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Final Research Project Artefact Marking Criteria (Secondary Research)

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Final Research Project Artefact Marking Criteria (Secondary Research)

BandIntroduction and Literature reviewMethodology ChapterFindings and Discussion ChapterOrganisation and structure including elements included in introduction and conclusion of each chapterUse of sources and referencing.Presentation.                 (include, headings/subheadings /diagrams in this section)
90+Outstanding introduction and background lead logically to research aim, objectives and research questions.

Completely focused throughout on the topic. outstanding and comprehensive coverage of subject matter.

Superbly skilful synthesis and evaluation of material in the literature review.

HOutstanding knowledge of methodology is displayed clearly and concisely.

The student critiques in outstanding detail the methodology, methods and analysis of data from the chosen sources.

Examining the significance and limitations of own research, with succinct comments on the researcher’s experience/methods.

HFindings are presented exceptionally clearly and logically in text.

Findings are discussed in exceptional detail, with clear reference to the research questions and the literature, showing outstanding critical thinking skills.

Research questions are dealt with extremely comprehensively and sensible conclusions are reached.

HOutstanding organisation. Clear, logical structure.

Paragraphs outstandingly developed with excellent support.

Chapter introductions and conclusions are professionally developed.

Focussed and consistent and well-constructed use of topic sentences and signposting.


HUses an exceptionally comprehensive range of sources in support. Shows independence in choice of ‘reliable’ academic sources.

Accurate, appropriate, consistent referencing skills employed throughout.

Final references laid out professionally.

All sources cited in the text are given in the final reference list and vice-versa.

HAll guidelines regarding presentation have been accurately followed.

Academic writing style is of publishable level.

Graphical/visual data is publishable quality (incl. titles, key, labelling axes etc.).

Diagrams are used to outstanding effect in the text.







BandIntroduction and Literature reviewMethodology ChapterFindings and Discussion ChapterOrganisation and structure including elements included in introduction and conclusion of each chapterUse of sources and referencing.Presentation.                 (include, headings/subheadings /diagrams in this section)
80Extremely clear introduction and background lead logically to research aim, objectives and research questions.

Addresses the title fully. Entirely focused throughout on the topic.

Extremely comprehensive coverage of subject matter.

Extremely skilful synthesis and evaluation of material in the literature review.

HExtremely good knowledge of methodology is displayed clearly and concisely.

The student critiques in extremely fine detail the methodology, methods and analysis of data from the chosen sources.

Examining the significance and limitations of own research, with precise comments on the researcher’s experience/methods.

HFindings are presented extremely clearly and logically in text.

Findings are discussed in fine detail, with clear reference to the research questions and the literature, showing outstanding critical thinking skills.

Research questions are dealt with extremely comprehensively and sensible conclusions are reached.

HExtremely good organisation. Clear, logical structure.

Paragraphs developed with excellent support.

Chapter introductions and conclusions are evident.

Consistent and well-constructed use of topic sentences and signposting.


HUses a comprehensive range of sources in support. Shows independence in choice of ‘reliable’ academic sources.

Accurate, appropriate, consistent referencing skills employed throughout.

Final references laid out correctly

All sources cited in the text are given in the final reference list and vice-versa.

HAll guidelines regarding presentation have been accurately followed.

Academic writing style is excellent.

Graphical/visual data is of highest quality (incl. titles, key, labelling axes etc.). Correct choice of appropriate diagrammatic style.






BandIntroduction and Literature reviewMethodology ChapterFindings and Discussion ChapterOrganisation and structure including elements included in introduction and conclusion of each chapterUse of sources and referencing.Presentation.                 (include, headings/subheadings /diagrams in this section)
70Very good introduction and background lead logically to research aim, objectives and research questions.

Addresses the title fully. Entirely focused on the topic.

Comprehensive coverage of subject matter.

Skilful synthesis and evaluation of material in the literature review.

HVery good knowledge of methodology is displayed clearly and concisely.

The student critiques in outstanding detail the methodology, methods and analysis of data from the chosen sources.

Examining the significance and limitations of own research, with very thoughtful comments on the researcher’s experience/methods.

HFindings are presented very clearly and logically in text.

Findings are discussed in good detail, with clear reference to the research questions and the literature showing good critical thinking skills.

