For Daniel Garcia Delgado, Argentina in recent years is a huge social laboratory: the most egalitarian society in Latin America is being stripped off. In Chile, to give an example, there was never a middle sector like the Argentine one, but the growth of the social gap cannot be stopped if the progressive distribution of income is not modified. In each economic decision that is made, this distribution is at stake. the exclusion model is possible when there is political complicity. Garcia Delgado says that, in the current context, the novelty is the social threat. the old social question had always been capital versus labor and the threat was represented only by the strike and the revolution. This threat led to the so-called welfare state. but since the seventies there is a new social question: the concentration of financial capital and the global village versus the block of productive and social sectors that is expropriated. there is a high conflict of social blocks at national and global level. Until now, it has not been possible to generate a feeling of threat with a vision of non-political civil society. From everyday life, the sociologist and researcher at Conicet, Maria del Carmen Feijoo, reflects on the dignified position that the urban middle sectors still show, the effort they make to disguise poverty. If one looks at their living conditions, the distribution and scale of their income, and sees them on the street, one wonders how they manage to present themselves so dignified. For Daniel Garcia Delgado, Argentina in recent years is a huge laboratory. Social: The most egalitarian society in Latin America is being stripped off. In Chile, to give an example, there was never a middle sector like the Argentine one, but the growth of the social gap cannot be stopped if the progressive distribution of income is not modified. In each economic decision that is made, this distribution is at stake. the exclusion model is possible when there is political complicity. Garcia Delgado says that, in the current context, the novelty is the social threat. the old social question had always been capital versus labor and the threat was represented only by the strike and the revolution. This threat led to the so-called welfare state. but since the seventies there is a new social question: the concentration of financial capital and the global village versus the block of productive and social sectors that is expropriated. there is a high conflict of social blocks at national and global level. Until now, it has not been possible to generate a feeling of threat with a vision of non-political civil society. From everyday life, the sociologist and researcher at Conicet, Maria del Carmen Feijoo, reflects on the dignified position that the urban middle sectors still show, the effort they make to disguise poverty. If you look at their living conditions, the distribution and scale of their income, and see them on the street, one wonders how they manage to present themselves as worthy