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When you die, there are four possibilities of this life that you are living and if you are still below the age of 80 or 120, you have a great chance since you can still make it. I have mentioned the age gap since we have read about a great man in the Bible, by the name Moses.

We saw the life of Moses that he lived the possible outcomes of his life. Between age zero and age forty, Moses lived at one dimension of life, or, there were possible outcomes of his life. At the age of 40 something very wonderful happened to Moses, and that thing happened, you can call it a problem, a disaster or trouble. But that thing led Moses out of his comfort zone and into the wilderness.

Eventually, Moses lived another 40 years in the wilderness. At the end of the 40 years in the wilderness, he had to come back to where it all started from and he lived another forty years. Moses lived the first forty years of his life in the rem of the body, an ordinary life. Remember that a man is a spirit, has a soul, and lives in the body. The life that Moses lived for the first forty years was normal and it is the kind of life that most people would live. the place of his beginning. He went to school, got a degree, a nice home, and a very wealthy home. As a matter of fact, in his case, he was raised by a president, the leader of the nation he had all the privileges.

Most people would die at that level of where the outcome of their life is predicted. If you are born poor, It is almost likely that you will die poor unless you do something about it. The rich are most likely that you are going to have a good start and you are going to have a fair life. These things are predicated, constant, and almost normal. Even the normality of life many people still do not have the wonderful outcome of having that normal life.

The second stage of Moses’s life was that he was pushed out by circumstances that we could call a disaster, error, or mistake, pushed him out. In the next forty years of his life, he lived in the wilderness. In the second phase of Moses’s life, he lived in the realm of the soul. This was the time he discovered himself, began to know the truth about his personality that he’s not pharaoh’s son, he got in the realm of managing things and running a business of his own.

At the first place where he was, the destiny was prepared for him and had everything given. But this time around, The second dimension, the had to work and produce something more than what had been prepared for him. From the age of 80, something supernatural happened to him. He had an encounter with his creator in which he was about what he was doing normally in the dimension of his soulish realm. But this time around his creator met with him and said, “Look, I going to give you something bigger than you. I have got to give you something that you can live for. I am going to give you something that will seem as though you will die for it, but this is the real reason why you were born.”

so by the third phase of his life, Moses lived in the spirit fulfilling the original agenda of his creator for his life. At this point, he was not just living Moses his dream. It was not just living Pharaoh’s dream. It was not just living his mother’s dream. Those were the things that he contested within his life. Her mother’s dream was to see him not die but to ensure that somebody takes care of him so that you will not be killed. The mother’s dream came to pass, which is what I’m going to share today the first outcome of life, I will focus on the first possible outcome of life today, his mother’s dream was for him to become a normal child to become like any other child. Her dream was whatever it would take for Moses to find meaning in life and to not die. So the Mother realized her dream and fulfilled it.


There are many of us today that believe in living in a dimension of the body, where everything that is happening to you is just normal. There is nothing extraordinary or special, is just that people should be born, get married, go to school, and get a job. I mean, you don’t want to really live at that level of normal life. You should be able to push beyond it. But I’m going to use today to talk about what is these four outcomes or possible outcomes of our lives.


When I was young, I had a dream and my dream was to become a musician. I wanted to become, and I had a benchmark in the country of my birth, which is a musician called Sonia de. Sonia was a very charismatic guitarist that sings, and he makes people happy. You see, when I was growing up, he was so good that whenever his album is coming out, is like a budget of the nation. It is more exciting than the budget of the nation. Maybe you release this album every year or every other year, something like that. When his new album is coming out you see people coming people are buying it. It is a hint thing, and my dad will buy it, and we will play it in our houses. Especially when Daddy is our home on Saturday, he would put it on a big plate you know those black plates. I love every bit of whatever Sony would play and when I saw him on TV, I just wanted to be like him and one day carry a guitar and be able to sing to people and be able to dance. So I dream of it and the funny thing, I now realize that his name is actually Sunday, just as my first name.


I just wanted to be like Sunday, be called Sunny, and to one day become sunny. To sing and make everyone happy. But here are four outcomes of life, this happened to me, and it’s still happening to me. I’m still in the face of these four outcomes of life. In Ephesians, Paul was an apostle of Christ and I believe prophetically God used to replace Judas. Although by-election and by the selection, somebody else was used to replace Judas among the 12 disciples of Jesus. But prophetically, Paul is the actual replacement for Judas, among the disciples of Jesus Christ.


