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Globalization vs regionalism-challenges and opportunities for Pakistan

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Globalization vs regionalism-challenges and opportunities for Pakistan



Keywords: Globalization, Regionalism, National security, Economy, Benefits, Drawbacks, Pakistan.

Main Body:


Globalization vs Regionalism:

The discussion is getting greater among Globalization and Regionalization (G&R) hypothesizing that discussion is as yet noteworthy, alive and vital. These both terms are utilized and extensively pondered and examined by numerous researchers, policymakers, academicians, and scholars in literature in various settings.

The Globalism can be characterized as programmatic globalization, in which the vision has a borderless world. On the off chance that globalization infers a propensity towards a comprehensive social framework, its inceptions might be followed far back ever. Yet, one could likewise contend that the procedure arrived at another phase in the post-Second World Wartime. The geographical distance’s subjective sense changes significantly and dramatically, on which some people even talked about “the finish of topography “. Therefore, the world has also experienced it as one in terms of ecology. American world order’s political stability has made the economic interdependence possible, which was endured from the ending of the Second World War until the late ’60s or mid-’70s. Therefore, in necessary forms, a subjective extending of the procedure of internalization is indicated by globalization, that strengthens and reinforces the practical or functional abilities, whereas weakens or debilitates the regional development dimension.

The market growth of the world in implied by the Globalism that increases penetration and dominates the “national” economies, which undoubtedly loses a significant part of their nation in the whole procedure. The dominance of the market of the entire world over numerous structures of nearby creation is meant by this that also increases the pervasiveness of Western-type industrialism. From all of this, A political will to end or to turn around the whole globalization process emerges to defend some regional control degrees along with cultural diversity. New Regionalism is also one of the ways to achieve such a profound change.

Regionalization and globalization are the main two techniques that are verbalized inside the equivalent more significant transformation; whose result relies on the dielectric as opposed to straight development. Thus it cannot be promptly extrapolated or handily anticipated. On the other side, in the two processes, it involves the communication or expression of the battling social powers. Westphalian state system’s stability is profoundly affected by them that along with these lines, they simultaneously add to both turmoil and, potentially, a future world request.

Globalization and regionalization both have a complicated connection. While in comparison to “regionalism”, that have noteworthy hypothetical custom behind it, “globalism” in sociology is the latest idea. The globalization concept is utilized often in an ideological sense and somewhat free, apart from its disastrous outcomes or as a world’s ultimate and definitive unification.

However, new regionalism has many other definitions and just like the globalization case. Some are eager, enthusiastic while some others are more scaremongers. The trend of regionalist establishes a danger for the critics to the multilateral framework. On the other hand, for the enthusiast, the new regionalism shapes the reason in getting an improved multilateral system. Selectiveness is considered as a significant issue with the globalization. The inherent or inalienable in the whole procedure is exclusion. And all the advantages are equitably adjusted through the strife, wretchedness, misery, and viciousness. Opposite adverse effects are seen with the civil society survival, and in this way, it is the danger or threat to all humanity in a longer run.

The debate between Globalization and Regionalism and Pakistan:


Globalization in the context of Pakistan:

Impact on National Institutions

The economy, law, society, religion, and politics, all are severely affected by the globalization. Pakistan, just other emerging countries are also encountering both the positive and negative globalization impacts. Pakistan has additionally observed the market powers and preparation of commercialization along with various negative social consequences, for a competitive and challenging society with the economy’s opening at the start of 1990s. In terms of Pakistan’s human development and globalization, some significant fault lines that can be easily identified are listed below:

  • Globalization’s social ramifications.
  • In the distribution of income, symmetry is grown.
  • Unemployment is increased due to the quality control stress and normalization of the products that are manufactured.
  • The division of rural and urban starts growing.
  • Consciousness and awareness are failed to make at the level of grassroots related to the globalization’s preferences and drawbacks.
  • The growth of urbanization and the increase in activities of industries face environmental fallout.

The disarray over the globalization has become severe due to the following six parallel cultural patterns as far as Pakistan is concerned;

  • Firstly, the globalization was seen by the traditionalist or fundamentalist components as only an apparatus of abuse by the West and a human intrusion to contaminate the Islamic lifestyle.
  • Secondly, society’s moderate strict fragments that are less condemning and politicized of globalization, however, is somehow doubtful, and many questions arose about it.
  • Thirdly, the ultra-current such class who are globalization’s genuine recipients and therefore see and observe things mostly from the perspective of their financial and social interests.
  • Fourthly, the type of upper people, that only minds and finds glamour and style in globalization yet need to climb numerous steps to co-pick by the industrialists class.
  • Fifthly, the white-collar class which has certain hesitations about the financial and social globalization aftermath however is simultaneously keen on looking for profits by that specific framework.
  • Sixthly and the last one, the lower class which has the least globalization’s awareness, however, is the most exceedingly terrible victim of advancement induced by the economy of the market.

