and embrace faith in God to overcome it. A Christian view of illnesses is that God inflicts them on people, and some people extend believes that it is a way to God bring his people closer. In the case study, George is living in a world that has many sins. Even though he lives a morally upright life, sins in the world affect all inhabitants. With that, according to the Christian approach, George is bound to suffer for the world’s sins, but that does not imply God’s abandonment. The suffering is instead a punishment for the sins made, and he can be healed after repentance.

Suffering and Hope of Resurrection

George would interpret his suffering as a pathway for every Christian and that at the end of the world, he would resurrect. In the Bible, the new testament, Jesus experienced suffering from his prosecution by the earthly authority from people who eventually crucified him. The Bible also reminded that Jesus was the son of God, and it was prophesied that he would be killed, remain dead for three days, and on the third day, Jesus resurrects from the dead. Similarly, as a Christian, George has reasons to believe that his pain and suffering will result in his death- from diagnoses of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Similarly, George would interpret his suffering that, even though it will result in him dying, he will resurrect as Jesus did. The fallenness of the world would not shake such belief as George experience at a personal level. Typically, Christians believe that people live after death. When Jesus returns, all dead will be resurrected and go with him to heaven. Death of Jesus Christ represents a reward for humankind’s sins. Christian beliefs are that they will return to heaven home and be with God. In this world, the human body is a vessel of life- since, after death, the soul goes to live. The health condition of George, ALS,affects his physical body. The patient’s sickness is a process towards another world after death, where people live free from suffering. Moreover, George would interpret his pain in light of the Christianity approach that it is a preparation for another happy life in heaven. According to such a view, George should embrace and won suffering while looking forwards to the resurrection.



Christian worldview and Value of Life

Being diagnosed with an incurable illness- ALS, George is bound to think about the value of life. A Christian worldview would inform his view on the value of life as a person that life is sacred and needs protection at all times, no matter the quality. Christian worldview holds that God is the giver of life, and he is also the one to take it. As such, no person is rightful to take a life of his or her own and that of someone else. Such a view torment George with consideration of exercising autonomy according to bioethical principle. George would ponder whether to make a decision that causes the greatest good to him and his family, as pointed out by the principle of beneficence like volunteering to euthanasia. Also, he must consider respecting life sanctity- based on a Christian worldview, which beliefs in the value of human life and dignity. The latter will make him continue to suffer. Despite the illness that George has, he will remain a worthwhile person in society and should, therefore, value life as long as he lives.

Consideration for Euthanasia

The situation at which George is subjected to by his illness is conscious. With that, due to fear of pain and state of dependency, he considers euthanasia. The debate to consider this decision is heated in most states. Usually, it is common for humans to end the life of an animal to save it from pain. As such, this raises the question of whether the same should be done to people to help end pain suffering.  According to Christians, committing suicide or ending someone’s life is against God’s commandment- which states they shall not kill. In this case, going for euthanasia might be considered as defiling God’s entity. With such, refraining from life termination is a fundamental Christian principle, and this is a consideration that the Christian worldview would focus on.

In this situation, there are numerous values as well as considerations that a Christian perspective would go for. First, the principle position on the importance of life to Christians is a must thought. According to Christians, life is sacred irrespective of the state or quality. As such, it directly translates to a stance that nobody apart God has the right to take a life. On the contrary, some particular aspects or factors warrant consideration on the welfare of the family or patient. A Christian worldview would consider whether the patient, in this case-George, is productive and support himself. Given the latter situation of the illness, the answer to that is negative. Another consideration by the Christian perspective is suffering that George would go through, and this involves arguing whether the life of the patient will be worth preserving.  Also, there will need to think whether George, as a Christian, would be able to continue serving God’s purpose on earth in his situation. Lastly, the Christian worldview will also pay attention to the effect of a patient’s position on the psychological or long-term emotional state of the family. To keep George alive with a realistic opportunity to feel better will cause family a lifetime suffering.

Moral Justified Options

The Christian view of euthanasia is an ultimate sin. In the opinion of Christian faith, illnesses and suffering are viewed as natural experiences in life. Jesus also suffered on the cross while being crucified, and that resulted good. Ultimately, it can be then seen that suffering is good evil. In the study of ethical problems and medical practice, it is vital to help those in pain but not visualize that suffering has no purpose in people’s lives. In that, to maximize care for pain is a moral right decision but not to abandon those who are suffering. Christian’s faith visualizes George’s condition as inconvenient, however a natural part of life.

After exhausting all the possible considerations as well as values, the Christian worldview must settle for a moral, justified solution. The option taken must create the greatest good to George and his family- the beneficence. The option must allow the patient and his family to practice their right to decide the autonomy of care. The alternative must not harm, whether physically, psychologically, or spiritually the patient and his family members, and should provide George all options of management that are available to deal with the situation without prejudice. After paying attention to such factors, the Christian worldview that is morally okay in the case presented is voluntary euthanasia. The alternative seems to be the solution that would tick the moral and ethical aspects of non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, and beneficence. By allowing George to live when his life depends on sustenance like ventilator machines would not be helpful. Other than physical, spiritual, and emotional suffering, both the patient and his family will go through other challenges like economic pressure due to immense cost. Morally, letting the patient drain family resources when outcomes are not expected to improve is unfair as this will subject family to a life of poverty, which George himself would not want. For example, his children may never go to school or have food because the available resources are utilized to keep him alive by costly medical support.

Personal Decision

Based on my worldview, the decision I would make in George’s situation is choosing euthanasia. My choice for such an option would be due to the reason discussed above. I mean, there is no point in subjecting the family to pain, inflicted by my situation.

In conclusion, the Christian worldview shapes the world that people have critical considerations towards some issues, some of them including value and life sanctity. In as much as there is God who gives protection and takes life, the world has a reality of fallenness where human beings suffer. When afflicted by pain, the balance between worldview and Christian perspective is struck. When that happens, what this ethical and moral should be decided.  In this case of George, euthanasia seems to be a moral decision.


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