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Experience of suicide

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Experience of suicide


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Question 1

The speaker begins by narrating his life experience and the trauma of suicidal thoughts he underwent due to his poor perception of the things around him and what he thought he was. According to the speaker, thinking about or planning suicide means that the person suffers from a mental condition. This gives a reason why the society should not view those who have attempted to commit suicide as law breakers. The thought of committing suicide is caused by stress which majorly arises from one’s discernment. For instance, when one feels overwhelmed by issues beyond their control, they tend to have suicidal thoughts. According to the speaker, the best way for anyone who might be facing such a threat is to open up and talk to others. He believes that the first step in healing is for one to talk to people around him or her and tell them whatever they feel. A solution can only get found when one acknowledges the fact that they cannot overcome their trouble alone without seeking help from other people. Besides, one should always cling to the inward small hope they have, no matter the situation.

Question 2

I think that the best way to prevent and control the situation is by talking to those who we suspect to suffer from suicidal thoughts in a friendly and loving way. Such people can easily be identified by looking at their behaviors and interactions. For instance, people who are stressed and have suicidal thoughts may always keep to themselves, they may have feelings of guilt, and many more signs. On the other hand, there should be a program of administering medication and therapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy. However, it is worth mentioning that the prevention measures cannot simply be restricted to the individual. Social, community and policy interventions are also very crucial.

Question 3

I have noted with concern how you have connected the speaker’s experience of suicide and how he narrates that the feeling originated from his psychological reasoning of how he viewed things. It is very well clear from your discussion that suicidal thought is a mental condition that needs to be treated medically just like any other disease. Because of this, the best way to treat any mental condition would be talking to a therapist or counselor.

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