The activists of radical human rights in Pakistan contradict the globalization’s neoliberal type. Their support was with them rather than globalization movement of human rights-based by U.N. On the other side, the Islamists oppose Pakistan’s recognition of women and non-muslim rights based on the U.N. and therefore worked very hard to get the acknowledgement of the globalization of Islam. While subjecting itself to the neo-liberal plan, the state typically agrees with the Islamists on the human rights subject matter.


The culture globalization sees the developing advancements at its most significant level of a lifestyle-related to the consumer, which appears to support and encourage the new worldwide vision of globalization. The state of Pakistan gives a response to some different social globalization that has been conflicting, opposing and befuddling. This incompletely follows from the inside strains and worries related to the national identity. From the other perspective, Pakistan tries to stay a democracy of modernizing Islam with a firm pledge to new democratic freedom. In contrast, on the opposite side, in the freedom movement, the theocratic tendency is inherent and later co-picked in its legal and constitutional provisions by the progressive governments, that demands the show adherence to laws of Islam and profound Quality. While, various societies are expected to be driven by the social globalization into a blend forming shapes in such a way, that the socially oppressed people are likewise ready to assume their job, there is a reaction against globalization from the social patriots. Globalization is a danger to the conventional family framework for Islamists, as it urges women to look for freedom from the intently weave family framework. On the other side, modernists take globalization as a chance to reshape Pakistan’s social worldview by breaking conventional restrictions.


Pakistan in the mid-1980 has sought after the economic reforms policy and has presented transparency in the economy of the country. Pakistan at first itself committed to tolerating auxiliary reforms to liberalize its monetary arrangements to quicken the pace of global economic integration. Later, in 1995, exact after WTO regimes’ inception, the way towards connecting the economy of Pakistan with the worldwide economy was quickened. Somewhat the globalization in Pakistan was instrumental (other factor being the strategy of Government on GWOT) that have the option to accomplish a supportable standard rate of the growing economy of 7.5 % from the year 2005 to 2007. The debt of the foreign countries was decreased up to the U.S. $ 36.5 billion due to which the country’s economy is no longer relying upon the aid or help of foreign countries. The outcomes are seen in the form of an increase in exports that is up to the U.S. $ 17 billion due to which nation pulled off about the U.S. $ 3 billion investment of foreigners. This all was the indication of the constructive globalization outcomes. The overall economic downturn and increasing prices of oil in 2008 have created many grave issues related to the economy of Pakistan. In 2008-09, Remote trade held plunged to an untouched low in the foremost half of F.Y. The FDI was discouraged by the deteriorating order and law. A close to the default is brought up by the capital flight from the nation and resultant plunge in the reserves of Forex. The oil prices, which are increased extraordinarily, have influenced the costs of every single essential item adversely, especially food items, and this was the appearance of globalization’s adverse effects. The economy of Pakistan with the ongoing decrease in the prices of oil was on the way of by and extensive recuperation. Some current stupid and foolish government decisions and internal turmoil, however, have imperilled the financial recovery. It has more to do with by and extensive helpless administration than with any outer elements like globalization.


The demands of the globalization are quality control, recognition of protected innovation rights, and expulsion of endowments and normalization of the merchandise that is fabricated. The exporters of Pakistan at first could not compete or challenge their partners in the advanced countries due to the numerous conditions that are forced under the regime of Initially, World Trade Organization (WTO). The manufacturers in Pakistan have adjusted themselves according to demands of the trade of the globalized world that are not going through any issues as compared to those who have neglected to change following new realities of business. Because of the child labour allegations, the sports goods industry went under an awful light. No further limitations or restrictions were there when the problem was tended agreeably, and reasonable profit is seen through the exports in the industry. Many serious issues were created for the female workers of the textile, garment, and food industries by the control system of stringent Quality. This results in the noteworthy decrease in the employment in Pakistan of females. Developing better human resources for females is an ideal approach to handle this issue imposed by the globalization and convert it into the golden opportunity or chance. The best way is surviving in such a highly-competitive Global Village to which nobody can close its doors.