He was right into the Ephesians, the church in Ephesus, and was speaking to them was encouraging them in Ephesians 3:20,”God can do anything, you know, far more than you could ever imagine or guess, or request in your wildest dreams. He does it not by pushing us around, but by working within us. His Spirit deeply is gently within us.” Whatever outcome you want about your life. God, your Creator the maker of all things, he can do anything. No matter what the goal is or the desire. He on his part has the capacity to do anything and everything. There is no limitation to which God can do. There is no limitation to which he can push destinies. There is nowhere, no height, there is no RAM, there is no dimension to which he cannot push destiny. He can make you become much better than you are today.


I set out this year and to the glory of God, I said to myself,” I got to be at least 1000 times better than I started this year”. It is possible, we have tendencies for expansion, mental development, spiritual development, to improving your health and to enlarge your territory. You may be in circumstances, for instance, you are right now even in a three-bedroom, two-bedroom house, one-bedroom house, or a room. You can actually get bigger and expand. Maybe right now everything you do, you do by yourself, you can actually get bigger, better and there are no limits to which you cannot live your life.


Two years ago, we were working on a little parlor in the same city took, we moved from one bedroom to two-bedroom, three-bedroom, four bedrooms to five-bedroom. I mean, and now it’s become like small, and in my head, I started thinking of bigger things. I started looking at bigger houses, 8 bedroom houses, 3 to 4 sitting rooms. There are many outcomes and look at our church people say to me Oh, you guys are doing well, you know the church is one of the fastest-growing, I look at it. I look at the numbers that are there and for me, that is not the kind of growth that I’m talking about that I’m thinking about what is in my mind is much more, bigger, greater, and better. When you go in, the church is much bigger than where you are today.


In Ephesians 3:20 it says,” Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that you ask or think, the first possible outcome of your destiny of your life is that is that you can have what you ask.” To have what you ask or think, there is a power that if you understand this power within you can have what you want. Paul understood mankind and he understood God so much that he got to a point where he was so bold to say,” what I am telling you right now, if any other Angel tell you anything otherwise, that is erratic.” That is how glorious Paul was and he got to a point where he could fellowship with God, in terms of Revelation.


This was precipitated by his encounter in the first place because he met with Christ. That was known after his death, he met with Christ that was resurrected. He met with the revealed Christ, Christ in the spirit, the Spirit of God, the real word of God, and His life never remain the same.

There is nothing that you want that God cannot do. The least that God can do, the least that is possible, is that at least what you ask or what you think about your destiny you will have it. But how can it be? How can you get to a point that you are sure that you will get the outcome of your life?


  1. You must know clearly what is it that you want and think

Most people when you ask them, what exactly they want, say,” I just want to travel a broad or I just want to make it.” Until you are sure of what you want, you will not know if you have already achieved it. If you want to have the first outcome if your life or destiny, you have to be extremely clear about what you want. What possible outcome do you want your life to become


Expression of desire is one way to empty what you s in the inside. Each of us comes with a package that must be unraveled. One of the things that God gave to us, was to be able to unravel what is inside of us which are desires. While your gifting may not be your calling, it will lead you to your calling.


The fact that I had a gift or I developed the gift in music that dies not mean that I was meant to become a musician. Your gift and the talent that you have will accompany you to your course. The Bible says,” the gift of a man will make way for him.” So your gift will make room for your calling. The gift of Joseph of interpretation of dreams, helped him to come out of the prison. It also helped him get a job in the country. Your gift is part of the thing that is inside of you, the more you develop it the better and greater you can get.


Moses did not know the outcome that was supposed to be projected for him. He only had the picture that was painted for him in Egypt. He only had the mentality of the pharaoh, which had been processed and prepared for him. Most of us are waiting for that moment that something just happens spiritually and something just turns around. Life does not happen mist times like that. You have to be clear if you want to have what you want and to be who you want. For instance, you want to become a nurse, a lawyer, a pastor, or a barrister, you have to make it so conspicuously clear what you are aiming for.




  1. Think more about what you want

Genesis chapter 6:11 says,” Nothing shall be restrained from them which they had imagined to do.” Beyond knowing what you want, there is a power that can produce an outcome sa much as you put on it. It can only give an output of what you deposit through the thought process. You have to think about what you want and make it your focus. Let no one change your mindset if that is what you want. Do not let life limit you to get what you want.


  1. You have to eliminate distractions

When you know what you want you to have to be able to know what you do not want. The good thing about what you want, it makes you aware of what you do not want. Once you know where you are going, you must be focused and clear of distractions. So, in my journey, people propose all kinds of things to me. I had to be clear and be sure of exactly where I was going. You have to be able to know what you do not want and what can distract you from getting what you want.