Research questions are dealt with comprehensively and sensible conclusions are reached.

HVery well organised throughout. Clear, logical structure.

Paragraphs developed with very good support.

Chapter introductions and conclusions are evident.

Consistent use of topic sentences and signposting.


HUses a wide range of sources in support. Shows independence in choice of ‘reliable’ academic sources

Accurate, appropriate, consistent referencing skills employed throughout, with a few minor errors.

Final references laid out correctly with just one or two minor errors

All sources cited in the text are given in the final reference list and vice-versa.

HAll guidelines regarding presentation have been accurately followed, with just one exception (e.g. missing module code, inconsistent font).

Academic writing style is excellent with very few stylistic slips.

Graphical/visual data is of excellent quality (incl. titles, key, labelling axes etc.). Correct choice of appropriate diagrammatic style.






BandIntroduction and Literature reviewMethodology ChapterFindings and Discussion ChapterOrganisation and structure including elements included in introduction and conclusion of each chapterUse of sources and referencing.Presentation.                 (include, headings/subheadings /diagrams in this section)
60Good introduction and background lead logically to research aim, objectives and research questions.

Addresses the title fully. Focused on the topic. Good coverage of subject matter.

Good synthesis and evaluation of material in the literature review though may seem over dependent on a few key sources.


HGood knowledge of methodology is displayed clearly and concisely.

The student critiques in great detail the methodology, methods and analysis of data from the chosen sources.

Examining the significance and limitations of own research, with thoughtful comments on the researcher’s experience/methods.

HFindings are mostly presented clearly and logically in text.

Findings are discussed, including good   detail in some parts.

Reference to the research questions and the literature shows critical awareness, though may be unclear or overly simplistic in places.

There is a strong attempt to deal with research questions and reach conclusions.

HWell organised and clearly structured throughout.

Most paragraphs show good structure and supporting statements.

Chapter introductions and conclusions may be evident.

Good use of topic sentences and signposting in most sections.



HUses a good range of sources, though one or two may be of questionable academic quality or there may be a need to bring in one or two further sources.

Appropriate referencing skills are demonstrated most of the time, with some minor errors or one or two major errors (e.g. missing references).

Final references are largely correct with some minor errors or one or two consistent/ systematic errors.

Almost all sources cited in the text are given in the final reference list and vice-versa.

HMost guidelines regarding presentation have been accurately followed, with two or three exceptions or inconsistencies.

Academic writing style is very good, with some lapses which don’t undermine overall style.

Graphical/visual data is of very good quality (incl. titles, key, labelling axes etc.). Correct choice of appropriate diagrammatic style.



BandIntroduction and Literature reviewMethodology ChapterFindings and Discussion ChapterOrganisation and structure including elements included in introduction and conclusion of each chapterUse of sources and referencing.Presentation.                 (include, headings/subheadings /diagrams in this section)
50Introduction and background lead logically to research aim, objectives and research questions.

Addresses the title but may be unclear in parts. Identifies some relevant issues. Good coverage of most subject matter, though some areas may be overlooked or confused.

Shows some evidence of synthesis and evaluation in the literature review though may be somewhat simplistic or rely on too few sources.


HAppropriate knowledge of methodology is displayed clearly and concisely.

The student critiques in detail the methodology, methods and analysis of data from the chosen sources.

Examining the significance and limitations of own research, with comments on the researcher’s experience/methods.

HFindings are in part presented clearly and logically.

Findings are discussed simply with some detail.

There is a reasonable attempt to reference the research questions and the literature shows some critical awareness, though may be unclear or overly simplistic in places.

There is some attempt to deal with research questions and reach conclusions, though this may not always be satisfactory.

HGenerally well-structured, but organisation may be rather weak in places.

Most paragraphs show good structure and supporting statements; however, some paragraphs may be overly long/short and contain more than one idea

Chapter introductions and conclusions may be evident but may be too long/too short;

Attempts are made to use topic sentences and signposting in several sections, but this is often unclear.

HUses a few sources acceptably, though the academic quality of most may be dubious, or the need to bring in several further sources evident.

Appropriate referencing skills are demonstrated, but inconsistencies and/ or errors are common.

Final references show understanding of Harvard referencing conventions but contain several inconsistencies and/ or errors.