Agriculture, industry, and new institutions:

In the cotton policy and export of Pakistan, globalization has very significant effects. In order to create an atmosphere for the excellent survival with competition in the trades of textile, an establishment of separate Ministry of Textile was seen. The service sector, banking and industry all have gone through the unbelievable changes. The new institutions which are created in Pakistan are listed below:

Ø Ministry of Textile.

Ø Ministry of I.T. and Telecom.

Ø Ministry of Women Development.

Ø Higher Education Commission (HEC).

Ø Privatization Commission.

Ø Board of Investment. (BOI)

Ø Security & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. (SECP)

Ø Small & Medium Enterprise.

There as a success story of some of the above-listed institutions whereas some of them failed to meet up the standards and desires that are set by the others. Telecom and I.T. ministry have been instrumental in the progression of Information Technology and insurgency in broadcast communications’ fields. Under the leadership of Dr Atta-ur-Rehman, Higher education Commission (HEC) has figured out how to channelize the massive supports accessible towards advanced education. An enormous number of foreign scholarships during his tenure was granted, and local PhD programs were presented; contentions in regards to the nature of a portion of the nearby examination work in any case. The ministry makes some significant contributions to textile in promoting the textile exports, which are of considerable worth. Because of the incredible textile lobbies of international countries, its success has been restricted. The performance of Small & Medium Enterprise, Board of Investment and Ministry of Women Development has been at best average. Privatization Commission which was commanded to sell those things which are failing to meet expectations or wiped out open segment endeavours hosts rose as a get-together in plunder offer of some national resources at the command of incredible personal stakes. Generally, the Security and Exchange Commission has been a total disappointment in protecting the numerous stakeholders’ interests. It is constructed in the ultimate analysis that is no problem with the proper order of every one of these single foundations. With the implementation, the significant problem occurs that results in the falling of prey to the personal stakes of groundbreaking bureaucratic and business lobbies.

Human Development:

Like many other advancing countries, Pakistan is also going through numerous globalization challenges, specifically regarding the matter of human development. Those unexpectedly are in charge of all Pakistan’s things that have been neglected in comprehending the two essential globalization realties. Firstly, to create indigenous innovation to better the framework or infrastructure and personal satisfaction of the individuals of this nation and to adequately manage outer impacts looking like unique items inundation of data affecting society. Secondly, there was a failure of Pakistani leadership in releasing the procedure of information transformation to improve the condition of the development of human.


Education privatization in the wake of globalization is occurring in Pakistan at the pace of un-precedency. Up until this point, for example, in Pakistan, more than 30,000 private institutions of education have been set up. The fundamental issue has been the divergence between the standard of training in private/worldwide partnered establishments, and the vast majority of the administration possessed schools. While, at one side, it has made a breed of youthfully outfitted to face the challenges with the whole world, on the other hand, to the extent of the concern of challenging world, it is bigger breed seriously challenged. Therefore the outcomes are in the form of two separate classes in the public arena: English speaking and non-English speaking. Because of these classes, a vast educational gap is seen between the ‘haves and the have-nots’.


A driving force that is emerging behind the policies of the nation and the procedure of developing countries’ democratization is the globalization. Globalization has submerged the national and local qualities along with the identities. For example, it is getting increasingly hard to force and to continue dictator or military guidelines. The military takeover in Pakistan on October 12, 1999, because of the perceptive of likely responses from the worldwide network, for example, didn’t pick forcing martial law in the nation, in contrast to the circumstance in 1958 and 1977. Outside forces monitor and carefully observe all these political developments. The example of political globalization includes the crackdown that is seen on 2002, January, against strict religious groups and later again as the aftermath of late Mumbai assaults. Setting up massive walls and raising obstructions against the increase of fundamentalist propensities in numerous countries and all the more explicitly in the Islamic countries with Pakistan in the bleeding edge. The deprived sections of society are being uplifted socio-economically that has been stemmed because of the rising tide, unfortunately, because it was seen fertile concerning such propensities, but has not emerged. The social space wherein the extremist ideologies flourish has not been curtailed.


Due to the globalization wave, numerous societies of Muslims had been severely affected. The values of Islam that include women rights, family relations etc. all had been criticized and analyzed because of the globalization outcomes. The circumstance has been intensified by the free demonstrations of the psychological militants who, for the sake of Islam, have taken numerous lives of innocent people. Amusingly such exercises have multiplied the world overriding on the vehicle of globalization. Incompletely out of their sheer obliviousness and mostly because of the media’s negative/single projection, which is again a globalization vehicle, a considerable part of the non-Muslim world has begun to accept Pakistan as a bastion of fanaticism and fear-based oppression.