  1. The difference between those who have it in time

Your spending pattern can tell you what you really want in life. If our spending is not into your dreams, that shows you do not really want it. In my case as a young man, I would make money and when other people would spend their money buying clothes, I would spend mine reading books and training programs. At 20 years, I was working with one of the church leaders and I was given books to do an evaluation. I got to the point where I read over 100 books she had in her library and I could review them to her.


I spent my money on doing exams and nobody, neither my father nor my mother would have bought my exams. I bought the TOEFL exam form by myself and did the ICT one. I taught myself these things and I would go to the US Embassy every day. I was reading and preparing myself. I failed the first time and I did it again the second time. The power that works within you is so powerful that whatever you want if you are not distracted, that power is going to help you to get it.


But because of the power that works within me at coded. Then I will not be Sonia D, but I played guitar. The worst-case scenario about the outcome of your life is that at least you can have what you want, As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. It is your brain that thinks, and what is not in your mind you cannot think


If you truly want your future, it will reflect in your spending pattern. You will spend your time and resources in pursuing what you want. There are some people right now that possibly live in a foreign country and it took you like three to five years before you got the visa. But one thing is that this will get faster for those who knew that this is exactly what they want, this is where they are going to and this is their future.


When you have a dream you have to make it clear, ponder about it, think about it, and make it your focus. Let nobody change your mindset if that is what you want. Let everybody know that this is the outcome of my life, tis is what I want, this is where I’m going and I am going to get there. I have played guitar and sung in front of thousands of people and I have fulfilled that dream. .We started a church with two people and today we have on paper over 250 members on a Sunday service. Now, that is from two people five years ago. We were not privileged to be like one of those churches where we have 50 or 40 people. Literally, two people were what I can say that we had.


Your life could be evaluated in heaven that you got what you wanted or you had above what you wanted or ask. There are eight points that will guarantee you to get above what you want.

  1. Attitude

Work on your attitude. Everything, every response you get out of your or from life are a result of your attitude towards life. You can’t see life but you live life. But Life will only give you back what you gave into it. So if you look at the outcomes of your life, is a result of the attitude. Our attitude is like a vapor, you can’t touch your attitude but you can smell it. People can smell how you speak, how you respond, the tone of your e-mail, your responsibility, the way you conduct yourself, the way you dress, the way you compound yourself, your integrity. People can easily tell that a child will have a way better life than another child growing up with a cocky attitude and seeing another child that is diligent and you begin to see certain traits, certain attitudes in the child. You could say to that child or the person that I know your tomorrow is going to be brighter, I know that you are going to be greater. You just see some people and you know that it’s going to be well with them. I don’t mean that you meet people that are academically sound. No. I am talking about the right attitude.

I spoke last week about a friend of mine, I was given a story about how I was in a place where I was able to see them with presidents, I was dining with presidents of several nations. I was in a room, I think with about 30 or 40 presidents, including the president of my country since he became the president, the same day, and his vice and several governors. You know, and I was saying to you how I dined on a table of two presidents and other dignitaries, foreign minister of Cape Verde. Then eventually one president had to take me to the president of South Africa and said, “You need to hear this guy, you need to hear this guy”. It’s not just my history, I believe I am to a certain degree eloquent, but not that much, I need to still develop my eloquence. I need to become better at who I am.

But I believe that people can feel your attitude more than they can feel your accent. You may have a bad accent to the hearing of many people, but you may just have a well fantastic attitude. Once your attitude is right, people will strain their ears to hear from you. Your look does not matter when your attitude is correct. You see, attitude cannot cheat you. Your attitude will reward you the more you work on it. No matter when you are good at attitude it will always attract a bigger outcome of life, bigger opportunities, and greater things.

So I said to us about this friend whose his attitude about life, he had to struggle through life, he had to sell anointing oil, he had to sell handkerchief, he had to sell shoes, he had to sell CDs, he had to sell books, he had to sell clothes, he had to sell many things. But in the midst of all these, he wasn’t complaining that “my uncle is not helping me”, “my untie is not helping me”, “my daddy is not helping me”. He took life by himself. And from that, he went to school, from that he did the required examination. He got himself into the university and also did his Masters. But in the same place, for you to understand that am not just talking about the intellect of the person, the person had an attitude; he saw his professor and began to serve his professor. While he was serving his professor and helping him from some of the things he had learned from the Word of God, from the Bible, and some of the things he had learned from his ministry are the things that shaped his personality. He began to walk with this man and be what he could be until he became a full staff of this man, from being a student. And one day, all of a sudden, he got the news that the boss had been nominated to become the vice president of his nation. And today, he is in a more exalted office.

