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Ford Mustang Handling Review

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Ford Mustang Handling Review

New ford mustang releases are now available with similar Mach 1 handling package. The packages come in two trim levels, where the optional performance package serves both trims.

The Ford Mustang Mach 1 package is here for a special edition on the sports cars. The GT’s are available in a 5.0-liter V8 engine, but a recalibrated and the computerized engine comes as an upgrade option.

The engine generates 480hp and 420lb-ft of momentum force. It is paired with a manual six-speed or an optional automatic 10-speed transmission.

The manual transmission gearbox is much similar to Shelby GT350. The gearbox also comes with a rev-matching for downshifts. Different from the manual is an automatic 10-speed transmission that is opted for an upgraded torque converter.

Mach 1 has also been loaded with cooling capacity that ensures performance runs to the extreme on the road. Also, a GT350 oil cooler is fitted to the engine adding up to half more oil capacity.

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