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Free Spaces to Ride your Bike

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Free Spaces to Ride your Bike

COVID-19 has been a thorn in the flesh for some months now. The government has issued new policies such as the lockdowns, and curfews to contain the spread of the virus. This has seen many staying at home and only come out of the house when going to shop.

However, these policies have been lifted, and you can get on your bike. Let the San Diego breeze hit your face and make you live again. Cruise along on two wheels in San Diego is a good start for you, especially after the lockdowns.

Though, you’ll need to wear a mask, keep social distance and sanitize. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the free spaces to ride your minibike. Get your gear on and start your engines.

What do you need?

Before getting on your Mini Bike, there are certain things that you need to know. This is what ensures your safety and those around you. If something is not done right, then things will go sideways very fast. Some of the things you need to know are

Safety When out on your bike, security is essential. This means you must have your gear on when cursing on your two wheels. However, that isn’t enough if your motorcycle is in a poor state. The bike needs to be in good shape. Hence, it would be best if you serviced your minibike before heading out. If you can do it yourself, the better. But if you can’t take the bike to your mechanic and let them make the necessary changes.

  • Weight limit and age

Did you know your mini bike has a weight limit? Though this does not apply to all bikes, we recommend you take it into considerations. This is because not all bikes can accommodate an adult’s weight or even size. Hence check the manufacturer’s guide on the age and weight that the bike can support. If you find you are above the recommended parameters, then it’s time to look for another mini motorcycle. Do not head out with a bike that exceeded the weight limit since this can be fatal.

  • Motor and Fuel Tank Capacity

The engine your bike has dictates how long you’ll cruise on the bike without stopping. If you have a minibike with no air cooler, you will ride it for a short time. Hence, ensure you ride the bike for short distances to ensure the engine doesn’t overheat.

On the other hand, your fuel tank determines how long you will be on the bike. Therefore, ensure you know the amount of gas the tank can carry and the kilometers it can cover. This, in turn, prevents you from pushing your bike to a gas station when the fuel tank is empty. It’s a hectic task to undertake, especially during summer.


  • Ergonomic design

The way your bike is designed is vital since it determines your comfort. If you are going to ride the bike for more extended hours, the seat and the handle have to be in the right position. This is something your mechanic can easily fix. They can opt to change it to fit your needs or even adjust it; however, if you can do it on your own, the better. We wouldn’t want you ending up having lower back pains or even shoulder pains.

  • Insurance

Your insurance needs to be updated. This applies to the mini bike and you as well. You need to pay your premiums on time since we do not know what might happen. God Forbid! You get involved in an accident. Who will take care of the bills? This is because the expenses can be stretch your savings or finances. This is something we wouldn’t want you to go through this pandemic. As they say, it’s better to be safe than sorry.


What kind of terrain is fit for your mini motorcycle?

Mini bikes are built for certain terrains, but in San Diego, they are street legal as long as you have undergone the necessary training and have the right documents. Nonetheless, to experience the full potential of your bike, we recommend riding them off-road.

This includes the parks, in the words you name it. In these regions, the bikes perform remarkably. Though, you can customize your mini motorcycle and use it on a normal road.

Free spaces to ride your mini bike in San Diego

In San Diego, there are open spaces where you can cruise with your two-wheel. The town has been known to be one of the best recreational destinations. Most people come to San Diego to ride or surf. Some of the fantastic spots where you can head to include with your mini bike are:

  1. Pala Raceway:

The park offers you various trails that you can ride on. They start from Amateur Track, Main Track, Vet Track, and Mini Bike Track, Amateur Track among others. You and your kids will enjoy riding in the park.

  1. Lake Elsinore Motorsports Park:

The park is located in Lake Elsinore, north of Camp Pendelton. It also offers you various trails for you to exploit and sharpen your biking skills. There is a Mini Bike track that has been built for you.

  1. Barona Oaks Motocross Park:

This is another park that presents you with unique trails to test your skills. It is situated north of San Diego. The motocross is a place where spectators can also watch for free during practice. Hence get your gear ready and start your engine for an intense experience.

  1. Milestone Mx:

It is also one of the best places for you and your kids. Milestone has five tracks build for you to cruise on. The tracks include Entry level Track, Mini Bike Track, Vet Track, and Monarchmoto SX Track.


Final Word

The control measure is now being lifted, which allows you to enjoy your two-wheeler. You and your kind can head to some of the free spaces IN San Diego and have a blast racing on the tracks. However, it is essential to remember to keep social distance, sanitize, and wear a mask. Lets, keep the infections low while we enjoy ourselves.


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