Field Experience
By using the PAS (Program Administration Scale) reading and the optional ECERS-R, I am choosing to ask the director five questions about their Center operation.
1) What can we do to center encourage the safe and comfortable appearance of the center?
As Tolan and Bloom mentioned in their book Program administration scale mention, “Safe appearance means that the overall impression is that the facility, equipment, and outdoor environment are clean and well-maintained.”
As I communicate with the director, to have a safe appearance of the center, they have routine maintenance, which includes hiring the cleaning services and make sure they follow the contract. They also make sure there is space for adult-staff, and all the indoor and outdoor equipment is inspected by staff or professionals. Base on the scoring rule, I will give a score of 4 out of 7 for the facilities management. The center might need to work on providing a professional library for the adult/staff to collect teaching information to enrich their education to the children.
2) What measures can we take to make our center safer for our children?
To have good risk management for the center, it needs to include a risk management plan, children’s medical info, emergency drill plan, and CPR. By communicating with the director about risk management, they are doing a great job providing a safe environment for the children. They have written a risk management plan for how to deal with fire, disaster, and accidents. Children’s medical conditions or allergies will be posted in the children’s cubby, kitchen, and classroom. They will need to follow up with each staff member’s CPR, and first aid is renewed annually. The fire drill will be practice once a month, and the indoor drill will be practice annually. The risk management will be review annually as well. For the score of risk management, I will score and 7 out of 7, and I hope they will keep their excellent work!
3) What methods are used as the center to communicate information to staff?
During the interview, the director said she pays attention to communication and connection with the staff and the parents since through communication, we can get feedback to improve our facility and education so that they can provide the best environment for children, staff, and parents. They have staff meetings 3 times a week, but usually, they will have lunch together after the kids, so that also a way to get communication and share their work ideas and experience. The center also has separate groups on social software for both staff and the parents, so if there is anything that needs to announce, they will also communicate on social software. The director will send an official/final decision through the email. Inconsideration of some of the staff and parents might not use the phone that well, so they will always print in paper too. Base on the communication about internal communications, I will give s score of 6 out of 7. Although the assistant director is doing a good job on the minutes, it needs improvement, the minutes can be distributed in advance. With that, the topics will be more organized and easy to review after the meeting.
4) How to manage children’s development or children who need screening to identify possible special needs?
As Tolan and Bloom mentioned in their book Program administration scale mention, “Screen readers to the first step in a two-step process to identify children with potential challenges in learning or development.” Screening tools are administered to determine if a referral for further evaluation is necessary” The center will use the age and stages chart to observe children’s development and abilities and will communicate with their parents and give feedback on their progress and work with parents if they need improvement or further treatment. For additional need or therapy, they will refer the family to a specialist for more detail and clear information. For their child assessment, I will score it 5 out of 7. When they informed the parents about the result of screening, they will inform through verbal, so preparing the record in a documented can help parents and the specialist understand the needs.
5) How do teaching staff assess children’s learning and development?
As Tolan and Bloom mentioned in their book Program administration scale mention, “Valid and reliable assessments refer to research-based tools.” The center is using the cor high-scope assessment, setting up portfolios of children’s work, and observation notes to assess children’s development. I will assess the support of learning in a 6 out of 7 since to improve the curriculum planning, the assessment result can be utilized by the administrative staff for a more detailed evaluation.
Talan, T. N., & Bloom, P. J. (2011). Program administration scale: Measuring early childhood leadership and management (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.