Sometimes ago, I was in a company of a few guys who are, I would call, the staff, of the now Nigerian vice-president. Actually, we were together in the house after he had become the vice-president of Nigerian. We were joking, we were eating and doing things and one of them was making jokes so much that he was making everybody laugh. I said to one of the security men, “Look, you are carrying a gun and the way we are laughing here, let this guy not……” One day went into the car, and as they were driving, the boss’s wife said to this guy, whose name I will not mention that “look, I will sack you”. And the young man that is funny, who has become like a friend to me said to his boss’s wife that, “madam you can’t sack me, when we were together five years ago as your driver you didn’t sack me, with my degree, now we’ve won elections and we have a few hours or few days of you becoming the vice-president of Nigeria, you are joking”. The person just joked and everybody laughed. He brings so much joy, he brings so much happiness.

Am giving you a story that has a university degree, but in looking for job five years before his boss became vice-president, he left his role as a degree holder and said, “boss, can I just drive you”? What he was looking for was not his salary, but to render a service. To be in a place none of them, in their wildest dreams could have ever thought that they would end up in the presidential palace. None of them, but their attitude. Your attitude to yourself, your attitude to your vision, your attitude to your ministry, your attitude to your ideas, your attitude to your house, your attitude to your car, your attitude to your wife, your attitude to your husband, your attitude to your country, your attitude to the future. If you treat the future with stupidity, if you always treat the future as always scared, you don’t know what tomorrow will bring. The attitude of fear is going to make you live like the victim. The attitude of living as if the problem is the president, worry is the problem, Tony Blair is the problem. If you have that attitude, you will never see an opportunity. For me, it does not matter who rules the country. It does not matter what goes on in the country. I live in difficulty and adversity. You look for opportunities.

  1. Environment

Your environment affects your destiny. You better invest in a better environment and secure the right future than for you to suffer in the wrong environment. You may still suffer for life. I reiterate that your background does not determine your foreground. Your background, where you are standing from does not determine where you gonna end up. But you don’t just stay where you start. You got to make sure that you clear your eye. Live in the environment of impact. Live in an environment that motivates your mind. Live in an environment that shapes your thinking. Live in the environment that stimulates, that challenges you. Be in an environment that does not just contain you. Don’t get stuck indoors. Don’t get stuck in you. All you know is you know, all you know is your friend. Get out. Develop your mindset. Develop your scope. See beyond your nearest environment. Create the right environment around you. Create a beautiful environment for you.

Let me end the issue of the environment with this. Many of us do not know this, that the things you see imminently every second have a way of dictating how your neuron cells work. Your wiring. You are wired by the pictures. Either aesthetically, either auditory. Or by picture. You are wired by the things you heard, the things you see, the things you feel around you are the ones dictating your next action. You just may not know. So while some of us may not be aware, the pictures on your wall, the neatness of your room, your house, your environment, what you create around you affect what you become in the future.

Some of us you have in your house the picture of your father, your grandfather, your great grandfather. So what you surround yourself is the picture of the past. There are people who are fantastic in your life. This is a picture of my father. My father is not just in the picture. My father is in my heart. So I don’t need a very big picture of my father because the death of my father annoys me more than it inspires me. Because the circumstances of him being buried are something emotional to me. That he was buried in my absence which still hurts me. But put pictures that inspire you. Look at these pictures I have shown you before. These are the pictures of my strategies, the pictures of the board. These are the pictures of what I want to do. The pictures of who I am. I remind myself all the time that in the next few years. This is my picture preaching in such a king of the auditorium. I have had this picture for like five years. I designed it myself. Surround yourself with the right picture; surround yourself with the right environment. Of recent, I was telling myself that some of the pictures that surround have lasted for a few years. I need to rebuild them; I need to change the picture around my house. I need to spend some time when am in it like now, I need to call someone and tell them, “I need to design this for me”, “you do that for me”, “can I send you to the printer?” They are not decoration. Work on your environment.

  1. Character

Your character will determine the outcome of your life in many ways. The environment alone can open a door for you but the character will keep you there. If not, you will be ejected. Many of us face a lot of rejection. People tell you don’t know how to act. There is character deficiency in may people. If you want to get than you want in life you have to develop the right character.

