“Force of Nature” analysis
“Force of Nature” film is an action and drama presentation. The film has been organized into a filled with humor and actions regarding a heist organized by a gang of thieves, but they face a challenge due to a cop who tries to rescue the mission by forcing all people in the building to evacuate in attempt to save the public as well as the employees. The film has been organized into strategic parts that attract the attention of the viewer and maintain his or her attention until the end of the movie. The movie provides a logical argument of the moral appeal, which I can recommend people to watch due to its message and interpretation based on the factual information regarding the word. It has also used scientific applications to bring about logical, appealing presentations to contribute to the success and logicality of the movie. The logos of the film lead to the success and cause of the recommendations based on its contribution to the global society and its general perception of the pubic.
The film has used characters who emulate thieves’ traits and weapons, which might discourage some of the viewers who have a negative attitude towards criminal activities. However, the characters have been balanced by the use of an honest and patriotic cop who fights with the thieves using any means available in an attempt to bring about a solution to the problem. The cop tries to rescue the people by evacuating everyone in the building to deal with the thieves. In addition, it is an action movie which many people like and accompanied with some humor in between the dialogues which encourage the viewer to flow with the pot and arguments of the film this is because it represents the contemporary situation which faces the world due to its contemporary setting and use of modern technology which contemplates the application of modern advancements within the society as well as the enhancement of the public perception.
Works Cited
Michael Polish. Force of Nature. “Movie & TV Trailers – Imdb”. Imdb.Com, 2020, https://www.imdb.com/trailers/.