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Explanation of Quotes

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Explanation of Quotes

“The gateless gate” explains it is a rest from the work of the brain. If someone is brave enough and goes to meditation, no delusion should disturb the person. It explains that the person will be enlightened, just like the patriarchs in India and China. But if he fails to concentrate, the person will miss the enlightenment. It will be like a person who is watching for a horse rider to pass by through a small window but misses by a wink

The quote, “the dharma gate of non-duality,” means that all existing phenomena, whether it is deemed well or wrong, are beyond false discrimination by people. Every existing element in the world exists outside of non-duality. People are born on this earth, live their lives, and die in the space of non-duality. It merely talks about the objective facts of reality and nothing more or less.

“Affirm no position, never tell too plainly” is used to reveal the general rationale for the strategy of indirect communication. General indirect communication can work under different circumstances. This broad study in communication employs the approach. Since Chan’s communicative strategy cannot be separated from the goal of soteriological practice, there is a realization of enlightening. Two dimensions of the enlightened determine how the structure of the Chan communication will be. One aspect is the non-duality dimension; the other dimension is the existential-practical dimension. These two dimensions of enlightenment are closely related to the realization of enlightenment.

“Deep pit of emancipation” is a phrase in Buddhism that means that through this religion, one can be freed from the unpleasant things in our societies. Such things include bad politics and unfairness. The deep pit of emancipation generally means that Buddhism is a large ground where people can be freed from all their problems, especially those relations to their mental health. Problems.

The meaning of “calculated rationality” is the approach that people use to respond to all the uncertainties of the world. Human beings use rationales that are calculated to make choices and also to achieve objectives that are aligned by their personal goals. The calculated rationality can also be associated with the self-interest of the individual. Using the calculated rationality theory, human beings are expected to have results that provide them with the maximum benefit and satisfaction, given the alternatives that were available to them.

In Buddhism, transcendence is the aspect of god’s nature and power that is wholly independent of the material things in the universe and beyond all laws of nature. Submergence means underwater, hidden, or completely covered. Therefore, Submerged transcendence” that the power and nature of god are so enormous in terms of independence and free from all the materials things in the universe. It means that people should be fully covered by the power of god wholly so that they can be freed from all the chains of the material things in the world.

“Mu” is the shorthand name to the first koan. The koan is in a collection called “Gateless Gate or Gateless barrier.” Most of the 48 koans in the “Gateless Gate” are seen to be fragments of the dialogue between real Zen teachers and Zen students. The generations of teachers have found out that Mu to be a particularly useful tool that can be used to break the conceptual fog that many humans live in. The realization of Mu has been sent often spark an experience of enlightenment. Kensho is something related to opening up a door or having a glimpse of the moon behind the clouds. It is a breakthrough, but there is more that is expected to be realized.

Immediacy in Buddhism means that no human attempts to mediate what cannot be mediated. It’s a situation that the quality that makes it seem essential or to be exciting because it is happening currently. “Pressure towards immediacy” can, therefore, be explained by no matter how much a human being tries to meditate on something that can’t be meditated, the meditation cannot be successful. People often apply pressure in meditation, which is not advisable. Meditation should occur freely from the mind when someone is relaxed and definitely out of an item that can be meditated.

“Only don’t know……Straight forward mind….no looking bad”. Buddhist mean that someone should have a straight mind in whatever the person wants to achieve. The past is gone, and hence one should not focus on the past but the future.





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