Some sources cited in the text are given in the final reference list and vice-versa.


HMost guidelines regarding presentation have been accurately followed, with four or five exceptions or inconsistencies.

Generally acceptable academic writing style, though some elements may be weak.

Graphical/visual data is of good quality (incl. titles, key, labelling axes etc.). Choice of diagrammatic style may be inappropriate in some cases.

Diagrams used to good effect in the text.

BandIntroduction and Literature reviewMethodology ChapterFindings and Discussion ChaptersOrganisation and structure including elements included in introduction and conclusion of each chapterUse of sources and referencing.Presentation.                 (include, headings/subheadings /diagrams in this section)
40 Introduction and background lead to research aim, objectives and research questions.

Addresses the title but may have undeveloped grasp of the topic.

Key areas are covered but some may be are overlooked or confused.

Some evidence of attempts to evaluate or synthesise are evident in the literature review.

There may be gaps or omissions in literature.

HKnowledge of methodology is displayed clearly but may be limited

The student attempts to critique the methodology, methods and analysis of data from the chosen sources though the depth may be limited.

Examining the significance and limitations of own research, with some comments on the researcher’s experience/methods.

HFindings are presented clearly in some parts.

Findings are discussed with some accuracy, but this section is overly simplistic.

References to the research questions and literature are present but are too brief or are unclear.

Conclusions are reached but may be limited or unsatisfactory.

HSome evidence of structure throughout; but with perhaps weak organisation.

Fair attempt made at paragraphing but there may be persistent errors with formatting

Introductions and conclusions are present, but some components may be missing or underdeveloped.

Links between sections may be underdeveloped at times.

HLimited use of relevant sources.  There is some evidence that an attempt has been made to evaluate the sources. Some sources may lack academic quality.

Attempts are made to reference throughout, but skills are weak with frequent errors.

Final references contain frequent errors and/ or inconsistencies.

Several sources cited in the text are not mentioned in the final reference list and vice-versa.

HSome guidelines for presentation have been followed, but not always accurately

Acceptable academic style, though not always consistent. Occasional use of personal and/or informal language.

Graphical/visual data is basic quality: (limited attempt at titles, key, labelling axes etc.). Choice of diagrammatic style may be inappropriate at times.





BandIntroduction and Literature reviewMethodology ChapterFindings and Discussion ChapterOrganisation and structure including elements included in introduction and conclusion of each chapterUse of sources and referencing.Presentation.                 (include, headings/subheadings /diagrams in this section)
30Weak introduction and background fail to support research aim, objectives and research questions.

Demonstrates limited knowledge and weak understanding of the topic. Does not contain sufficient relevant material to pass.

Mostly descriptive. Only very little awareness of the necessity to synthesise and evaluate ideas is present in the literature review. No use of evidence for discussion


HKnowledge of methodology is not displayed in any detail.

The student critiques in detail the methodology, methods and analysis of data from the chosen sources without clear understanding.

Limited examination of the significance and limitations of own research, with little comment on the researcher’s experience/methods.

HPresentation and discussion of findings is attempted but is largely or wholly unsuccessful.  There may be no reference to the research questions or literature.HWhilst certain parts may be organised, there is insufficient organisation and structure overall to follow the project successfully or establish connections between sections.


HFails to demonstrate enough use of relevant sources and to reference correctly.HThere is little or no evidence of following the guidelines for presentation.

Writing style is often inappropriate and language problems may limit intelligibility in many sections.

Graphical/visual data is of poor quality (incl. titles, key, labelling axes etc.). Choice of diagrammatic style may be inappropriate in most cases.

Diagrams used with limited effect in the text





25-34%                 Failure, but one showing some (unsustained) attempt to address the title. Skills e.g. referencing are very weak. May demonstrate considerable plagiarism. Language problems may severely limit intelligibility.

15-24%                 Failure. Very limited and intermittent attempt to address the title. Little awareness of academic norms demonstrates very few academic skills. May demonstrate considerable, possibly intentional, plagiarism. Language problems may severely limit intelligibility.


0-14%                    Failure. No attempt to address the title. Academic norms and skills are absent or nearly so. May demonstrate considerable, likely intentional, plagiarism. Language problems so severe that the work is unintelligible.


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