Bolor Batjargal
Genetically modified foods vs. organic foods
Genetically modified, also known as (GM), has a lot of controversial issues that surround the benefits and disadvantages. In concerning agricultural sustainability, the GMOs tend to have numerous potential merits that have the impact of increasing productivity. In America, many farmers have changed from organic to GM food. The accessibility and affordability of the GM seeds have made it easier for American large and small scale farmers to grow crops. The benefit of GM cultivation is that it aims in the reduction of usage of pesticides that is harmful to the environment. That GMOs pose hazardous impacts on human health. The chemical toxicity is a worrying factor in which had increased the risk of allergies.
Additionally, genetic contamination is one of the issues in which GMOs are associated with matters of interbreeding. The broad introduction of GMOs in agriculture and interbreeding has changed the element of compatibility types. GMOs lead to high competition that happens in natural species. The fast-growing of GMOs is a factor as it has the purpose of enabling a vast competitive advantage over other native organisms. The GM portrays a form of invasiveness that spreads into new habitats. It would cause adverse damage to the ecological and economic aspects. The GMO tend to have ecosystem impacts in which it affects biodiversity and nature around.
According to author Mustafa contend that it is essential to choose healthier organic food. Some researchers believe that eating GMO foods can contribute to the development of cancer. They argue that because mutations in DNA cause the disease, it is dangerous to introduce new genes into the body. The American Cancer Society (ACS) has said that there is no evidence for this. However, there is a lot of GM food intake in which, due to low followup, cannot trace the unauthorized supply to the society and environment. There are many concepts in which prove there are many benefits of genetic engineering, which mainly involves Farmers providing more nutritious food. The American people have to change their diet and eat just the right products form the markets. Today, there is a lot of better food yield and taste of GM food, which is tastier.Disease- and drought-resistant plants come from DNA that is present in specific habitats. It this important to note that GM has led to many issues as an increased supply of food with reduced cost and longer shelf life. The animals are able to grow much fasterin creating ecosystem competition.
GMOs’ health concerns which include various allergic reactions that proved the harmful impact of GM foods. In comparison to organic foods, which promotes a healthier lifestyle and no diseases advocates for the FDA to protect consumers of GM foods. With the laxity laws and the limited restriction in food and feed chain of unauthorized GMOs to the market has impacted the vast of amount of unapproved and untested GMOs to the American public. According to scientific researches, they showed that GMOs tends to cause allergic reactions mainly since it contained specific genes from an allergen (a type of food that brings up the allergic reaction). In retrospect, the World Health Organization (WHO) does not encourage gene editing and any form of genetic engineers through the use of DNA from allergens. The WHO avers that there should be evidence that unless they can prove that a specific gene is not the source of the problem.
In the past decades, there has been an increase in allergic reactions as the GM food effects are widely available in the market.Cancer is another impact on which GM food has on human beings. The reason why organic foods are better and safe js that it has nutrients and chemical benefits in fighting off diseases in which GM food intake. It is a fact that the consumption of GMO foods has the potential impacts that lead to cancer development in the body. Nevertheless, antibacterial resistance is another aspect in which GM foods affect the immunity of the body. The issue that GM is tied to genetic modification, that helps in crop product it, which can boost a crop’s resistance firm any types of diseases. The use of excessive herbicides is a problem in organic food cultivation that will, in virtue, be digested by consumers. People would have lesser immunity to fight infections and disease which make people sick.
According to Berning contend that consumer perception is significant concerning GMOs. It is proper to evaluate the necessary tools to analyze the GMOSto understand the bioengineered ingredients that make up the genetic makeup. The Amerian public must understand what they are eating regardless of the advertisement of GM foods and their safety. The organic foods have simple natural ingredients whereby it helps in body replenishing and rebuilds. People must evaluate and detection of components of GMOs, which makes people feel sick—the negative impact of consumerism on GM foods. Organic foods have been instrumental and a competitor of GMOs. Organics produce highly encouraged in that it contains fewer pesticides. Farmers are able to spend less on purchasing. Fertilizers used is usually a natural manure that is free and reliable for American farmers. Organic food is confirmed as fresh as it has no preservatives. Environmental promotion because of organic farming makes the soil healthier and increase biodiversity.
Conclusively, organic food has note nutrient values compared to GMOs. There is a need for a recommendation that people should confirm in high water intakes and organic foods. Unauthorized GM foods should not be trusted or supplied to the American population. It is vital to compare that organic foods are healthier and safer since it is all-natural. GMO tend to benefit agricultural productivity and sustainability but affect human health at a large
Work cited
Berning, Craig. US GMO Labeling and Consumer Perceptions. Diss. The Ohio State University, 2017.
Hudson, John. “Genetically modified products and GMO foods: a game of chance?.” Developing New Functional Food and Nutraceutical Products. Academic Press, 2017. 481-494.
Mustafa, Gabe, et al. “Organic Truth.” (2018).