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The FedEx is usually a service delivery company that is a multinational American with its headquarter based in Tennessee. The company name comes from the company’s air division federal express, and it mainly offers shipping services and pioneering of tracking systems for packages. Frederick w. smith was the founder of the organization in 1971, and it was then named the federal express corporation.smith began operating formally in 1973, and by 1983 the company had proliferated, generating more than a billion-dollar revenue. The company’s name changed from the federal express corporation to FedEx (FDX) in 1994 upon which a series of inventions took place. The company went beyond offering shopping services only to provide a variety of services, for example, Roberts express which generally expedited the shipping providers. The company again rebranded itself in 2002, which, when they then changed the name back from FDX to FedEx Corporation forming up a new subsidiary called the FedEx corporate services.




Currency and foreign exchange issues can affect FedEx’s strategy and performance in a country like Vietnam. For instance, if there is a fluctuation in the foreign exchange rate, then Vietnam’s currency will be directly affected.FedEx, on the other hand, is mainly aimed at service delivery internationally; hence it could suffer either positive of adverse effects since its functionality highly depends on Vietnam’s currency to foreign exchange balancing plans

where if the money drops, then the FedEx services will have a hitch.

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