The major aim of the experiment was to enhance the understanding ability of the lecture content using interactive tools in the laboratory. Through the experiment in the lab, the knowledge we obtained from the class was retained better and understood deeper.
To achieve better understanding, we conducted a dissection experiment on the flower Hibiscus Tiliaceus to help identify the flower parts, the different structural features of the flower, and the type of pollination that takes place.
Material and Methods
Razor Blade
Observation, Data, and Results
The flower that we dissected was Hibiscus Tiliaceus. In the experiment, the flower was cut longitudinally and carefully to ensure that it is not damaged. The flower was not cut completely into equal parts but rather flayed. The flower was observed to have 5 bracts at the bottom of the flower. The calyx was observed to be made up of fused sepals and the lobes of the calyx were tooth-like. The calyx was tubular. There were five petals in the flower that were attached to the receptacle of the flower. The stamens in the flower formed a column that grew up and around the style. The style came up through the middle of the staminal column. The stigmas were seen to stick up out of the tip staminal column. Filaments were fused around the staminal column that grows around the style. The filaments in the flowers were pink and the anthers were orange and produced the pollen in the flowers. The style extended up through the staminal column and emerged at the top, and the ovary was way below. The stigmas were also present in the flowers.
The flower was observed to have a superior ovary because the ovary was above the calyx. In the flower, the most difficult part was separating the staminal column as it is very delicate and easy to damage. The calyx was removed and the bracts observed the way they were attached to the calyx. The tips of the calyx were lobed and looked toothlike. They were 5 lobes in the flower. The staminal column having the style was also seen and the stigma seen to be emerging from its tip. At the tip of the style, it branches into 5 branches and each had a stigma at the tip. The flower had pollen on its stigma therefore it had been pollinated.
In the floral morphology, the flower was observed to be perfect since it has the male and the female parts, showy to attract the pollinators, short-lived; bracts 5, narrow; calyx tubular, 5-lobed, the lobes were toothlike, 5 petals, white, tinged pinkish; stamens are more than 10, anthers scattered along the upper half of the staminal column, filaments were red to pink; ovary superior; style 5-branched; stigmas head-like.
The experiment helped us get a better understanding of the morphology of the flower by creating a clear side to side comparison of the lecture notes and the real flower. Through repetition and interaction between us and the lecture, we gained a better comprehension of the things we were taught.