Expected Results
The data that will be collected will be based on the research hypotheses. Consequently, the expected results will seek to answer the research questions and corresponding hypotheses. Below is a description of the expected results based on each hypothesis.
- First, I will be seeking to examine the difference in the comprehension quiz scores for the group reading print text and digital text.
H0: Comprehension quiz scores will be higher for the group reading print text than for the groups reading digital text.
H1: Comprehension quiz scores will be lower for the group reading print text than for the groups reading digital text.
It is expected that the score for the group reading text will be significantly higher than the score for the other two groups. It is expected that more females will be included in the sample than males. The proportion of females will be 51.1%, while the proportion of males will be 48.8%. The average age for all the participants will be 19.7 years. The minimum age will be 18 years and the maximum age will be 22 years.
The following table presents the average quiz scores for the three groups as observed in similar past research.
Average Quiz Score
Standard Deviation
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
The results in the table show that group 3 average score is the highest, followed by group 2, and Group 1 performed poorly. From the average scores results, the group reading print text recorded higher scores than the other two groups. Since three sample means will be compared, ANOVA will be used for the test analysis.
- Secondly, I want to ascertain the difference in the scores of students reading and listening at the same time to those reading on a computer screen only. The hypothesis is as follows:
H0: Comprehension quiz scores will be higher for group two than for group one.
H1: Comprehension quiz score will be lower for group two than group one.
Although group one and group two participants are all using computers to read the text, group two participants are listening along. Based on the expected results, I want to establish the impacts of listening along. Does reading and listening along with increase performance or does it distract students from concentrating? The means associated with group one and group two scores are presented in the following figure.
The difference in means for the two groups will be tested using a t-test.