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After reading Fernandez-Araoz, Groysberg, and Nohria’s article, I have noted several essential concepts and strategies. Overall, the article is based on practices that can distinguish good hiring from bad hiring. The authors emphasize that companies should continually evaluate the pool of potential talent and periodic forecasts of the expertise required by the company (Fernández-Aráoz, Groysberg & Nohria, 2009). However, the most crucial concept in this article is for managers to learn best practices that will not only enhance the effectiveness of the hiring process but also in retaining talents. The authors have provided seven steps that can help companies to hire top executives successfully. In particular, companies should anticipate the need for hiring, specifying jobs, developing the pool, and assessing the candidates (Fernández-Aráoz, Groysberg & Nohria, 2009). Other steps include closing the deal, integration of newcomers, auditing, as well as reviewing.

Notably, I have learned that when companies treat hiring situations as emergencies, they will ultimately fail. Secondly, companies should learn practices that will lead to good hiring as well as retaining the talent to acquire a unique advantage in the future. Therefore, I will apply the lessons learned from this article to hire staff, support them, and help them to overcome challenges at the workplace. I will also develop specific and consistent criteria to ensure that the right people will be hired to ensure that they will perform their responsibilities promptly.

Interestingly, this article has a biblical aspect of hiring skilled employees. Several steps have been provided to guide companies on how to hire top executives. This is similar to biblical teaching in Proverbs 22:29, which explains that only skilled people will serve before the kings, and they will not serve as officials of low rank. Similarly, companies should hire talented individuals with the right skills, as seen in the article.



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