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Gambling Addiction

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Gambling Addiction

Thesis: Gambling addiction gets defined in other words like gambling that is compulsive, pathological, or a gambling disorder. Having a gambling problem or addiction happens when one keeps spending more money and time even when they keep losing, in addition to the negative impacts addiction has on the other aspects of their lives too

  1. Definition for gambling
    1. Gambling addiction
  2. DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria
  • Risk factors
    1. Having parents that are addicted
    2. Mental health issues like anxiety and depression
    3. Early win creating false expectations
  1. Warning Signs
    1. Gambling to earn more money and earn back what has been lost
    2. Gambling with more than the planned amount
    3. One stops caring about the consequences and how they affect family and friends
    4. Drop in athletic and academic performance
  2. Treatment options
    1. Therapy for gamblers i.e., Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    2. Residential centers for gambling addiction treatment


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