  1. Knowledge

Knowledge constitutes 10% of what determines the outcomes of your life. There are three things you look at among the four I have talked about. Attitude is always 100%, but takes these three and puts them under 100%. The environment affects 50% of your life outcome. Character dictates 40% of your life outcome, and Knowledge only dictates 10%. So you may be a professor, you may be a great doctor. You may read five degrees. Knowledge would only contribute to 10% of the outcome of your life. So you realize that the person who studied medicine, it is the more of the medical environment that impacted them than the knowledge. That is why you find that at the end of the day, 80% of the time you visit your doctor, they are not even giving you anything, they are just listening to you and writing something on paper. They have 10% of the knowledge but the environment has given them such personality that they can use a pen and they can listen to you and tells whatever you want. But if you do not have character, you can lose your license as a medical doctor.

  1. Prioritize

Set priorities. Among the many things that you feel like doing in life, the so many things you want to be, the many places you want to be in your life. But to have a life that is full of outcomes, that is above the other person, or that is above the ordinary level, you have to ensure that you know what your priorities are. And I don’t mean that knowing them in your mind. You have to set them down a plane on the table. For example, I have the top three priorities in my life. God is the number one priority in life. It means that there is nothing I will do personally in my life without the God element. I may not mention God. My starts with God, my day starts with God. Any day I leave my house without talking to God I Feel empty. If I get out without doing so I have to do it on my way to the place am going. You know I was saying to the church recently, I traveled last week. I was into so many things that I almost forgot that I was travelling. I had to be reminded that oh, “you are travelling tomorrow”. And by the time we were travelling, I have already boarded. I have gotten the boarding pass. Even though I pray daily, I talk to God daily, but I go to the airport. I had the boarding pass. I have missed the flight. And then trying to get the second flight and then I realize that, “we have not even told God we are travelling”. I have not even told God I am travelling. I have forgotten. I have not even mentioned going to God in my conversation that am travelling. I had to remind Him of my escalator. I just got to mention this. I know you know that I am travelling. But I had to tell you consciously that I am travelling. You’ve got to determine what your priorities are.

My number two priority in my life is my family. So am a lot agitated anything about my family, about raising my children, my wife, everything around me. Am always very careful how they are developing, when they wake up. My family is very important. So I could be with my family instead of being at a family meeting. I don’t mind what it is. I work my life around my family. Everything I do around my family because my family is more important to me.

The next thing is my assignment and my ministry which my family is more important than. So those are my top three priorities. But everything, to the point when I am doing my year plan, my monthly plan or my schedule, or my daily routine, I have to ensure that it is the face of my priority. You have to know what your priorities are. If you do not know what your priorities are you will be everywhere, you will do everything, you will reach everyone. I can give you an example. In the last ten years, I don’t think I have been to ten weddings. There are more things to do than to watch at the party. But as a person now I am compelled because I have people, I have members who are having weddings, so I have to be there. But when am there I am cognitive. Before I am there, I am either resting or reading or planning or preparing a message. As I am there am cognitive of my hour. I have to deliver two hours of message tomorrow or three hours of two services tomorrow. I am also cognitive of the time I need to spend resting, planning, thinking, meditating. So it does matter if it is my family or my friend. There are certain things that matter less to me. Not everything urgent in your life is important. And not everything important is urgent. So you will be able to classify things into the right perspective in your life.

  1. Organize your life

When you have prioritized your life, you always have to know that you need to make your life produce the best you can. So this number six is so important that when you say that God is the priority, the family is important, and then your job or your assignment or your calling or your business is the next important thing in your life, it has to show by you getting things organized. Organize a time for God, organize a time for family, and organize a time for your assignment. Have a time that you pray, have a time that you read, have a time that you pick your family, or you with your wife. Have a time, don’t leave it to default. Don’t live by default. Just make sure that your day, your week, your month, your year, is properly organized, know the places you want to go and know the places you’re not going to go. Know the things you going to do. Somebody sent me a message yesterday and said, “Oh, for this thing that we are talking about, the stakeholders said that we should meet in China for us to complete it”. That cannot excite me. I said to them that was not excitement. What am I coming to do in China? Let them come to the UK. We can do the deal in the UK because I have things that I am doing. But if i do not have my life already organized; I start school tomorrow. I don’t have time to go to China. One of the times I went to China I went on a direct flight. I think it was sixteen hours, one of the greatest mistakes I have ever done in my life. I felt like telling the pilot, “can you please pack, can’t you have somewhere to pack? I need to take some fresh air, I need to see something, I can’t stay in the cubicle for sixteen hours!” from London to Hong Kong. Yes, I have done that twice. The bottom line is, organize everything about your life.