Human Rights:

The violations of Human rights include the production of sport good or hand-woven carpets in Pakistan through child labour, and this act is seen in Pakistan frequently. Western countries want the certificate of Free of Child Labor’ on the products to be sold in their markets due to which they have banned a lot of imports. For example, they likewise needed execution of more grounded FIFA (Federation of International Football Associations) code by the Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry to ensure that human rights infringement didn’t happen. It should point out all those human rights associations that have neglected to genuinely take up issues concerning serious human rights infringement in Palestine and Kashmir where the included states keep on misusing the circumstance by utilizing the most exceedingly terrible type of what is frequently alluded to as ‘state of the terrorism.’.

Regionalism in the context of Pakistan:


Pakistan Specific

Stable Political System: A stable political framework is a crucial organization on which the various foundations depend ought to be permitted to flourish with least obstruction from the foundation: civilian/military administration. Free, reasonable, and convenient decisions will draw out the best from individuals and reinforce the framework. The legislators may flounder at first; they will eventually begin to settle on the right choices through accord. Absolute control of all instruments of national force must lie with the Federal Government.

Economic Revival:

Various places that need attention in the competition for economic revival, are the following:

International Trade:

There are still a few obstructions in development of our worldwide exchange, regardless of appropriation of liberal exchange approaches throughout the most recent decade, which should be quickly tended to align it with the common patterns.

The steps that are suggested are listed below:

  • The confidence of investor should be in revival mode by removing the procedural hitches and improving the situation of law and order.
  • Quality should be improved with the help of all-out management of Quality and challenging prices according to the international market prices.
  • The commercial segments in our embassies that are in abroad should be revitalized, and posting related to the skilled business appends with all around characterized motivation based exchange focuses on being accomplished in a given time.
  • The mechanism should be restructured for all Government bodies’ close coordination that is managing trades.

Foreign Direct Investment:

The areas that need improvement are the following: –


  • Foreign speculators ought to be permitted to arrange the terms and states of instalment of sovereignty and specialized expense fit to them just as satisfactory to the multinationals for moving innovation.
  • The regime of foreign exchange must also be further liberalized by the Government. Foreigners ought to be permitted in acquiring, possessing and taking out the international money and opening of accounts and holding endorsements in remote cash. The Government should proceed with broad speculation impetuses including credit offices, monetary motivating forces, and visa strategy.
  • The nation must keep up coherence of very much idea out venture strategies paying little heed to the adjustment in the administration. A stable political framework is vital for such congruity.

Promotion of Culture:

No culture or society in the media explosion age can stay detached entirely from the other cultures’ influences. The ideal approach in protecting all the cultural traditions, values and customs is to invest proudly in these things and implant the same qualities in the upcoming generations. The measures that are suggested in this regard are the following:

  • To promote pride and energize pluralism in their own culture concerning other cultures, the educational syllabus should be the revitalization and rejuvenated.
  • Encouraging the participation that is done wholeheartedly and the government support to hold some events related to culture by all society segments and not just for the expensive ones.
  • The action must be taken strictly against those who attempt to disrupt the activities of learning for the sake of religion.
  • Historical sites and partnered facilities should be developed on standards of international countries for promoting the social legacy through tourism.
  • Media should also play an active role in promoting the culture and traditions of the nation and also should check intrusion of undesirable culture just as countering against culture purposeful publicity of the fundamentalists.


Foundation of Technical / I.T. Base.

The essential thing that needs to be stated in the respective field is listed below:

Ø The funding on the proper technical education should be focused, liberal and generous directly from the school level.

Ø The institutes of international standard should be established of technology, space and science just like the five significant Institutes of Technology of India which are viewed as world top-class universities.

Ø In the I.T. development field and computer software export, HRD facilities should be given with special incentives.

Brain Drain:

Rising interest for experts in present-day fields, for example, Information Technology has brought about an influx of movement from Pakistan toward the Western nations. This wonder could end up being a surprisingly beneficial development. These experts who are moving will give stable linkages and go about as I.T. specialists from Pakistan in the medium to the long haul. Be that as it may, for the time being, this mass migration is making a considerable hole between the interest and flexibility of specialized faculty inside Pakistan. This channel on very much prepared/skilful H.R. ought to be tended to by expanding the base of HRD in similar fields.



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