The things you do may take you a long time. The things you organize may take you time to get things in the right perspective, to get your business and your family in the right perspective may take you long but fight for it, work for it, go for it. An average human being doesn’t do this, so organize your life. I have shared this on this platform before. You can see here I have calendars from January to December. Like some of you know am a pastor. So everything am going to preach from January to December in the church is already determined. It may change one or two occasions. The Lord may tell us to go in a different direction but everything I am going to be talking about on this forum, I took two to three weeks off planning what am going to be teaching for the whole year. For January this is what I will teach on achievers forum, for February and March likewise. I have done much of the thinking. So a lot of people that know me would say things like, “take it easy oh! You need to be resting oh, you are trying oh”. But what they don’t know is that although it seems am doing a lot, I am doing them with ease because most of them are already planned. Most of them are already worked out. Most of the jobs have been finished. I just walk in to do them. But am still working into getting even more organized. It can be very annoying when you try to be organized. Everything around you organized. Everyone around you organized. Every aspect of your life organized. And I tell you the truth that alone takes a lot of time. That leads me to the seventh point.

  1. Discipline

Discipline yourself to stick to what you have organized. Discipline yourself to stick to your priorities, the organization of your life. Look at your life as a corporation. Look at your life as a company. You are the CEO of your life. So you manage every 24 hours of your day. Manage your husband, manage your wife, manage your children, manage your time, manage your speech, and everything about you. Control your appetite, control your weight, know when to sleep, know what goes into your system. Know what to eat, you don’t just eat everything. Discipline yourself because you need the energy to fulfill destiny. Watch yourself, what your body is thinking. Discipline yourself for the fulfillment of your destiny. Discipline yourself to remain focused on the things you have set the goals. This is what am going to do in January, this is what am going to do in 2018. Let nothing stop you, be disciplined. Be resolute. Its only people who are disciplined that clime the highest mountains. The top earners of this world are people that discipline themselves. Do you know that the top earners of this world are not the people with the job? They are people in entertainment and sports. But there is something about the psychology of their trade, the psychology of tennis, the psychology of athletics, the psychology of football. It means that the man has to set the amount of time jogging, from 4 am every day. I have to do a certain number of pushups. It is pressure, it is discipline, you have to wake up and do that prayer every day. You have to go and do that exercise because you know you have to lose that weight. You need to do whatever you have to do. You have to go beyond the norm. You have to discipline yourself. You have to tell yourself “great”, “No, why did you do that? Why did you miss that?” you have a target, you have to make sure you keep going, you have to make sure you keep organizing, you have to make sure you have a dream. You keep at it. Focus, discipline yourself.

  1. Self-evaluate

Self-evaluate consistently. You have to get to the point where you ask, “What is wrong with me?” I am trying not to give many beautiful quotes because I am not trying to impress you. I am trying to give you the reality of how it is from my heart. But you must be able to tell yourself continually “what is stopping me from being more?” “What are my idiosyncratic?” and they will never stop, no matter how perfect you are, you will always discover, you will always have a reason to reevaluate again.

Re-evaluation of for three purposes:

  1. to learn
  2. to unlearn

iii. to relearn

There is something about self-evaluation that will make you learn what you could not do. Or to undo something that you are doing that is not helping. Maybe it is something that you are eating that you ought not to be eating again. Maybe it is somewhere that you are going that you need not be going again. Maybe it is an approach. Maybe it is a habit that you have that you ought not to be having. You have to improve the quality of your life. You just have to tell yourself, I got to be better. The life outcome has be better than this. You’ve got to tell yourself, you’ve got to self-evaluate. If you don’t evaluate yourself, let me tell you this that you will feel a lot of embarrassment in your life. if you don’t evaluate your life, people will be telling you things about you. And you may be getting annoyed with them; you may be getting angry with them. Whatever people tell you consistently about you is true. The people always tell me a red card when I am preaching. They tell me the sign to stop preaching because of time. They tell me I have gone six minutes over the time I planned. It is an area I need to improve. When they say it one time, two times, I have to evaluate myself. But you have to tell yourself the truth because the truth you do not admit will make you foolish. Because look at you that you do not want to learn. The thing is that people are watching you. If you do not know how to talk, you do not how to talk no matter how much you want people to accept you like that. The people who love will always not want you to remain the way you are. People who truly love you will want you to invest in self-evaluation.





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